

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited November 2018
    klanders30 wrote: »
    oh Margaret! I forgot to mention changing the locks! The day after closing the former renters were actually looking around and trying to get into our house! A wonderful neighbor who I already knew actually called us to tell us. The day we moved in several neighbors stopped by telling us they were grateful we were moving in and fixing everything up. The old owners/renters were party folks and it was affecting everyone. I can only say I feel your stress and the drama feels intense right now but you are right you’ve got the upper hand so stand your ground. Sending strength <3

    Grateful for good genes! My maternal side of the family tends to be fit and live long lives.


    They agreed to the new terms. It takes a burden off my shoulders and puts it on theirs where is needs to be. I agree about the locks. It is the first thing on the agenda. Not only because of the sellers ,but also because it was a rental property. As nice as the renters appear still good to be proactive. These renters do not strike me as the party type. They are a young couple with a wonderful dog. When I went over to the inspection I brought dog treats and flowers because I know this is not easy for them. I will not be bringing flowers for the sellers just a check.

    When we bought our home we did not change the locks because we knew we would have no troubles from the seller.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Why are there "hungrier" days? I am drinking my water, eating protein but I feel ravenous and restless and crabby. I am on day 3 of "diet" so maybe carb withdrawal, food withdrawal etc. Never know how to calm this. Know it goes away eventually but hate this part of re-gaining control. Any suggestions. I am going to exercise afterwork. Have my supper of shrimp and stirfried veggies planned and a snack of applesauce with yogurt. But I feel like chewing on my arm!!!!

    - welcome. <3 String cheese is my favorite go-to when the hungries hit, and also nuts. I have to pre-weigh them though..... maybe 1/2 oz at a time and put them in snack size baggies because once I get started it's hard to stop. And once I have my snack, I find something to keep myself busy - actually, just doing that and drinking a glass of water or plain tea or coffee gets my mind off my empty tummy for a few hours.

    What do you want us to call you and where to you hail from?

    Drizzly & warm SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lucy I agree with Lanette get busy and distracted with something else. Also close the kitchen (I actually say out loud, “the kitchen is closed!”). brush teeth and that’s that. Your body will get used to this. Stick with it, youve got this :)

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Rebecca, dear heart,

    My heart goes out to you, as I know my mother went through the same thing in the years I was on the other side of the world... and I did as well when my son and daughter were in Germany and then as he went to Saudi Arabia. I've also struggled at times with my own homesickness. One thing that's helped me is something similar to what Kelly is talking about, but for me, it's the constellation of Orion. The three stars in his belt always center me, and help me remember that the stars, though they're in different areas of the night sky, always remain part of me, wherever I am, and they could see them too. You can click on Japan, and you can click on Whidbey Island here: https://www.globeatnight.org/observe_finder.html, and it will show you how he sees it and how you see it.

    Whatever idea that can help you get through it, use it for all it's worth. My husband has a similar reaction to my inability to hear both him and what's happening on television, though it just makes him shake his head and laugh. Men can be goobers on occasion, even the best of them.

    Much love, dear,
    Lisa in AR

    Hugs my Lisa!💗
  • lucyogrady5
    lucyogrady5 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks all! Call me Lucy and I'm from Rapid City, South Dakota in the beautiful Black Hills near Mt. Rushmore
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)Margaret, We have routinely changed the locks every time we've moved into a new house. That way we didn't have to waste any energy trying to figure out if the former occupants might try to get in or if they had give their key to someone else. When our son moved out, we changed the locks because we had no idea how many friends he might have made keys for and didn't want to be wondering.
    Willow - Welcome, sorry your health is so poor. Suggestion a friend of mine teaches chair yoga is there anything like that in your area? Possibly locate something on line in regards to chair yoga to help you get some exercise.
    I'm actually agoraphobic at the moment for... reasons. I haven't left my home in about three years. Okay, for the past six months or so, I've been working on that. I've been going to a weekly knitting group... some weeks. Most weeks. When I feel I can. But baby steps. Right? And just the other day I ran errands. Y'all just don't know. That was a huge step forward. But to enroll in an exercise class? Yeah... no.

    :) The internet is a perfect solution for anyone who is agoraphobic or introverted. It's a way to connect from a distance. This group can be your support group and the internet has an endless supply of exercise videos for every fitness level.

    :)Lucy, My favorite form of distraction when I am hungry is walking while listening to a podcast or audio book.

    :) The firewood guy was here and filled the rack with great wood for fires. I got out my two knitted wool blankets and put them where they are easy to reach. Now we are ready for winter.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Well here I am at a little artsy place across the river where an old friend of mine will be playing tonight , he and my friend Michael who will be sitting in with him tonight the two of them started jamming in my basement many many years ago...so it comes around full circle...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Machka ~ All the photos you have shown make me realize that you have such beautiful scenery in your part of the world.
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Machka - I was momentarily off guard and your picture from the botanical garden hit me square in the solar plexus. I love living in this arctic desert but once in a while I can't help longing for trees and flowers and greenery. *sigh*

    Speaking of arctic desert, here are a couple pictures I took today: Beautiful downtown Longyearbyen at high noon in mid-November. Here we're looking due south to where the sun is.
    Lagopus wrote: »
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka & Penny - I want to visit both of your areas when the teleporter gets fixed. ;) Which reminds me - how hard can it be to rebuilt a flux capacitor? I need to contact the guy and see what the hold-up is. :p
    Whoa Lanette! Considering how far SW Washington is from New Zealand, and how far New Zealand is from Svalbard, we're definitely going to need that teleporter. :grumble:

    Hubby just called to say he found the charge cord on the floor under the table in the living room. Yay! Now I just have to hope he gets back before my poor device gives up the ghost.


    Penny ... I'm in Australia. Tasmania. :) It is/was Wendy who is in New Zealand.

    Tasmania is beautiful. I forget that sometimes when I get busy living life and not looking around.

    But so many parts of the world are beautiful in different ways. I like your photos of beautiful downtown Longyearbyen at high noon in mid-November too.

    It reminds me of an exercise I did as a part of a photography contest. The topic of the contest was something like "5 minutes from home" and the goal was to take a really good photo of something eye-catching really close to our homes. And a secondary goal was to make it stand out from everyone else's. That exercise made a lot of us really look at the beautiful, unique things we have right around us.

    Machka in Oz

  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    Seems like I may have finally found a group that fits me, I recently turned 60. Seems I need to do some more reading to catch up!

    I have started using this app because the dietician recommended it. It will take some time to be proficient, I think. It’s funny to hear someone say that my Type 2 diabetes is the least of my problems, but I have been battling a wheat allergy and mast cell activation/histamine intolerance, so it is like having a constant random allergic reaction. So really, this low histamine gluten free diet is actually taking care of my carbs without trying. Now, losing weight is a whole other ballgame! High dose antihistamines are keeping the weight and water on board, and keeping me tired. So, in trying to keeping myself accountable, I went looking for a group to join. So here I am! And I’ll join in the posting to hopefully be as supportive as you all seem to be. And before I get any more long winded, I will quote Tigger and say

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym- 7.3min, 13.6mph, 1.5mi= 75c
    ski machine- 33min, 136astpm, 1.70mi= 206c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.37min, 15.8mph, 1.4mi= 55c
    run sta 2 wk- 4.56min, 10.02min mi, .4mi= 73c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19min, 8.3mph, 2.6mi= 180c

    total cal 649
  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited November 2018
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Margaret, We have routinely changed the locks every time we've moved into a new house. That way we didn't have to waste any energy trying to figure out if the former occupants might try to get in or if they had give their key to someone else. When our son moved out, we changed the locks because we had no idea how many friends he might have made keys for and didn't want to be wondering.
    Willow - Welcome, sorry your health is so poor. Suggestion a friend of mine teaches chair yoga is there anything like that in your area? Possibly locate something on line in regards to chair yoga to help you get some exercise.
    I'm actually agoraphobic at the moment for... reasons. I haven't left my home in about three years. Okay, for the past six months or so, I've been working on that. I've been going to a weekly knitting group... some weeks. Most weeks. When I feel I can. But baby steps. Right? And just the other day I ran errands. Y'all just don't know. That was a huge step forward. But to enroll in an exercise class? Yeah... no.

    :) The internet is a perfect solution for anyone who is agoraphobic or introverted. It's a way to connect from a distance. This group can be your support group and the internet has an endless supply of exercise videos for every fitness level.

    Changing the locks is the way to go. I've moved a lot and it's the easiest way to get peace of mind.

    Ah yes, exercise videos. I've tried a million of them since Sweating to the Oldies. hahahahaha! Remember those? They're great for the first two or three times, then it's... blah. My go to exercise used to be walking. I was a walking fool. I walked everywhere. There was a time were I would actually walk 2 miles to the store rather than drive, but now... my mailbox is my goal. Oh, how times have changed. I miss walking.

    Edited to add: I keep forgetting..
    Willow Washington State, USA