What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    30min interval run, getting the run intervals to between 9min and 10min 30 miles, to get me to race pace.
    Bootcamp trx and hiit
  • Tannernorris
    Tannernorris Posts: 3 Member
    10 Min warm-up jog
    30 Cab Drivers
    30 Military Press
    30 Tricep Press
    30 Tricep Pulldown
    30 Shoulder Press

    Good day!
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    An hour and 45 min in a four. Lots of technique and probably my best row (in the short period of time I've been rowing).
  • BrindleRun
    BrindleRun Posts: 28 Member
    18 mile run. Thank goodness for marathon training. It’s been great motivation to go outside and run even thought it’s cold out.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    At my office using a pair of 20kg KB, performed 3 rounds of this superset: #1 = start from the top lockout alternating floor press x 5 - #2 = double floor press x 5 - #3 = start from the top alternating single-arm bent over rows x 5 - #4 = double bent over rows x 5 = one round. TOUGH.
  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    8 mile run. Tapering this week. Marathon is in 8 days. Trying not to get the taper crazies and I lower my weekly mileage even more next week.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    @RunnerGrl1982, do you have any special eating plan from now until race day to be well-fueled?
  • RunnerGrl1982
    RunnerGrl1982 Posts: 412 Member
    edited March 2019
    @RunnerGrl1982, do you have any special eating plan from now until race day to be well-fueled?

    Hey @pierinifitness ! Actually, no specific eating plan other than to follow the same basic nutritional guidelines as I've been doing for my long runs. I definitely am not going to be introducing anything different into my meal plan this week; so there are no surprises by the time race day arrives.

    You basically do what you know works...at least for me, anyways! I figured out what helps fuel me for my long runs that has worked successfully over a period of trial and error. So, I don't want to mess that up! LOL. I don't necessarily "carb load" or anything. Just making sure that throughout the week my glycogen storage slowly fills up, so by race day morning I'll be energized and good to go by the time I need to start fueling within the marathon itself.

    Honestly, I just try to get a well balanced meal of protein and carbohydrates throughout the day. Nothing special. Oatmeal, greek yogurt, banana, peanut butter, lots of veggies and chicken. Those are my main go to's for the day before a long run. It just works for me.
  • RunnerGirl238
    RunnerGirl238 Posts: 448 Member
    11ish mile long run. Hilly, negative splits. Just amazing. 3 weeks til race day.

    Core stuff- planks, v ups, side planks, etc.

    Treadmill dancing
  • trunkmonkey1977
    trunkmonkey1977 Posts: 42 Member
    Snowboarding for 5 hours. So sore.
  • dancerlady399
    dancerlady399 Posts: 7 Member
    Dance practice for 1 hour, no-rules freestyle dance for 1 hour (with ab work, resistance bands, and light weights thrown in for fun), then shovel work in the garden for about 3 hours, and a quick walk down the block.
  • alexis1616
    alexis1616 Posts: 115 Member
    Had a long workout today so I'm pretty sore and it hurts to sit!

    5 min regular stationary cycle warmup

    barbell squats of various weights - 220lb x 2 reps x 1(new PB!), 175lb x 5 reps x 2, 155lb x 6 reps x 3, 135lb x 10 reps x 3, 90lb x 20 reps x 3
    barbell hip thrusts with 20 pulses - 135lb x 20reps + 20 pulses x 5 sets
    super set of [10 single leg deadlifts ea side and 10 single leg squats ea side with a 35lb kettlebell] x 3 sets
    super set of [20 walking lunges and 10 stationery lunges ea side] x 3 sets
    super set of [2x sled push and 40 sumo squat pulses] x 3 sets
    5 mins of assault bike sprints (20sec sprint, 10 sec rest)
    and a giant super set of [cable pull-throughs(55lb x 15 reps), kettlebell sumo squats with 20 pulses(35lb x 20reps +20 pulses), a large band glute and thigh circuit (10 glute kickbacks ea side, 10 fire hydrants ea side, 10 toe taps ea side and 10 air circles ea side), ground hip thrust(35lb kettlebell x 20+20 pulses), and a 1 min wall sit] all repeated 4 times

    7 mins assault bike cool down

    All around a great 3 hour workout!

  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Mini taper getting ready for a half next week.

    10km fun run (intervals 2:15run/1min walk) maybe pushed too hard in run intervals)
    Followed by 1km run with my boys
  • nodley
    nodley Posts: 47 Member
    Nothing but incline bench press today. I did 9 sets, I need my upper chest filling out a bit. I usually rest on a Sunday.

  • grace42c
    grace42c Posts: 71 Member
    Telemark ski 6 hours. Shovel 30 min, haul loads on sled through deep snow - 30 min. Ready for rest!
  • Mawnstroe
    Mawnstroe Posts: 17 Member
    Couch-to-5K running/walking for 30 minutes (end of week 1, which is run for a minute, brisk walk for 1.5 minutes); body weight workout for 20 minutes.
  • Mommabear9393
    Mommabear9393 Posts: 1 Member
    I work out at home, I started off with zumba 45 mins then 15 minute bike ride . Then chasing my toddler around outside for 3 hrs .
  • nosugrefm
    nosugrefm Posts: 6 Member
    1 hour spin class
    1,400 yard swim
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    Deadlifted and squatted 300 pounds D's then ran a 6:48 mile on the treadmill, I am convinced the lifting is making me run faster longer.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    10min treadmill warm up
    Single leg RDL 3x8
    Push ups 3x8
    DB row 3x8
    EMOM for 5mins: 10 KB swings, 5 modified burpees (no jumping)
    2.5 mile walk with the dogs

    Today: rest