

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    This group of wonderful ladies help us in so many ways. I have my medical poa and advance directive done. My SIL is actually on it. She knows my wishes as do my daughters. My husband does too, but like so many others, not something he wishes to discuss. I don't want my daughters emotions to contradict my wishes. My husband couldn't make a decision for 15 years! I do need to redo will. My last one was when I was previously married and my daughters were young. I try to keep my passwords updated in a special place that my daughters know about. If husband goes before me, I already handle the bills, money, accounts, etc. If however, I was to go first, well......Guess I need to get all that in order. I have put that on a to do list. For a bit of levity, I told my husband after we had been living together for 14 years, that he either needed to marry me or write a will, or I was leaving. He proposed within 6 months! I lived in his house, work at his business, and his sister took care of his finances at that time. His family loves me, but I have witnessed the horrors that come out when a death occurs. Now to figure out the house (which is paid for) and one rental property that is his and his mom's. The other rentals we both own with survivorship rights.

    Taxes- We too have an accountant. My FIL actually bought properties and split them up between himself, my husband, and my SIL. Because of that, the taxes all really needed to be done by the same accountant. They were way too complex for me! I put rental income and expenses on spread sheets then give accountant the stick with a copy of them. For personal stuffs, he gets w-2 etc. With changes in tax laws, not sure if he needs interest gained, donations, medical bills, or investments, so I just give him all that too! I believe the next to last shared property has been sold. One of the rentals is still shared, though MIL really makes no claims to it.

    Kelly- Your story of the little boy reminded me of one family I cared for years ago when I did family day care. I am pretty sure Dad abused mom, but she always said she was fine. I cried the night one of the girls was crying because she was being made fun of at school. When I asked why, she said the other kids said she stunk. I had these girls in the evenings until mom got off work at 10pm. In reality, she did. I said, she could just take a bath. Her reply, it wasn't Sunday!!!! They only got to have a bath on Sunday! Well, they got baths every night at my house after that. While they bathed, I washed and dried their clothes so they had clean clothes to wear home. I didn't want to cause any more conflict at home by suggesting a change of clothes to keep at my house. They just hung out in my girls pajamas until theirs were ready. Some days I do look back and hope I made a bright spot in their turbulent world. I did day care for 3 years, all hours, and lots of stories. I laughed with the successes. I cried at the difficult times. You are such a blessing! My oldest Grandson is on the autism spectrum with some turret's symptoms. He was more than a handful as a young child! With therapy and counseling, he is becoming a joyous young man.

    My husband had his stress test this morning. Won't know results for a few days, but I reckon if we get no call from Dr and just see it on the portal, all is good. Steps are in, kitchen clean, laundry going. Caught up with you all.

    {{HUGS}} to all those who really need them. Thank you to all of you for your insights and knowledge. Congratulations for all the wise choices that are being made.

    Kylia in Ohio, just waiting for the Artic blast
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,069 Member
    Preparing for arctic blast. Blinds are down and put blankets over windows in basement. I am also leaving open cabinet doors in bathroom and kitchen where pipes are on the outsides walls. We will not see above zero until Friday. They closed our schools for three days. I can't remember when they did that. I am using the time to give the house a good cleaning. I don't even want take the trash to the curb.

    :heart: Margaret
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Lisa- What do the Boy Scouts offer girls that the Girl scouts don't? My girls were both Girl Scouts. Maybe I am old fashioned, but to me Boy Scouts is for boys, girl scouts for girls. Both teach life skills. Just saw on news and wanted to ask. BTW- I was a Campfire girl.;)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,275 Member
    Horrible, Machka! Am I right in thinking you have suffered from asthma?

    I have a tad more energy today and my nose is drying up. :) I slept well, with the help of Nytol. (Antihistamine) However, I still have the cough and I have wrenched all my intercostal muscles, so it is very painful. I have decided not to do my exercises for one more day and I'm calling this a 'half of the duvet' day. I have put on laundry, put away laundry, washed, but not dressed and now I'm back in bed. I will fix sandwich lunch and make a chicken /spinach/lentil/potato curry for tonight in the IP. I won't eat the potatoes as I don't need the calories. I will see how I am at lunch time and may go out with DH for a very slow walk. He is still not doing his exercise session. Unheard of! Or I could watch catch up tv on the recumbent bike in the warm. Or I will do nothing. I won't do anything that requires an alert brain, or willpower. I will nap. I am a semi invalid today. :D>:)

    Today is not the day for getting out the wills etc or researching LPA. But, by the end of the week, I will have at least extracted the file from the filing cabinet. LPA is quite complicated over here and has to be done in the right order with the signatories. I hope I can persuade DH. :s Need to have his savings list up to date as he often changes them when the fixed term runs out.
    So, I know what to do, but I am not doing it today.

    Kylia - Over here a will loses its validity when you remarry. Is it the same with you?

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,989 Member
    Horrible, Machka! Am I right in thinking you have suffered from asthma?

    I have exercise induced asthma, but right now I feel like I'm breathing through a straw. I'm going to have to find an inhaler soon.

    Kylia - Over here a will loses its validity when you remarry. Is it the same with you?

    It's not that way here in Australia. In fact, if you remarry and get a new will for your new relationship, it can be challenged by all affected in the previous relationship. It has been recommended to us that we should get a Wills & Estates Lawyer and not just go the Post Office Forms method.

    M in Oz

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,509 Member
    Played "Tumble, help Mama change the linens" yesterday. Practiced "Hup Up!", "Off!" and "Stay!". Now my bathrobe pocket is full of dog treat crumbs ;}

    Machka :heart: for your emotional day. Hope it was cathartic. :cry: Somewhat surprised you haven't delegated hosting the March cycling event, you have so very much on your plate...
    Mary from Ontario
    "slow but steady" yes that's the ticket! Safe travels!
    Barbie "riding the exercise bike while watching TV and knitting" Wow. Don't believe I could multitask like that... would probably fall off the bike entangled in the knitting ;)
    Kylia Thanks Be for little Aubrey!
    Rebecca "epic triumphs" VERY well said!
    Rita off the cholesterol meds and inches erased? Con VERY gratulations!
    pip 2500 days WELL done!
    Lisa "life is so precious and so fragile..." amen. What a shocking loss to your council.
    Betsy thank you for sharing, never thought of asking a neutral third party to intervene. Hoping it doesn't come to a life threatening event to get Joe to the conversation.
    Heather hoping you and your DH are soon on the mend. This cold has gone on too long.

    Only through pg 78 but feeling a little punk so heading to bed.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 26/31, 60 g protein 26/31, rx/vits 25/31, meditate 27/31, knee exercises 27/31, SWSY UP 7/9, SWSY LOW 7/9, core 7/9, play with Tumble 10/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 20/31.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    01/27 LT: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: lettuce rootlets into coco fibre-Y ST: Play change linens with Tumble-Y
    01/28 LT: research how to turn on hp wireless (touch panel above between F4 and F5)-Y MT: CFRFPD postings, test wifi (tried but couldn't connect)-Y ST:pick up nexgard, recycle, laundry, FM-Y
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,743 Member
    Morning ladies
    I am up dressed and had my tea... woke up at 3:30 am ,and stayed up dont feel tired and went to sleep around 7:30..
    my usual morning will be normal.. go walk the boys and then feed DFIL... I need to speak with my friend Trudy... going to text her when I get a chance..want to attend a Joyce Meyer conference in Albany NY in May and she uses points for hotels and flights, I can drive but she probably could get me a deal on the hotel.. will of course pay her.. but want I cant afford 300.00 a night.. need something withing walking distance from Arena..
    thinking of growing my hair out so it is bob length.. we shall see what my hairdresser says
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    The morning is here. Windy and light snow.

    Heather UK- I have no idea.....I will check into it though. Thank you!

    Machka- Please take care! Prayers!

    For those fighting the yucks, just a suggestion. Wipe down door handles and sink knobs at least once dailywith disinfectant. Anything that gets touched similarly. It seems to help. I wipe ours at least weekly, unless someone sniffles while around. I do the same at work with phones and knobs. We clean our houses, but I never thought about door knobs or phones until about 3 years ago. I use a lot of lysol at work this time of year. Chicken soup and lots of fluids. Sending healing thoughts to you all.

    Have a blessed day!
    Kylia in cold, but going to get colder Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,989 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    The morning is here. Windy and light snow.

    Heather UK- I have no idea.....I will check into it though. Thank you!

    Machka- Please take care! Prayers!

    For those fighting the yucks, just a suggestion. Wipe down door handles and sink knobs at least once dailywith disinfectant. Anything that gets touched similarly. It seems to help. I wipe ours at least weekly, unless someone sniffles while around. I do the same at work with phones and knobs. We clean our houses, but I never thought about door knobs or phones until about 3 years ago. I use a lot of lysol at work this time of year. Chicken soup and lots of fluids. Sending healing thoughts to you all.

    Have a blessed day!
    Kylia in cold, but going to get colder Ohio

    Yeah, during the winter, I sprayed everything with Eucalyptus spray and used disinfectant wipes to wipe everything down every day.

    I wipe ... door handles, doors where they are touched if we push them open, taps, fridge handles, stove handles, my mouse, my keyboard, the table top where my laptop sits ... anywhere where hands may go.

    And I spray in the vicinity of where a head might go. Pillows, backs of sofa, chairs, blankets, etc.

    I also increase the frequency I do sheets and towels, and wash them with my detergent + eucalyptus.

    Any moderately warmish days, I fling the windows open and try to get as much sunshine and fresh air in.

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    <3 Busy shoveling this morning! Will check in later! No school again today and they already cancelled tomorrow. Weather forecast says temps to be in the -30s tomorrow! I guess I will find out if I CAN freeze my a** off! ttfn KJ (Kelly) P.S. Tim fell in the driveway yesterday. He is banned from trying to help with the shoveling. Sharp pain in shoulder/collar bone area. If it doesn't ease up; he is going in to have it looked at.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    We are going to have cold weather (for Virginia) the next couple of days...but for many of you, our predicted temperatures would practically be a heat wave!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,759 Member
    Kelly... Let me know if it's possible to freeze your a** off!! LOL! It is so hard for husbands to sit back and watch their wives do what they consider "men's work." I've been shoveling and snowplowing and it's driving my husband batty. Caught him outside trying to help and I sent him back in where he then had to rest for most of the day. So sorry Tim fell and hope it's nothing serious!

    We are getting ready for the cold temps as well .. but they will be nothing like some of you are getting. Our problem will be the winds and lake effect snow ... perfect blizzard conditions.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Take care everyone facing the bitter freezing temps in the mid west. It's moving towards the coast but not as crazy a plunge as what you all are facing! :#

    I am going to wipe down all surfaces in the house tomorrow, good advice Machka, as I will probably be home tomorrow during the worst of the storm. This a.m. I lazed in bed for an extra half hour and it felt gloriously civilized. Gave me the energy to seize the day! Hoping that the storm (maybe 3-6" of snow) waits till nighttime so I can fit in some time at the gym. Beth I know you're laughing at me, one flake and Westchester County is paralyzed ;)

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, all,

    Got a little while before I need to head to town for my pre-op testing and surgery "class," whatever that may be. Got a grant draft out the door to the chief in charge of that area this morning already, showered and ready to go when it's time.

    Rori - thank you - I went to the candlelight vigil in town last night. All the chief officers and the directors went to each regional office and held a vigil, while Dawn (our CEO) went to the small town where Kelly was from. It was moving, and very Girl Scout focused. Many tears. So glad your surgery's done! I call next!

    Michele - there's been no word on why she was there in that place, and on foot, and in the end, to me, it doesn't matter. Her life matters so much more than her death, and I'm not sure the answers serve a purpose. That's not to shut your question down, just something I've been thinking about. Just aching for her son and daughter, left motherless far too soon.

    Kylia - the differences are myriad between Boy and Girl Scouts, and while I can't comment on the ongoing litigation by our national organization, opinion in the media seems to be that opening up their ranks to girls is a last ditch effort for the Boy Scouts to save themselves as an organization. The Boy Scouts were reported to be considering bankruptcy in December, because the insurance companies are balking at paying out many of the sexual assault settlements that have hamstrung them for years now, one in particular where, even though a known molester was banned, he was able to easily re-enter other troops as a volunteer, and continued to molest boys for years. In one lawsuit alone, the BSA was mandated to pay $18.5 million, and more than 1,200 cases have been filed in all. Part of their move to capture memberships from wherever they can was also driven when the LDS Church announced in May 2018, that as of Dec. 31, 2019, they would sever their relationship with Boy Scouts--possibly more in response to the Boy Scouts allowing openly gay members and leaders, rather than the entry of girls. One in six Boy Scouts are Mormon (estimated 425,000 boys). The only figures I could find on how many girls joined Cub Scout troops in 2018 were from April, and it was 3,000 to 4,000 girls.

    Girl Scouts USA has always been girl-only, all programs and journeys are oriented to girls, and are girl-led. The Boy Scouts (to my knowledge) have not actually created programs that would benefit girls--they simply opened the door and hope things will work out. There are a lot of statistics out there that both genders benefit from learning in a single-gender environment, and there was tremendous objection in the Boy Scout ranks, as well, against the move. And, for those who wonder, there will be no merger of the two organizations--as GSUSA has been very clear that a merger would not benefit the girls we're here to serve.

    Both organizations have suffered drops in membership. Boy Scout membership peaked at 4 million in the 1960s, dropping to 2.3 million in 2015. Girl Scouting peaked at 3.8 million members in 2003, in has stayed steady at about 1.8 million girls since 2015.

    I know that was probably more than you wanted to know! :smiley:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited January 2019
    Kylia - I too was a campfire girl!

    From what I know, re-marrying does not invalidate a previous will (in the US). An ex spouse can end up with everything if the will is not rewritten after divorce/remarriage.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Kylia ~ Sounds like your planning for later in life possibilities is very organized. :) I often rue the year I was teaching and a boy student came to class in shoes that smelled like cat spray. I made him take the shoes off and leave them on the porch of my trailer. Now, I have thought so often of how mean that was of me and how that must have affected his self esteem. I should have made the effort to get him new shoes. If only I could go back and redo. It has been over 10 yrs since I retired and it makes me sad to know that there were so many times when I could have done better. :s:'(

    Rori ~ Hope your thumb surgery is totally successful. My jammed thumb is no longer purple but I still have trouble doing anything that requires thumb pressure.

    Lisa ~ I was a Girl Scout and Lenora's mom was one of the leaders.

    Allie ~ Great job sticking to your keto plan. Hope it continues to work for you and wishing you the best.

    Tracey ~ I look at the numbers you list at the end of your posts and finally figured out that the /31 must be the number of days in January. That's what happens to a 70 yr old's foggy brain.

    The schools are closed here today and the expected winter weather is not coming. There will be a big drop in the temps tonight but the weather people are saying that most moisture will be blown dry. Praying for all the people up North that have the horribly cold weather.

    Carol in GA