

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :)Penny, Thank you for describing what you wear for jogging. I don't jog, but walk two dogs on leashes and carry a small flashlight. Keeping my hands warm on the coldest days has been my biggest challenge, but because of holding the leashes I have to have thinner gloves. Fortunately there are no animals a few people out in the early morning when we walk, so it's easy to keep the dogs under control and I can hold both leashes in one hand from time to time and put the other hand in my pocket for awhile.

    :)Margaret, I recorded the 2000 New Year's celebration so I could watch the new year come in around the world. I remember that very fondly.

    :) Later today I'll start the new thread for January 2019. Today is a good day to reflect on the year that is ending and get ready for a clean slate on January 1.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,336 Member
    Been out for my run with DH walking beside me. :D<3

    In a moment we are going to attempt to roll out the croissants. Hard work! Barbara - I really need him, not only for the measuring and cutting, but I need his brute force for the rolling!

    I'm wearing my new running top I ordered with a voucher from my DDIL. I bought a size up and it is slightly too big, but it's quite nice to have something not too figure revealing if you are just popping out for a pint of milk. It covers my b.. It's turquoise.

    Penny - You are doing so well. I'm sure I would not have the discipline to go out in your temperatures. Bravo for sticking at it. <3
    Today was grey, but very calm. Two paddle boarders out on the sea and a canoeist. Very mild.

    Love to all. My word for 2019 is FORWARD! I have been a bit of a miserable grinch in the last week, so I am going to adopt a better attitude. :DB):p

    Nice to think of the world slowly turning and welcoming in the New Year at different times. Thanks Machka!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Rebecca – don’t you just wish that things that are important to you would also be important to your kids? Like I know that the rocking chair I have reminds me so much of my father. Yet, it hurts in a way to know that it doesn’t mean anything to the kids and when I’m gone they’ll just get rid of it.

    Tracey – Vince was asking me about a Cricut. See, I’ve never used one. I know one lady who used it to make cards. Can you give me a better explanation of what it’s used for?

    Michele in NC

    My Mother gave my Grandmother’s two rocking shares to people outside of the family. My brother and I were very upset when we found out she had done it. I have many great memories in those chairs. She had them in her kitchen all my life. I now have pictures that bring back the memories.

    A Cricut is a cutting machine and single line printer. A lot of the popular signs and writings on mugs, water bottles, etc are made using a Cricut by cutting vinyl. I will be using it mostly for cardmaking and scrapbooking. My Granddaughter’s 3rd Birthday is Thursday and her Mom is planning a Princess themed party later in the month. I am going to attempt to make this decoration for the party. I’ll post a pic.
  • gzteach
    gzteach Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, Penny, I’ll never complain about the cold again! Ditto on the kudos for your commitment.
    Matchka, Happy New Year! Still 13 hours to go here. I’ll be staying in (again) this year. Sounds like most of you, besides those on the west US coast will see the new year before I do.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    Penny - I am so intrigued by your life near the North Pole. I took my Christmas decorations down yesterday and was feeling very down last night without the lights. I have some of those little lights that I kept out of the Christmas totes in case my daughter wanted to use them for her wedding this summer. I may throw them in some cases, what a marvellous idea! I do not have the discipline you do for getting outside in the Winter. I so admire you.

    Machka - happy new year to you and your husband!

    Heather - it is so nice that your husband works with you on all of your tasks.

    I’m sure there was more I wanted to comment on, but I’ve forgotten. I am at the doctors office waiting to be seen. I was expecting to have my first EI payment deposited today, but it isn’t there. I am praying it is there tomorrow as I need to buy some groceries and pay rent. I also fear we need to buy a new car battery. If the car sits, even plugged in, for a day it needs to be boosted. This is quite the pain.

    When I’m done at the doctor I am heading home to clean my craft room.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,515 Member
    edited December 2018
    Happy New Year Machka, may it be a year of healing, restoring, and enjoying life.

    Surprise! This morning weighed in at .2 lb LESS than mid October's lowest weight so far this year. Probably a fluke but I'll take it. :devil: Have been wrestling the same 3 pounds and getting discouraged. Took a look at the yearly chart and see that over all I've met the Dr.'s goal of a pound a month (just barely). Whew!

    Thinking about goals, intentions and word for the year. Carrying over the goals, aiming to better the percentages. "BETTER" keeps popping up. Better choices, better use of time, better attitude, all aiming to feel better. Only problem is the odious comparison, the implication that who I am now isn't as good as the next person, just not good enough period. Maybe "GOOD" should be the theme. Good choices, good use of time, good attitude, taking 5 minutes to do just one thing to feel good. Hmm...

    Welcome back Bianca. So sorry to hear of the operation's complications. Is there a second opinion/option to repair the damage from the first? Happy New Year!
    Penny, used to love making clove studded oranges, thanks for the reminder! Love the Advent star and led light vase, also the glass polar bear. How do you protect your face from the cold?
    Carol, what was on the menu at Grandma's Restaurant?
    Allie I too am going to a New Year's Eve party at 5, an hour of line dance class, a potluck then dancing to maybe 9? :laugh: What wild and crazy gals we are! On your recumbent already? Brava!
    Michele, I'm making a variation of your Christmas Tree appetizer for the above potluck. Puff pastry instead of pizza dough, pesto and parmesan instead of spinach dip. Any hints on twisting the boughs? Wish me luck!
    Rita con VERY gratulations! Well done!
    Tracey WOW that is one lucky princess granddaughter!
    Rori 9 inches from waist, tummy, hips? What a healthy improvement, you ROCK!

    Dear gals, what Rori and others have so eloquently said. Grateful for you and love you.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 21/30, 60 g protein 21/30, rx/vits 23.5/30, meditate 24/30, knee exercises 24/30, SWSY UP 0/8, SWSY LOW 0/8, core 0/8, play with Tumble 12/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 17/30.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Make Up Your Mind Day!

    "This day is set aside to encourage us to quit wavering, to take a side, to follow through with a decision and stick to it. As New Year’s resolutions go, this may be the day to decide which ones to declare. Been hesitating on making some decisions? Make Up Your Mind Day is the incentive to make a choice."

    Tracey - Amen to the blue light! Our wireless router is in our bedroom, and I've been lobbying for Philip to relocate it because the tiny blinking blue lights are enough to disturb my sleep. In the meantime, I covered it with a box.

    Pip - Rocky looks so regal in that photo! The tiara is nice but I'm sure the cape is what put it over the top.

    Okie - The big HEB in Round Rock didn't have Hatch chile, but the one at Lakeline next to where Philip works did. He brought me a tub of hot green chile so we're in business for green chile stew, just in time for another cold front. I think next fall when the local groceries have their chile roasting specials, I'll stock up on fresh-roasted creen chiles for the freezer.

    Lisa - I love the idea of "punt night!" Philip doesn't cook much, and I woujld enjoy a night off now and then.

    Michele - I've been thinking of investing in a Waterpik. For some reason I just have a hard time getting my hands in position to floss. I do it every day, but I'm not sure I'm as thorough about it as I should be. I think a Cricut can cut any kind of paper, vinyl, film, etc. My sister bought one to cut out the pieces for all the paper flowers we made for my niece's wedding.

    Rebecca - Yesterday's Suki was just totally in the moment!

    Penny - When you described your jogging attire all I could think of was Ralphie in the movie "A Christmas Story," bundled up so thick he couldn't put his arms down! Do you have to take off layers as you go? When we lived in New Mexico we'd head out all bundled up to go crosscountry skiing in 0 degrees, and after 15 minutes of skiing we'd be down to long-sleeved t-shirts and thin silk longjohns.

    Machka - Happy New Year!

    It's been clear for a long time that I'm having a hard time "making up my mind" to do what I know I need to, so I've started trying some different things to see what might help with my motivation. Today I'm on my third day of "Nooming." So far it has been a steady stream of reminders without feeling like nagging. The only thing is I have to track my meals there too so I'm doing it twice. Also, they want you to weigh every day, and the calorie goal is a little low to be realistic. (It looks to be around 1200 calories a day, but they do let you eat back exercise calories so we'll see.) I'm going to stick with them for the duration of the 14-day trial and see how it goes. Maybe it'll give me the jump start I need.

    Wishing all of you success in your challenges and comfort in your struggles in the coming year. You've been a source of inspiration to me and I'm grateful for you!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    My December goal was to eat less sugar, no processed foods, no fast food (only 1 salad from Zaxby's), and only 1 meal out at a sit-down restaurant per week. I was successful at no sugar up until Christmas Eve and did well on the others, although not perfect. Much better success than I would have had if I had not had those goals!

    My goal for January 2019 is to exercise at least 20 minutes per day. I have the recumbent bike in the living room as a reminder to do it. When it's nice out, I'll walk Ollie (our foster Schnauzer) as far as I can with my knee and if I have to quit before 20 minutes I'll finish the time on the bike.

    Reflecting today on this past year: my youngest son bought his first car on his own, a 2016 Kia Soul and paid cash, he accepted an offer in SC as an Electrical Engineer, and is doing well; my oldest son received a promotion to a department he's wanted to work in for a year or so, good pay raise too; my DIL finished her master's 12/17 and accepted a full-time position teaching at the community college she worked at part-time; my job ended in July when the hospital we managed was bought by a company who did their own billing-took a part-time job at Vanderbilt, didn't work out and then accepted dream job that I work whatever hours I want either in my home or at bosses' home office which allows me to be a member of the local Bible Study Fellowship study each Wednesday; we were able to visit Florida where I had a good time with family and friends and DH's family and three days at the beach; paid off all our bills including hubby's car, our home, and a large credit card bill for helping with DH's mother's funeral.

    It was a good year - no major health issues for immediate family, DH's father is being cared for by DH's sister and they are doing well, financial blessings for my children, and marriage still going strong after 33 years. God is good!

    Happy New Year, everyone! May 2019 be the years for success in our healthy goals for each of us. <3

    Bonnie in Nashville TN
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    Just got home from the doctor, my chest pain is a twofer. A viral infection that inflames the chest wall and inflamed muscles from the way I was sitting while crafting. No meds except Advil, take 2 three times a day to get the inflammation down and Voltaren.

    I am not surprised by the crafting causing an issue. I suffered from shoulder pain for almost 20 years and was diagnosed with tendinitis, when it got so bad in 2012 I couldn’t lift anything I went to physio turned out to all be posture related. I got that all fixed and within a couple years had overcompensated and had locked my hips up. Fixed that and started having lower back pain. It seems I have overcompensated yet again. I really should have listened more to my Grandmother as a child when I was told to sit and stand straight. I remember her trying to teach me by having me balance a book on my head while doing homework.

    I’m finishing a coffee and then going to clean my craft room!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    Barbara AMHOD - that castle isn’t mine, it is a picture of what I want to make. When I get mine done I’ll post a picture.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Read somewhere that when someone offers you a treat you are trying to avoid it is better to say no thanks I don't eat sugar rather than no thanks. When you add the I don't it makes it clear why and helps as a reminder to you. Hopefully they are less likely to pressure you, too.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Barbara - I would be happy to share my beer cheese recipe, but I don't follow one. It is more a method, pretty much how I cook everything. Baking, I follow recipes, cooking, not so much. To make my beer cheese, I make a rue with butter and flour (a couple of T of each) and then add some garlic powder (so no one is biting a chunk of garlic if they don't like garlic), worcestershire sauce, hot sauce (whatever you like), spicy mustard and cook it a couple of minutes. Then I add a beer and let it warm up and make a sauce. Then I add cream cheese and melt it in. Then I add whatever cheese I feel like adding, today it was mozzarella (it melts good), colby jack, a bit of parmesan (too much and it clumps up) and some smoke gruyere. Today's turned out good. I blanched some broccoli and cauliflower to go with it. I will heat it up and heat up some soft pretzel bites just before we go tonight. The shrimp are smoked and chilling along with he cocktail sauce. The fresh pork butt is smoking as we speak (the party host shot the pig last week and brought us a pork butt to smoke for the party). I will probably drink water, but I have a bottle of cranberry wine chilling in case I decide to imbibe.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Ladies is it possible to insert a video clip in a post. Got a feeling you can't but not sure.
    4.5 hrs to go to Spanish NY then celebrate Brit NY hour later. Happy New Year to our gals in Southern Hemisphere.

    Kate UK <3