Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Eric and I had a great weekend. We had a nice breakfast and Saturday morning drive with the dogs and then stopped in St. Mary's City, MD to walk around the little historical area. Then on Sunday I washed and waxed my car and cooked a nice dinner with tilapia, quinoa, and some fresh corn on the cob.

    We had our first OB appointment today and ultrasound. I'm right on track and the baby is measuring 25.2mm so my due date didn't change at all. Their machine didn't have the capability to hear the heartbeat so I was a little bummed about that, but she said everything looked good. She showed Eric the baby on the monitor and it was moving around and doing a little dance (which Eric has been imitating ever since. lol), but she never turned the screen towards me and I was too dumb to ask her to. I don't know why I didn't ask. I'm so mad at myself. Oh well, I suppose it's only fair since I saw it during my kidney ultrasound and he didn't. lol She said the scar tissue on my cervix from the LEEP could cause some issues with dilating during labor, but we won't really know until the time comes. Also, since my meds are keeping my blood pressure in check she said that everything should be fine with that, but they're going to keep a close eye on it.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Happy Monday!! :)
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Ashley, some of you may know me already from the TTC thread. Well I was hoping to be able to join you group as I’m now 6weeks 5 days pregnant! DH and I have been trying for over two years and have gone through a couple failed IUI’s (intrauterine inseminations) and were planning on doing our last one this past week while on vacation. Instead I found out we were pregnant! Because we were considered fertility patients we’re still under the care of our RE and will be referred over to an OB at our 8week u/s next week. This is also the reason why we have been able to have a 6week u/s and will have an 8week one too.
    So now that we finally did it, all the other stuff came flooding, we spent so long in the TTC frame of mind that all this other stuff if foreign to us. Like to choose a midwife or OB, if an OB which one and which hospital? Oh and since we live in Montreal and the average waiting list time for a daycare is 2years, we need to start looking into that right away too! And the hardest question of all, when to tell everyone!
    I hope that in this group I can find other fit conscious moms to be that are willing to share their stories and advice on this whole process.
    Wishing you all healthy and happy little bundles of joy!

    Welcome Ashley! I'm 6 weeks today and had a tubal ligation reversal 3 months ago. Congrats on your pregnancy! I've had 3 ultrasounds and going on 4 this Thursday. Can't wait to see baby's heartbeat. I bet you can't wait for your ultrasound. Let us know how it goes :) I've only told a couple of people. I'm waiting another month to tell the rest of my family because I want to get past the miscarriage phase. Good luck!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Ashley, some of you may know me already from the TTC thread. Well I was hoping to be able to join you group as I’m now 6weeks 5 days pregnant! DH and I have been trying for over two years and have gone through a couple failed IUI’s (intrauterine inseminations) and were planning on doing our last one this past week while on vacation. Instead I found out we were pregnant! Because we were considered fertility patients we’re still under the care of our RE and will be referred over to an OB at our 8week u/s next week. This is also the reason why we have been able to have a 6week u/s and will have an 8week one too.
    So now that we finally did it, all the other stuff came flooding, we spent so long in the TTC frame of mind that all this other stuff if foreign to us. Like to choose a midwife or OB, if an OB which one and which hospital? Oh and since we live in Montreal and the average waiting list time for a daycare is 2years, we need to start looking into that right away too! And the hardest question of all, when to tell everyone!
    I hope that in this group I can find other fit conscious moms to be that are willing to share their stories and advice on this whole process.
    Wishing you all healthy and happy little bundles of joy!

    Welcome to the group!! I'm 10 weeks along and DH and I decided early on to only tell immediate family. We're going to wait another 2 weeks before telling the rest of the world for the same reason.

    I think it's best when you feel your ready to tell everyone? Best of luck to ya. I'll ahve more updateds on Thursday since OB wants to see me before we head to the beach for 8 days of Babymoon!! :love:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Yeah, Ashley I am so excited for you!!!! How exciting:0) I'm so happy you are here!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Congrats Ashley! Wishing you a happy healthy fit pregnancy! :flowerforyou:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Sharing some reading "New Car Seat Rules" (effective March 2011):

    "Before you buckle up your kids again, there are new rules regarding car seats from the American Academy of Pediatrics that you should know.

    As of March 2011, the AAP recommends that children remain in rear-facing car seats until age 2, or until they reach the maximum height and weight for their seat.

    In addition, children should remain in a booster seat until they are 4 feet, 9 inches tall and are between 8 and 12 years old.

    More information, from an AAP news release:

    The article located at:

  • rgtierney
    rgtierney Posts: 2 Member
    Is anyone else starving? I'm trying to watch my calories, but I get too hungry. i know that I'm eating enough because I've already gained 3-4 pounds and I'm only 8 weeks. This can't be good. I'm trying to eat right, eat balanced, plenty of protien, but by the end of the day I'm dizzy with hunger and I just need to eat. But I do not want to gain too much. Anybody else?
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Is anyone else starving? I'm trying to watch my calories, but I get too hungry. i know that I'm eating enough because I've already gained 3-4 pounds and I'm only 8 weeks. This can't be good. I'm trying to eat right, eat balanced, plenty of protien, but by the end of the day I'm dizzy with hunger and I just need to eat. But I do not want to gain too much. Anybody else?

    I get that way some days. If I'm hungry like that, then I eat. I've gained about the same amount of weight as you. I'm drinking about 100oz of water a day (more when I work out) and I think I'm retaining 90% of it. lol
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    My weekend was GREAT!!! The wedding went well, pretty much just as planned. Everyone one had a great time! I'm so happy to be officially married! My son is back home, and OMG, I've never been so happy to see someone in my life, as I was to see him on Sat!!! He's been such a good helper every since we got home too.

    Weekend was busy, had a huge jucuzzi tub in our Motel Room, so that was awesome!!! So relaxing! Just what I needed. Seemed like I ate a lot of food, but most of it was healthy and I've still only gained 2.5 lbs so far, so I guess I'm doing good. Must be eating just enough for baby to get what he/she needs. I've been feeling great! I have finally noticed a little more energy lately.......finally. Growing a baby is exhausting!!!! At least this time. Wasn't tired like this in my last pregnancy. Another thing I noticed, after looking at some of the wedding snap shots, my belly is getting bigger. I guess I'm used to myself and didn't think it was that noticable yet, but it is!!!!!

    Heather - That's awesome, 3-D ultrasound! I doubt I'm getting a 3-D but only 6 more weeks and I can find out what I'm having!!! Can't WAIT!!!

    Ashley - Congrats!!!!! Wishing you the best with everything. Keep us all updated!

    rgtierney - How far along are you? If your not too far along, it's probably just water weight. I bloated a lot at first, then lost a couple lbs.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Is anyone else starving? I'm trying to watch my calories, but I get too hungry. i know that I'm eating enough because I've already gained 3-4 pounds and I'm only 8 weeks. This can't be good. I'm trying to eat right, eat balanced, plenty of protien, but by the end of the day I'm dizzy with hunger and I just need to eat. But I do not want to gain too much. Anybody else?

    I tried the first couple of weeks to eat balanced and it didn't work out so well for me. So i read in one of hte pregnancy books that you should really be eating 6 - 8 small meals through out the day. So I've become a heavy snacker: dried apriocts, small bag of raw almonds, fiber bars, tons of different fruits, water, a little pasta here and there, etc...and I must say that its worked!! So maybe stash some snacks in your purse for when you feel hungry? I wouldn't worry about the weight gain, everyone's body is different.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone. Just wanted to pop in real quick and say hi. I've been keeping up over the weekend and quickly this week. I've been slammed at work...again. I swear I keep thinking, "after this week things will slow down". Not yet. Job security is a good thing though.

    RE: maternity clothes. This morning was the frist I felt nothing would fit me. I am using the rubberband trick but think that may only last a couple more weeks at best. I thought about getting the belly bands, but my sister advised that may only get me through another few weeks so I may just bite the bullet and get some pants already. I have a lot of shirts that I can still wear and even one pair of jeans I have still fit; they are stretchy. I think I can get by with a couple pair of dress pants for now. This week is the first I've felt like I look prego. I've been wearing shirts that are more fitted to accenuate so I don't just look chubby.

    I still feel good; just tired. I got an outside run in over the weekend for the first time in over a month. It felt good but I ran intervals with a little walking. The hills and the heat and humidity made it harder. I also felt kinda bouncy in the belly. Planned on a run yesterday but working late prevented. I also burned a crap load of calories over thew weekend mowing grass and doing yard work. Who would guess how many calories that stuff burns? I love my HRM.

    I have my first (and most likely only) ultrasound next Friday so I'm pretty excited about that. Otherwise life finally returned to normal last Wednesday after we got power back. Our storm home repairs are almost done so we can refocus on finishing the basement and maybe one of these days we'll start to think about the nursery.

    Welcome new peeps! Hope you all have a great week!

    -Ashley B.
    (I see there are two Ashley's now!)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

    Atomdraco – Wow, I know some adults that are barely the 4.9 requirement! Thanks for the info.

    Rgtierney – I’ve had days like that too, I find the morning is the worse, if I don’t eat the moment I get up I feel like my stomach will eat itself! In those scenarios I eat! I try to make sure everything I eat is nutritious so that I feel less guilty about it.

    To the other Ashley (Better-Balance), crap i'm Ashley B. too! What are the odds! You can call me Ash to avoid confusions. Oh and as a runner maybe you can help me with my inquiry below.

    I was hopping to get everyone feedback on exercise in the first trimester, so far I haven’t limited myself except for running (timing thing, not because I’m pregnant). I was previously doing the C25K program and was almost done, but then I went on vacation & other stuff happened, it’s now been 3weeks since I ran and was wondering if it be safe to restart running but take my time with it. I did sign myself up for a run in October (before I knew I was pregnant) to do a 5k run and would love to still do it, it’s for a great cause (breast cancer research), but I’m afraid that because I’m such a novice runner it’s not healthy. Any suggestions? I’m still looking for an OB and so I don’t have one to ask yet.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    RE: maternity clothes. This morning was the frist I felt nothing would fit me. I am using the rubberband trick but think that may only last a couple more weeks at best. I thought about getting the belly bands, but my sister advised that may only get me through another few weeks so I may just bite the bullet and get some pants already. I have a lot of shirts that I can still wear and even one pair of jeans I have still fit; they are stretchy. I think I can get by with a couple pair of dress pants for now. This week is the first I've felt like I look prego. I've been wearing shirts that are more fitted to accenuate so I don't just look chubby.

    -Ashley B.
    (I see there are two Ashley's now!)

    Ashley B- my hubby and I just hit Old Navy because I needed some cheappy flip flops for our trip and I noticed that our little store has a small selection of Maternity wear. TONS of stuff on clearance, capri's, shorts, bermudas and I saw a few dress pants. So maybe if you get a chance and you have one near you- you can swing by and maybe with some luck you can find some goodies?? Best of luck!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Babee- I just ordered gap and old navy maternity on line! they had a 30% off sale if you order something from gap, old navy, and banana republic, so i ordered socks from BR and clothes from gap and old navy. I got like $150 off my order!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I went to the OB yesterday and was so happy to find out that if I'm eating very low mercury fish like wild salmon, dover sole, and fresh water trout, that I can actually eat fish up to 5 times a week!!!!! So happy about this. I was having so much trouble finding something appetizing for dinner lately because chicken and meat still gross me out.

    Also, Nucal went so well. I got to see a more clear pic of my baby, and it was sleeping and sucking its thumb! so cute! the whole appointment took like 15 minutes, thank goodness! with my son, I was there for 2.5 hours because he was so active they couldn't get a measurement!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Just wanted to share a little tidbit about a great snack I've been having lately with great health benefits especially for us preggo's!
    Dried Apricots :)

    Apricots have nutrients which help protect both the heart and the eyes. Beta-carotene in Apricots is heart saviour. They prevent heart disease by securing the LDL cholesterol from oxidation.

    Other benefits include:

    1) Treat Constipation

    By eating a few Apricots a day, you can suffer less constipation due to the Apricots pectin and cellulose content.

    2) Treat Anaemia

    Apricots are rich in iron which can help treat Anaemia. Low number of blood cells is usually caused by iron deficiency. There is no worry when eating Apricots as you can enrich your blood with iron once again.

    Just thought I would share! :flowerforyou:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Babee- I just ordered gap and old navy maternity on line! they had a 30% off sale if you order something from gap, old navy, and banana republic, so i ordered socks from BR and clothes from gap and old navy. I got like $150 off my order!

    holy crap!! Now that's what I call savings!
  • cheryl72076
    This is a great subject! I'm currently losing and prepping for baby #2. I want to be fit before, during, and after the kiddos! I'll be sure to keep you guys updated when we find out. :blushing:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ash - there are lots of runner on this board, many that run much more than I do. My dr. told me if I can carry on a conversation, I am fine. Don't start anything new and don't lift heavy. Of course your doctor can tell you more, but I think most importantly, listen to your body. I have been trying to keep up with at least one 2ish mile run a week. But I have slowed my roll quite a bit.

    I love dried apricots! I keep boxes in my drawer at work. I pair them with some almonds and get a quick and easy snack. And they make you poop! :laugh:

    Still at work. I'm totally not feeling the gym today. Maybe I'll walk my dog. She's getting old (13) and I am afraid of wearing her out. We just walked Sunday.

    Thanks for the maternity hints! I know our Old Navy at the mall doens't have maternity. Maybe one of the others does. I see shopping in my future. :devil:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just wanted to share a little tidbit about a great snack I've been having lately with great health benefits especially for us preggo's!
    Dried Apricots :)


    Thanks for sharing. I need to get some new ones.
