JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Yesterday felt like a day of non scale victories for me. A couple of points where in the past I might have said sod it and written the day off but instead I rejigged things and stuck to the programme.

    I started off up early to work out but I had a lot of prep to do for the dinner party so was running out of time. I went back upstairs to have a power sleep but then realised I had enough time for a good run instead. Managed over 4 miles and felt great! The rest of the day was hugely hectic which helped me stay very low calorie which allowed me to really enjoy the dinner without any worry. Thinking of balance I allowed myself a v small slice of cake as well! And sent guests home with leftovers so no temptations tonight!

    Thursday goals recap
    - up early. Clear away washing up, set table for dinner party, ice cake ✅
    - Morning workout ✅ 4 mile run instead 😄
    - Water!! ✅
    - Run home lunchtime for car ✅ double run day! 🤪
    - Leave straight after pensions meeting ✅
    - Dinner party - stay mindful. ✅ Read 2019 goals beforehand ❎ didn’t have a chance to read goals but I remembered them and managed to do the below - huge nsv for me
    - Enjoy socialising without guilt - balance!! ✅

    Friday goals
    - morning workout
    - Put away all the dishes, glasses etc that I washed last night ✅
    - Leave early to go to training session
    - Phone at 1pm for GP appt for daughter
    - Confirm play date arrangements
    - Hot yoga if it doesn’t clash with GP appt
    - Early night

    Happy Friday everyone! X
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    JFT 1-16-19

    JFT 1-17-19

    Log it all :)
    Drink all the water :)
    Write in my paper fitness journal :)
    Tackle more dishes (oh the fun of Tupperware...) :neutral:
    Get those stand/stretch times in at work :smile:
    Treat myself kindly :)

    I didn't do quite as much of the standing as I'd wanted but I did it more often than usual so I'm calling it a win.

    JFT 1-18-19

    Get the garbage out.
    Log all my food - stay in the green today!
    Drink 96oz at least of water.
    Stand and stretch every* hour at work.
    Find a healthy lunch for the day.
    Get a good sleep in since it's the weekend!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    2 days in a row of being over, 3 total this week. I need to definitely be more mindful of that! The good news is my rum cake I brought back from Barbados is now out of the darn house! LOL
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,487 Member
    JFT Fri 1/18/19
    Drink Water
    Avoid the doughnuts at picketing
    Hour exercise
    Finish last box in office, clear table, bulletin board
    Make turkey burritos
  • appletospare
    appletospare Posts: 17 Member
    Have been good this week and not been over my set calorie intake yet.
    I’m going on holiday though, which usually means more food, but since it’s sporty, I hope it cancels each other out.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :neutral: One small yoghurt extra
    - Be in the green :smile:
    - 4 bottles water :smile:
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - Exercise DVD :smiley:

    - No eating whilst standing :smile:
    - Savour every bite :neutral: Until dinner when I was hungry!!
    - Monitor fullness after each meal :neutral: Again, until dinner
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving :neutral: Didn't really come up
    - Give myself credit! :smile:

    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - 2+ of French podcast, article, book :smile:
    - Read Beck Diet Solution :smile:
    - Log sabotaging thoughts :neutral: Didn't really have any that I remember. Still haven't caught up on last week though
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights out by 11 :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Make and stick to food plan
    - 3+ bottles water

    - No eating whilst standing
    - Savour every bite
    - Monitor fullness after each meal
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving
    - Give myself credit!

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - 2+ of French podcast, article, book
    - Read Beck Diet Solution
    - Log sabotaging thoughts
    - Gratitude journal

    2019 words: Mindful Moderation

    Current calorie balance: Forgot to check, think about 250 in the red - had a deficit yesterday which made some calories back
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 18 January

    January water challenge
    Log as accurately as possible
    Stay close to green
    Walk before work
    Aim for Fitbit goals

    Meal out with colleagues tonight so may well be in the red and not have enough time for excercise
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,572 Member
    Checking in from Thursday
    1. Therapy exercises. Feed cats. Meds. Tea! Log 1 item. Post JFT by 7 AM. Enter grades.
    2. Before school: Update class websites. Check on lab 4th Friday. Call CVS to get refill.
    3. Class 1-2: Touch on WLGs. Prep phrases affecting S/V agreement.
    4. Planning: A - Duo. Therapy exercises. Update unit 1 plans week 2 and print. Help from PF with marking grammar. B - Grade reflections while at duty. C - Enter grades. Draft essay. File extra papers. New Jim Crow 49-96. Blog post. Visit B. Check on PF classroom for Friday. Write out References for reflection essay.
    5. Class 4: Touch on WLGs. Grammar: Plural possessives. Story: Tuesday. HW: Bullying; plural possessives.
    6. Review assessments. What is my purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    7. PICK UP REFILL. Check in with PT and sign forms. Zumba 5:30. Put the rest of the laundry away. Portion chicken and beef.
    8. Update Goodreads Friday.
    9. Therapy exercises. Prep Fri lunch: Saag. Chop celery. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 5:50.

    JFT Friday
    1. Therapy exercises. Feed cats. Meds. Tea! Log 1 item. Post JFT by 7 AM.
    2. Before school: Update class websites. Enter late work. Email JM about PF 3rd? Print rubrics and checklists for essays. Sign for door. Email attendance about lab day.
    3. Class 1-2: Collect HW and PRs. Write extended scene. Print and proofread; print and proofread Laws essay and summer project. HW: Get a challenge book.
    4. Planning: Pre - Duo. A - FINISH ALL PLANS AND PRINT. B - Grade work at duty. C - Blog post. Visit B. Enter grades. Check essay requirements and get sources; update reference list.
    5. Class 4: Touch on WLGs. Collect HW and PRs. Return work; set up binders. Review POV. Basics of prepositions. Provide checklist. Type alternate-POV story.
    6. Review assessments. What is my purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    7. Zumba after school. Read NJC. Update Goodreads. Check recipes; update grocery list. NEED TO GET MEDS. Portion chicken.
    8. Therapy exercises. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Thrift store Saturday? Call parents.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    Today: 190.0

    Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
    1. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac. Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding.
    2. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Regular: needs practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me).
    3. Connect standards to assignments and include them in titles and in gradebook and lessons.
    4. Develop writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts.
    5. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Barn order: stapler, pencil sharpener
    6. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up. Apr 22 McC. Need sub. Call to set up checkups with Dass (October). GET MAGAZINES FOR COLLAGES FROM DOCTORS.
    7. Take recycling to center. Wash car.
    8. Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Can poetry unit be condensed?
    9. Go to used bookstore and look for Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), On Writing (Stephen King), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, Harvey Mansfield, or Robert Adams). Check on alternate translations for The Prince.

    Woke up well before the alarm, but I knew I hadn't made lunch for today and if I went back to sleep it'd take awhile to GET to sleep and then I'd be rushing around trying to get ready in time. So I just got up. Now I'm just about ready to go and I have some time to get a few late papers graded and entered and maybe make some headway on my lesson plans.

    I haven't done any blogging in weeks and I'm out of saved posts. I have GOT to get one written today. It's just hard on top of everything else. If I do everything I have to for work and I exercise and I do the bare minimum of housework (clean laundry, getting some kind of food in me) there's not a lot of time or oomph for anything else.
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Friday
    1. Log all food
    2. Spin class
    3. Meditate twice
    4. Drink 150oz water
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,932 Member
    JFT - Thursday Jan 17th
    2L of water 🙂
    Calories in Green - 😈😈 over by 800+
    Walk 1 Mile - - 🙂 not purposely though
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 4/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 😂😂 this is how I ended up over
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂 all but twice
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. -😕

    JFT - Friday Jan 18th - Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    Well yesterday was a good day for activity and getting things done. It was a terrible day for eating. I didn’t eat until almost 2 in the afternoon and by that time I was starving and had McDonalds. It wasn’t even that bad, I shared the fries with Michaela and threw out half the coke. I made 1/2 a frozen pizza for myself for supper. Thin crust. Then hunger attacked! I just felt hungry all night and nothing seemed to satisfy. I tried some healthy options first, then had my usual snack which put me over but that still left me hungry so I had bread and peanut butter.

    Oh well, today is a new day and yesterday is past.

    Hope everyone starts feeling better soon.

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    2019 JFT Words For The Year

    @cory17 Consistency "Slow and steady wins the race"
    Consistency: firmness of constitution or character : persistency; steady continuity

    @Sofia_Alegria Consistency. This takes a lot of focus on the target, which leads to victory.
    Consistency: firmness of constitution or character : persistency; steady continuity

    @newdaydawning79 Determination. This word will move you right along your journey!
    Determination: a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult.

    @HEGoddard0928 Discipline That's the most popular word so far...three of us have chosen it
    Discipline: restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

    @ZizzyBumble Methodical Great word---takes some focus and planning!
    Methodical: done according to a systematic or established form of procedure. I think this word calls for
    some synonyms! Well thought out; planned; disciplined

    @clicketykeys Climbing! Julie Andrews burst out in song in my head! "Climb every mountain...!"
    Climbing: Moving to a higher position; to go upward with gradual or continuous progress

    @Faebert Balance. Ahhh...this is something so many of us continue to strive for. And when we reach it we have so much peace around us.
    Balance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. (love "correct proportions")

    @Bex953172 Discovery! That word demands an exclamation mark!
    Discovery: Finding something unexpectedly during a search; the act of becoming aware of something

    @AJB1014 Driven I like the words found in the definition...relentlessly compelled.
    Driven: relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal; very hard-working and ambitious.

    @mytime6630 My Word for the Year is also DISCIPLINE! I thought it was perseverance but discipline kept demanding to be heard and I finally just gave in and said, Okay, Okay! Have your way!
    Discipline: restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

    @PackerFanInGB Tenacious conjures up all kinds of word pictures. Steely eyes, bared teeth, almost snarling, lol!
    Tenacity: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired

    @slittlemeister A two-fer for you this year! Mindful and Moderation These are very strong words and are very active words.
    Mindful: Aware. (In other words, "taking every bite captive!"
    Moderation: in a way that is reasonable and not excessive

    @snowflake1968 Your word for 2019 is Determined. That is extremely powerful.
    Determine: Firmly resolved (love the part "firmly")
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,572 Member
    Thank you so much for that encouragement, @toaljasa!
  • Fitatelo
    Fitatelo Posts: 180 Member
    January 17th:
    -Stay in the green 👍
    -Go for a 2 mile run 👍
    -Call the Drs office 👍
    -Hydrate a lot 👍
    -Shop healthy for the week 👍

    January 18th:
    -Get to the gym
    -Stay in the green
    -Finish all laundry
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Thursday, January 17:
    Feeling lousy--cold symptoms, so only chicken noodle soup, orange juice and crackers today. Didn't calculate calories.
    Exercise: 10 minute walking in the house
    Water: 2 cups
    Keeping it simple!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,619 Member
    edited January 2019
    Recap R 1/17
    1) X-trained (weights/circuit) before work 24 min. = happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 8,149 steps (don't always get as many when I x-train), 250+ steps 13/14 (lost track of time at work) & 26 floors :neutral:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / lunch at desk during webinar / net calories zero / 14c water = Ack! After choir, Return of the Snack Attack of Veggie Crisps straight from the bag! >:) Did guesstimate for logging: net calories -808 >:) , sodium -79, sugar -14, fiber & protein good (thanks to crisps so maybe I needed, just not so many) & 12c water :| Good or bad days, I analyze to see where I need to make changes.
    4) Evening: choir 6:30 :smiley: / to-do list :smiley: lots done on computer at home
    5) Unplug 9:00 :( see above / floss :s / retainers :s / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:20 :s (treadmill before work F)

    JFT F 1/18 ~ This morning, I switched early (workout) alarm to late (get up for work) alarm... skipped morning workout, again. *sigh*
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    2) Need to prelog lunch & supper / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Evening: mail citrus order / laundry / read Sunday ads / other?
    4) Unplug 10:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / NO alarm (yay), bed & tv off 11:00 (winter market Sat. a.m.)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Fitatelo wrote: »
    January 17th:
    -Stay in the green 👍
    -Go for a 2 mile run 👍
    -Call the Drs office 👍
    -Hydrate a lot 👍
    -Shop healthy for the week 👍

    January 18th:
    -Get to the gym
    -Stay in the green
    -Finish all laundry

    Excellent!!! Keep going!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Yea! It's Friday!

    Let's purpose to be mindful this weekend. Some of us have gained momentum this week in losing weight, having constraint, coming in at green; others of us have struggled, slipped, due to illness or emotions and then there are those of us who have remained steadfast without nary a budge on the scales (Me! Me! Me!)

    The next three days come around every week! Let's be mindful and purposeful this weekend. Determine that instead of 4 cocktails or beers, 2 will do. Instead of eating that dessert in one swoop, cut it half and have the rest the next day. Instead of 2 cheeseburgers, have 1. Instead of a huge bowl of ice cream, choose a small bowl and be satisfied with one serving.

    You are the BEST motivator!!! Thanks -- needed to read this today!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    2019 JFT Words For The Year
    @cory17 Consistency "Slow and steady wins the race"
    Consistency: firmness of constitution or character : persistency; steady continuity

    @Sofia_Alegria Consistency. This takes a lot of focus on the target, which leads to victory.
    Consistency: firmness of constitution or character : persistency; steady continuity

    @newdaydawning79 Determination. This word will move you right along your journey!
    Determination: a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult.

    @HEGoddard0928 Discipline That's the most popular word so far...three of us have chosen it
    Discipline: restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

    @ZizzyBumble Methodical Great word---takes some focus and planning!
    Methodical: done according to a systematic or established form of procedure. I think this word calls for
    some synonyms! Well thought out; planned; disciplined

    @clicketykeys Climbing! Julie Andrews burst out in song in my head! "Climb every mountain...!"
    Climbing: Moving to a higher position; to go upward with gradual or continuous progress

    @Faebert Balance. Ahhh...this is something so many of us continue to strive for. And when we reach it we have so much peace around us.
    Balance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. (love "correct proportions")

    @Bex953172 Discovery! That word demands an exclamation mark!
    Discovery: Finding something unexpectedly during a search; the act of becoming aware of something

    @AJB1014 Driven I like the words found in the definition...relentlessly compelled.
    Driven: relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal; very hard-working and ambitious.

    @mytime6630 My Word for the Year is also DISCIPLINE! I thought it was perseverance but discipline kept demanding to be heard and I finally just gave in and said, Okay, Okay! Have your way!
    Discipline: restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

    @PackerFanInGB Tenacious conjures up all kinds of word pictures. Steely eyes, bared teeth, almost snarling, lol!
    Tenacity: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired

    @slittlemeister A two-fer for you this year! Mindful and Moderation These are very strong words and are very active words.
    Mindful: Aware. (In other words, "taking every bite captive!"
    Moderation: in a way that is reasonable and not excessive

    @snowflake1968 Your word for 2019 is Determined. That is extremely powerful.
    Determine: Firmly resolved (love the part "firmly")

    Thank you for putting these together! Kind of cool to see them all spelled out. We've chosen different words but the majority have very similar meanings! :smile:
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,572 Member
    I got my blog post written! Now to get all of my stuff out of the lab and back to the room and enter grades AND AND AND!!! ugh it never ends... but I guess I should think of that as job security? XD
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
    J4T | Thursday:
    Drink more water than yesterday. :)
    Journal every bite :)
    Half my weight in grams of protein :)
    Activity: 30 minutes cardio / FitBit Step Goal / 5 flights of stairs up & down :( I don't even know why I said this one. It was evening and there was no way I was going to get 30 minutes of activity in anymore. :smile: I did hit my step goal though!
    2 svgs fruit / 3 svgs veggies :frowning: Fruit :smile: veggies
    Prep for tomorrow, tonight :)

    J4T | Friday 1/18/19
    1. Drink more water than yesterday. Ultimate goal is 90 oz.
    2. Journal every bite
    3. Half my weight in grams of protein
    4. Activity: 30 minutes cardio / FitBit Step Goal / 5 flights of stairs up & down
    5. 2 svgs fruit / 3 svgs veggies
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    7. Bed early so I feel good tomorrow to take Kelly to birthday brunch. We're going somewhere I've never been before and have always wanted to check out, so I'm pretty excited. Her twin brother can't come since he is working. I cannot believe how old my babies are getting to be!!!

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    I got my blog post written! Now to get all of my stuff out of the lab and back to the room and enter grades AND AND AND!!! ugh it never ends... but I guess I should think of that as job security? XD

    And And And, Wow! You are like the energizer bunny!!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
    I got my blog post written! Now to get all of my stuff out of the lab and back to the room and enter grades AND AND AND!!! ugh it never ends... but I guess I should think of that as job security? XD

    You AMAZE me! I'm exhausted just reading your list! You go, girl!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I got my blog post written! Now to get all of my stuff out of the lab and back to the room and enter grades AND AND AND!!! ugh it never ends... but I guess I should think of that as job security? XD

    That is one way of looking at it!

    An ex colleague of mine said something similar: 'it feels like I've always got tons i need to do but the day I don't is the day I don't have a job anymore'..... I think there's a lot of truth in that!
  • appletospare
    appletospare Posts: 17 Member
    Sat in the car for travelling, but didn’t snack. Ate half of my pizza at a restaurant and drank lots of water. Good start of the holiday. Hope there will be healthier dinner options for vegetarians the rest of my holiday.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Awww, thank you all SO much for encouraging me! It really does matter. I'm going around checking on students as they work and in between answering questions I've got a clipboard of student work that I'm evaluating as I go. WHEW. Getting in lots of steps today too, hahaha!

    Please, sit down and have a cuppa tea! (The British way haha)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Sat in the car for travelling, but didn’t snack. Ate half of my pizza at a restaurant and drank lots of water. Good start of the holiday. Hope there will be healthier dinner options for vegetarians the rest of my holiday.

    Well done! they're things that alot of people can find difficult! you sound so in controll of your eating!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    I got my blog post written! Now to get all of my stuff out of the lab and back to the room and enter grades AND AND AND!!! ugh it never ends... but I guess I should think of that as job security? XD

    So proud of you!!!