
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    Yes, our granddaughter-in-law and new great-grandson were evacuated, but they are fine.

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning Ladies ,I'm up early...I will catch up with you all then hop in the shower.going to a fashion show,the money raised goes to a scholarship...going to feed DFIL and then will meet the cousins at the parking lot a couple towns away And ride with them.
    I might be having the other 2 dogs here tomorrow..Tom had his floors refinished and the fumes are setting the CO detector off,he doesn't worry about himself,he worries about the boys..so even though I'm aloud 1 dog I will have 3 for 8 hrs ..they will have to get over it..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited November 2018
    Been to the dump and got rid of our paper pile. :D We had to post it all through a small slot. Very good exercise.
    Plus we took other rubbish and the huge amount of stuff the aerial guy left.
    Did I ever mention I love going to the dump!!!! :laugh:
    We still have masses of boxes etc, but we have put them in the garage.
    Nice to be back home and able to do a full set of exercises. For the new people - we have three different machines in a tiny back bedroom, rower, elliptical and recumbent bike. I do 536 calories on those every morning and then do yoga type things on a mat in my bedroom. Then I do some weights. That makes a total of 600. I used to do some bonus calories after lunch, like jogging, but with all the physical work I've been doing with the move, I haven't done any. My weight is stable at maintenance.
    The machines are the best investment we have ever made. They have more than paid for themselves in gym fees and they are just next door to our bedroom. If you are thinking of buying one, get the best quality you can afford.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited November 2018
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Hi Ladies. I'm back from Puerto Vallarta, which was great, just too short. :'( Details later. For now, I'm caught up on reading here, got restocked with groceries, got DH and our cat back on schedule, and have started to cook up meals for this week.

    For all who are asking about Kim, I know she lives in the city of Dublin which is east of San Francisco, and about 150 miles south of the fire in Paradise, CA. My brother who lives near her reports they can't see the sun, and there is soot everywhere. But, thankfully, no serious threat to their property.

    Colorado Foothills

    Rori. Welcome back from Puerto Vallarta! And thank you o:) for confirming that Kim is not likely to be close to the fires. <3 From my map, Dublin is 35-40 miles east of San Francisco. No fires there! I'm sure air quality is horrible, as you alluded to.

    Pip Are you feeling better today? I hope so.


    Remarkable to think of the world leaders coming together to commemorate the centennial of WWI Armistice. Leaders of countries that have been enemies & allies, coming together to promote world peace. Magnificent.

    Going to work pretty soon; I will post my gratitude after I get home from work this afternoon.


    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    edited November 2018
    We still have to close and take possession on the home. We have an inspection on Tuesday so we can prioritize the repairs that need to be done. I now understand Heather and Allie why you were having such a hard time sleeping. Home buying and selling are near the top on the stress meter. Move in date for son is Dec 15th.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    Good evening ladies.....when I introduced myself earlier...i told you I was leaving Sunday for bus trip. We had a great time and even saw a Ronnie Milsap show. Although not much of country music follower....he was very good for an older gentleman he had a great and strong voice. Coming home on Wed. started feeling chilled.....BAMM Thurs. so sick with the flu. Today being Sat. was atleast able to get up and cough my brains out and ate for the first time since Wed. morning...able to get 2 runny eggs down my throat. No appetite or thoughts of food whatsoever. I have lost 5 lbs since Wed. should I count this loss or is it "being sick" loss and will jump back as soon as I feel better? So just ignore it? Another question for those ladies following a low carb way of eating or I have heard it called the lazy Keto diet. I have no problem staying under my daily low carb, but even coming close to reach the grams for fat is proving difficult. I can only eat 1 rasher of bacon, 1 tble. of ranch dressing is plenty for my needs and so on. What do you ladies do to get your good fat gms per day without resorting to eating whipping cream on daily basis.

    Avocados and nuts. Avocados have some carbs but tons of fiber. I eat one each day cut up in my evening salad, buy the smaller ones in bags at Walmart or Grocery Outlet.

    Hope you are over that crud and welcome to the group! <3 Do you have a name we can call you and location you can add each time you post?

    SW WA State
  • ClarityPeace
    ClarityPeace Posts: 81 Member
    edited November 2018
    51, 5'3", currently 143lbs goal: 125lbs I like autumn walks, selling on ebay (looking for vintage finds), vintage hardware, exploring ruins, reading on my kindle (love that you can look up word definitions just by touching the word!), PBS movies/historical fiction, gardening, art, learning .. Challenges: I am an older special needs mom with an 11-year old son with mood swings. Just taking it day by day.

    My son is very active so he should be helpful in this endeavor (of weight loss). If I get stuck losing weight I juice for a day or two and add a little morning exercise.. always moves me along quickly. Hardest thing is to stick with it with all the stressors ..

    NY USA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Kelly - morel mushrooms fried in butter! YUM!!!!! Thank you for that memory, one of the best things about living in the Midwest. We have a few morels here in the Pacific Northwest, but the big one folks like to find in the pine forests are chanterelles. Those are good fried in butter as well. I prefer morels tho. <3 I'm curious, who cared for Trentin during the late nights and weekends before his mom found you? So glad he's fitting in with your schedule. Sounds like a neat kid.

    Barbara & Sharon, if it weren't for our age and my DH's various physical ailments (and mine sometimes) we'd love to live farther out in the mountains or toward the WA beach. We are still kind of "farther out" but as long as there are 2 of us and one is able to drive, it's a safe neighborhood and we're going to stay here. If/when something happens to one of us, then the one left will have some decisions to make. Living at 600 ft above seal level is a good guard against earthquakes/tsunamis from the Cascadia fault.

    Rori - thanks for the info on Kim. I knew she was close to SF, I just had her in the wrong direction. Glad you are back OK from your vacation, hope you and your DH got some nice beach time in!

    DH put up the flag yesterday - he claims the USMC birthday is also his birthday. In a way it's true, I think the USMC and Vietnam experience made up grow up and actually he found his calling through it - love of electronics which morphed into computers.

    Has anyone heard from Lenora?

    Frosty SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: Have a good time at the fashion show. :star:

    Heather: You are making great progress getting settled in our new home, and you sound happy. Win! :flowerforyou:

    Rori: Thanks so much for the update on Kim’s whereabouts compared to the fire. :heart:

    Lanette: I believe Michele is in contact with Lenora. We haven’t heard from Michelle in a bit, either. :noway:

    We are going to our grandniece’s baby shower today. We were not able to go to her wedding a few years ago due to DH’s health at the time, and this is the first time we’ve had a chance to see her since then. She and her DH live in Illinois, where he works in nuclear energy.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    November 2018 Resolutions

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on strength and stamina.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.
    5. Monitor sleep. Average 7 or more hours nightly.
    6. Avoid alcohol.
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you Lanette from SW WA state and Barbara from Southern Oregon for the advice of Avacados and walnuts....I love avacados, put them in a salad and smoothies like you. I have been eating whole walnuts as snacks for those late night munchies. A portion is 7 walnuts...maybe I'll adjust and have more portions to get that fat gram total up...after all it is the good stuff. Feeling a lot better today as chest has loosened of the crud but cannot believe how tired I feel from just walking across the room. Hopefully I get over soon. I am going to mark those 5 lbs as a loss...maybe they will stay away and be the quickstart to some weight loss. Have a good day. Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    yo peeps-
    little workout, kirby is off today.

    I will never run ahead of kirby again, so my time finishing a run may be slower because of running with him but I don't care

    :) Bravo to you. I recently made changes in many things I do in order to be available to Jake because of his health problems. Exercise, health, and fitness are very important to me, but my husband is at the top of my list. <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Been in contact with my friends. <3
    My old yoga friend phoned me. Nice to chat.
    Then I texted the "girls" who are meeting up without me. They emailed me photos of themselves. :smiley:
    Feels good.
    People are the most important thing.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Rebecca on Whidbey, don't you just love modern technology? Talking w your son Thousands of miles away and living your grandchild's picture long before they're born! And I have fallen head over heels for Japan without having been there from friends like you and a friend's daughter who have lived there and shared your experiences.

    Heather in UK, I love the tiles or whatever it is, above the window in your photo!

    Machka, I live Christmas so much I've made my children promise that if I'm ever incapacitated they will find a way to have twinkle tights where I can see them.

    Margaret, I DO hope your son's home purchase goes smoothly.

    Allie and Michele, you're right, no high protein or potassium for Allie. Sorry! I forgot about that!

    Barbara, AHMOD, My girls would have absolutely conniption fits if I decided to move that far from major medical care, but how I would love it! I'm basically a small town girl who sort of enjoys being near a city for plays, concerts, museums, etc. Doesn't mean I won't decide to move somewhere like that, but it IS a consideration. Two of the girls and a bunch of grandkids live on Whidbey Island where Rebecca lives, but then I wouldn't be near my third DD and dsil and Nicolas, my dgs who is an autistic 6 yo that I am astonished at almost every day. I have a terrible time making choices.

    Taste? Probably the much-maligned fruitcake, which I may not ever be able to tolerate again after my bypass, but it will be worth it!

    Wolfie!, welcome! Sounds like you have a few challenges, but are moving in the right direction. Logging food is easy on this site, and it helps me stay aware of just what I'm eating. I'm glad you found us. Your nickname is what my DD was called in high school. She now has a degree in environmental science and primate behaviour. She switched species somewhere along the way, lol!

    Lanette, I'm at 630' altitude! We could shout across the (very) long valley that separates us. And yes, I'm glad of tsunami and earthquake protection, although I live on a glacial morrain, they tell me.

    Rori! Can you PM me the name of in all-inclusive place you went to? I'm looking for some fun in spring when I'm done w surgery and tax season!

    My PCP doc doesn't want to accept the cardiac clearance I got from my cardiologist so I can get clearance for my bypass! So frustrating! Time limit is running down!

    Sharon near Seattle and nearly nuts!