

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member

    Today ... some combination of 1 and 7. All while trying to operate coherently earlier in the day.

    I’m not sure what this is. So far it hasn’t morphed into a real cold, and I would be happy if it didn’t. One of the things that can happen here is that we can get northern hemisphere colds and flues because of the cruise ships. A whole bunch of exposed people get onto a cruise ship, the colds and flues develop, and then they get off at ports along the way, like Hobart, and spread it all over the place.

    We had 3 cruise ships in the other day, and the local pharmacy was packed with people picking up medications of various sorts. I tried to flee but maybe I didn’t get out of there fast enough.

    I’m going to try work tomorrow, and hopefully things will go well.

    M in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited February 2019
    Machka - kinda loving the cat scale... I woke up, as I usually do, at a 3, and am going to try to make sure I don't get to an 8 until I get finished with my presentation and get back home. It may be horribly manipulative, but I'm going to take my cane with me, as I honestly don't know how I'll do standing up to give the presentation (that part's legit), as I haven't done a lot of standing yet. Really don't want to trip over the carpet and face-plant in front of a dozen people. Also don't want to wobble and have them think I'm drunk at 11 a.m.! If it gets me the sympathy vote as well, I'm OK with it. :)

    As for you, young lady, the fever, chills, and bathroom breaks don't sound like a cold, they sound like influenza. Please take all precautions to make sure you're OK... you've had enough stress in the last year for six people, and stress does do a number on your immune system.

    OK... up early once more, so it's time to get some finishing touches on one grant and get it ready to go up for approval. Then I need to get another one along similar lines started. Then a phone call at 7:45 to finish up yet another, and leave for town at 9 a.m. for the grant presentation for yet another. Busy week!

    Rori and Penny - just stick your hand up and wave so we know you're OK. You know how we worry... :blush:

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies~ I am up and dressed.. about to have my tea.. I am feeling chunky ,but have been following the keto with precision .. think tonight and tomorrow will try 16.8 fasting... have to something to jump start this again...
    honest I haven't fallen off the wagon once...
    the painter started cutting in and painted behind the fridge yesterday.. its going to be beautiful once its done and will take come pictures...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! On Machka's "scale of cat", I generally start my day at either a 3 or a 6. Six is my favorite way to go through the day.
    Machka- How wonderful that warm kitty/soft kitty is a preschool song! I love that it has history beyond the tv show!
    Michele- I kind of laughed to myself as I wrote the Benjamin Moore initials before the color when writing about my bathroom. Yeah, BM and bathroom...lol I picked a nice warm brown for our bathroom about eight years ago and Tim asked me why I painted the bathroom S**tbrown? :s
    Tracey- Oye! Only four done! I would have been tempted to grab them and do them myself (which is how I turned my daughter's wedding into my own personal nightmare). They look beautiful though, and I am sure the business will have them finished in good time!
    NYKaren- Your Italian adventures have me swooning! Keep them coming! I am traveling vicariously through you! B)
    Pip and Machka- Hope you both are feeling better soon! I seem to be keeping the "crud" that Tim and Colin have, at bay. Fingers crossed it doesn't go any further.

    Kiddos arriving soon, so I better scoot! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Allie ... I feel your pain. I've been faithfully adhering to 19:5 fasting and up until this morning had lost 14 pounds since 12/30. Which is pretty good. But the scale was up 3 pounds this morning (so now it's back to 11 pounds lost)??!! The scale is such a fickle friend. You know and I know that weight jumps like that are nothing more than water, hormones, etc. Hang in there! But if you fast ... try pushing it to 19:5. This is considered the sweet spot for fat burning.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Holly, have been on MFP for a week. I am glad to find an active thread to read! Will read today to get caught up! Thanks for being here!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2019
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    Very true but it's truly magic to hear little gurgles and cooing and now out right laughs. So sweet <3

    Janetr OKC (where we're expecting ice storm in a couple of hours, schools are all closed)
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did about 45 minutes of HIIT and then took the Power Hour class. I like that class, I really work up a sweat. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 20-40-60 minute workout on the treadmill (intervals)

    Barbara – glad someone got the Palladium Blue (sick) joke.

    After exercise went to two thrift stores. Got a shirt, a plate, some tin plates that I know are strong (MIL had some and the place she got them from now uses these flimsy aluminum plates), and decided to try some DVD’s. Thinking that I should go to get some seashells.

    KJ – I used to have a brown station wagon and the kids called it the “rolling turd”. No one wanted to be seen in it. Which was good when they got their licenses. I always had a car available to me…lol

    Welcome everyone new!

    I think a post of mine from yesterday vanished. Oh well…I’ll just start from where I left off.

    Michele now in FL where it’s cloudy so I won’t be able to lay in the sun
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey ladies –
    Hope everyone is doing well. I think the never-ending winter is starting to get to me. I’m feeling very unsociable, irritable and short-tempered (which isn’t going over well at work). It’s not the cold so much as the lack of sun. Yes, I’m tired of being cold all the time and looking forward to warmer weather, but it’s more the gloomy, gray, dreariness that’s getting to me. I’m taking the next couple of days off work – it’s supposed to be at least partly sunny for the next few days – to hopefully kind of reset and get my mind back to where it needs to be. My eating has been OK (at least I haven’t fallen too far off that wagon) but I’ve pretty much lost any motivation to exercise. I’m going to try to re-find that also over the next couple of days.

    Cari – congrats on the weight loss, for both you and your family!

    Lisa – glad to hear that your recovery is going well.

    Kylia – thinking good thoughts for baby Aubrey.

    Machka – glad to hear the hip isn’t broken. Sounds like you’ve got a good doctor/PT.

    I’m still about 6 pages behind – will try to get caught up a little later.

    Janet in eastern MO