JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @mytime6630 Your post had me shedding a tear today. I'm really proud of you for feeling those feelings - and it struck such a chord in me because although my stresses and fears are not identical I absolutely understand that avoidance tactic of food, or a hobby, or ANYTHING else to drown out the feelings. Feeling them and letting them run thru you takes a lot of courage and perseverance and bravery and I'm glad you were able to take the day and sit with everything. Such big hugs to you!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member

    1. Log all food 😁
    2. Do not order out for dinner😁 Had some precooked chicken in the fridge. Heated it to in a skillet, added chicken broth, honey, sesame seeds and two cups of rice. Let it all summer while I finished last week's dishes and voila! Dinner.
    3. Fold clothes! 😁 Finally finally finally did this!
    4. Come back on here 😁 Checked in a few times. It was kind of quiet today. And I'm back to update my goals!
    5. Drink 2 bottles of water 😁 Have one more to finish and it'll end up being 3
    6. Bed before 11!😁10:30 now. Finishing this and signing off

    JFT, 12-11-18

    1. Log all food 😑
    2. Bring lunch to work! 😁
    3. Keep a positive mindset! 😥... Rough hour at work. Felt incredibly stupid
    4. Work 815-515😁
    5. Boy Scout auction(eat reasonably and don't go overboard with bidding!)🤣 Got two full trays of brownies... One peanut butter cup and the other mint chocolate... But can't turn up on these particular ones and it was for a good cause after all
    6. Home early🤣 I was hoping like 830... More like 930
    7. Lights off by 11🤣Currently 11:21...!

    Have a great night! I'll hopefully be on tomorrow during the day!

    JFT, 12-12-18

    1. Log all food!!!
    2. Bring lunch!
    3. Work 815-330(hopefully)
    4. Put food in crock pot BEFORE work
    5. Eat what is in the pot!
    6. Drink 84oz in water
    7. Dishes!
    8. Hockey night with DH
    9. Lights out by 11

    OMG mint chocolate brownies are my FAAAAAAAAAAAAAVORITE. my mum used to make ones that had like a layer of mint on top of the browner with a layer of ganache on top of that - hmmmm I think I'll ask for those for christmas haha! Glad you had fun! :)
  • Sofia_Alegria
    Sofia_Alegria Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks @Bex953172! What an important thing you say about discipline, feelings, and motivation! It truly makes sense and all the more reason to give myself credit for still exercising even if I'm struggling with the food part of it.

    I hope your day gets brighter and that you're able to get some good quality rest. Every time I read your posts I'm reminded of how hard it is to have little ones. Lots of hugs your way. <3

    To those following/reading the Beck book, look what I found as I was looking for the Hunger Discomfort Monitoring Chart: :Dhttp://www.markdebord.com/uploads/9/8/0/4/9804328/nasw_la_2017_mind_body_2_handout.pdf

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    RECAP: Tuesday, 12/11/18

    Remain in the green :( -19
    5 Somethings w/bathroom breaks :) Most of the time
    Hit 12, 000 steps :( 8963 It was just a lazy day for me. I couldn’t get myself to walk during my lunch hour but did manage a couple of short walks during my break :)

    I’ve been struggling these past couple of days with dinner having more than what I need and craving sweets like crazy!. Last night I was able to resist going out to my car (it was really cold) and getting a box of Almond Rocca that I bought for a Xmas present :) .

    Not sure if it’s the cold or what but I have been feeling vulnerable and weak in the will power department since last Friday >:)

    On the positive side, I’ve been constant with my morning workouts and trying to give myself credit everytime I can remember to do so. I've been exercising my resistance muscle but it's been feeling like my give in muscle just wants to sabotage all my efforts >:)

    This morning I reread Chapter 12 of the Beck book “Practice Hunger Tolerance” and I needed to muster up the courage to decide to skip my lunch today. I was actually supposed to do this yesterday but forgot about it. I battled my thoughts for a good while and then said to myself “well maybe this is the best time to do this so that I can prove to myself that HUNGER IS NOT AN EMERGENCY.” That’s going to be my mantra for today. This being said:

    Tolerate hunger until dinner time
    Fill out My Hunger Discomfort Chart from 11 to 5

    Send good thoughts my way everybody. I’ll be needing them. <3


    “Exercising Resistance muscle and give in muscle sabotaging” how true is that!!!!! Love it!

    You got this, I don’t eat breakfast everyday. I find the hunger easier to ignore in the morning than I find the snack attacks in the evening so I switch it up.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    DH's interview went really well on his end - but the position that was advertised turned out to be a glorified packaging position - I used to write job descriptions and whoever was doing this one definitely took way too many artistic liberties calling it a "MANAGER" position among many other false promises, probably just to get people in the door. No wonder it's been posted for months and not yet filled. BUT - I'm trying not to focus on the causes of stress and instead on the things I do have control over. @mytime6630 I'm definitely reciting the serenity prayer over and over right there with you.

    JFT Tuesday
    2. Eat packed lunch :)
    3. Prelog and log all food :)
    4. Cook dinner at home - tacos? :) Taco Pasta bake because I needed comfort food, but kept it in the green
    5. Be kind and patient :) Had to practice not saying anything when I had nothing nice to say while still remembering that I cant bottle it all up, so I waited to respond to some things until I was not as hot headed.
    6. Focus on the good! :)
    7. Fill/Run dishwasher :)
    8. Load of laundry :)
    9. Check propane tank(s) levels to order delivery tomorrow >:) shiiiiiit I knew I was forgetting something this morning!!! Need to add this to tomorrow mornings to do's since I'll be home past dark and I'm still scared of my backyard in the dark hahahaha I took the dog out the other night and was surprised to hear footsteps crunching in the snow right behind us so suffice to say I'm still getting used to the countryside.
    10. Call doggy daycare for spot tomorrow :)

    JFT Weds AM
    1. Wake 6:15 or first waking :| I woke up, but didnt get up until 7:00 - had some good talks before the stresses of the world creeped in.
    2. Work by 7:30 :| 8:30 but I'll still get my 1/2 hour of OT since I have to stay late tonight
    3. Fish Oil >:) Have been having some bathroom troubles (TMI SORRY!) so taking a quick break to see if this is the culprit
    4. Elderberry >:) feeling pretty healthy so saving it for otherwise
    5. Water >:) no excuse on this one

    JFT Weds
    1. Log all food
    3. Be patient and kind
    4. Finish printing eng. drawings
    5. Focus on the good
    6. Leave work 5-515 to pick up dog
    7. US appointment @ 6
    8. Empty/fill dishwasher
    9. Put away clean clothes
    10. Bed at 9:30
    11. Eat packed lunch
    12. Eat packed dinner

    JFT Thurs AM
    1. Check gas gauges
    2. Smoothie
    3. Pack lunches
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I have ate nothing but cr@p today. I don't think ive had one healthy or nutritious thing.
    All I've ate is biscuits, Nutella on toast and an energy drink.

    I got hardly any sleep last night, like 3 hours. And then I had a nap on the sofa when I got back from the school run but it was such poor quality. Well it would be when you've got 2 girls trying to snuggle in next to you and I vaguely remember Casey clawing my face LOL
    When I woke up my glasses were gone and so was my blanket.
    And Casey was still awake sat on top of me.

    I'm. Not even bothered today.
    Just get through today, however it goes and just get a good sleep tonight to reset!

    I remember sofa naps with one girl tucked behind my legs and the other on my hip. I knew 90% of the I would wake up if they moved. The other 10% I would find them either playing, fighting or doing something they weren’t supposed to.

    Being a mom is hard work!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member

    JFT - Tuesday December 11
    2L of water - 🙂 2.25
    Calories in Green - 🙂 141
    Only 1 Evening Snack - 🙂
    5 something at bathroom break - 😕
    5 fruit/veggie - 3/5
    Walk 1 mile -😈
    Write in Journal - 😕 I was so tired, I forgot
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself! - 🙂

    JFT - Wednesday December 12
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    5 fruit/veggie
    Walk 1 mile
    Write in Journal
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself!

    I am tired!!! I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I could just sleep all day long. It’s been going on for about 3 weeks now. I hope it goes away soon.

    I have been trying to apply for my EI since Monday and I get through the whole application, hit submit and it says technical error. If it doesn’t work today I will get up early in the morning to be there when they open in the morning at an office. Hopefully it works today.

    Kaitlyn is supposed to come help do some painting and visit with us this week, I hope she comes today.

    Tonight the Grands will be here for supper.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    Just for Tuesday, 12/10/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone. :smile:
    2. Eat breakfast :smile:
    3. Journal every bite :smile:
    4. Eat sitting down :smile:
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly :smile:
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water :frown: REALLY close! 10 oz short. MUCH improved overall though!
    7. Activity - 30 minutes 😉 10 consecutive min per Fitbit/ FitBit Steps 7,000+ 😄 8,866 / 250+ steps every hour 😄 11/12 hours! YES! <fist pump>/ Up & Down one floor of stairs x5 😄 x6 actually!
    8. Give myself credit :smile:
    9. Listen to this week's Half Size Me podcast :smile:
    10. Meditate - Calm or Headspace 😄 Calm app used at work when I suddenly felt a migraine come on, complete with aura. Helped me a lot.
    11. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority :smile:
    12. Prep for tomorrow, tonight 😄 Clothes, breakfast ready to pop in microwave and packed lunch. Pre-logged all food for everything except dinner.
    13. Bake banana bread and cookies for fund raiser at work Thursday 😄 3 batches for a total of 12 mini loaves - 4 banana nut, 4 banana chocolate chip and 4 plain banana breads.
    14. Unplug 7:00 pm (except for MFP) 😄 / Gratitude Journal 😄 / Dodie 😄 / Simple Abundance 😄 / Lights out 10:30 :frown: More like midnight. Paying for it today!
    15. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE 😉 Better than usual...only hit it once.

    Had a really GREAT day yesterday...one time in a row, huh? Go me! Hahaha! I'll take it! I feel re-energized to do this thing for some reason. Probably a combination of meeting with the H&W coach, reading Beck's Diet Solution and really following it, having my body and head begin to feel a bit better after concussion and body slam on black ice, and a bit less stress at work now that I know what my job holds in store.

    Don't have time to read and catch up right now again (so sorry! I feel like the worst friend ever!) but will try to hop on this afternoon and catch up a little bit while I take my walk.

    Just for Wednesday, 12/11/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone.
    2. Eat breakfast 😄 Done
    3. Journal every bite
    4. Eat sitting down
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water
    7. Activity - 30 minutes / FitBit Steps 7,000+ / 250+ steps every hour / Up & Down one floor of stairs x5
    8. Give myself credit
    9. Turn negative talk into positive talk both to myself and others): Not "I can't...: but rather "How can I..."
    10. Begin "Getting Started for the Final Time" (HSM)
    11. Meditate - Calm or Headspace
    12. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority (Prep for 3 meetings tomorrow: 1 with W /1 with PHQI / 1 for PMT)
    13. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    14. Bake pumpkin bread and applesauce bread for fund raiser at work tomorrow
    15. Run errands during lunch: Grab cookies from Festival / tablecloth for cookie exchange / Bank for cash envelopes for grands
    16. Unplug by 7:00 pm (except for MFP) / Gratitude Journal / Dodie / Simple Abundance / Lights out 10:30
    17. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT - Tuesday December 11
    2L of water - 🙂 2.25
    Calories in Green - 🙂 141
    Only 1 Evening Snack - 🙂
    5 something at bathroom break - 😕
    5 fruit/veggie - 3/5
    Walk 1 mile -😈
    Write in Journal - 😕 I was so tired, I forgot
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself! - 🙂

    JFT - Wednesday December 12
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    5 fruit/veggie
    Walk 1 mile
    Write in Journal
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself!

    I am tired!!! I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I could just sleep all day long. It’s been going on for about 3 weeks now. I hope it goes away soon.

    I have been trying to apply for my EI since Monday and I get through the whole application, hit submit and it says technical error. If it doesn’t work today I will get up early in the morning to be there when they open in the morning at an office. Hopefully it works today.

    Kaitlyn is supposed to come help do some painting and visit with us this week, I hope she comes today.

    Tonight the Grands will be here for supper.

    I think I remember talking about vitamin D with you? Are you taking any now? Sometimes a few doses to get my levels back up can help my fatigue, especially this time of you. Your EI problems sound just like here in the US, it's always something gone wrong!!! Hope it gets worked out for ya soon. Have a nice visit with the grands and hopefully Kaitlyn too :)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member

    Just for Tuesday, 12/10/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone. :smile:
    2. Eat breakfast :smile:
    3. Journal every bite :smile:
    4. Eat sitting down :smile:
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly :smile:
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water :frown: REALLY close! 10 oz short. MUCH improved overall though!
    7. Activity - 30 minutes 😉 10 consecutive min per Fitbit/ FitBit Steps 7,000+ 😄 8,866 / 250+ steps every hour 😄 11/12 hours! YES! <fist pump>/ Up & Down one floor of stairs x5 😄 x6 actually!
    8. Give myself credit :smile:
    9. Listen to this week's Half Size Me podcast :smile:
    10. Meditate - Calm or Headspace 😄 Calm app used at work when I suddenly felt a migraine come on, complete with aura. Helped me a lot.
    11. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority :smile:
    12. Prep for tomorrow, tonight 😄 Clothes, breakfast ready to pop in microwave and packed lunch. Pre-logged all food for everything except dinner.
    13. Bake banana bread and cookies for fund raiser at work Thursday 😄 3 batches for a total of 12 mini loaves - 4 banana nut, 4 banana chocolate chip and 4 plain banana breads.
    14. Unplug 7:00 pm (except for MFP) 😄 / Gratitude Journal 😄 / Dodie 😄 / Simple Abundance 😄 / Lights out 10:30 :frown: More like midnight. Paying for it today!
    15. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE 😉 Better than usual...only hit it once.

    Had a really GREAT day yesterday...one time in a row, huh? Go me! Hahaha! I'll take it! I feel re-energized to do this thing for some reason. Probably a combination of meeting with the H&W coach, reading Beck's Diet Solution and really following it, having my body and head begin to feel a bit better after concussion and body slam on black ice, and a bit less stress at work now that I know what my job holds in store.

    Don't have time to read and catch up right now again (so sorry! I feel like the worst friend ever!) but will try to hop on this afternoon and catch up a little bit while I take my walk.

    Just for Wednesday, 12/11/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone.
    2. Eat breakfast 😄 Done
    3. Journal every bite
    4. Eat sitting down
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water
    7. Activity - 30 minutes / FitBit Steps 7,000+ / 250+ steps every hour / Up & Down one floor of stairs x5
    8. Give myself credit
    9. Turn negative talk into positive talk both to myself and others): Not "I can't...: but rather "How can I..."
    10. Begin "Getting Started for the Final Time" (HSM)
    11. Meditate - Calm or Headspace
    12. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority (Prep for 3 meetings tomorrow: 1 with W /1 with PHQI / 1 for PMT)
    13. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    14. Bake pumpkin bread and applesauce bread for fund raiser at work tomorrow
    15. Run errands during lunch: Grab cookies from Festival / tablecloth for cookie exchange / Bank for cash envelopes for grands
    16. Unplug by 7:00 pm (except for MFP) / Gratitude Journal / Dodie / Simple Abundance / Lights out 10:30
    17. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE

    You are NOT a bad friend! Totally understand especially with the occular migraines! So glad to hear you had a nice day I hope it continues and great work!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member

    Just for Tuesday, 12/10/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone. :smile:
    2. Eat breakfast :smile:
    3. Journal every bite :smile:
    4. Eat sitting down :smile:
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly :smile:
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water :frown: REALLY close! 10 oz short. MUCH improved overall though!
    7. Activity - 30 minutes 😉 10 consecutive min per Fitbit/ FitBit Steps 7,000+ 😄 8,866 / 250+ steps every hour 😄 11/12 hours! YES! <fist pump>/ Up & Down one floor of stairs x5 😄 x6 actually!
    8. Give myself credit :smile:
    9. Listen to this week's Half Size Me podcast :smile:
    10. Meditate - Calm or Headspace 😄 Calm app used at work when I suddenly felt a migraine come on, complete with aura. Helped me a lot.
    11. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority :smile:
    12. Prep for tomorrow, tonight 😄 Clothes, breakfast ready to pop in microwave and packed lunch. Pre-logged all food for everything except dinner.
    13. Bake banana bread and cookies for fund raiser at work Thursday 😄 3 batches for a total of 12 mini loaves - 4 banana nut, 4 banana chocolate chip and 4 plain banana breads.
    14. Unplug 7:00 pm (except for MFP) 😄 / Gratitude Journal 😄 / Dodie 😄 / Simple Abundance 😄 / Lights out 10:30 :frown: More like midnight. Paying for it today!
    15. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE 😉 Better than usual...only hit it once.

    Had a really GREAT day yesterday...one time in a row, huh? Go me! Hahaha! I'll take it! I feel re-energized to do this thing for some reason. Probably a combination of meeting with the H&W coach, reading Beck's Diet Solution and really following it, having my body and head begin to feel a bit better after concussion and body slam on black ice, and a bit less stress at work now that I know what my job holds in store.

    Don't have time to read and catch up right now again (so sorry! I feel like the worst friend ever!) but will try to hop on this afternoon and catch up a little bit while I take my walk.

    You had a fantastic day!!! Look at all those impressive smileys. So glad things are getting better for you. (((Hugs)))
  • Sofia_Alegria
    Sofia_Alegria Posts: 57 Member
    edited December 2018
    “Exercising Resistance muscle and give in muscle sabotaging” how true is that!!!!! Love it!

    You got this, I don’t eat breakfast everyday. I find the hunger easier to ignore in the morning than I find the snack attacks in the evening so I switch it up.

    The muscle thing is so graphic that it really helps me visualize the situation and that's helpful.

    Those snack attacks are my downfall! It’s so hard for me not to give in at night even if I’ve had a good dinner! It has become a HABIT and that’s so hard to break >:)

    BTW, you make some beautiful crafts. I’m a bit of a crafter myself I just wish I had more time for them. I’m waiting until retirement in 3 years to get out all my paper crafting and jewelry making supplies and start having the time of my life :p . Between work and house stuff I have enough on my plate; I try not to take on to much at once b/c I get overwhelmed easily and I’ve learned that it’s not a good place to be at.

    Take care and stay warm; it really must be cold up there. My windshield had ice on it this morning and this is supposed to be Florida ;)

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Finally, I mixed Marleys medicine with ice cream and the little bugger knew what I did.
    So I've just mixed it with 2 yoghurts to dilute it and shes eating it now.
    Mummy 1 - Marley 0
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT - Tuesday December 11
    2L of water - 🙂 2.25
    Calories in Green - 🙂 141
    Only 1 Evening Snack - 🙂
    5 something at bathroom break - 😕
    5 fruit/veggie - 3/5
    Walk 1 mile -😈
    Write in Journal - 😕 I was so tired, I forgot
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself! - 🙂

    JFT - Wednesday December 12
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    5 fruit/veggie
    Walk 1 mile
    Write in Journal
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself!

    I am tired!!! I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I could just sleep all day long. It’s been going on for about 3 weeks now. I hope it goes away soon.

    I have been trying to apply for my EI since Monday and I get through the whole application, hit submit and it says technical error. If it doesn’t work today I will get up early in the morning to be there when they open in the morning at an office. Hopefully it works today.

    Kaitlyn is supposed to come help do some painting and visit with us this week, I hope she comes today.

    Tonight the Grands will be here for supper.

    I think I remember talking about vitamin D with you? Are you taking any now? Sometimes a few doses to get my levels back up can help my fatigue, especially this time of you. Your EI problems sound just like here in the US, it's always something gone wrong!!! Hope it gets worked out for ya soon. Have a nice visit with the grands and hopefully Kaitlyn too :)

    I haven’t started the Vitamin D I really need to do that!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member

    Just for Tuesday, 12/10/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone. :smile:
    2. Eat breakfast :smile:
    3. Journal every bite :smile:
    4. Eat sitting down :smile:
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly :smile:
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water :frown: REALLY close! 10 oz short. MUCH improved overall though!
    7. Activity - 30 minutes 😉 10 consecutive min per Fitbit/ FitBit Steps 7,000+ 😄 8,866 / 250+ steps every hour 😄 11/12 hours! YES! <fist pump>/ Up & Down one floor of stairs x5 😄 x6 actually!
    8. Give myself credit :smile:
    9. Listen to this week's Half Size Me podcast :smile:
    10. Meditate - Calm or Headspace 😄 Calm app used at work when I suddenly felt a migraine come on, complete with aura. Helped me a lot.
    11. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority :smile:
    12. Prep for tomorrow, tonight 😄 Clothes, breakfast ready to pop in microwave and packed lunch. Pre-logged all food for everything except dinner.
    13. Bake banana bread and cookies for fund raiser at work Thursday 😄 3 batches for a total of 12 mini loaves - 4 banana nut, 4 banana chocolate chip and 4 plain banana breads.
    14. Unplug 7:00 pm (except for MFP) 😄 / Gratitude Journal 😄 / Dodie 😄 / Simple Abundance 😄 / Lights out 10:30 :frown: More like midnight. Paying for it today!
    15. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE 😉 Better than usual...only hit it once.

    Had a really GREAT day yesterday...one time in a row, huh? Go me! Hahaha! I'll take it! I feel re-energized to do this thing for some reason. Probably a combination of meeting with the H&W coach, reading Beck's Diet Solution and really following it, having my body and head begin to feel a bit better after concussion and body slam on black ice, and a bit less stress at work now that I know what my job holds in store.

    Don't have time to read and catch up right now again (so sorry! I feel like the worst friend ever!) but will try to hop on this afternoon and catch up a little bit while I take my walk.

    Just for Wednesday, 12/11/2018
    1. Read ARC's at the very least when the notifications pop up on phone.
    2. Eat breakfast 😄 Done
    3. Journal every bite
    4. Eat sitting down
    5. Be mindful and chew slowly
    6. Half my weight in ounces of water
    7. Activity - 30 minutes / FitBit Steps 7,000+ / 250+ steps every hour / Up & Down one floor of stairs x5
    8. Give myself credit
    9. Turn negative talk into positive talk both to myself and others): Not "I can't...: but rather "How can I..."
    10. Begin "Getting Started for the Final Time" (HSM)
    11. Meditate - Calm or Headspace
    12. Work Tasks - Top 3 priority (Prep for 3 meetings tomorrow: 1 with W /1 with PHQI / 1 for PMT)
    13. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    14. Bake pumpkin bread and applesauce bread for fund raiser at work tomorrow
    15. Run errands during lunch: Grab cookies from Festival / tablecloth for cookie exchange / Bank for cash envelopes for grands
    16. Unplug by 7:00 pm (except for MFP) / Gratitude Journal / Dodie / Simple Abundance / Lights out 10:30
    17. Up when alarm goes off tomorrow - NO SNOOZE

    So happy to see you back and having a good day!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    “Exercising Resistance muscle and give in muscle sabotaging” how true is that!!!!! Love it!

    You got this, I don’t eat breakfast everyday. I find the hunger easier to ignore in the morning than I find the snack attacks in the evening so I switch it up.

    The muscle thing is so graphic that it really helps me visualize the situation and that's helpful.

    Those snack attacks are my downfall! It’s so hard for me not to give in at night even if I’ve had a good dinner! It has become a HABIT and that’s so hard to break >:)

    BTW, you make some beautiful crafts. I’m a bit of a crafter myself I just wish I had more time for them. I’m waiting until retirement in 3 years to get out all my paper crafting and jewelry making supplies and start having the time of my life :p . Between work and house stuff I have enough on my plate; I try not to take on to much at once b/c I get overwhelmed easily and I’ve learned that it’s not a good place to be at.

    Take care and stay warm; it really must be cold up there. My windshield had ice on it this morning and this is supposed to be Florida ;)

    It really does paint a visual and it really is a habit. I was given a bedtime snack all my tears growing up and it’s a habit I really don’t want to break. I just have to make sure I account for it.

    Thanks for the compliment on the Crafts, hubby is amazing at wood burning and then I try to enhance his work. I papercraft too, I haven’t for a while because I can’t find my craft room but hope to get back at it soon. I actually bought cards for our parents for Christmas. Everyone will be shocked at that! I was shocked at the price! Sometimes you just want the sentiment that Hallmark says.

    It is hovering around 0 here this week and it’s lovely! What part of Florida are you in that you are getting frost?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Finally, I mixed Marleys medicine with ice cream and the little bugger knew what I did.
    So I've just mixed it with 2 yoghurts to dilute it and shes eating it now.
    Mummy 1 - Marley 0

    Poor little thing, hopefully she gets it in her and starts feeling better soon!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Finally, I mixed Marleys medicine with ice cream and the little bugger knew what I did.
    So I've just mixed it with 2 yoghurts to dilute it and shes eating it now.
    Mummy 1 - Marley 0

    Poor little thing, hopefully she gets it in her and starts feeling better soon!

    Yeah.. She didn't eat all of it, think she clocked on so im gonna have to go for the old fashioned force-feed!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Guess who I am tonight....

    The tooth fairy 😂
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    I think I forgot to put my weekly weigh in last week. It was a gain, but I've lost it again this week.


    This is my average over 7 days that I show in the excel sheet, if I go by just week over week since October 10th when the challenge was posted by @mytime6630 I have lost 4.2 lbs.