Over 60 still trying



  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    I've started this journey on Oct. 28th and as of this past Sat. Dec. 15th have lost 11 pounds. I weigh myself once a week on Saturdays and I am just so happy that I am actually losing some weight. When you think about it...11 pounds....that's a bag of potatoes that I have unloaded. This time it doesn't feel like i am dieting...just eating normally but limiting my carbs and portion control. I do believe keeping track of every morsel that goes into my mouth is the difference. It seems that a pound a week is coming off... which is OK... as my 1st goal is to get rid of 62 pounds and then from there more. My worst time has always been snacking in the late evening...no matter what good intentions I have...they go out the window once I start. This time I am curbing those urges and it seems to be working by having 3 squares of 90% cocoa dark chocolate bar. I bite of little pieces and because they are so bitter yet give you that satisfying chocolate fix by rolling around in your mouth. Keeps me busy all evening and I am satisfied. 3 squares is only 180 calories and 3 net carbs. Does anyone else do this or have any other ideas for those nightly urges. Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you Ann.......some good ideas. Keeping your hands busy is good...maybe will do my crosswords instead of just watching the tv doing both will keep the mind busy as well as the hands. LOL Always good to have several options available. Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    I've started this journey on Oct. 28th and as of this past Sat. Dec. 15th have lost 11 pounds. I weigh myself once a week on Saturdays and I am just so happy that I am actually losing some weight. When you think about it...11 pounds....that's a bag of potatoes that I have unloaded. This time it doesn't feel like i am dieting...just eating normally but limiting my carbs and portion control. I do believe keeping track of every morsel that goes into my mouth is the difference. It seems that a pound a week is coming off... which is OK... as my 1st goal is to get rid of 62 pounds and then from there more. My worst time has always been snacking in the late evening...no matter what good intentions I have...they go out the window once I start. This time I am curbing those urges and it seems to be working by having 3 squares of 90% cocoa dark chocolate bar. I bite of little pieces and because they are so bitter yet give you that satisfying chocolate fix by rolling around in your mouth. Keeps me busy all evening and I am satisfied. 3 squares is only 180 calories and 3 net carbs. Does anyone else do this or have any other ideas for those nightly urges. Mary from Ontario, Canada

    Well done on the weight loss. I agree - logging is key for me - no restrictions - just make the calories and macros work.

    Re: late night snacking - I struggled with that in the past. I did intermittent fasting for a while - ate in the 2pm to 10pm window. Then I could have the evening snacks I liked without exceeding my calorie limit. As I progressed, I have found other foods that work with my plan and so don't snack as much.

    As you know, the Lindt 90% bars are great for a late snack - there is always some chocolate stashed in the freezer at my house. I also like to make "ice cream" by freezing a protein shake. Add a little chocolate syrup for a 200 calorie late night treat. I also like jerky or salami if I want something spicy or salty.

  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Your stories/examples are very encouraging, keep sharing! While a relative youngin' at 56, I've lost 50+ lbs (twice lol) using MFP......1500 net calories a day eating what I like, and run/cycle 3 times a week. Count, stay committed, and you'll get where you want to be

    Welcome, @runbowlfish.

    Agreed. The community here is great. The support and encouragement helps me stay on track.

    I've also read a lot (too many) of those "lost the weight, then gained it all back" stories. I could tell a couple of those stories about myself, before MFP. Here I've learned that if I just log my food everyday, I will not gain back any significant amount. It was too hard to get here to backslide very far.

  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    I've started this journey on Oct. 28th and as of this past Sat. Dec. 15th have lost 11 pounds. I weigh myself once a week on Saturdays and I am just so happy that I am actually losing some weight. When you think about it...11 pounds....that's a bag of potatoes that I have unloaded. This time it doesn't feel like i am dieting...just eating normally but limiting my carbs and portion control. I do believe keeping track of every morsel that goes into my mouth is the difference. It seems that a pound a week is coming off... which is OK... as my 1st goal is to get rid of 62 pounds and then from there more. My worst time has always been snacking in the late evening...no matter what good intentions I have...they go out the window once I start. This time I am curbing those urges and it seems to be working by having 3 squares of 90% cocoa dark chocolate bar. I bite of little pieces and because they are so bitter yet give you that satisfying chocolate fix by rolling around in your mouth. Keeps me busy all evening and I am satisfied. 3 squares is only 180 calories and 3 net carbs. Does anyone else do this or have any other ideas for those nightly urges. Mary from Ontario, Canada

    Well done on the weight loss. I agree - logging is key for me - no restrictions - just make the calories and macros work.

    Re: late night snacking - I struggled with that in the past. I did intermittent fasting for a while - ate in the 2pm to 10pm window. Then I could have the evening snacks I liked without exceeding my calorie limit. As I progressed, I have found other foods that work with my plan and so don't snack as much.

    As you know, the Lindt 90% bars are great for a late snack - there is always some chocolate stashed in the freezer at my house. I also like to make "ice cream" by freezing a protein shake. Add a little chocolate syrup for a 200 calorie late night treat. I also like jerky or salami if I want something spicy or salty.

    Oh what a great idea of freezing the protein shake....I have them as a breakfast as an alternative for eggs. Yes...the Lindt 90% are the best...funny as the 70% is not as satisfying as the 90% even though it's like having a piece of chalk in your mouth. LOL My friend belongs to a group in our town called TOPS ( a support group) and they are big advocates of logging your food intake and say it really works and I believe in it. Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Hoping you all enjoyed Christmas. Now onto the New Year and new highs or lows!
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    We had a lovely Christmas and hope the new year is healthy and everyone meets or comes close to meeting their goals. Have to share a product my daughter introduced me to.... Shiratake noodles. They are pure fibre and if your following a low carb programme actually have "0" carbs but nutrition label must put something down so they put 4 gms. and only 15 calories. I have read that people said they are slimy and smell fishy but if you rinse them in water and infused with lemon juice and drain them well and put them in a dry frying pan and move them around for a few minutes to dry off.....you can keep them in the frig and use them as pasta and add them to soup etc. I tried them and loved them (no smell...no slime) and they are so filling the half cup is more than enough. So I am going to add them to soup tomorrow and see how that tastes. Has anyone else had them and what have you done with the noodles? I would be interested to know.

  • DebKing52
    DebKing52 Posts: 15 Member
    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    mprocyszyn wrote: »
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    I've started this journey on Oct. 28th and as of this past Sat. Dec. 15th have lost 11 pounds. I weigh myself once a week on Saturdays and I am just so happy that I am actually losing some weight. When you think about it...11 pounds....that's a bag of potatoes that I have unloaded. This time it doesn't feel like i am dieting...just eating normally but limiting my carbs and portion control. I do believe keeping track of every morsel that goes into my mouth is the difference. It seems that a pound a week is coming off... which is OK... as my 1st goal is to get rid of 62 pounds and then from there more. My worst time has always been snacking in the late evening...no matter what good intentions I have...they go out the window once I start. This time I am curbing those urges and it seems to be working by having 3 squares of 90% cocoa dark chocolate bar. I bite of little pieces and because they are so bitter yet give you that satisfying chocolate fix by rolling around in your mouth. Keeps me busy all evening and I am satisfied. 3 squares is only 180 calories and 3 net carbs. Does anyone else do this or have any other ideas for those nightly urges. Mary from Ontario, Canada

    Well done on the weight loss. I agree - logging is key for me - no restrictions - just make the calories and macros work.

    Re: late night snacking - I struggled with that in the past. I did intermittent fasting for a while - ate in the 2pm to 10pm window. Then I could have the evening snacks I liked without exceeding my calorie limit. As I progressed, I have found other foods that work with my plan and so don't snack as much.

    As you know, the Lindt 90% bars are great for a late snack - there is always some chocolate stashed in the freezer at my house. I also like to make "ice cream" by freezing a protein shake. Add a little chocolate syrup for a 200 calorie late night treat. I also like jerky or salami if I want something spicy or salty.

    Oh what a great idea of freezing the protein shake....I have them as a breakfast as an alternative for eggs. Yes...the Lindt 90% are the best...funny as the 70% is not as satisfying as the 90% even though it's like having a piece of chalk in your mouth. LOL My friend belongs to a group in our town called TOPS ( a support group) and they are big advocates of logging your food intake and say it really works and I believe in it. Mary from Ontario, Canada

    I'm going to try freezing the protein shake as well. I'm an evening snacker, and LOVE chocolate, so that would fit the bill!! Also, logging my food intake is key for my weight loss too. Good luck everyone!!
  • DebKing52
    DebKing52 Posts: 15 Member
    rkggerlach wrote: »
    I'm 60 and still tryin as well. It is hard to stay motivated. You should just pay attention to how you feel when you eat better. I know that if I eat "clean" for a week, my body just really feels better. I hope this helps!!!! Keep going at it. I'm with you!

    When I cut out sugar "for a while" last year, I felt sooooo much better!! It really motivates you to eat better! Good luck and keep at it everyone!! :)
  • DebKing52
    DebKing52 Posts: 15 Member
    olancorrie wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm 64 and trying yet again. Let myself go the last 3 years, and now am so uncomfortable with all the extra pounds. I joined WW just last week to help me get started, motivated and be accountable. Not convinced that the point system is for me, probably because I've been a calorie counter for so long. I'll try to reconcile the two. I'm glad to find people in my own age group. I can't really identifý much with younger people anymore. Hope I can be of some inspiration to you, I already feel encouraged by just having found you all.
    Have a great day

    I like the idea of finding folks my own age too!! It's so encouraging to hear all the stories and get some new ideas. I too am very uncomfortable with the extra pounds. Need to lose about 40 lbs! :/ But I know I'll feel so much better if I just do it, and MFP really seems to help!! Good luck, and Happy New Year!!
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Debking52....welcome. I tried freezing the protein shakes in ramikins but didn't enjoy them that way so I am going to buy some of those popsicle forms and freeze them in those. They were tasty though...almost like those Fudgsicles you can buy. Yes your right about our age group aleast we can relate to each other and our health issues. I am trying the low carb way of eating and keeping to portion control but finding the posting of my food as really helpful and much easier on this site as it does the figuring out for you of calories and all the rest. I am hoping to get through Christmas and new year...so far no gain and no loss. Today going to make a pot of the "diet soup" remember that one...but going to add some simple meatballs to it and those Shiratake noodles to hopefully be a filling but low carb meal. We have no snow on the ground here but it's cold and that wind is nasty......just came back from walking our little dog and we both walked very briskly...the dog yes...me not so much. LOL Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    edited December 2018
    Here's a couple of protein powder "ice cream recipes". I've made the first one - works well for a protein rich evening treat. Found these in the "volume eaters" thread. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10563959/volume-eaters-thread/p1

    Elven Toad's protein powder ice cream recipe

    Eat it immediately, I do not freeze. If you think it makes way too much for you, just halve the recipe next time but yeah.. its a lot!

    I don't remember her exact amounts but here's mine in the order I add to the blender:

    65mils of sugar free pancake syrup (17 cals)
    145 mils of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (18 cals)
    tiny splash of imitation vanilla extract (2 cals?)
    8 drops of liquid sucralose (0 cals)
    entire tray of ice cubes

    Blend all of that until the ice is crushed up, scrape down the sides of the blender with a spatula.

    Add 28g of Quest salted caramel (100 cals)

    Blend on high for 1 minute. Stop and stir a little, and scrape down the sides of the blender again. Blend for another 10-20 seconds. Once it rises and thickens really nicely its done.

    And the second one. I have not tried this one.

    Protein powder ice cream

    If you have a blender you can make protein ice cream, one serving fills a giant mixing bowl.

    60 ml sugar free maple syrup
    120 ml unsweetened almond milk
    30g protein powder (recommend chocolate or cookies n cream)
    Entire tray of ice cubes
    3g xanthan gum (add last)

    Add everything to the blender except the xanthan gum and let it go on pulse or high for 2-3 minutes until your ice is completely crushed up and you see an ice cream texture. Then add the xanthan gum and go another 20-30 seconds or so on low. I've found that if you over mix the xanthan gum you will get more of a whipped texture than an ice cream texture.

    Pour into your giant mixing bowl and squeal in excitement at how much ice cream you get to eat :D
    Top with more syrup and a few crushed up cookies or pb2.. whatever you have the calories for.

    150-160 calories depending on PP used and topping.

  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    edited December 2018
    Here are some links to other threads and groups of "seasoned citizens" on MFP.



    Add me as a friend if you like. I am online most days. Always ready to share support or encouragement.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Hi, all! I turned 57 this month. I've been on MFP for a number of years and have lost 55-60 pounds, but I need to get back on track.

    My doctor would like me under 120 pounds. Currently, I keep going up and down between 130 and 135. It's time to break this pattern! :)