

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,236 Member
    Machka - Oh no! I’m glad you knew what to do! I’m so sorry to hear seizures have appeared. I hope this does not set his recovery back.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    It will set his recovery back, in a way. We have a Dr's appointment tomorrow morning to find out more but my big concern now is what if this happens when he's by himself. So we've got to consider safety measures like, perhaps, getting a carer back or something.

    His medication may also present some issues ... side effects.

    So it is potentially a bit of a step back ... and to the side. An unexpected twist.

    I'm now looking at first aid courses specialising in epilepsy ... yes, there are some! I've got to renew my basic one first, and then I can go into the speciality courses. I may also see if he can attend the courses too. It might not hurt for him to have some awareness as well.

    Today, I went to my uni class first thing in the morning, and to work after ... thus walking 5.5 km. But by 4 pm, I was done ... just exhausted. So I came home early and slept for 1.5 hours. Hopefully that will give me a boost for the rest of the week.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,236 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    So close to “Onederland”!

    Sharon, who is also Near Seattle

    Well done!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Sharon - Fantastic news! Keep on trucking! :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Tracey – your dress is beautiful!

    Michele – love the shower things, and no, once a year on washing windows is my limit. I didn't know you were on anti-seizure meds, glad he's tracking you closely.

    Tracey – I agree with what Barbara said, check into volunteering and/or employment at some of the nonprofits, as honestly, their budgets don’t allow much in terms of advertising jobs, either, so sometimes it's quite hard to hear about them having open positions. Worth looking at their websites, if they have them.

    Kim – Levi looks as if he just got his beautiful hair done at a styling salon, he’s gorgeous! Still thinking about you and your employment situation, as well as Tracey and Allie.

    Dana – Yeah, window washing is much like praying for rain everywhere, but I’m OK with it. Don’t mind the water on the outside, it’s the schmutz on the inside! Dolly is lovely.

    Sharon – Nice progress! So pleased for you… milestones are a lovely boost to your spirits.

    Machka - Yes, I wondered, with your husband just taking his driving test, whether the seizure would impact that, as well. And whether it will make the return-to-work chickie back off a step...

    Heather - love the pics of your grands, and especially of you and your DH with your son and all three kids. Your happiness just glows through the lens. So glad you were able to move closer, where those celebrations are easy to attend, and hope some one-on-one time with the grandparents can help your grandson.

    Off to the doc this morning to be released from all restrictions. Tremendously pleased with my progress, and tomorrow is just six weeks since the surgery. The knee still heats up and swells with the exercise, but apparently that may last as long as six months, so not unusual. Finding that, if I skip a day in between, I progress better and am less achy and sore. Using the kinetic tape on the surgery scar has done wonders to break up the scar tissue underneath, and it's down to just a thin red line, now, not that I'm vain or anything. :wink:

    Our son has started the whole "well, that's the last time I'll do that," with things like taking the trash down to be picked up. His father and I each told him separately that we can have him take the trash down for pickup early next Sunday morning, if he likes, before we take him to the plane... :smiley: Hope this time with us has helped him develop the strength and the attention span he needs to make his way successfully through school. He's capable of doing the work, and the semesters are three months long at community college, rather than five months long as they are at university, so I have hope!

    OK, six a.m., time to get an hour or so of work-work done before I'm off to the doc.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Macha prayers for both you and DH. Sorry you have to stand your ground with chickie. You have enough on your plate without her.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Tracey ... Congratulations on finding your dress!! You are beaming in it ... meant to be!

    Machka ... honestly, that work chickie needs slapped ...

    Son's housemate ... the young woman who overdosed on pills did not suffer long-term damage it seems. Much to my dismay, she is being discharged from the hospital this week and is apparently being sent back home. This is a huge failure in my opinion on the part of her mental health practitioners. I'm hoping she receives some kind of follow-up care or I envision a repeat.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    so here I am, back home, DFIL was beligerant today so nothing got down him.. and Mary might accept another position she can just not handle new office manager, and frankly neither can I, I dread going into work.. it doesn't make it easy, and I am sure Michael(tan man office manager) wouldn't mind to see either of us go.but the place would go in the toilet..people are used to seeing familar faces and if things change , we will lose patients, as it is we are not getting any reviews and this guy has only been there a week.., thank goodness my hours are only 3 days a week, and maybe I can find something for the other 2, to make a little extra.. and have the weekends off..
    again putting it in Gods hands.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Tracey - you look great!!! Gorgeous dress!! You look like you are in your 30's <3B) Great points about your kids going to technical college, by the way. The push for a 4 or 4+ yr university degree is good, but sometimes folks tend to forget the need for auto/truck mechanics, plumbers, HVAC technicians, truck drivers, heavy equipment operators, engineering, water, and surveying techs. These are high-demand good paying jobs, students don't have to go into much debt and can often gain the needed skills in a one or two year program at a local college or apprenticeship.

    Karen in VA
    - thank you for sharing those photos of Omaha flooding. So sad.... does it normally flood like that or is this the result of the big thaw? Hope we hear from Meg soon.

    - did the doc remove the pre-cancerous polyps while he was doing the colonoscopy? I thought that was the purpose, not just take a "look-see". You might have said and I missed it due to my skimming.

    Dana - very cute haircut!! Sorry to hear about Dolly's fear of gunshots. Our older gal was the same way. Even the sound of someone chunking firewood when I have her out in the back yard is enough to have her beg to go back in the house and shiver in the closet. I'm going to look into the calming collar. She has a Thundershirt she wears on July 4th (the whole darn week of banging and booming :( ) and New Year's eve. It helps a little. I think she has naturally gotten a little better though, she's now 11 and perhaps her hearing isn't that good.

    Machka - so sorry to hear of your DH's seizure and now this setback. That return-to-work gal needs more training - or supervision. My question to her would be - if your DH returns to work per her pushing despite this new medical complication, will she/her agency assume liability if he or others are injured while on the job if he has a seizure? Crossing fingers the doc visit goes well and he can find meds with as few side effects as possible.

    - our local "soup kitchen" would love to have someone like you in their kitchen - you are such a giving person and love to cook, plus being a budget-wise shopper. I think you'd be perfect for something like that.

    Rebecca - sorry to hear you'll have to move already, lucky for you tho you have the packing down to a fine art. Wishing you best of luck in finding a super new place that will fit yours, your DH's and your son's needs.

    - so happy to hear you are closing in on "Onederland" B) Does your job last until April 15th?

    Lisa - great job with the knee progress. That kinetic tape is a neat invention for sure.

    Evie - Barbie - Barbara - Sue - Katla and neighbors.... those of us in the Pacific Northwest have major spring fever. I agree, so nice to work and/or just be out in the afternoon sun in a T-shirt. Thermometer said 63 yesterday afternoon and I pruned the grapes. Dug out my shorts for today, lol.

    OK better close. Have a great week!

    SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Evelyn: I enjoyed the riding lesson even though I did little correctly. It was a beautiful day and great to be out in the sunshine. My teacher is planning on a trail ride next time—whenever that turns out to be. I hope the weather cooperates. I’ve been very lucky-- I get to ride & to learn but I don’t have the worry about caring for a horse because I don’t own one. :bigsmile:

    Snowflake: Beautiful dress. You look great. :star:

    Michele: Funny! “Allie – you do know how the Irish jig came to be, don’t you?????????? Too much beer and not enough bathrooms” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbara: The beach parachute yoga looks like wonderful fun. The “parachutes” at my gym are fastened to hooks in the ceiling and the students hang onto them while doing whatever stretching they are asked to do. I am not inclined to try because I enjoy my own class so much and would rather take it than something else. I don’t want to try to do both classes. I leave DH home on his own often enough for yoga classes and horseback riding. :noway: Loved the bucking mustang video. Thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:

    Sharon: It sounds as though you’re making great progress. Keep up the good work and onederland will be yours! :heart:

    Lisa: I hope your visit to the doctor was great. :star:

    Machka: Prayers for you and DH. In your place I would file a complaint against the intrusive worker and request a transfer to someone else. It would be best if your DH made the request, personally. :heart:

    Allie: Good luck at the workplace. :star:

    I am hoping for a yoga class today, but I’ve got to check to be sure. My teacher said she has a conflict coming up. Today might be that day. I think I’ll use the exercise room even if yoga is cancelled for today. We’ll see. DH had a terrible night last night. He ate something his body couldn’t deal with and was up and down all night. I slept in the other bedroom at his request.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    After loads of emailing backwards and forwards we now have a schedule for dates with the kids. Max is coming on Sunday for some one on one time.😀 Life is so complicated it all takes some arranging.

    Just paid a bill for electric work that had gone astray. It dated back to November! She had sent it to a slightly wrong email address. Oooops.

    I agree Lanette. Really good money to be made from trades and you can run your own business or go into property development. I love tradesmen. :p

    My old yoga friend is coming to see me by train next Monday. Hooray! Hooray! <3

    DH went out for lunch and is back now. His friend's daughter had a dreadful time with her first born son who had a metabolic syndrome and died two years ago. She is now expecting twins. (She has a daughter) It only affects boys and she has learned there is a 1% chance the boy twin has it. She is going for an amniocentesis. I really, really hope he is ok. It was terrible for the family.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Quick hello, eating my soup at my desk, gotta love Mondays, I hit the ground running and before I know it the weekend is here!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member