200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    No time to read - in laws arrive in 90 minutes - house has had some sort of monster inside throwing things everywhere and creating dust and bits on the floor, no food prepared and mountains of washing around (just back from camping) and what am I doing - I'm on here making sure I can find you lovely ladies again (priorities eh!!!!!!!).

    WIll catch up with reading later - hope you all well


    oh - all my plans re shred - didn't account for DVD player giving up the ghost - ugh
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Okay, I promise to catch up with everyone as soon as I have a free moment to do something other than lurk, but I just wanted to post quickly and say HOLY COW, Nava, that would be AWESOME!!!! London is my most favorite city that I've ever visited (so far). I'm crossing and double crossing my fingers for you!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Nava, that is an amazing opportunity, and I wish u the best!! Just remember that while it may not have worked out (and may not still) u are obviously an asset to ur company fOr having been chosen in the first place...that means u rock! I can understand ur friend's perspective, but like I told my daughter, who hopes to one day live in Japan, that just gives me somewhere else to visit without having to pay for a hotel. You have to talk her into the benefits ;-)

    Good luck!!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Nava, how amazing! That sounds incredible. I hope everything works out for you!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm on the phone with my Dr's office to get an appt with a new OB for hormone testing, annual exam, etc...they are booked up until freaking October. Good grief.

    Annette - I have a monster that makes my house look like crap too. I was going to clean up after it this weekend but decided not to.

    Kerry - the zombie race looks like fun!!

    Nava - I'm SO glad to hear the the boyfriend is all about going with you to London, that makes your decision so much easier right?! I'm totally jealous of that opportunity. I'd love to do something like that.

    Karen - new work out toys totally help me stay motivated, so I don't blame you for that one bit. I like that you've got exercise stuff planned for the whole of a month..and am glad to hear that the girls buttcheeks are fairing better than they were.

    rain - I totally understand you on the cleanses. I have a cousin who is always doing a cleanse or something similar. Her hair is brittle and dull, her skin is sallow and grey and she has no energy. Its not a good look.

    Hailie - it depends on what kind of college you are attending. Community Colleges will often allow people with a BA going to school for their MA to teach. Then there are grad students at Universitys who often do more teaching than the Professors, so the Professors can do their research.

    Amy- I will have to take a look at the protein donuts...my dad loves donuts and can't eat them anymore because he is nearly diabetic and I am always looking for things I can put in my kitchen for Gracie The Constant Snacker who is always hungry and always needs something to eat.

    Sarahwnt - One day off is not a big deal, hope you enjoy it!

    megan - yeay for having fun golfing...uh oh the drunk texting. LOL.

    So I am trying to get back on the WL Train today. And out of this funk I am in. Got my lunch packed with a ton of extra food so I have adequate snacks for the day. And I brought my work out clothes, I think I am going to be brave and hit up a bike path on the way home so I can walk/run this afternoon. The goal is 3.25 miles and to beat the 55 minute timeline I did Saturday.

    My husband turns 36 Wednesday. And I need to plan my daughters Sept 10th birthday party..so need to hit up target for card for Jeffy and invitations for G's party this afternoon. Oh and dog food.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Annette: Sometimes I'm really glad my in-laws live in another country. I hate preparing for family visitors. Good luck.

    Kerry: Your comment about me being "smart and handy to have around" made me feel super-good - thanks!!

    Nava: I am crossing all my fingers and toes for you to get the job in London. I love London, it's a great city. Is the job actually IN London or is it somewhere near London? Your friends and family will eventually get used to you not living near them. With Skype and Facebook, we're able to maintain contact with all of our friends in the States.

    Karen: Consider me cracking my whip! Get up to the gym and check out the equipment, you've come too far to get apathetic on us now. (and...I:heart: U)

    Kristina: Hiya lady!

    Kendal: I'm glad your podiatry bill is lower than originally thought - it still sux to have to pay that much though.

    Pam: I've been at this for over a year and I STILL get uber-pissed when my weight jumps up during my TOM and I have to spend 2 weeks getting it back to normal so I can continue losing. I don't think I'll ever be ok with it.

    rain: That cleanse sounds really, really unhealthy. Yuck.

    So I'm gonna vent for a minute, please feel free to tune out if you so desire. The Hubbs is applying for a course for work that would be 3 months long..in D.C. Now, I'm cool with the deployments and the TDYs (as they are mandatory) but I am having a harder time with a voluntary 3-month long class. In January. That means that I get to shovel all the freaking snow every day and night by myself (on top of doing everything else involved when he's gone). And I KNOW that sounds whiny and selfish. It's just that he's been gone SOOOO much in the past 18 months and me & the Kid are left here with no friends or anything and everything seems to go wrong when he isn't around (police at my door, neighbors crashing into my car, bank accounts being drained). I don't deal well with stress and it's hard for me to see this as anything but him trying to stress me out for no good reason. (and, yes, I DO know that's crazy) And now I'm done.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy, that blows. can you and the kid come to the states for a month or something?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    We could but we have 2 dogs and a cat that would need homes for the time we're gone. I have a lady that will watch one dog (she isn't sure about the new dog yet) but only for a week or 2 and she couldn't watch the cat at all. And, as I mentioned before, we know NO one here so it's not like I can ask a friend or 3 to watch my animals for me. So it sucks.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Thanks, ladies!

    Amy, our office is actually near Gatwick Airport (like a 10 minute walk from the Gatwick train station/terminals), but most expats that work there live in or around London. I've already been amusing myself at work trying to guesstimate what my housing allowance would be, and playing with apartment locator sites in London. I googled which areas of London are best for American expats, and you wouldn't believe what it suggested: Notting Hill, South Kensington... all the REALLY EXPENSIVE areas to live in that no normal person could dream of affording. I think I'd like to shoot for something in Greenwich. Mostly because I'm a nerd and I love that the Prime Meridian runs through there and they have an awesome observatory and all that. (yes, I've been there)

    Also, I'd go nuts too in your situation. Like Lacey said... any way you could go over with the hubbs for a while?

    Lacey, having Joe say he's up for it is what made me accept the job. I seriously don't know what I would do if I had to choose between him and an amazing opportunity like that. Hopefully it all works out. I have these fears that he's going to back out if it actually happens... but he keeps saying "when are we going already?!" haha
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, just saw the response to Lacey... nm.

    Are there any like... social groups for American expats over there? Groups for kids and for you? It's not fair that you guys don't get to have any fun social interaction.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Anvy ~ (((hugs))) It's totally not whining! I have gone through many deployments with my husband and the voluntary stuff is much harder. I know he has to do things to make himself better and able to promotem but I just feel like it should be done during all of the manditory time. Winder is def harder because of snow. I HATE snow! I'm sure though you are one tough cookie and you can do it. I / we are here to help you.

    Let me just say: I WANT CHOCOLATE......NOW! But I am going to try some water, and gum first. Then I may have my chocoate protein bar if that doesnt do the trick. This also means that TOM is right around the corner and I smell a big fat water gain! Damnit, men have it so easy.

    My son started soccer this weekend, his kindergarten orientation is tomorrow, then he starts school next Wednesday.... I'm a hot mess. Why do they have to grow up so fast? I feel like I just brought him home. He told me the other day, "mom, when I grow up I'm not going to live wit you anymore." :cry: WHAT! Um no you are living with me forever. Bless his heart though, he said I'll stay with you mommy if you need me to. Love my little man soooooo much!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    holy crap balls! That took almost 2 hours to catch up to everyone's posts. I love you all so much though. I've been in such a BLAH mood lately, on the verge of giving up weight loss altogether, but you ladies have inspired me to keep going. It sucks that I stopped working out for 3 months cause now I am starting from scratch again and it's terrifying. Completely terrifying.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Completely off topic, but as I stare at my nuked weight watchers chicken parm, I can't help but notice that the pile of spaghetti is way bigger than the tiny little piece of chicken. Something feels terribly off about that.
  • jennifer0626
    jennifer0626 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi girls. I am new here. Hope I can join in. I'll share my story and goals soon. Just wanted to say hello to start!

  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi Jen.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Jenn w.: Welcome to the group! Tell us a bit about yourself.

    Nava: That's cuz the spaghetti is cheap and the chicken is more expensive and they care about making money. (and they're lame) About the groups here: I don't know about expat groups but there is a homeschooling group that I'm getting involved with. They have a picnic getting to know you thing in September. I tried to get involved with this other homeschooling group in the area when we first started homeschooling but they were WAY to religious for me. (I'm not opposed to religion but this was a bit of over kill for me) Other than that, we've had Gabe in sports ever since we got here so he's had some activity with other kids. We're starting him with the German soccer team in our village this season to give him a bit more of a challenge (the Americans really aren't very good at soccer, which pisses The Kid off hardcore) so hopefully he'll make more friends in our area. Now that we have 2 cars, it should be easier to go to functions but with one car it was impossible. I was just b i t c h i n g - thanks for your concern and suggestions.

    Rikki: My kid is the exact opposite, he's told me on several occasions how he's never going to move out of my house.

    Kendal: Don't you dare give up on weight loss!! You are awesome and you can do this. Yes, it sucks to be laid up with an injury and you are going to have to ease into working out but YOU. CAN. DO. IT. And I'm gonna be right behind you doing the same damned thing (once I can walk again).

    Lacey: There is no "try" - you are back on the weight loss train today. You can do it. You are awesome. You are gonna feel so strong after your walk/run. Dedicate you walk/run to me, cuz I would seriously give anything to be able to run right now. When The Hubbs takes the dogs out for a run, I get all choked up and petulant. So run for me. Do it.

    My TOM just started so I am using that as my excuse for whining. Also, I have a bug bite on my ear and that sux.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Nava-London just sounds so cool! And awesome that the B/F is willing to just go with you! :happy:

    Amy-totally reasonable feelings. I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose, but yeah, can it not wait til he's been deployed somewhere a little more Amy/G friendly? :o) And I :heart: you too! I got on the exercise bike thingy (it's one of those that has you half laying down, so my abs kinda hurt along with my legs) so I feel like I'm back on track! Though I had cake. And M&M's. But a SMALL piece & just a few!! :o) And I WILL run tonight darn it! Don't want the whip hitting me! :o) :noway:

    I think part of my issue was just a lot of the stress from Mellie/House stuff. Now that all of that is gone, I'm struggling to get my motivation back. Esp knowing I'll have to start packing up my whole house! I know that's going to be a workout in and of itself! But I'll do it! Really! You'll all keep me going! :drinker:

    Kendal-you can't quit! If I can't, you can't, so you can't! :bigsmile: Did that make any sense?! Hee hee!

    Welcome Jen!! Even if you don't make it into the challenge, stick around til we flip over to the next one!! Tell us more about you! Goals, story, kids?, job, etc! We love new friends! :flowerforyou:
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Weigh-in from Friday... 234.2 Grr... up from last week, but down from 237.0 earlier this week.

    I haven't touched my computer in almost a week, basically because I didn't have to. I sometimes have to take these little vacation from technology. Unfortunately, I've also seemed to take a break from eating well and exercising. :grumble: I've been thinking of all the ladies here and have no excuse not to get caught up tonight as I've agreed to work for one of my co-workers that has decided she is tired of the BS as well. So, 8 hours all alone with my computer means catch-up time with y'all! :tongue:

    Hope your Mondays are going well.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Jenn- welcome!

    Well, ladies, I told you I would post!

    There's no way in heck I'll be able to respond to everyone, but I did at least skim all the posts I missed.

    So life's been pretty hectic for me. Work was super busy last week and Thursday, after a hellacious day, I flew out to Philadelphia for an all-day meeting on Friday. Slept like crap, as I don't do well in hotels. the meeting was pretty intense. It was originally supposed to be a kick off meeting for our 4 studies, but it turned into a much higher level discussion of the topic, so my brain was a bit fried trying to pay attention to what everyone was saying and taking good notes. I was definitely ready to go home that night, but my flight was canceled due to weather, so had to spend another night in a hotel and had a 6am flight Saturday morning, so I slept like crap and had to get up extremely early. Completely threw off my sleep cycle, so my weekend was just not long enough. I was just feeling tired and blah-y. Haven't really exercised since last Wednesday (day 3 of insanity), and the eating was craptastic. Didn't log. I'm horrible with moderation. But I'm doing well today. Will insanity it today when I get home (pure cardio- shortest vid, but my least favorite) and my calories are pretty much on point.

    My friend's wedding is only a couple of weeks away. I'm not where I wanted to be weight wise. I got the 2 dresses from ideeli.. I got them in a 14, which was what I was prior to my gain, so I knew they would be tight/wouldn't fit. The one is super cute, but snug, so I can't wear yet. The other just doesn't look right on me so I'm returning. Just bought another THREE dresses other places online in hopes of finding one that works. We'll see.

    Thinking about all you ladies!!

    Will post the chart either later tonight or tomorrow morning. I haven't weighed in since mid-last week (when I was down a bit). So I'll either pass or take the gain.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Nava: I want to be you!! London is awesome. I totally get Joe's reaction, though. When my Joe was looking for work, we thought we were moving to Texas in January, Las Vegas in April, Boulder in June, Orange County in July, etc. It was really hard to say, "Yes!! Let's do what's best for you!!..." when all of my friends and family are in Vancouver, Washington. All. of. them. But, I knew that Joe's work supported us and it would be a great opportunity, so I said..."Let's go." He never knew my concerns until he got the job in Beaverton (only 25 minutes from here.) I fell to pieces, finally, because the stress of moving my kids and away from our family, church, and friends was terrifying me. So, talk openly with Joe about it and make sure he is telling you the whole truth...it will make you both feel better.

    Amy: That is not whining. It is totally acceptable to feel alone and over-worked with The Hubbs gone all the time...and then to take a voluntary assignment back home and you not able to go...wow. I would freak out. I am prayin' for you, girl. I think you're pretty amazing.

    Rikki: I keep a dark chocolate bar in the fridge for that very reason. It is the only junk food in the house. Also: sugar free hot cocoa does the trick sometimes...except it's August...so you may not want hot cocoa. :)

    Kendal: I am so proud of you for starting again -- even if it is from scratch. There is no sense in getting down on yourself...you just start where you are and go from there. I think you're a rock star and I can't wait for your excited posts about how great you're doing.

    Hallie: I loved attending a community college before going to University. I paid community college prices for the same classes I would be paying university prices for and was able to do it cash. No student loans for me, sister. You may not believe me, but you DO NOT want to be paying for your school after you're done. I promise. :) So, settle in and get as much done as you can at the Community College level so it is that much less money out of pocket.

    Kerry: I am so glad you had fun and good weather. You are so cute!! Your personality totally comes through your posts!! I love reading them.

    Well, for me, I got a surprise day off from The Monsters. Their mom is an on-call Dental Assistant for Kaiser and she was cancelled for today. Can I just say, I cried this morning from relief when she stopped by to tell me.

    I spent the entire day on the couch yesterday, eating. Once I finally posted on here about my laziness, I got up and did Level 1 and Level 2 of the Shred. I couldn't stand it. I felt better after.

    We have out of town guests coming the first week of September for 10 days. So, I have to clean my house top to bottom and stock the freezer/fridge. I am so grateful for my day off today so I can tackle one or two rooms. My house stays pretty orderly, since I am a SAHM, but I have to do things like: move the bed and obliterate the raccoon-sized dust-bunnies, touch up the paint on the door jams, and clean out the tracks in the windows, (you know, where all the insect die...) I have already taken down all of the light fixtures and cleaned those and replaced the light bulbs. I love doing this stuff because I always end up getting rid of a bunch of stuff. It is so freeing. Plus, I get new curtains for the dining room and my bedroom. Hooray!!

    Hubby started his new job today. I threatened to take a picture of him in front of the door wearing a backpack and carrying a lunchbox. He wasn't game for that, so instead, we had a cup of coffee on the patio before he left. He was practically giddy. Fewer hours, less responsibility, twice the money...I would be giddy too!!

    Ok, so today, I am going to eat really well and work to get to 1200 cals. I have a 7 mile run in the a.m. and need to make sure I am fueling the day before as well as the morning of. I have a pork roast in the crockpot for BBQ Pulled Pork tonight. Yum.

    On the in-law front, my SIL tried to start another fight with me in front of my MIL. I told her to take a FLYING LEAP. I am so sick of this drama. She was shocked (so was I) because I just don't respond that way. I am a peacemaker by nature, but she said something snide about my kid...so she got a new perspective from this MamaBear. I'm h oping that is the end of it. But, if not, she is going to be schooled again. And the best part? We get to spend the whole weekend together at a family function in Seattle. yay. the joy. the thrill. it's underwhelming.