
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Did a cardio strength challenge DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do an extreme strength DVD. You know, in a way it was a bit of a challenge to get back to exercise after having been away for a few days.

    M – I highly doubt Denise would have wanted me to go to the mall with her and Pete. She wanted Pete to go. I asked Pete if we could go for a walk so I could get to know him. I really don’t know him much. Jess asked earlier if she would like them (she and Colby) to go with her (this was another time), she didn’t – she wanted Pete. Even Pete said to Denise “your sister is reaching out to you”. Why didn’t I sit downstairs with Denise? Because I was busy in the kitchen. You have no idea how many times I asked her to help us!

    We have a Newcomer board meeting today. I made mini-muffins to take with me for the gal who reserves the room for us.

    Heather – I remember many years ago I was supposed to go for a biopsy (I think it was) of my breast. I know that it was my mind, but I swear my breasts hurt. Everything was fine, the MD was just being cautious, but it was my mind that had me feeling pain.

    We had the Newcomer board meeting today. It went fairly well. But it seems that Adra was saying that by the end of January we’ll have the “new directory” brought up to date. I have no plan whatsoever to find out who is not on the new directory but is on the old one, nor do I wish to input those names especially since the old directory has so much more functionality and I don’t see why we’re doing away with it. I think Adra thinks that it’s “breaking down” because Greg told her so. It’s not….now for me to convince her of that. Well, it probably won’t be until at least the end of January, but then I’ll be gone most of February.

    Steve just left. I thought he was going back to PA but he’s going down to FL.

    Today is not going to be a very good day, eating-wise. I know that I’m going to be trying to finish some things up. Like I got Krispy Kreme donuts, I got some that I like but I didn’t know if Pete liked, so I’ll be finishing up the ones that he didn’t eat. Ones that I know Vince will eat, I won’t bother with.

    You know, the other day Jess said something about how Shadow might be going back with Colby. Not sure where that was coming from. To my knowledge, he’s still living with the guy who smokes and she previously didn’t want her cat exposed to that. What surprised me was how I felt. I’ve grown fond of that cat. I’ve gotten to where I know her, what she likes, etc. It just surprised me how I felt. Another thing that has me concerned is how much change she’s putting that cat through. First she (Shadow) lost Jess, then she lost Colby because she was living with him but Colby moved so Shadow came to us, then she losses us??? But maybe I’m being concerned for nothing

    Pip – I’m sure you have this problem, too. I’m on the small side and one of the things that can be uncomfortable is when I stand next to that machine, my ribs are in the way, they want you to stand so close

    Jerseyport – welcome. So glad you decided to jump in. I see you are in Maine, what significance does the “Jersey” in your name have?

    Thinking about Lenora. Anyone hear from her lately?

    Well, the last of the goodies are gone (I think). So tomorrow continues even more healthy eating.

    Yvonne – I don’t like to make my muffins those real big ones. I like the mini muffins

    Michele in NC
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited December 2018
    bwcetc wrote: »
    I have to share about one more thing about finances because I think she handled it brilliantly! My Mom was a stay-at-home-mom ... very normal for the time period and my Dad was the breadwinner. Dad (89) was (and still is) a phenomenal budget-er using the envelope method. He had an envelope for groceries, mortgage, vacations, medical, etc. And he had an envelope budget for my Mom that he called "allowance." My Mom hated the thought of getting an allowance as an adult and had no problems telling my Dad so. He insisted she take the money and do whatever she wanted with it. He told her to burn it if it made her happy. It was not intended to buy clothes or anything she needed -- he took care of that with other envelopes. So she saved it and then she invested it. She currently has a substantial amount of money invested in IRAs and other investments. No longer contributing to those funds at the age of 86, and still getting her "allowance," she stuffs the pockets of unused clothing items (which is going to cause me a major headache someday). My Dad never meant any harm and my Mom did handle all the bills and household finances once the envelopes were taken care of! LOL!

    Welcome Jessica!


    How wonderful. That's all I ever wanted. Respect for doing an important job -- raising children and maintaining a home. Instead, I was criticized for being a feminist and wanting a career and then labeled a free loader when I tried a mother and home builder lifestyle. I couldn't please. Just one of the reasons that we are divorced.

    Loads of respect to your parents.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.56min, 11.9amph, 138mhr, 1.5mi= 78c
    TREADMILL jog- 29.30min, 9.34min mi, 6-7sp, 137ahr, 149mhr, 3.08mi= 298c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.17min, 131mhr, 16.8amph, 1.4mi= 61c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.12min, 12amph, 117ahr, 144mhr, 148c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.04min, 9.48min mi, 148mhr, .5mi= 65c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.27min, 9.34min mi, 147mhr, .4mi= 51c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.56min, 7.8amph, 144mhr, 2.5mi= 180c

    total 881
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Yesterday’s and today’s ornaments

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited December 2018
    <3Machka Stop studying.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Janetr, I never tire of seeing your before and after pictures. You look beautiful and happy in both pictures.

    I’m still contemplating my word for 2019. My word for 2018 was purpose, but somewhere along the way I lost my focus. Maybe my word for 2019 will be Focus.

    My mother had her follow-up appointment with her PCP today. I made the appt and made it with the dr rather that the PA she saw at the beginning of this mess. When the nurse asked her to give a urine sample, I asked for a blood test as well to be sure the white count was back to normal. She said, “but we won’t be here for the results.” Now common sense tells me that it is common practice to test the blood after a sepsis diagnosis to be sure the bacteria is gone from the blood. I persevered and calmly asked for a blood test when the doctor came in. We got one, at the hospital lab, and got the results today. Mama said the nurse said, “Be sure and tell your daughter everything was normal” when she called with the results. Do I feel bad for insisting they do their job? No! I do not. I don’t care that they think I was demanding. I also told the doctor that I didn’t think they should have ever sent Mama home when she came in two weeks ago, and that they should have done a blood test then. She did not go totally south in 4 hours. She was already septic and dehydrated when the PA saw her and sent her home with a pain pill prescription. The nurse ( who I don’t like in case you can’t tell) said, “well there’s only so much we can do in the office.” Well, last I heard, they can still write orders for blood tests and kidney scans, neither of which they did.

    At any rate, she’s fine now, still weak, but recovering. I was washing her dishes today when I heard a noise in the other room. She was vacuuming!

    My Christmas decorations are up, but I still have some shopping to do. I should finish that tomorrow. I’ll clean house on Friday and then start cooking. I’ve told Mama I plan to do all the cooking. It’s going to be stressful enough to have the meal at her house.

    I’m starting a new weight loss Bible a Study tomorrow. Weird time, I know, but I’ve got to get focused and tomorrow is when the group starts. It’s a private FB group. It’s what works best for me.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Good morning everyone! <3

    Icing the Christmas cake today, tidying up and a bit of cleaning, some food shopping. Need to Blutak the Christmas cards to the door frame and doors. :D
    This coming weekend is the hectic one, with a quiet Christmas.

    Rori - Just wanted to give you a great big (((HUG))).

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,468 Member
    <3Machka Stop studying.


    I'm allowed to take a sheet of paper in with as much writing/drawing as I can get on the sheet of paper ... so that's what I'll be doing tonight. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    morning ladies~
    I didn't sleep well last night I tossed and turned most of the night..today I have to grocery shop and laundry and have to go into work for about an hour or so and help the doc deliver a few cases,he went to the Dominican Republic on vacation, isnt that nice... after dumping us ...oh well like I said Dr Pandey is very nice and it will be a different experience having him as our boss..
    Kay~my grandmother was late 80s and getting just a tad bit wifty and there skin is so thin , the dog scratched her leg and it wasn't healing, mom would clean and bandage it every day, but finally took her to the PCP.well they had a resident look at her and said oh she needs the hospital she has gangreen, so luckly my mom picked me up and we both went with her, they admitted her and we got her to the floor she needed to be on, and Bless her heart.. she started yelling saying you can't keep me in this prison and she tried going down the stairs etc... she was a little sprite of a woman , but it took a nurse and 2 orderlys to get her in a chair and sedate her..meanwhile my mom and I are in tears.... so we get her in her room and the surgeon comes in and looks at it and says oh this can be taken care of at home..let me tell you.. thats when I went off, not on the poor people at the hospital not there fault but at the resident Dr, I sent a certified letter to the Chief of residency and demanded an apology to my grandmother, from the resident Dr, and to put a mark in her chart so when she graduated it was a tarnish, never ever put a elderly person through that... and all hospital bills taken care of..
    My grandmother got a call from both the Chief of Residency and the Dr, and no bills where ever sent, but my dad had to carry her into the house, and she was so out of it she peed herself poor thing...
    let me tell you I was hoppin mad..but glad my grandmother got the apology she deserved..
    sorry for being so long winded... will check in later.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Good Morning!

    I thought this was very interesting. Not all neurodiverse people meet the criteria for autism. There truly is a spectrum!

    Karen in Virginia
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    edited December 2018
    Rori and Lanette ... I ordered a DNA kit for my son for Christmas. He has been very interested in knowing his heritage as mine is only through social work reports and not particularly reliable (adopted as an infant). There's also a supposed family American Native lineage that we're looking to verify. Although I did some reading about these Native American "stories" that are passed along in families ... often an exotic cover-up for unacceptable relationships of that time period. We questioned the loss of privacy with DNA sampling, but went ahead with it anyways. I had DNA testing done for medical reasons over 20 years ago (and only chose to learn about the condition being questioned). Nothing bad has happened to my privacy in over 20 years and I doubt that anything substantial will happen within mine or my son's lifetimes. I suspect I give up more privacy posting on this forum than would be found from choosing DNA testing from a reputable provider. I chose LivingDNA for my son as it has a larger data base for the British Isles which we believe may be a part of my heritage and therefore his. I purchased both the mitochondrial testing and the Y-chromosome testing. He'll be able to follow my maternal line and his father's paternal line in addition to the information provided by the other 22 chromosomes. He's not interested in connecting with new family so we didn't look at sites that provide connection services.

    Kay ... you have no apologies necessary for what you did for your mother. I have to do this repeatedly for my older son with his health difficulties. And nurses and medical personnel wouldn't get snarky if they did their jobs thoroughly. Since they are so overworked, they should be thankful that there are family members overseeing care.

    Janetr ... I love your before and after pics too!

    KarenNY ... it is surreal to see your baby grow up!

    Karen VA ... Interesting pictorial information ... hmmm.

    Gotta run! Today is son's 21st birthday!!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • JerseyPort
    JerseyPort Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the welcome! I love seeing before and after pictures; inspirational, they make me think I can do it, even though it feels like, at 66, if my metabolism were an animal, it would be a turtle, or maybe even a slug!

    Exermom, I grew up in New Jersey, hence the Jersey in my username. I have lived in Maine for 35 years, and love it here, but totally own my Jersey roots.

    I like the idea of monthly resolutions. Here are mine for What remains of December: At least 30 active minutes on my Fitbit every day; stay within my calorie goal at least 5 days a week.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member