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Let's Do this! - 2019 Challenge - Be the best you can be!



  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @christinarandolph3 - absolutely, welcome to the challenge

    @fitness327wk - congratulations on the weight loss.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @Fitness327wk Congratulations! That is awesome! Hope the golf game went well.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    I'm doing a happy dance! I am down another pound this morning!
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Thank you all! Happy Valentine’s day! 💃🥰💃💕❤️
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @looneyhiker - congratulations on your additional weight loss. I am where you were last week, with the water weight. After you talked about having Chinese food, I have been craving it since then, so I had some yesterday, and actually retained over 2 lbs of water weight. I hope it comes off as quickly for me as it did for you.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @msarobix As active as you are, I'm sure it will come off quickly!

    I made it through Valentine's Day without too much trouble. A friend gave us a heart-shaped box of candy which we have not opened. I did buy some Coffee Cake Jrs (Drakes) which is something I grew up with and couldn't resisit when I saw them in the store. They are hard to find here. I only ate 2 small cakes yesterday and plan on only eating them on the weekends. There used to be 2 cakes in a package and now they have packed single ones which is helpful with my resistance.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you are all doing well. This week my office started the Win by Losing challenge with our Healthcare provider. I joined the challenge and hope to contribute to the teams total loss for the 10 week program.

    One thing I am doing to challenge myself during this program is to started standing more at work, and tracking exactly how long I stand. Most employees have a VariDesk that allows you to raise up your keyboard and monitors so that you can continue to work while standing. I was already standing at work, but not consciously making sure I stand for a specific period of time during the day, and some days I wouldn’t stand at all. This week I stood for a minimum of 3.5 hours up to 5 hours per day. I hope to get to the point where I can stand for 6-8 hours a day on a consistent basis.

    I also haven’t updated my spreadsheet for a couple of weeks, but I will sit down tomorrow and update it to see if I am on track to beat averages from January. I also want to review my Beat My Best Challenge and see if I can fit in a Challenge day between now and the end of the month.
  • tiff0277
    tiff0277 Posts: 28 Member

    You all rock I have really enjoyed reading your post this morning while cuddling with my heating pad. LOL

    @msarobix watch that hip flexor it can be a bear. I've seen runners taken out by that one. I hope you feel better fast.

    All the pictures and ideas have been inspiring. Thank you

    I have made a appointment with a trainer, nothing is moving like I want it to so I want to see if I can break out of my box a little.

    What fitness trackers are you all using and why? Any comments on this will help.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I did my longest run so far today at over 7 miles, and I have been slowly increasing my run time between mini walk breaks. I am currently running 12 minutes and then walking 3, but tomorrow I will increase that to 15 minutes and walk 5 minutes.

    The main reason I am increasing the walking is for easy of know when to start the next segment. Plus, from here on out I plan on increasing my run segments by 5 minutes at a time, and it is a nice easy cut off to have a 5 minute break between running segments. I will continue to add 5 minutes each week to my running segments until I am running the whole workout. Understand that I typically do a walking warm-up for 10 minutes before I start running and at least a 10 minute walking cool down before I stop moving. I always stretch after my workout, never before.

    Over the next month or so I am going to try to regain the flexibility I use to have. Since I went so long without exercising I lost a lot of flexibility, so I hope to regain some of that in hopes to have it help with my future workouts. I will also be doing more strength work over the coming weeks. I have already started a plank challenge, where I will slowly increase the time I hold a plank. I started this past week with holding the plank for 15 seconds and then taking a short break then doing it again for 15 seconds. Today, I increased to 20 seconds. I plan to slowly increase this time over the next few weeks up to 1-2 minutes.

    In addition, I am also starting to work my other muscles more. Arms, right now doing sudo push-ups, and eventually legs, doing squats. I haven't exactly decided how I am going to work these into my workout routine, but I want to start strengthening my entire body, but just my cardiovascular abilities with running.

    How is everyone else doing with their workouts? Have you been slowly increasing your intensity? What have you done to vary your workout so that you body doesn’t adapt and plateau.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    The guy came to repair the treadmill today and after putting in the new motor, he turned it on. The metal scraping sound was still there and he was horrified. Apparently, the motor never was bad. After searching, he found out that it was the metal washer he put in between the belt and plastic at the end of the walking pad to keep the belt from rubbing. All he did was take his magnetic screwdriver and took the washer out. No more metal scraping! But now it is like brand new with a brand new motor! Luckily it is under the service contract so it didn't cost me anything.

    I found out that the walk video I was doing has really helped with my flexibility so I think I'm going to incorporate it with my exercise routine. I'm going to walk on the treadmill 3 times a week (alternating speed and incline). Then every other day I will do the walk video. On Sundays I will take the day off.

    So far, this is my favorite walk video: https://youtu.be/KDmqv_XMouA
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Only worked 2 days this week. Have gotten back to aquafit so will try to start soon to add in walking on days I don't go to aquafit. So the walking videos are great for me since we are expecting more snow. I will get a tracker soon. I got a lot of dark chocolate for Valentine's day which is good since I don't want more than one unlike other sweets.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @tiff0227 I use an apple watch to track my fitness.
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    @tiff0277 I have a Fitbit Blaze that I have had a long time (several years). It works well and has lasted several years. I have it set to sync with MFP although I don't understand the calorie adjustment.

    I also have a Polar Fit4 that I have had for even longer since 2012ish. The Polar has a chest strap and does a better job as HRM than the wrist when I do cardio. I don't think either is all that accurate for weights, they work better at estimating calorie burn when you do steady cardio. I figure all fitness trackers are an estimate, as things like stride etc can change throughout the day.

    I was looking at apple, but I figured what I have works and it's paid for. :smile:
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @BackInSoFL I had a Fitbit for years when it finally died on me. My hubby really wanted us to get Apple Watches so I gave in rather than buying a new fitbit. I needed a new watch anyway. I like how I can send messages from my watch, answer my phone, turn on the lights in my house, and use the timer on my watch in addition to checking my fitness. There are more things it can do but those are the main things I use it for.
  • tiff0277
    tiff0277 Posts: 28 Member
    @loonyhiker Thanks. I have heard lots of good things about the apple watch

    @BackInSoFL Fitbit has a wonderful customer service department and produces.

    It's hard to decide what to buy I've been a Garmin girl for many years.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @tiff0277 - I use the Apple Watch. I use to have a FitBit before I got the Apple Watch. I like the Apple Watch because it does so much, but I think the FitBit is also getting more advanced as well.

    @looneyhiker - glad to hear that you got your treadmill fixed. It is also great that you found an alternative for when you don’t have the treadmill for whatever reason. I think I will keep these videos in my back pocket for when I go on vacation and won’t have my treadmill. Sure I could go for a walk or run outside, but what if it is raining or too cold, I want to have an alternative so that I can keep up my workout schedule.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm so excited! I have lost another pound! This is the lowest I've been in a year! Now I hope I can keep it off and continue to lose. I really think changing up my activity routine is kicking up my metabolism and got me out of the plateau.

    @msarobix Just so you know - my name, Loonyhiker, doesn't have an "e" in it so I'm not sure if you link to the one with an "e" that someone else is thinking you are talking to them. I'm okay if you want to add it to it but just thought I'd mention it. LOL
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    @loonyhiker Congrats on the loss! Got to love the change up, it seems to work all the time.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @loonyhiker, LOL! typo! Congratulations on losing another pound and being at your lowest in a year. That is awesome. I downloaded a couple of those walking videos to keep on my iPad in case of emergency.

    Slow and steady as it goes. I have only lost 2 lbs since the beginning of February, but I am still very happy with it. My goal was to lose 10 lbs by the end of March, and I have done that already, so any extra will just be a jump start on the next 3 months.

    They say that losing weight is 80% diet 20% exercise, and I know if I was more strict with my diet I would lose weight more quickly, however, I also love food and KNOW that I won’t be able to stick to a strict diet for very long and in the end I would just end up bingeing and gain the weight back like I have always done.

    Even though I am not restricting what I am eating or counting calories, I am being conscious of what and how much I am eating. I feel as if I need to lose this weight in a fashion that I would be comfortable continuing long term and for me that is not a restricted diet. All in moderation right.

    I know at some point I will stop losing, and it is at that point that I might have to step up the game a bit for that final push, but at least I will know it will be very short lived just to get over the hump/plateau.

    Today, I had a great run. I am up to running 15 minutes then walking for 5 minutes and repeat until the end of the workout. Today’s workout felt very relaxed, and I felt like I could definitely run longer. I will bump up my running to 20 minutes come Sunday, and I think I will add in an extra day of running next week also. that will bring me up to 5 days of running, where as I have only been doing 4 since the beginning of January.

  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @msarobix That is one of the reasons I like the Naturally Slim eating program. It is not restricting my diet but because I'm changing the way I'm eating, I am eating fewer calories. This past week I had pizza (only 2 pieces instead of my usual 4) one day, macaroni and cheese (one small helping instead of eating the entire pot) another day, and linguini (one helping instead of eating it all) another day but I still lost a pound. I am having smaller portions because I'm full and I don't overeat like I used to. I like that the program says that my feet can't outrun my mouth! LOL I always thought that if I exercised, that was permission to eat more.