Men & Women in their 50s starting anew in 2019!



  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited January 2019
    Thanks, @tensquaredlives! I'll check out that page.
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    edited January 2019
    What is an exercise hack that helps you get through a workout?
    While walking, I really enjoy listening to audiobooks. While swimming laps, I just get bored and keep going.

  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    skf1201 wrote: »
    You all seem to be positive and encouraging to each other. (I'm in.) I enjoy reading your posts. I find myself taking 2 steps forward then 10 steps back which starts the negative thinking playing again and I find myself in my old eating patterns. This cycle has gone on my entire life and I want to break free from the negative bond I have with food. I want to view food as fuel to make me a healthier version of myself. I've gone thru eating disorder years when I weighed 100 lbs (I'm 5'7") to where I am now which is 60 lbs over weight. I look forward to being part of a group that will help make 2019 different from the rest. :)

    Welcome. We all struggle in different ways...we are here to cheer you on!
  • MountainTopMom
    MountainTopMom Posts: 65 Member
    What is an exercise hack that helps you get through a workout?
    I keep a spreadsheet. Yep, I'm one of those, lol. I like filling in the blanks.
    I read the forums if I'm on the treadmill.
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    edited January 2019

    teriseaton wrote: »
    @PartyPerson funny how easily the tests/challenges come along. Yesterday I was so
    "]@PartyPerson funny how easily the tests/challenges come along. Yesterday I was so strong and feeling powerful about the new, out of my routine, started at the

    Don’t let it undermine a whole day or was one meal. Just get back on track! You got this
  • PartyPerson
    PartyPerson Posts: 116 Member
    @teriseaton and @poscur - I agree, one meal doesn't ruin a diet. There was some research a little while back (can't remember when) but it found that a lot of diets fail because of "fatalism". That is "oh I went over my calories a bit so I might as well eat that cake now" or "I went over once, so my diet is finished." Where as "naturally" thin people think oh I over ate - better be really careful tomorrow to compensate. When we can change our all or nothing thinking is when we get the win.

    Today will be a better day.

    “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ~Thomas Jefferson
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    It's a new day; what is everyone's challenge for today? I am terrible at meal planning and do not have anything planned for dinner tonight. Lack of planning is where I get in to trouble because then I eat what is quick and easy.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi Everyone
    This seems like a great group! I’m in Colorado and the yo-yo Queen👑! Ok, time to shed another 25-30 for good.
  • ellenecoxcox75
    ellenecoxcox75 Posts: 37 Member
    solieco1- where in Colorado? I'm in Saguache County! Let's do this!
  • Jenn112358
    Jenn112358 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in :)
  • Slider678
    Slider678 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey All-
    Big week 3 weigh-in, in the morning. Wish me luck I have had a rough week but I am determined. Glad to be in such a vibrant and supportive group!
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to all the new members. It is a great supportive group! @Slider678 hope you had the results you were hoping for...and if you didn't, just get back up and keep going!
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    Good luck @Slider678!!! Hoping for some negative numbers for you. And thank you for the initial post that started this great group! :)
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited January 2019
    solieco1- where in Colorado? I'm in Saguache County! Let's do this!

    Hi Ellen - Colorado Springs!
  • MountainTopMom
    MountainTopMom Posts: 65 Member
    solieco1 wrote: »
    solieco1- where in Colorado? I'm in Saguache County! Let's do this!

    Hi Ellen - Colorado Springs!

    Hello Coloradoans! I'm up the hill from you, @solieco1 ! I'm in Florissant. <waving>
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi all, I'm in! I enjoy these groups with interaction from the "older" folks. I'm 56, but most days don't feel it -- been on MFP since 2012, and though I only want to lose a few lbs./maintain -- I've let exercise slide a bit lately so I'm getting back at it!
  • ellenecoxcox75
    ellenecoxcox75 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone else from Colorfull (Brisk!) Colorado
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    Hi there. Steve from Idaho here. 64 years young. Have lost about 45 pounds - working on the last 20.

    See a few folks from my friends list posting here. Hi, @LynnJ9, @BonnieHosk85 and @Sparkle1098!

  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    teriseaton wrote: »
    It's a new day; what is everyone's challenge for today? I am terrible at meal planning and do not have anything planned for dinner tonight. Lack of planning is where I get in to trouble because then I eat what is quick and easy.

    I had 2 challenges today. I had a conference with a working lunch and the restaurant they chose had no items that would fit in my diet... not even salads. I brought 2 power bars and blueberries and just drank a diet coke.
    Then I had to go back to work for a community barbeque and open house for our families. Again, I was able to only eat the low calorie meal I brought and avoid the hamburgers, potato salad, chips and cookies.
    Why does all social and work events have to center around food?
    Knowing tomorrow is my weigh in helped me be strong.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    Hi there. Steve from Idaho here. 64 years young. Have lost about 45 pounds - working on the last 20.

    See a few folks from my friends list posting here. Hi, @LynnJ9, @BonnieHosk85 and @Sparkle1098!

    Welcome! This is a great group!
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited January 2019
    Welcome, @Guy6583! Glad to have you with us!

    Glad to have you with us, @solieco1! I love Colorado!!

    Hi @vern159, same story here. I’m determined that 2019 will be the year I reach my healthy body goals!

    Hi, @Jenn112358!

    @Slider678, where do you weigh in? Congrats on the loss!

    Glad you’re with us, @beachgal0626! This is a great group you’ve joined.

    Hi, @ellenecoxcox75! Welcome!

    @PartyPerson, what a great goal to keep your thoughts positive. And props to whoever cleaned out the dishwasher!!

    Hey, @alteredsteve175! Glad you’re here too. You’ll love this group! What an encouragement you are to me!!

    Welcome, @TonyB0588! Glad you’re with us! Congrats on those steps!! Amazing!

    @LynnJ9, congrats on the great loss. Your dedication is inspiring!

  • PartyPerson
    PartyPerson Posts: 116 Member
    @TonyB0558 I think those steps would kill me - are there at least some Sherpas half way up or a base camp? Great achievement!
    @LynnJ9 Brill result - keep it up

    Welcome to anyone I've missed, been a tricky day today and so I'm off to bed for a bit. Wake me up in a week or so.