

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,806 Member
    Morning Ladies~ I have been up since before 5 , so I am showered dressed and ready for work, have my lunch and snacks all set and had my breakfast of egg and olive salad.
    I am going to put myself after all this NO extra spending regime . I do have some cash saved, every odd job or when I help the ladies here and I get paid or some extra money I get, I put it in there either for vacation or an emergency...
    I want to be able to start saving more for a rainy day or something,I am back to my part time hours as we have the office manager now.. I also told the Boss I dont really want to work Saterdays anymore.. I have done it for 2 years every saterday, Mary claims she helps her husband part time with his photography business but that is what her son does, so she is just trying to get out of working weekends..
    my hours will be reduced to 23 1/2 a week and I can probably make that work with the alimony.. but am praying for peace that will be enough.unless something better is in the works..
    Not walking the boys this morning because Elena is home sick. she must have a weak immune system because I would only stay home when I was really really ill, because I would hear it from you know who.. but he must treat her differently lol..
    Ok Ladies off in a few minutes to feed DFIL. he was a trooper yesterday, ate everything I fed him and drank 4 glasses of fluids.. today could be a different day ..ta ta for now.. and will catch up with you after work.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Greetings Ladies!

    Not a lot going on here. Work is crazy busy. Hubs is gearing up for a busy travel schedule. We did get the shrubs and rose bushes around the house trimmed up and all the trimmings put on the burn pile Sunday afternoon.

    As for taxes, the new tax laws worked out great for us! I was very pleasantly surprised.

    Happy Wednesday Ladies!!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :)jillery0210, glad you are here. I love to walk. I have a pedometer so I can challenge myself to walk more. I love getting credit for my efforts. I live where the weather is milder than where you are so I can walk every day all year just by wearing the right clothing (coat, hat, scarf, shoes, etc). I love to read, so I listen to audio books and podcasts while I walk.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA 2559661yoxeq9fisc.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Tracey ~ Good luck when you go for your job interview! We will all root for you. :)

    Had my 2nd PT appointment today...they put me through the ringer. That's how out of shape I am. My knee replacement is scheduled for April 17th and I have 3 pre-op appointments to go to before then. The PT said if I have the op on Wed. my first PT followup will be on Friday. One concern I have is getting myself up the basement stairs into the house as we have parking in the basement.

    Carol in GA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Katla it is also in our interest too to try to open those drains. We are high enough on our street so I don't worry about our house getting flooded, but it can effect our home sewers. (We are in the middle of a hill. ) It can also effect our ability to get out of neighborhood. I figure after Friday we will know the extent of what all this rain and we will have about another 1 on Friday will do with street flooding. I was not able to totally free the drains we have a two inch coating of ice on our street because of poor snow plowing. I am still spending the day chipping ice and shoveling snow from around our home, so I am getting plenty of exercise.

    Those states down river from us be aware of the water that is coming.

    As I said in an earlier post pot holes are the next hurdle we face up here. A bad pot hole hit too fast can bend your rims and damage a suspension. I broke a tie rod on a Sable we had from a pot hole, so I do take care around them.

    :heart: Margaret
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Viv – I went through the low mood thing too about a month ago. Not sure if it was the weather or just life in general getting to me, but I desperately needed a break. I ended up taking 3 days off work and just did things I wanted to do – reading, working a puzzle, getting my hair done, etc. I was really surprised at how “recharged” I felt afterwards. So far, the feeling is holding (the fact that spring is finally getting here is probably helping with that).

    Kelly – enjoy your days off! Sorry about your MIL but your tribute to her was beautiful.

    Still a few pages behind but I’ll get caught up shortly.

    Dad came home from the hospital yesterday. The pneumonia has pretty much cleared up. They did send him home with oxygen though since he can’t seem to keep his levels up – he just isn’t breathing deep enough right now. He’s much more comfortable at home though, so that’s a good thing – he starts to get really depressed when he’s just laying around in a hospital bed.

    A bit dreary out today but we’ve had sunshine the past couple of days – it’s finally starting to feel like spring might be coming this year after all.

    JanetO in eastern MO
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    Yvonne - you’ll probably just get that pup trained and he’ll be adopted.

    Margaret- that’s a great way for a city to try to avoid damages because of flooding. If citizens are able and it’s not mandated. Here in Edmonton people are responsible for clearing sidewalks in front of their houses and are fined if it’s not done. I don’t agree with that as too many elderly, physical limitations, etc make it difficult and I don’t think they should be fined.

    Heather - you have me wanting to make biscuits/scones. I haven’t made any in years!

    Karen in VA- I love you telling us about your Grandson’s lessons. He is a bright young boy.

    Sue - feel better soon

    Michele - I agree about having a cooking show that was healthier. Love your gnome!

    Sharon - love your definition of snow vs rain! See you after tax season.

    Machka - that must have pleased your husband, died he get his licence back now?

    Lisa - I use quotes all the time as well to centre my thoughts. I have learned to keep them positive otherwise I can become quite depressed.

    I had a call yesterday from a recruiter for a job I had applied for a few weeks ago. She told me that job had been filled but she had another client that she thought I would be a good fit for. I have an interview on Friday. I am praying to find the right words and confidence that will help me get this. The pay, hours, location and duties sound like something I would like. This is my first interview after 150+ resumes being sent out since December. Yesterday there were not even any postings to apply on.

    I am trying to decide whether to go to Costco and renew my membership. I have been using it fairly regularly including for gas, I am just not sure about spending the money right now for the actual membership. They opened a new Costco near us that makes it very convenient.

    I should go and do something, I feel I have done nothing all week!
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Good luck on your job interview!! You will kill it!!!!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Had my 2nd PT appointment today...they put me through the ringer. That's how out of shape I am. My knee replacement is scheduled for April 17th and I have 3 pre-op appointments to go to before then. The PT said if I have the op on Wed. my first PT followup will be on Friday. One concern I have is getting myself up the basement stairs into the house as we have parking in the basement.
    Carol in GA

    Carol - they'll teach you this in PT, but start remembering now, "Good leg going up, bad leg going down." For a while, you won't be able to bend that knee well, so just take stairs one at at time going up and down. When you're going up, lead with your good leg, bring the surgerized leg up to meet it, then the next step up with the good leg. When you're going down, put the surgery leg down first to the next stair, bring the good one down to meet it, then another stair. I'm just past five weeks, and just now able to step down shallow stairs fairly easily. Hopefully you have a stair rail. Your balance will be a little wobbly for a few days, but you'll get there! They'll restrict you driving for a bit, too, until they feel you're moving your foot well enough to brake and accelerate safely.

    But, here at five weeks, I'm having many more pain-free hours than I had before the surgery, and I expect that will just keep getting better. You can do this! Keep doing that physical therapy at home in between visits, too! There is a lot of evidence that says "pre-habbing" the knee will do wonders for your recovery afterward.

    Thinking about you!
    Lisa in AR
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2019
    Katla My grandson and I were brainstorming in a devil's-advocate-kind-of-way in preparation for his writing assignment. He wants to write a persuasive letter to the editor in favor of windmills. I asked him to give me 10 "cons", and he included "they kill bats" (I didn't know). The next step will be to determine which of the "cons" is valid for a windmill farm 27 miles off shore. I find it interesting that several of the women in this group have windmill farms nearby!

    Machka Your husband got his driver's license back? That's major! How great! Glad for both of you. :)

    Karen in Virginia
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Tracey - Good luck on your interview!!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hello ladies,
    Had a good day at the base gym. Challenged myself and added 5 lbs more on some of the weight machines. Had fun huffing and puffing around all the machines while two ladies took over this one machine, and jabber-jawing all the while. " hey ladies, go to a coffee house and do that, I am on a mission here", (is what my brain is thinking). I went to their machine and it was set to 5 lbs. Really? I reset it to my 20 lb mark. I am a strong old lady! The pull down machine I put it on 55 lbs. Don't mess with me.💗. On the treadmill I jogged twice during my 30 minute 1.70 mile session. My knees don't like it, but I try to not pound on them too much. Hopefully when I am less weight, it won't be such a struggle. The guy next to me was jogging and flicked his large towel to mop his brow. He was flicking me a bit. "Hey dude don't touch me with your slimy towel" , (is what my brain is thinking). I definitely got my workout today.

    Made soup yesterday so will have that for lunch. Bean, ham, and cabbage in chicken broth. I drizzled some Amy 's sesame dressing in it too. To give it a nice sheen to it.
    Have a nice day all!
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    (reposting this here, because I posted it yesterday in the February thread.. I can't believe it's mid-March already!)

    hi ladies - life has been so busy!

    We adopted the two cats (siblings) from the shelter. they had been there SEVEN years. They've never seen out a window so when they see the birds outside they get scared. They are adjusting ok to life in a home, but it's slow. They both let me pet them, but usually only at night. they sleep in hidden spots during the day and then "come out" at night. They are currently living in the master bedroom and separated from our other two cats. It's been a hoot! I'll post a picture once I figure out how to do that!

    I had selective laser trabeculoplasty for ocular hypertension (because drops aren't working well). it went ok. it was a little uncomfortable, and I had some problems the first day (yesterday) but today I'm feeling totally normal. I hope it works to lower my eye pressure! I will be making several trips to get pressure checked over the next month or so.

    I'm having a lot of problems with my hip.. this isn't new, but it's interfering with my new goal around movement - about half the time during exercise the hip will flare up and give me problems for a couple days. I'm doing seated exercise in order to not have these problems (hip/knee pain), but it's still giving me trouble. I guess maybe I will need to actually see a doctor and see what it is. in the past they've just said "SIJ issues", but now I think it's something else.. maybe arthritis? If anyone has any feedback for how to reduce pain during/after workouts, let me know!

    My partner and I have also had the flu. The people he works with come to work sick all the time, so it seems he's always bringing something home. thankfully we've had our flu shots, so it doesn't get as bad as we've had it in the past!

    I hope everyone is well. I need to catch up with all the messages. Have a great evening!

    Shannon in rural Ontario, Canada
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    edited March 2019
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) How did you do with the goals and resolutions that you made for February?

    :) What goals or resolutions have you made for March?

    I did great on my goal for February - 10 minutes of exercise a day. I achieved that 22/28 days, and surpassed it most days by doing 20 minutes or more.

    For March, I'm continuing the 10 minutes of exercise a day, and basically that's going to be my goal until probably June.