JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • besf1984
    besf1984 Posts: 2 Member
    Faebert wrote: Β»
    besf1984 wrote: Β»
    Hi Everyone,

    I love the support you all give each other on here. It's wonderful to see. I pray for all those who are going through difficult times and I hope you find peace to get through it all. Life is difficult but maybe being part of a community will slightly help make things easier.

    I may not be going through anything difficult, but I'm definitely always stressed out. I am a wife, mom to a 2-year-old boy, engineer and grad student. Lately, it's been rough trying to see the point in life and try to get the motivation to lose weight. I've been using MyFitnessPal for a few years now but I've always been on and off, up and down with my weight. I've been on diets my whole life since I was 10 years old, always had trouble. Even when I was in college and lost tons of weight, I still thought of myself as fat and didn't realize that I was finally at a normal weight for myself. My family always told me I was fat and so, that's what I thought I was no matter how much weight I lost. And then again when I first got married, I was at a normal weight but thought I was too fat! Looking back, I can't believe I thought that way about myself. 2 years ago, I had my son and after all was said and done, I still can't get the last 30 pounds off because my mindset has completely changed; I've probably gained even more weight now, I don;t even want to look at the scale. I can't find the motivation to lose the weight. I don't see why I should. What's the point of all this? I've been searching online and I think I am finally able to see why I want or need to lose weight. I also don't have a support group around me. My family always judges and tells me I should do it this way or that way. Even when I lose a little bit of weight and my family can finally see a little change, they say, "Oh, it kind of looks like you lost weight?" More of a question than motivation and support. I really get no empathy or help from anyone, just judging, so it's difficult. Now that I have finally found my 'why' and found this support group, I am hoping that this will be it and I will finally lose the weight. I know I can do it, I just lose my motivation after a few weeks and wonder why I'm going through all this hard work. This time, I have written down my motivations and next time I can't think of why I am trying to lose weight, I will read my reasons.

    My goals right now are:
    - Track my food everyday... I really love MyFItnessPal
    - Start exercising at least Monday through Thursday afternoons
    - Wear my Fitbit to track my burned calories
    - Drink at least 3 liters of water everyday
    - Make sure to eat my 3 meals because I usually skip dinner completely and then I'm starving and I binge on junk food

    Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoy your weekend!

    @besf1984 welcome! This is a wonderful group and you will definitely get the support here that you might be missing at home. Your post spoke to me as I can relate to how skewed our opinions can be of ourselves and how a negative mindset can set us back. I believe you can do it and you totally deserve to be the healthiest, happiest you! Good luck x

    @Faebert Thank you!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Yesterday was a good day - found out I have a job interview next week! I'm super excited. :) The timing isn't great as it's the day after my company Christmas party, which will probably reduce the fun of that as it'll mean I can't drink very much and will probably need to leave quite early... But hey, that will help with the diet!

    I also had an excellent NSV yesterday. One of the beck diet solution challenges is to deliberately take more food than you intend to eat, and leave some and not eat it. The thought is quite intimidating for me, I hate leaving food. But I smashed it! We had free food available at a two hour workshop I was at yesterday. For a start, I totally ignored the chips and cake and just took sandwiches. But then I managed to leave one of the sandwiches on my plate and not eat it for about an hour! (The plates were then cleared).

    Pretty chuffed with that. Need to practice that skill until it becomes super easy. I've noticed that amongst my slim friends, several them eat plenty of high calorie foods but they just stop eating when they're dull and as a result they don't gain weight. I would love to be like that.

    Oh how exciting!!! Good luck at the interview! I'm so far behind that I didn't realize you had even applied for anything. you're going to kill it! Go get it, girl!

    Also, I haven't gotten to this chapter of Beck's yet to leave food on my plate, but, boy oh boy, is that going to be tough! I always feel that I have to finish my plate. Good job!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Okay so yesterday was good.
    But last night I came downstairs to get some crackers and cheese for me and my partner.
    So I brought up like 10 crackers, (5ea) and instead of slicing the cheese and weighing it I just took the block upstairs!
    So I had 5, no idea what the cheese weighed (but they're calorie dense anyway) and then my partner decided he didn't want his and I ate his too!
    I nearly ate a whole block of cheese.
    So I dread to even thnk how much I was over lol!
    Won't be doing that again!

    I cannot even TELL you how many times I've gone over because of CHEESE! I live in the Dairy State of Wisconsin and cheese is just a staple food around here. one of my favorites I might add. At least it was Cheese which has some nutritional value rather than empty calories of Candy!!! :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Just for today I will try to love at least a little part of me.

    How insightful this is. I think we all have days/weeks that we could work harder at this. If it helps, I don't know you at all and I think I already do love a little part of you just by reading this... (((HUGS))) xoxo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    1. Dont cry at work - remain professional :) I was successful because I didnt talk to anyone - but I got so much work done. Would be nice if I could stay not talking to people :D
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Drink lots of water :)
    4. Take 10am break OUT of the building - same with lunch :)
    5. Leave by 3:15 for endo appointment :)
    6. Be kind :)
    7. Eat packed lunch :)
    8. Cook dinner at home :)

    JFT Friday
    1. Wake up 6:15 or first waking :) This is getting easier!
    2. Smoothie :)
    3. Fish oil :)
    4. Water :)
    5. Elderberry :)

    Life is hard but I'm so thankful for the people who hold me up - and you ladies are a huge part of that - so many thank yous. Work continues to be a struggle - but DH already has some options to explore and we're feeling a little more optimistic. We've been through some *kitten* together and have come out the other side together and stronger, so that's how I'm viewing this speed bump -character and relationship building. When headed to my appointment yesterday, an 18 wheeler cut off a car and almost killed them driving them into the guardrail. DH's dad was a truck driver, so he hates seeing "ambassadors of the road", as he calls them, do stupid stuff - so he flipped the guy off. THEN the crazy truck swerved into our lane ON PURPOSE and TRIED TO HIT US!!! DH swerved and we would have hit a guard rail if we didnt happen to be passing an exit lane...I called the state police and reported him, but yeah that was scary!!! The day ended on a high note at my appointment though when the doctor said I can stop taking my metformin - my non fasting glucose is down 13 points - and stop seeing him so long as I'm comfortable - so I've been able to heal my PCOS symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He gave us the go ahead to start trying to conceive (although as with most things in life the plan is being adjusted with the unexpected work woes) and said I can come back if we struggle but if I continue with my lifestyle changes he has high hopes!

    YES to #1! I have had 2 days this week that I did the same thing! I just stayed in my cubicle and didn't talk to anyone! Isn't it blissful?

    Also, congratulations for getting off the Metformin! That is a Fantastic step! I'm very happy for your good news...time to do a happy dance!
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    @AJB1014 congrats on getting off the metformin. That drug sucks. My doctor has me on it for not my blood sugar because thats normal but for my periods. Lol Im going to ask her to switch me to something else when i see her in January. Its nice to hear you're able to conceive now too. That's a hugh deal. And I hope everything goes well with your interview next week.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Got up, washed up, got dressed by 5:30,😁
    Took Meds😁
    Got kids up at 6:45😁
    Kids dressed out the door at 7:50πŸ˜‘
    Kids on bus at 8:12πŸ˜ƒ
    Checked CATS bus line and schedule at 8:20☺(Thinking about travelling this way since car is down)
    Back home at 8:45☺
    Drank 1cup coffee☺
    Turned on music and danced.. Done by 9:20πŸ˜€ testing the knees... Left one still hurts.
    10.. Doctor called. I have a scheduled appointment for the 13th for X-raysπŸ˜•
    Made phone calls and texts until 11a.m.😊
    Went outside to work on Christmas decor..1 1/2 hours
    Dishes at 7p.m. πŸ˜€
    Doing paper work.
    Rub down with analgesic cream on my knees
    Bed by 11

    Good job!
    Thanks Sis!!! Hug from me to you🌹
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    Got up, washed up, got dressed by 5:30,😁
    Took Meds😁
    Got kids up at 6:45😁
    Kids dressed out the door at 7:50πŸ˜‘
    Kids on bus at 8:12πŸ˜ƒ
    Checked CATS bus line and schedule at 8:20☺(Thinking about travelling this way since car is down)
    Back home at 8:45☺
    Drank 1cup coffee☺
    Turned on music and danced.. Done by 9:20πŸ˜€ testing the knees... Left one still hurts.
    10.. Doctor called. I have a scheduled appointment for the 13th for X-raysπŸ˜•
    Made phone calls and texts until 11a.m.😊
    Went outside to work on Christmas decor..1 1/2 hours
    Dishes at 7p.m. πŸ˜€
    Doing paper work.
    Rub down with analgesic cream on my knees
    Bed by 11

    Good job!
    Thanks Sis!!! Hug from me to you🌹

    Awww hugs back!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Got up, washed up, got dressed by 5:30,😁
    Took Meds😁
    Got kids up at 6:45😁
    Kids dressed out the door at 7:50πŸ˜‘
    Kids on bus at 8:12πŸ˜ƒ
    Checked CATS bus line and schedule at 8:20☺(Thinking about travelling this way since car is down)
    Back home at 8:45☺
    Drank 1cup coffee☺
    Turned on music and danced.. Done by 9:20πŸ˜€ testing the knees... Left one still hurts.
    10.. Doctor called. I have a scheduled appointment for the 13th for X-raysπŸ˜•
    Made phone calls and texts until 11a.m.😊
    Went outside to work on Christmas decor..1 1/2 hours
    Dishes at 7p.m. πŸ˜€
    Doing paper work.
    Rub down with analgesic cream on my kneesπŸ˜πŸ™Œ
    Bed by 11 πŸ˜€
    JFT.. Fired Up Friday
    Shower πŸ™ŒπŸ˜
    Dressed πŸ˜€
    Walked kids to bus stop πŸ˜€
    Walked To Library πŸ˜πŸ™Œ ...returned some, checked out some, put some on hold 😁
    Walked home πŸ˜€πŸ™Œ
    Ate soup for lunch, picked out the potatoes, didn't eat bread or crackers πŸ˜€πŸ™Œ
    Did Laundry πŸ˜€
    Ate soup for dinner πŸ˜πŸ™Œ
    Need to make Green Tea,

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @AJB1014 congrats on getting off the metformin. That drug sucks. My doctor has me on it for not my blood sugar because thats normal but for my periods. Lol Im going to ask her to switch me to something else when i see her in January. Its nice to hear you're able to conceive now too. That's a hugh deal. And I hope everything goes well with your interview next week.

    Thank you! I was on it for my periods too and the blood sugar levels - I have PCOS. I can tell you the med started sucking less as my healthy habits improved, but it was definitely brutal on my tummy for a while.
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    @AJB1014 congrats on getting off the metformin. That drug sucks. My doctor has me on it for not my blood sugar because thats normal but for my periods. Lol Im going to ask her to switch me to something else when i see her in January. Its nice to hear you're able to conceive now too. That's a hugh deal. And I hope everything goes well with your interview next week.

    Thank you! I was on it for my periods too and the blood sugar levels - I have PCOS. I can tell you the med started sucking less as my healthy habits improved, but it was definitely brutal on my tummy for a while.

    Yeah I've only been on it a week and im like do i want to deal with constant diarrhea ( sorry for tmi) or be immobilized in 4 weeks by another horrid period
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    1. Dont cry at work - remain professional :) I was successful because I didnt talk to anyone - but I got so much work done. Would be nice if I could stay not talking to people :D
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Drink lots of water :)
    4. Take 10am break OUT of the building - same with lunch :)
    5. Leave by 3:15 for endo appointment :)
    6. Be kind :)
    7. Eat packed lunch :)
    8. Cook dinner at home :)

    JFT Friday
    1. Wake up 6:15 or first waking :) This is getting easier!
    2. Smoothie :)
    3. Fish oil :)
    4. Water :)
    5. Elderberry :)

    Life is hard but I'm so thankful for the people who hold me up - and you ladies are a huge part of that - so many thank yous. Work continues to be a struggle - but DH already has some options to explore and we're feeling a little more optimistic. We've been through some *kitten* together and have come out the other side together and stronger, so that's how I'm viewing this speed bump -character and relationship building. When headed to my appointment yesterday, an 18 wheeler cut off a car and almost killed them driving them into the guardrail. DH's dad was a truck driver, so he hates seeing "ambassadors of the road", as he calls them, do stupid stuff - so he flipped the guy off. THEN the crazy truck swerved into our lane ON PURPOSE and TRIED TO HIT US!!! DH swerved and we would have hit a guard rail if we didnt happen to be passing an exit lane...I called the state police and reported him, but yeah that was scary!!! The day ended on a high note at my appointment though when the doctor said I can stop taking my metformin - my non fasting glucose is down 13 points - and stop seeing him so long as I'm comfortable - so I've been able to heal my PCOS symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He gave us the go ahead to start trying to conceive (although as with most things in life the plan is being adjusted with the unexpected work woes) and said I can come back if we struggle but if I continue with my lifestyle changes he has high hopes!

    YES to #1! I have had 2 days this week that I did the same thing! I just stayed in my cubicle and didn't talk to anyone! Isn't it blissful?

    Also, congratulations for getting off the Metformin! That is a Fantastic step! I'm very happy for your good news...time to do a happy dance!

    thank you! Ugh, it must be something in the air with all these work woes for so many of us! But your attitude from your previous post to focus on the good really helped me to do the same!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    @AJB1014 congrats on getting off the metformin. That drug sucks. My doctor has me on it for not my blood sugar because thats normal but for my periods. Lol Im going to ask her to switch me to something else when i see her in January. Its nice to hear you're able to conceive now too. That's a hugh deal. And I hope everything goes well with your interview next week.

    Thank you! I was on it for my periods too and the blood sugar levels - I have PCOS. I can tell you the med started sucking less as my healthy habits improved, but it was definitely brutal on my tummy for a while.

    Yeah I've only been on it a week and im like do i want to deal with constant diarrhea ( sorry for tmi) or be immobilized in 4 weeks by another horrid period

    No tmi here haha. I suffered the same! It's safe to take pepto bismal if youre in a situation you dont want to have to worry about all the bathroom time. Are you on the extended release? Its a little easier on the tummy. And slowly building up to the full dose also made it a little easier, so I started with just one pill for a while and then added the second after 2 weeks. Hmmm...what else helped...id skip my dose if eating really greasy/fatty foods cause that was just a horror scene in the bathroom. Oh and it can cause b12 malabsorbtion so i supplemented with a b complex between doses to help my mood. But i hope your doctor can give you some alternatives too!
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    @AJB1014 congrats on getting off the metformin. That drug sucks. My doctor has me on it for not my blood sugar because thats normal but for my periods. Lol Im going to ask her to switch me to something else when i see her in January. Its nice to hear you're able to conceive now too. That's a hugh deal. And I hope everything goes well with your interview next week.

    Thank you! I was on it for my periods too and the blood sugar levels - I have PCOS. I can tell you the med started sucking less as my healthy habits improved, but it was definitely brutal on my tummy for a while.

    Yeah I've only been on it a week and im like do i want to deal with constant diarrhea ( sorry for tmi) or be immobilized in 4 weeks by another horrid period

    No tmi here haha. I suffered the same! It's safe to take pepto bismal if youre in a situation you dont want to have to worry about all the bathroom time. Are you on the extended release? Its a little easier on the tummy. And slowly building up to the full dose also made it a little easier, so I started with just one pill for a while and then added the second after 2 weeks. Hmmm...what else helped...id skip my dose if eating really greasy/fatty foods cause that was just a horror scene in the bathroom. Oh and it can cause b12 malabsorbtion so i supplemented with a b complex between doses to help my mood. But i hope your doctor can give you some alternatives too!

    Im taking half a pill 2x a day. I already have diarrhea and naseua and sometimes vomiting from another health issue and so this pill jist makes it worse. I get sick at the taste of pepto:(
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    AJB1014 wrote: Β»
    @AJB1014 congrats on getting off the metformin. That drug sucks. My doctor has me on it for not my blood sugar because thats normal but for my periods. Lol Im going to ask her to switch me to something else when i see her in January. Its nice to hear you're able to conceive now too. That's a hugh deal. And I hope everything goes well with your interview next week.

    Thank you! I was on it for my periods too and the blood sugar levels - I have PCOS. I can tell you the med started sucking less as my healthy habits improved, but it was definitely brutal on my tummy for a while.

    Yeah I've only been on it a week and im like do i want to deal with constant diarrhea ( sorry for tmi) or be immobilized in 4 weeks by another horrid period

    No tmi here haha. I suffered the same! It's safe to take pepto bismal if youre in a situation you dont want to have to worry about all the bathroom time. Are you on the extended release? Its a little easier on the tummy. And slowly building up to the full dose also made it a little easier, so I started with just one pill for a while and then added the second after 2 weeks. Hmmm...what else helped...id skip my dose if eating really greasy/fatty foods cause that was just a horror scene in the bathroom. Oh and it can cause b12 malabsorbtion so i supplemented with a b complex between doses to help my mood. But i hope your doctor can give you some alternatives too!

    Im taking half a pill 2x a day. I already have diarrhea and naseua and sometimes vomiting from another health issue and so this pill jist makes it worse. I get sick at the taste of pepto:(

    Oh man I hope the doc can give you something else then!
  • FatGuyFatBike
    FatGuyFatBike Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I'm Scott, and am in WI as well. I recently rejoined MFP, and am looking for some active friends. Please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi @FatGuyFatBike welcome! This thread is a very supportive place. Each day we post a set of goals (food/fitness/general life) to stay on track and for accountability and support. Feel free to jump in.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Morning all busy day today so will keep it brief. Yesterday hit most of my goals but got a bit snacky in the evening. Should have just gone to bed as I was tired! Today I will definitely get some rest. Done my morning workout and made a start on laundry etc so hoping for a productive day.

    Friday goals recap
    - morning workout βœ…
    - Sort reading road map on arrival at school βœ…
    - Run home lunchtime for car - collect deliveries βœ…
    - Planning time - call watch store and sort sleepover for P βœ…
    - Health food store after work ❎
    - Home to decorate tree with the kids!βœ…
    - Early night❎

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout βœ…
    - girls hair wash, write birthday cards, pack for sleepover
    - laundry
    - groceries (sides for lunch)and homework
    - take daughter to party
    - lunch with rest of the fam at home
    - to school for winter fair choir performance by 4. Take Santa hats etc
    - renew parking permit
    - early night

    Happy weekend! X
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Friday, 12/07/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day :) (didn't want to, but I made myself do it)
    2) Go to the gym :)
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke :/ (close, but not quite)
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day :/ (not stress related today...we had a retirement party to go to and while I tried to save enough calories for the party, I didn't quite do it)

    JFT (Saturday, 12/08/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day
    2) Go to the gym
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member

    JFT - Friday December 7
    2L of water - πŸ˜•
    Calories in Green -😈 poor choice for supper but glad I did it. As it was I was up until 1am getting ready for show today!
    Only 1 Evening Snack πŸ™‚
    5 something at bathroom break πŸ˜‚
    5 fruit/veggie 1/5
    Walk 1 mile -πŸ™‚ probably but not intentionally
    Write in Journal πŸ˜• 1am... went to bed
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself! - πŸ™‚

    JFT - Saturday December 8
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    5 fruit/veggie
    Walk 1 mile
    Write in Journal
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself!

    As suspected didn’t get a call from anyone saying good bye or giving any direction. I said to hubby on way home, β€œI’m not happy to be out of work, but I’m happy to be done there”.

    I painted and coloured 17 scene ornaments over the last few days. Here’s a sample: