
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Rori - Call me Monday morning, if you're free... I'm in conference calls all Monday afternoon, but my morning's clear. Just heard from Judy that she's meeting you for coffee soon. Asked her to give you a big hug from me. :smiley:

    Pip - That dizzy spell doesn't sound good... and Kirby is amazing, as are you. Toughest people I know.

    Kim - been thinking about you every time I see the news on the Cali fires. Worried about you, dear heart. Hope all's well.

    Vaguely lazy day for us, just a shopping trip for the lumber and shelves to build in my office space and craft space. And hinges for the new doors for the bedroom and bathroom, which we still need to get hung.

    Cornbread's baking in the oven, and my husband has had a dutch oven of pintos and ham hocks in the oven all day (he's the cook--I only do it when the whim takes me). The house smells aMAYzing... and yes, I'll eat some, but limit the amounts. The salt's outrageous, among other things.

    Love y'all,
    Thinking of you all...
    Lisa in AR

  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    I just got back from the Dallas Zoo. Three months ago I wouldn't have been able to walk around and see all the exhibits. Even now I'm worn out, but I made it through. Four hours of walking barely offset the horrible lunch I ate. I enjoyed the bacon burger with gouda, and fries, but it's been months since I've eaten like that. I'm not going to regret it, but I won't be doing that again. It was almost too cold to go to the zoo. Some of the exhibits were closed, and many of the animals were kept inside. Could I just bring a lemur home?

    For the gratitude calendar, what taste am I grateful for? It's not burgers and fries—that's for sure. I think for me, it's fruit. Even though it has sugar, it's still a healthy choice. I may not look forward to veggies, but I'm almost always tempted by fruit.

    An upside of this group moving so fast is, I had a chance to take a nap, but instead I was reading. Y'all kept me from a low-energy siesta.

    Irish Terri—Your garden is beautiful! I've got a small yard here in Texas and I've just started turning into a place where things grow. I love flowers, and I've planted a dozen rose bushes this past year. I have a fast-growing willow tree that sprouted in one of my pots last year. I planted it in the yard, and it's already grown past the roof. I just brought in several potted plants that won't tolerate the cold, including a lemon tree I started from seed. With my in-laws staying here I'm a little short on sunny windows. I have two tropical plants living in my bathtub—I'll move them when I use the tub. I also do a bit of quilting—when I can uncover my sewing table.

    Ssarge2—I've heard conflicting things about the keto diet. You've probably read all that, so do what works for you. I'm having great success counting calories and watching portions. I do believe a lot of carb foods are empty calories. (bread, pasta, rice) I don't know why we've been told to eat so many carbs. In my food journal, it often indicates that I've had too much protein, and I very rarely eat too many carbs. I've discovered that the calorie calculator on MFP doesn't take mine low enough for weight loss. If I ate 1200 calories, I'd probably have trouble losing weight.

    Cari in N. Texas
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,818 Member
    ssarge2 wrote: »
    I do work out using the Leslie Sansone walk videos........once or twice a week. will add some strength training using free weights.

    I 💖 Leslie. I use YouTube videos on my big smart TV in the lounge. It's my go to exercise in bad weather.

    @paigern82 Type the word spoiler inside square brackets at the beginning of what you want to hide, and /spoiler inside square brackets at the end. Or you can use the drop down menu at the top just to theft of the smiley face on the edit bar above the text box.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    If I could do Keto I would ,but because of limited kidney function don't want to chance it....somehow someway I will find a way to lose weight.

    Allie, all that is required is to take in less than you expend. It’s that simple and that difficult all at the same time. I think my biggest recommendation for you would be weigh every bite and swallow that goes in your mouth and honestly log everything. No fudging and saying I ate a quarter of an apple when by weight you ate the equivalent of 3/4 of an apple just to fit within your calories. My second recommendation would be when you quit walking the boys when Elena moves in, use that time you already had set aside to exercise. Whatever exercise you choose. Just move consistently. You can do this!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    Yes! All this!! :) It works.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Ladies, I think Kim lives an hour or so north of San Francisco? I know she drives people down there now and then. Joining you all in prayers for her safety and that of her family. Hopefully those areas are far away from the fires. Reminds me of what we had in Eastern WA a couple years ago, tho our region was sparsely populated compared to Paradise and Thousand Oaks CA. I think a couple small towns in WA were nearly wiped out then.

    Janetr - glad to hear the "kids" are safe.

    It's been a good day. I have three bags of books in the car ready for the Senior Thrift Store. Had a lot of "Diet" books - Perricone Prescription, South Beach, etc. Don't need them anymore so book case in office isn't so jammed. YAY!! B) Also went thru my sock/underwear dresser drawer. 1/3 went into the trash, 1/3 for the mission clothing bank, and the other 1/3 now fits nicely in the drawer.

    Heather, I admire your trash pile, lol. You give me something to aspire to!

    Have a good evening. <3

    SW WA State with predicted low of 26 here tonite (actually tomorrow morning!)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited November 2018
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    My sister-in-law posted this and I thought it was good ...


    Nov 1 - my roses. :)
    Nov 2 - social media and staying connected with family and friends.
    Nov 3 - blue. The blue of the mouth of the river/bay/start of the ocean out my window. The blue of the sky. My new blue sleeping top that was nice and comfy last night.
    Nov 4 - food ... cheese. I ate a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches when my husband was in hospital. They were my comfort food. Also cheese has calcium which I think I need. Unfortunately, cheese does tend to be a bit high in calories so I shouldn't eat too much of it. But anything cheese-y is comforting. :)
    Nov 5 - sound. I like listening to the waves and the birds, but I think the sound I'm most grateful for today is my husband's voice. Just the fact that we can talk to each other again. :)
    Nov 6 - "What in nature are you grateful for?" ... That's hard to narrow down to one thing. Oxford dictionary describes nature as "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth". I am grateful for all of it. I find that getting out into any sort of nature helps to relieve stress.

    Nov 7 - "What memory are you grateful for?" ... Another one with so many choices!!! Recently, I've been grateful for two memories. 1) June 2017 ... my husband and I had a wonderful visit to Canada and did several things to make great memories ... hiking, cycling, visiting my family. I clung onto those memories during the months he was in hospital. 2) When I was 9 years old, my family moved away from where my grandmother lived. One of of the last days there, my grandmother took me to her window and showed me a full moon outside. She told me that on every full moon, we could both look at it and know that even though we were far apart, we were both looking at the same moon. That's a memory which has stuck with me all these years, and every time I see a full moon, I think of my grandmother. She's 97 years old ... but not doing so well ... so I've been thinking of her a lot. And I've also been very glad that my husband and I were able to see her when we visited Canada in June 2017.
    Nov 8 - "What book are you most grateful for?" That's easy ... The Bible. :)

    I've enjoyed reading all your memories. :)

    Love the discussion about books! :)

    Nov 9 - "What place are you most grateful for?" This is not an easy one for me because I don't have the sense of "home" that many people have. I've moved too much for that.
    So ... I've had to give this one some thought.
    What place?
    Well ...
    I'm grateful for our current house. It's comfortable enough. It's not very big so it's fairly easy to manage. And it has a great garden which my husband has been able to work in since returning home from his accident. It is also close to a couple beaches, which is nice. :)

    Nov 10 - Taste! Hmmm ... salt. In the "Do you crave sweet or salty" discussion, I fall on the "salty" side.

    As it happens, I have a diminished sense of taste and smell for whatever reason, so I divide foods into the basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour or bitter, and from there it's harder to distinguish precise flavours. Although, I do seem to have some odd tastes like, for example, meat and tomato taste metallic to me, and I don't like that. If I salt them well, the metallic taste goes away and they taste salty, which is OK.

    Then, one of the side effects of my husband's accident is that he has lost most of his sense of taste and smell. He has regained a little bit, and they say it should return very gradually. But he'll comment that dinner has no flavour, and I'll think, "It just tastes salty to me. Is there supposed to be more flavour than that?"

    Nov 11 - What holiday are you grateful for?

    Christmas!!! :)

    I've always loved Christmas. I even picked up 3 Christmas CDs yesterday. I like having a decent amount of time off ... not just one day ... so I can get things done. I like all the decorations. I like the music. I like the services and celebrations.

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    Allie given your kidney difficulties high protein would no be the best. I am continuing with my high fiber and lower sugar. I did lose a couple more the last couple of weeks. I had been own a plateau for a couple months now. I think it because of being so busy with the house buying.

    We have the inspection Tuesday. We will then take possession Dec. 15th. So hopes for a smooth closing and no surprises.
    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen in VA they live just north of Malibu in So Cal

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Hi Ladies. I'm back from Puerto Vallarta, which was great, just too short. :'( Details later. For now, I'm caught up on reading here, got restocked with groceries, got DH and our cat back on schedule, and have started to cook up meals for this week.

    For all who are asking about Kim, I know she lives in the city of Dublin which is east of San Francisco, and about 150 miles south of the fire in Paradise, CA. My brother who lives near her reports they can't see the sun, and there is soot everywhere. But, thankfully, no serious threat to their property.

    I basically skimmed the last 250 posts. Big welcome to all the new ladies. And, I'm loving all the responses to the Gratitude Calendar. I'll give some thought to those interesting categories. For now, time to rest eyes and get mentally ready to wake up to snow :p:p:p

    Colorado Foothills

  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Good evening ladies.....when I introduced myself earlier...i told you I was leaving Sunday for bus trip. We had a great time and even saw a Ronnie Milsap show. Although not much of country music follower....he was very good for an older gentleman he had a great and strong voice. Coming home on Wed. started feeling chilled.....BAMM Thurs. so sick with the flu. Today being Sat. was atleast able to get up and cough my brains out and ate for the first time since Wed. morning...able to get 2 runny eggs down my throat. No appetite or thoughts of food whatsoever. I have lost 5 lbs since Wed. should I count this loss or is it "being sick" loss and will jump back as soon as I feel better? So just ignore it? Another question for those ladies following a low carb way of eating or I have heard it called the lazy Keto diet. I have no problem staying under my daily low carb, but even coming close to reach the grams for fat is proving difficult. I can only eat 1 rasher of bacon, 1 tble. of ranch dressing is plenty for my needs and so on. What do you ladies do to get your good fat gms per day without resorting to eating whipping cream on daily basis.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did Jillian Michael’s Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to ride the recumbant bike.

    Sharon – I’m with you, snow is pretty as long as it stays off the roads

    NYKaren – have fun on your trip

    Ssarge – a lady at our bowling is on the keto diet, it’s amazing how much weight she’s lost. I’d have such a hard time on the keto diet because I love my fruits and veges and don’t know if I could give them up. Sweets don’t “do” it for me. But fruits…now that’s another story altogether. I’ve found that pickle juice works well for cramps. One of the ladies on here suggested it, and it works! I’ve gotten lots of good ideas on here (thank you Heather for the suggestion of the shirataki in soup and katla for the suggestion of the thing to use instead of floss, and everyone else for your great suggestions)

    Pip – congrats to you and kirby. I’m so sorry that happened to him. I know whenever I use the treadmill, I need to go to the bathroom and I don’t have nearly the problem Kirby has.

    Heather from Chicago – welcome. The one and only “rule” is that we avoid talking about religion or politics. We share everything that’s going on in our lives, the good, the bad, the ugly. We are shoulders to cry on, tears of joy and tears of sorrow.

    Taste I am grateful for: sweet, juicy fruit in season. Can’t beat it.

    Sarah – there have been many times when I log what I’m going to eat before I eat it. Sometimes I’ve been surprised how over calories I was. But then I could look and see if there was anything I could take out to make me come in under calories. Usually there is.

    Trucker – I don’t think Allie can do high protein. I know when FIL had kidney issues (even before he went on dialysis), he had to watch his protein intake and, I believe it was, his potassium.

    Made some chocolate cookies for Vince today. Church tonight. This one guy is on as usher, I’ll probably volunteer to help him. It seems that the lady who does the scheduling just schedules me and two other people to be ushers, and she only schedules one person each week. To me, that’s not fair. We shouldn’t have to find someone to help us. Plus find someone to take the gifts down. You should have at least two people sorting the money if anything. Well, she asked if someone else would take over, I volunteered. Vince said he can write a program for me. One thing I’m going to suggest is that everyone who is a Eucharistic Minister must be an usher also. To be an usher you don’t have to be a Eucharistic Minister. But if we have so few ushers, maybe this would be one way to get more. To me, the person who is the greeter should be the one to ask if someone will take the gifts down. If you have two ushers, you never know if the other person asked someone or not. This way, only one person is asking. Plus…they see everyone coming into the church. But that’s just me….we shall see what happens.

    Rebecca – how exciting to see your grandbaby!

    Add me to the list of those concerned about Kim

    Margaret – that’s great about the house, if I haven’t told you yet

    Rori – welcome back. So glad you had such a great time. Thanks for the update about Kim

    Mpr…. – welcome back. I have a hard time getting my fats up, but never the carbs.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    kirby never had any issue, until after his bike accident. it's all due to that unfortunately
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) All my bulbs have been planted just in time for the weather to be getting colder than comfortable for yard work. I celebrated by taking a nap.

    :)Margaret, congrats on getting the house. Now the fun begins.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Cornbread's baking in the oven,

    Mmmm ... cornbread. That's something I haven't had in ages!! It's not easy getting cornmeal here in Australia.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    Where is Mary fm Az?

    pip your Kirby is an inspiration! To be 7th place in his age division despite the emergency pit stop, please tell him "BRAVO!" from me. So sorry to learn his internal injuries were so severe and lifelong :cry: You are his angel as I'm sure he is yours. Pip achy, raging headache and fainting do not sound good. Please call your Dr, you could have influenza.

    Ann in SE WA safe travels to Moscow.
    Welcome Heather in CHI!
    Janetr What a great way to start the selling season!
    Sharon you have put your finger on the major downside to living in this beautiful, rugged, remote country. The nearest ER is a 30 minute drive north to Gold Beach. It's in a brand new 4 floor hospital but most specialties are much further away (3 hrs to Medford or 4 to Eugene). It was a bit of a challenge to find an MD that was taking new Medicare patients when we arrived. I was lucky to find Dougie Hauser ;)
    Rebecca "sending love is so expensive" you are so right. When/how did postage get so high? Was shocked the first time it cost more to send a gift than the gift itself cost. Makes me tend to send $$ instead but that's so impersonal.
    Lisa looking forward to seeing your office and craft spaces.
    Lanette "three bags of books" to donate? VERY well done!!!
    Janetr "they live just north of Malibu" Are they ok? Have they evacuated? The situation there looks so dire!
    mprocyszyn would healthy fats work? Avocado? nuts?

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 10/10, 60 g protein 8/10, rx/vits 10/10, meditate 9/10, knee exercises 10/10, play with Tumble 6/10, core 3/8, SWSY UP 3/8, SWSY LOW 2/8, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 8/10.
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    My 79 year old mom is a die hard friend of New Digs. We have a distribution point that services the world. We live in such a place... as I clean out cabinets, my momma decides keep, donate and pitch