Welcome New Members!



  • Carried_aw4y
    Carried_aw4y Posts: 45 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hello! I’ve been using this app for quite a while (off and on for almost a year) but I’m new to the community and I’m looking to connect and make friends with people for support and motivation. I’m 37 and living in Ottawa, Ontario. Add me or send me a message if you would like the same. 😊
  • Leelee8695
    Leelee8695 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone am new 3 days in and loving this app
  • ksim4226
    ksim4226 Posts: 1 Member
    Over 50 and 60lbs over weight for the first time in my life. Just quit smoking and removed gallbladder. Weight gain in excess of 30lbs
  • moritzk02
    moritzk02 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me, let's stay motivated
  • VectorPrim3
    VectorPrim3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there. My young children are starting to get too fast for me, can't have that! Lol
    But it's the best possible kick in my pants to become a stronger and healthier Dad for them.
    So feel free to add me as a friend if you can relate.
  • wobblemcwobbleface
    wobblemcwobbleface Posts: 92 Member
    Hi all, no swim last night as planned ( a bit late walking the dog to the left, in the rain ) but a visit to the Gym. Some "weights" , mild torture on the stomach that in my book passes as stomach crunches - most of the difficulty being the stomach shape itself getting in the way ) and a trip on the elliptical trainer through the Grand Canyon (the settings bear no relationship to the landscape, but, it is now in the wish list to see so hey that bit of marketing worked....) so ok all in all - 400 cals ( suspect the weights were a bit more but you can't record those and it is all a bit of a faff anyway) - enough for a party bag of peanut M&M's (not really, honest). I would have to say being an older, overweight bloke at the gym is not a great experience (I suspect for all concerned) - I seem to have rather light weights on the machines, in my mind get critical looks of how pathetic are you, but, then again I don't preen myself in the mirror etc. What is that about? for me, I see hairy arms and bingos, a portly profile but look "thinish" so long as I stay straight on to the mirror and not side on.... ( best not to look say I )

    Ho Hum must do some work - ( yay )

    good fortune to all

  • mummy_h
    mummy_h Posts: 103 Member
    Hi guys, Im H, a mom of 2, 5 and 7 years old. I lost 3stone in 8 months 9 years ago doing the slimming world plan. But being a working mom of 2, sticking to certain types of food doesnt work for me. I wsnt portion control so I can continue to eat the foods I love in moderation. Ive started my journey on MFP on the 23/1/16 and ive lost 12lb but have 13 st 11 to go. I know my weight loss may be slower and harder but Im determined. If I lose it slower its more likely to stay off as im realistic with what I can eat for a life time, which is a variety of foods but in smaller portions. Ive joined the gym and ive swam most days for the past couple of weeks, good luck everyone
  • mtaky
    mtaky Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hello, I’ve been here since December 2019 I downloaded the app year ago but actually decided to start at the date above, this great app helped me to drop 15.5 kg in only 8 weeks....
    I really consider that is the best achievement i did ever, believer in my fitness pal..
  • brundell7376
    brundell7376 Posts: 70 Member
    Just getting back into the swing of things. Lost 50 lbs last time then gained 20 of it back. Just started a new profile and looking to lose another 50 lbs before reverse dieting next fall.
  • roseyy60
    roseyy60 Posts: 1 Member
    New here, skinny (ish) male wanting to get ‘buff’ any advice appreciated muchly, let’s get fit! :)
  • ariefzulfiar
    ariefzulfiar Posts: 1 Member
    Good to have a RIVAL 😄
  • donnadski3
    donnadski3 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone. Today I start my journey. I cant say that I haven't tried this before, I was partially successful and then failed. My follow through is awful.Long term, long term! I need to keep that at the forefront. I think as I get older I become more afraid of the inevitable and I am scared that my weight is going to be the very thing that takes me out. I have way too much to live for. I don't know if there is a "Rock Bottom" but I may have hit it. I need to learn to how to "Eat to live" instead of living to eat. The struggle is real.

    My Name is Donna, I am 45 years old and I am eager to becoming a healthier me. I could use all the support I can get. With that being said, if you are reading this and can use an extra friend or have any advice, please advise. :)

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you all well on a healthier new you!

    P.S. How do you enjoy your water? Does your body digest it the same with a slice of lemon in it?

  • FloridaFine19
    FloridaFine19 Posts: 1 Member
    Good afternoon I'm a newbie I was told about this app to help with calories, but wow its so much more that. I'm currently in a group of ladies that want to be healthy and lose weight. Although we are only a week in, I feel like I'm the only serious one about getting weight off.. I'm not going to let that detour me from my goals. I'm interested in trying keto but not sure yet just trying to get handle on my eating habits.
  • kgrniz57
    kgrniz57 Posts: 3 Member
    New here and I am just looking for some friends to motivate me to keep going and keep strong.

  • kgrniz57
    kgrniz57 Posts: 3 Member
    Been on here before...lost 15 lbs. then gained it all back :neutral: Now I'm ready to get it off for good and commit to a lifestyle change!

    ,same here, but I'm still trying to figure it all out 😃
  • jonsjourney2019
    jonsjourney2019 Posts: 3 Member
    amcouch79 wrote: »
    Been a member off and on for years. But per doctor's orders have to lose some weight. About 70 lbs to be exact. Using this helps with accountability and encouragement. Be blessed on your weight loss journey.

    Hey amchouch79! I have been on and off this app for years but I feel new every time! Lol welcome! I agree, this app is great accountability! I love it when I find people to hold me accountable to my goals so now I make it a goal to do the same for other people. I found the most efficient and creative way to bring people who share similar goals, together in the spirit accountability is to create great video content with some insightful information so I created a YouTube channel I think you would love! Make sure to leave a comment to let me know what you think and if you enjoy it, feel free to subscribe!

  • BiggieBigCat
    BiggieBigCat Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm at the beginning of my journey towards a healthier life and am looking forward to the shared experiences in this whole community. I think I came to the right place! 😊
  • ashleyjaji
    ashleyjaji Posts: 1 Member
    I did a careers quiz on buzzfeed which said I should be an athlete...

    Anyone up for some healthy lifting competition? PB's currently sitting at 140kg Squat, 92.5Kg Bench Press, 180KG Deadlift. HMU XXX
  • vortexcreator311
    vortexcreator311 Posts: 1 Member
    First time using this app, I’m trying to learn as much as I can about health, nutrition and excersise. I currently know and do very little but would love to become healthier.
  • tracyderrett1
    tracyderrett1 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new here, I have been on and off this app but really trying to stick with it this time! I have my macros set to exactly what I am trying to hit per day. I definitely need to find some more snacks with high protein to bring to work as that is the hardest one to hit for me. Can't wait to get this journey started!