

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    2019 Word: Commit

    February Goals:
    1. Commit to whole month of 19/5. 100%
    2. Continue with MFP recommendations ... calories/log food/etc. 75%
    3. New recipe/new food item each month. 100% ... discovered collard greens, cherry bomb peppers, Spanish black radishes and turnips. Tried a Puerto Rican Crab dish ... meh
    4. Journal each day. 100%
    5. Declutter one area of home for 15 minutes each day. 75%
    6. Clean kitchen/sink before bed. 75%
    7. Resume committed daily prayer/devotional time. 60% Started but not consistent.

    Lost 2 to 2.5 pounds in February ... scale was bouncing this morning. I had hoped for more, but looking back on my journal showed that this was a stressful month. In the past, I would have gained. I lost at least 2 pounds. I'll take it.

    March Goals: The same, with the addition of continued kettle bell workouts. The 19/5 intermittent fasting is a helpful tool for me. I'm not hungry and I'm eating well. A little too well when I was having pity parties for myself but the intermittent fasting did provide some damage control. I continue with the CICO/logging because I think portion control and moderation work hand in hand. I don't care what hours you eat or fast ...or what diet you're following... no one can lose weight eating unlimited sugar/carbs/calories. Decluttering, cleaning, planning ... all of these things have contributed to this month's success. Onward with March.

    The ellipsis conversation ... my son was perturbed with my use of the ellipsis in a text message conversation we were having. He accused me of using them to show irritation or attitude. I wondered if there was a different meaning for the ellipsis in text messages for the younger generation. I know I get a lot of today's lingo wrong ... wouldn't surprise me if I was wrong in punctuation as well.

    Karen VA ... you did nothing wrong with helping your grandson, especially in the manner you described. Have you ever seen some of the dioramas handed in by elementary school children? Now there's a problem with parental involvement!!

    Suzu (did I get that right?) ... Welcome!

    Rebecca ... the blood pressure numbers you have indicated are not necessarily high or in need of medication. A trip to you primary care doctor is in order.

    Beth near Buffalo where the sun is shining!
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Oh, Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I have friends from high school all the way back in Columbus - about 2200 miles - and I would be terribly upset if I couldn't get back to be with them one more time.

    On another note, wax can be SO annoying! For years I slept with earplugs because I worked 7:30pm-4:00am. Wax would build up terribly. Have you tried sleeping or even just napping for an hour or so on a heating pad? That consistent heat well sometimes liquify it enough to be moved. Try either that or a bath or hot tub soak with ear submerged for a while. It gets so thick that a few moments of heat doesn't penetrate enough.

    Suzu! Delighted to welcome you! Brown recluse bites are nasty, I know! It's so fortunate that you survived and are back on the healthy track.

    Carol in GA, if that container incident had happened to me, I'd have probably cried. Even though things may LOOK like chaos, I do have a system, and having it rearranged without my input would leave me so distressed!

    Machka! Lol! "Send him around to my place!" Along with the heat, rain chance every day. Does the rain cool things, or just add to the humidity and misery?

    SpikeyHair, that ring is lovely! It's such a good feeling to wear something with love behind it.

    Viv, what a fun tradition! Mushroom stroganoff sounds lovely. Glad to see you posting.

    Pip! you've got to be kidding me! The sunshine is lovely but it's not THAT warm out yet!

    Barbara AHMOD! Holy Christmas! That is one bad gap! I'm glad some supplies are getting through! Is that the major coast road? I'd thought it was north of town.

    MariMcKeon, your situation parallels mine except for age almost exactly. I'm 75, use a cane, and have trouble on uneven ground (although that is improving!). I asked my Dr. for a referral for physical therapy since I have those stability problems. They give me supervised and supported exercises, and suggested I get a regular metal frame walker and get little gliders put on the back legs. The rolling walkers are not as easy to walk with for me. I can do 1/4 mile already. I could do maybe 100-150' before.

    Rebecca, get that BP checked by a doctor or nurse on their machines, and NOT immediately after exercise before you panic. Mine is highly variable and needs to be assessed correctly. It's actually usually low.

    Goal for March! Get to Onederland by my birthday on the 26th. Get fluids in EVERY DAY! Get outdoors on sunny days and move!

    Sharon, Nearly There, Near Seattle
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Oh, Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I have friends from high school all the way back in Columbus - about 2200 miles - and I would be terribly upset if I couldn't get back to be with them one more time.

    On another note, wax can be SO annoying! For years I slept with earplugs because I worked 7:30pm-4:00am. Wax would build up terribly. Have you tried sleeping or even just napping for an hour or so on a heating pad? That consistent heat well sometimes liquify it enough to be moved. Try either that or a bath or hot tub soak with ear submerged for a while. It gets so thick that a few moments of heat doesn't penetrate enough.

    Suzu! Delighted to welcome you! Brown recluse bites are nasty, I know! It's so fortunate that you survived and are back on the healthy track.

    Carol in GA, if that container incident had happened to me, I'd have probably cried. Even though things may LOOK like chaos, I do have a system, and having it rearranged without my input would leave me so distressed!

    Machka! Lol! "Send him around to my place!" Along with the heat, rain chance every day. Does the rain cool things, or just add to the humidity and misery?

    SpikeyHair, that ring is lovely! It's such a good feeling to wear something with love behind it.

    Viv, what a fun tradition! Mushroom stroganoff sounds lovely. Glad to see you posting.

    Pip! you've got to be kidding me! The sunshine is lovely but it's not THAT warm out yet!

    Barbara AHMOD! Holy Christmas! That is one bad gap! I'm glad some supplies are getting through! Is that the major coast road? I'd thought it was north of town.

    MariMcKeon, your situation parallels mine except for age almost exactly. I'm 75, use a cane, and have trouble on uneven ground (although that is improving!). I asked my Dr. for a referral for physical therapy since I have those stability problems. They give me supervised and supported exercises, and suggested I get a regular metal frame walker and get little gliders put on the back legs. The rolling walkers are not as easy to walk with for me. I can do 1/4 mile already. I could do maybe 100-150' before.

    My March Goals: Get to Onederland by my birthday. Walk outdoors on clear days - I.e. not muddy.

    Sharon, Nearly There, Near Seattle

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Sorry. Won't let me delete duplicate. Edit button won't respond.
  • jw072216
    jw072216 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone
    I am new to all of this and have come across your feed which I’m hoping will inspire, help and guide me through my journey. I have suddenly put on weight around my mid section and have now had to go further than just a PT. I am now calorie counting etc. I am vegetarian and work long hours in my Cleaning Business so getting to the gym can be tricky at times.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla Thanks for advice on Medicare plans! I would like to reap all the wisdom I can from this group on that topic. For some reason it seems intimidating. So many plans, so many options, so much fine print. I hear a lot of people talking about AARP plan and somebody said "get part F" and I don't know beans about either. I've got to do my homework.
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Barbie I love reading the Women 50+ thread and will jump on here!

    Love your word for this year!

    For March my goal is to lose 10 pounds!

    Hanging in there in Missouri! We had beautiful sun today! Hope everyone has a great evening!

    You had sun yesterday?? I'm so jealous. I'm in eastern MO (St Louis area) and we had sleet/snow/rain/gloom all day. I even ended up with a day off work due to the weather. More than ready for spring and sun!

    Goal for February was to lose 2 pounds. I ended up gaining 1 instead. That just happened this past week though and I know why - my birthday was last weekend and we've had "extras" around the house. Now that those are gone, the weight should hopefully start moving in the right direction again. Speaking of senior discounts - according to my gym, I am now a senior (55+) so my membership is going down from $35/month to $24. Can't argue about that, though I don't feel any older now than I did last week (and I still don't feel anywhere near my age :) ).

    My mini-vacation last week was nice. I spent a couple of days just doing things I wanted to - like getting a new haircut and working a puzzle - and I'm feeling much less irritable than I was before. I'm sure it also helps that I've been sleeping better for the last week or so. Not sure why the change, but I'll take it.

    Goals for March -
    1. lose the 1# I gained and hopefully the 2 I had hoped to lose in February;
    2. get outside more - easier to do if winter ever ends, but either way, I need the fresh air

    Janet in eastern MO
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Happy Friday and Happy March!
    Barbie- Thank you for bringing us into another month!

    Stress Buster for Machka- Deep breathing, walks/runs outside always serve me well; but sometimes I need to hit things. Years ago, my husband had a medicine bag ( a boxing punching bag). I used to punch and kick that thing quite often. Loud grunts and sometimes shouts accompanied each punch and afterward I always felt amazing. Chopping wood or throwing an axe/hatchet at a target accomplishes the same thing.

    Well, kids arriving! Gotta fly. ttfn xoxoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    This worked for my daughter. She went through some rough times and for a while was always angry. She took some kickboxing classes and we bought her a punching bag for Christmas that we hooked up in the basement. She worked out a lot of anger/stress on it. She doesn't use it much anymore, but I'm thinking I might start. Can't hurt, right :) ?

    Janet - eastern MO
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Sorry. Won't let me delete duplicate. Edit button won't respond.

    Sometimes if I have double posted, I just delete and put a happy face in its place.💗
    Yep I will ask the doctor next time.👍
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Rebecca - glad your little car is paid off! What a cute little thing, bet you get great mileage. If I didn't live in the toolies and haul bags of dirt and plants around, I'd sure like one of those.

    Regarding your DH's prescription vitamins, you might check into GoodRX for a coupon? If it's on the list you might get a big savings there.

    Rori - Happy Retirement anniversary. I can't remember now if I've been retired for 2 or 3 years, lol. I walked into the courthouse the other day to pay our taxes and I saw only one employee who left who had been there as long as me - initially started in 1995. If my 2007 Subaru Forester bites the dust I might consider a good quality used one if I'm still hauling dirt and plants. The little things do run forever with minimal maintenance, thank goodness.

    Karen in VA - we ended up with Medicare Plan F after going over everything with an insurance broker who explain the Medicap supplements and Medicare Advantage (which often includes dental, prescription, vision and gym??). Here's the story:
    We ended up with a Medigap Plan F - "Regence Bridge Plan". Very similar to AARP United Healthcare. Anyhow, it was explained to us that jumping from an "Advantage" plan which I think has co-pays to a Medigap plan later might be iffy - might be charged a higher rate. With DH's medical problems and now mine, figured we'd just jump right in there up front. We do get a gym membership with it.

    The F is more expensive but we never see a bill for doctor/hospital/physical therapy/allergy stuff. I consider doctor bills and co-payments a PITA equivalent to telemarketers, having gone through so many problems before Medicare I never want to see a bill again. Plus if anything happens to me, DH won't have to figure it out.

    I got a Delta Dental plan, and our optometrist has special senior rates which are fine for an exam/lenses. We did enroll in the cheapest Part D prescription plan available, again because enrolling in that later we may be charged at a higher rate. We have yet to use it, getting all prescriptions through our Direct Care doc for generally less than co-pays or we use GoodRX for what the clinic doesn't stock. To boil it down.... not sure what's available in your state but I'd advise stopping by a broker's office and get info on the different plans and come back to him/her with questions.
    Onions, Kale, and lettuce have sprouted so I need to clear off a shelf in the potting shed for them. They can deal with cold weather so just need to find a nice place for them to sleep on a heat mat and I'll set them on the picnic table that gets morning sun during the day after the frost has lifted.

    OK, out to pump iron. It's been too many days. :# New ladies - highly recommend Strong Women Stay Young for weight training you can do at home. Light dumbbells and ankle weights, nothing more than 10# for me. Amazing that just going thru a half hour routine 2 or 3 times a week is enough to jolt my metabolism up a notch.

    Sending hugs and prayers for all who need them. <3

    Sunny & cool SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Rebecca))): High BP is not something to ignore. I hope you’ll get into a doctor ASAP. It may be something that requires medication, or maybe food and exercise will do it. Either way, you need to take care of yourself because your men need you. :heart:

    Betsy: Good luck with your legal hassles. I hope you win. :star:

    MariMcKeon: Welcome to a great group! I have a gym membership where they have stationary bicycles and recumbent stationary exercise “bikes” available along with treadmills and an array of other exercise machines. They also have classes, including the yoga classes that I love. My health insurance pays for the gym membership. I don’t know whether the recumbent stationary bikes would work for you but it is a possibility. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Betsy: Keeping my fingers crossed for a legal victory for you. :heart:

    Jacque from Australia: Welcome to a great group! Stop by often to give and get support. :star:

    Lanette: I’m glad you spoke up about Medicare plans. I think you did an excellent job explaining options. Our plan includes medical, dental & pharmacy. We chose to add the dental to our policy for an additional fee. Our plan pays for our gym membership but does not pay for eye glasses. We have to pay for glasses out of pocket. DH’s cataract surgeries were covered as medical. :smiley:

    Heather: I love the photo of your family enjoying pizza. What a handsome group! :star:

    Pip: I love your pup pictures. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Home and in jammies and in bed with the pup...it feels so good...we have missed some big storms but we will be getting walloped this weekend with 2 storms
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,575 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    The ring Mum gave me for my 21st which I'm now able to wear :)

    Lovely! So nice.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Snow, snow, and more snow...Unfortunately that will mean flooding, flooding, and more flooding...