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JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    GoHiggins wrote: »
    Hello my new friends. I’m happy to report that I did better today than yesterday. 😄 my goal is to do even better tomorrow.

    Yayyyy! Way to Go!👏👏 Congratulations
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,170 Member
    edited March 2019
    @snowflake1968 and @mytime6630 Thank you!!

    @aubyshortcake Hope you had fun at Renaisance Festval. I love those! Hard to diet, there, tho...

    I did good, yesterday, and today. Got to figure out the exercise, but my main focus right now is "diet".

    3/2/19 Sat.
    Weigh: Went ahead & did this --159 lbs.
    At least 4 8 oz glasses of water :)
    Stay in the green :)
    Plan meals :)

    3/3/19 Sun.
    Weigh: :) 157 lbs. Yay!
    At least 4 8oz. glasses of water :) Had 5 glasses!
    Stay in the green :) Even after having a challenge this evening!!! Cut in half the main dish at an unexpected dinner tonight at my son & his wife's apt. Unable to stick with my planned meals...

    I cooked & then put in individual serving size containers.
    I have meals planned thru Friday.

    JFT 3/4/19 Mon.
    At least 4 8 oz. glasses of water
    Stay in the green
    Cook chicken

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a mixed day. We booked flights for our holiday (going to Chile in May!) But for some reason we got a bit stressed and not very happy whilst doing it. I think it was because we looked at how much annual leave we had left for the year and as a result we couldn't make the Chile holiday as long as we would have liked which made us a bit sad. It's a massive country so it will be difficult to do as much as we want in the time that we have there. It's frustrating how little time off one actually has outside the daily grind. I know I'm very fortunate compared to most in the extent to which I can afford to go on holiday and in terms of how much I have. But that doesn't stop me getting frustrated sometimes at the overall system, where it feels like all of us slave away for years to benefit our capitalist overlords rather than ourselves >:)

    We also had an argument (again) whilst packing about how annoying the boyfriend's job is. He's involved with flight tests for work, and for some reason the company doesn't actually schedule them properly but says they will be within a certain time period. He has one of those time periods across three weeks around the start of April, which is really annoying because I'd like to have a cheap weekend somewhere at the start of April (because I'm exhausted and need a break now) but we can't book anything because of this stupid flight test. So we argued about that. Which put a bit of a downer on the whole booking process.

    But! We did book, two flights to Chile, which really is super exciting. Went out for pizza to celebrate, which means calories were way over for yesterday, but still in losing weight territory for the week.

    Now the planning work begins! We've only booked flights there and back, so now we need to work out exactly what we can fit in within the time, and book some internal flights to get around. It is super huge - we're only going to do the top half but even that is over 1000 miles long!

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :/ Forgot about some sweets we ate while holiday planning
    - Be in the green :/ No, went about 1000 over. But still in weight loss territory for the week as a whole
    - 3+ bottles water :/ Think I had about 2
    - Knee strengthening exercises :/ I just didn't do this

    - No eating whilst standing :smile:
    - Savour every bite :/
    - Monitor fullness after each meal :/
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving :/
    - Give myself credit! :/

    - Buy sports clothes and travel book :smile:
    - Book flights :smile:
    - Call mum :smile:
    - French homework :/ Will have to do that this evening
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights off by 11 :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Be in the green
    - 4 bottles water
    - No alcohol
    - Exercise DVD
    - Knee-strengthening exercises

    - No eating whilst standing
    - Savour every bite
    - Monitor fullness after each meal
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving
    - Give myself credit!

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Stay positive
    - 2+ of French book, article, podcast
    - 7h of work only
    - French homework
    - Gratitude journal
    - Lights off by 11

    Weekly calorie balance: clean slate

    Words for 2019: Mindful Moderation
  • 13ecca4
    13ecca4 Posts: 201 Member
    13ecca4 wrote: »
    JFT - Friday
    Log all foods and stay under calorie goal :)
    PT session tonight - give it your best! :)

    JFT - Monday
    Log all foods and stay under calorie goal
    Drink 2 bottles of water
    15,000 steps
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Monday
    Happy new week!
    1. Log all food
    2. Drink 150oz water
    3. Meditate
    4. Don’t eat any chips
    5. Workout at home
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Good morning!

    @Elbee1 thank you, we had a great time! Definitely a challenge to stay on plan but I managed to put on my blinders and stick to my broccoli cheddar bread bowl and sangria that I planned for. Next year I want to be in maintenance so I'm excited to have more of the various treats.

    I'm exhausted today, I was up half the night sick but hopefully I'll get through the day alright, at least it isn't a workout day.

    This week we are starting our budget, my husband has cash for the week to use on food and gas for work and I've taken out $80 cash to use on groceries for the week. I find that I buy way more at the grocery store than we need and we never use it all before it goes bad which wastes both money and food!

    Anyways, here's yesterday 3/3:

    1. Stay within 1600 calories 😁
    2. Get a minimum of 4,000 steps😁
    3. Just have a fun, stress-free day😁

    JFT 3/4:

    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Go for a walk at lunch
    3. Ask boss about taking 2 days off at the end of the month, if he's in a good mood lol
    4. Leave work by 5:15
    5. Buy groceries
    6. Cook dinner
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,039 Member

    JFT 3rd March

    Moisturize YES
    Clear paperwork, try again! YET AGAIN - NO!
    March challenge - walk 40 MINUTES

    Instead of clearing paperwork, I got asked to baby sit again so son could fix his car. No contest :) Baby snuggles are indeed the best.

    I really need to get on top of eating again, yesterday was not very good. One of those days when I wasn't hungry enough to know what I wanted to eat. But I still wanted to eat something, I suspect just for something to do! I live alone and am happy enough, but sometimes when I get home the house seems very empty. Mostly when I've been at my son's, as theirs is a happy home with baby and pets, then I walk home and my house feels empty. On the plus side, I have no excuse for having any food in the house that I shouldn't be eating :)

    JFT 4th March

    Meet friend for coffee, don't have cake!
    Finish reading book about building back strength
    March challenge - walk

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,440 Member
    Sorry I've been out of sorts lately. Mood tanked and and so did my ability to deal with the basic things in life. Goals were beyond me. I'm still rubbish, but climbing out enough to recognize that this site is important to my well being. If I write it, I'm more likely to live it. Now to try to move past the past.

    JFT Monday

    - Work by 8:00 :) Really no choice my car is in the shop so I'm carpooling with hubby. We should really do this more often, but we never know what will come up that keeps us here late.
    - One liter of H2O before soda. :) 1L in at 9:00
    - Protein bar instead of cookies for breakfast.
    - Walk at lunch. Its a bit snowy and cold so it may be a short walk.
    - Call Doc and reschedule appt.
    - Lunch under 300 cal
    - Figure out the evening schedule. Choir/Theater/Tennis & homework. Harder when we are down a car. Thankfully the other kid can drive herself.
    - Dinner within calories.
    - No snacks. No alcohol. Pretty sure I had enough of both the last few days to cover me for a while.
    - Maybe start journaling again.
    - Bed by 10:00.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Daily Intake:
    • Log every bite. :smile: This was hard because my food was from Texas Roadhouse but I think I got it all.
    • Stay in the green :)
    • Eat only when sitting :)
    • Eat mindfully. Enjoy each bite. Be present. :)
    • Eat only if actually hungry. :)
    • Give mysef credit: star on the kitchen calendar if I stay green :)
    • Drink 64 oz of water :# Just a bit shy...


    30 minutes active to include: :#UGH. I forgot my FitBit yesterday. Left it on the charger all day. But I logged my shopping/walking time.
    • 6000 FitBit steps
    • Body Groove: Do at least one session tonight
    • Lift hand weights. Start with 10 reps, targeting 3 different muscle groups
    • Check out the gym and see if membership is still active

    • Take GD, C, to lunch and bumming for getting straight A's on her report card :smile:
    • Half Size Me Podcast or Forum :smile:
    • Drop off donate bag(s) :#Maybe today? Time with granddaughter was way more important than this list yesterday!
    • Read a chapter from "The Wahls Protocol" :#
    • Create my "March" bullet journal pages :)Started it
    • Prep for tomorrow, tonight :)Laundry done and work clothes ready for week.
    • Daily Dialog (Lymphedema flare-up in writing arm/hand)
    • Gratitude Journal Same as above. No handwriting right now.