

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Slow Spin- 1hr 2min 75ar 69aw 103ahr 13.3mi day- 349c

    Heart rate max was 123 so you know that was an easy workout for me

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Barbara, AHMOD - Living as far out as you do, are you ever concerned about medical care being nearby in an emergency? I’d think of moving coastward here if I could reassure myself about that.

    NY Karen, long car rides are how I reconnect w my adult kids or my grands. I’ve made sure to take each of them on a long vacation in their early teens. We are all very close as a result. It worked wonders in my marriage too. We lived going on a “3-Pass Run”, as we called it. Over the mountains heading east, crossing another transitional pass, then taking another back west to home. Lots of passes here so the scenic possibilities were endless, and the long late breakfast en route and the late, late lunch were also perfect for talk - after glancing st the papers. We could figure out how to compromise on thorny issues and talk about very involved topics of mutual interest in the history, geology, botany or biology of the places we saw. I miss that terribly.

    SSarge2 and Okie - I’d be more inclined to think calcium or potassium. For the latter your suggestions will works pretty well, Okie, but for calcium I’d think Dairy.

    Sharon near Seattle
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Lanette yes I still sub, but with everything going on I only have worked 1-2 days a week. I had a Kinder class on Thursday for the day and a pre-school on Friday for half a day. I enjoyed both days. Thank you for asking.
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Hello everyone! This is a very busy thread! We got up early for the ladies breakfast here. I logged that and the rest of my food for the day. I like to know what I am going to eat for the day so that it fits into my calorie limit. I will go do my exercise next. Then see about going for a hike later this afternoon. Such nice weather here today. Not so nice back at our home. Only 9° there this morning. Up to 79° here. Low 70s the rest of the week. Actually every day has been nice since we got here. My husband is still trying to get used to being retired. I am trying to keep him busy so that he doesn't want to go back to work!

    :) Sarah
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Barbara, AHMOD - Living as far out as you do, are you ever concerned about medical care being nearby in an emergency? I’d think of moving coastward here if I could reassure myself about that.

    NY Karen, long car rides are how I reconnect w my adult kids or my grands. I’ve made sure to take each of them on a long vacation in their early teens. We are all very close as a result. It worked wonders in my marriage too. We lived going on a “3-Pass Run”, as we called it. Over the mountains heading east, crossing another transitional pass, then taking another back west to home. Lots of passes here so the scenic possibilities were endless, and the long late breakfast en route and the late, late lunch were also perfect for talk - after glancing st the papers. We could figure out how to compromise on thorny issues and talk about very involved topics of mutual interest in the history, geology, botany or biology of the places we saw. I miss that terribly.

    Allie, you can do this! I’ve struggled too. Can you do high protein? That’s been the ticket for me. At least 65g a day for my height and build. Limit calories to 1350 (I weigh 232#) and log EVERYTHING, even the non-sugar creamer in my coffee. I’m worth the effort to do that. Much exercise beyond cooking and cleaning isn’t possible for now, but I’m slowly getting more energy!

    Ann, is he a Coug, by chance? My DH graduated when it was WSC instead of WSU. Many years ago!

    Heather in Chi, I’ll call you that to keep you distinct from Heather UK, if that’s alright? Welcome! Sounds like you’ve set great achievable goals for yourself.

    Pip, if you had a headache that bad last night and passed out this AM, I’d call 911 and have them check for stroke. It CAN happen to the fit!

    Hugs to you and Kirby. You sound like a fine couple.

    Sarah, like you I pre-plan my meals for the day on the food diary here. That way I know whether I’m headed the right way for the day!

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Sharon near Seattle - when my leg cramps occasionally occur it is definitely not a lack of dairy. I eat a boat load of Greek yogurt. A can of soup or something else extremely salty take care of mine every time.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Has anyone heard from Kim???
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks Barbie, for starting the month off right.👍
    I'm a bit melancholy for Saturday is when my youngest leaves for Japan. Its hard to know I won't see him for a couple years at the least. This is when the word sacrifice comes into my heart. I have to be strong for him, so he will be strong.💗
    Hugs everyone!

    My son is in Tokyo. Hugs! The kids I taught also seemed to really like the time their parents were stationed there. Many hoped to get the opportunity to return. I know it’s hard. We do FaceTime. I have two grandchildren there, as well.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Yes, I am also worried about Kim. Horrible, horrible fires up her way.

    We are back at home. B)
    Unfortunately we had to miss the window guy because DH got caught up in a traffic jam due to an accident a few cars in front of him. I called them to delay it, but the guy couldn't wait, so it's been put back until Monday. At least they didn't charge us for a missed call.
    We spent the afternoon making sense of the garage storage. There is not enough room for a car, so we shifted stuff around and now we can get into it from the house and the street. We have a dresser in there that will eventually go upstairs, but we need help to get it up there. We may have to move a radiator.
    I am much better technically and engineering wise than DH at seeing what needs to get done. I got a set of shelves to function. I was married to an engineer for 28 years and something has rubbed off on me.
    We do have an awful lot of wine. :o
    Then we tackled the shed and garden equipment. Made some progress, but we really need to get rid of some stuff. DH is more reluctant than I am. He spent money on it, so he thinks he ought to keep it. I don't think we need it any more with a much smaller garden. We no longer have a huge lawn and hedge.
    I have decided to give away a lot of my baking stuff. I don't think fancy cake decorating is in my future. I hope the food cupboard will winnow itself. Four tins of chestnut puree anyone?

    The good news is the new freezer is running. Now to visit the fish market which is just down the road, in the harbour. They have their own boats. :D We are both great fish fans.

    In the garage I found another extension cable., so I can get my bedside light and alarm clock working before the electrician comes on Tuesday.

    Because we have the orginal period front door, the letter box is tiny. While we were away the post tried to deliver the final deeds etc from the solicitors. We will go and collect them from the post office sorting office tomorrow.

    I feel we are making progress, but we need to make another two trips, at least, to the dump to clear the huge piles of paper and cardboard in the hall and all the junk left by the aerial man. Might try tomorrow if it is open. I haven't logged food or exercise today, but will get back to it tomorrow.

    We had a bottle of Prosecco this evening. Very well earned.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    swim777 wrote: »
    Thanks Barbie, for starting the month off right.👍
    I'm a bit melancholy for Saturday is when my youngest leaves for Japan. Its hard to know I won't see him for a couple years at the least. This is when the word sacrifice comes into my heart. I have to be strong for him, so he will be strong.💗
    Hugs everyone!

    My son is in Tokyo. Hugs! The kids I taught also seemed to really like the time their parents were stationed there. Many hoped to get the opportunity to return. I know it’s hard. We do FaceTime. I have two grandchildren there, as well.

    Swim, yep its an amazing country! We were stationed there for five years (two tours). The most gracious people I have ever met. I learned how to be an ambassador and choose my actions and words carefully.👍
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    You are doing splendidly Heather!💗
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I too am concerned for Kim.

    Our granddaughter-in-law and new great-grandson had to evacuate the apartment they live in. A friend of hers, whose husband is out on same ship as or grandson, has her parents living close by so the girls and baby Matthew are staying with them. The poor young girls were pretty frightened. I was on pins and needles until we got word they were safe.

    Positive thoughts for Kim, hope we hear soon.

    Janetr OKC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Woot! Got an interview Tuesday afternoon with the Girl Scouts Diamonds of Arkansas, with a teensy little bit of Oklahoma and Texas thrown in, for basically the same position I have now, but more heavily leaning toward grant writing, rather than fundraising per se. And it would be from home, as I am now. And no more plane flights, I can drive anywhere in the council. Talked to my prospective boss for nearly an hour, and she'll be in Fort Smith to meet with me Tuesday... already made sure she had full disclosure of the upcoming knee replacement, and it didn't seem to faze her a bit.

    Rori will be so pleased to know that I might stay with Girl Scouts. :smiley: And I'm over the moon at the thought of continuing to use what I've learned in the last year and a half to benefit the girls of this amazing state! If I can get to the interview stage, I usually get the job offer. Possibly because I am intrinsically lovable and confidence-inspiring. :smiley: Your guess is as good as mine.

    Love y'all,
    Keep a good thought for me...
    Lisa in AR

    Doing my happy dance for you, Lisa!!!! Let's connect soon.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I love the colors in your hallway and kitchen. The glimpse of staris is intriguing. :star:

    I'm still thinking of all those facing California fires and hoping Kim is safe.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon