2019 Lose 52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    edited April 2019
    New and just started over again 2/11/19 at 225.8 and need to lose over 100lbs and prefer the challenges to keep me more motivated. I have started over for the 2nd time this year already. I started in January had some issues, and finally started again in February. So up for this challenge!

    SW: 225.8
    Goal 1 – March 22nd: 212 (completed on 3/10)
    Goal 2 – May 17th – 199
    Goal 3 April 21st (Easter) - 201
    Overall Goal – 110-120

    Feb 11th– 225.8 (started again)
    Feb 14th – 222 (↓3.8lbs)
    Feb 22nd – 219.2 (↓2.8lbs)
    Feb lbs. lost: 6.6
    Overall Total: 9.8lbs

    3/1 – 215 (↓4.2)
    3/8 – 213.8
    3/15 – 210.0
    3/22 – 209.8
    3/29 – 208.6
    March lbs. lost: ↓10.6
    Overall Total: 20.4lbs

    4/5 - 205.8
    April lbs. lost:
    overall Total
  • CowgirlConnieMay
    CowgirlConnieMay Posts: 300 Member
    Yearlong challenge
    3/1 159
    3/8 157.1
    3/15 157.4
    3/22 157.1
    4/1 158.6
    4/3 156.5
    4/5 154.5

    I hope that number is accurate because it feels great!!
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    I would like to join, but this would be my first Challenge. Can someone please enlighten me?

    I’ve lost over 60lbs. I have about 50 more I’d like to lose. Since I’m a bit late to the game (April...) I think this group may really fit/help me!


    You just post your weight each week, I find it easiest to keep my latest post in notepad and just update and copy/paste that each week.
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    edited April 2019
    MyLilBeau wrote: »
    Hi All, its been a while and I really haven't achieved in any challenges on here. I pretty much lose any motivation and come to a stand still.
    I currently weigh 77 kg OR 169 lb :( and 5'2" so really could do with some positive thoughts and like minded people :)
    Although I don't feel that I need to lose 52lb's , I think 26 lb would be ideal.

    So I hereby declare.....

    Challenge Accepted :)

    Good Luck everyone :)

    Hi! I currently weigh 171.8 and am 5ft 2 (actually 5ft 1.5 but shhh, don't tell anyone!) My goal is about 140, so we're pretty similar. Good luck, you can do this! :sunglasses:
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    edited April 2019
    Starting weight: 179.6
    Goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 171.8
    Total weight lost: 7.8lb

    This week's successes: I disappeared from the challenge for a few weeks as I had eye surgery at the end of March. I am now 9 days post-op and my eye is getting better every day. I'm so glad I got it done! :grin::sunglasses:

    This week's challenges: Not allowed to exercise for 4 weeks after the surgery. :scream: I'm only allowed to walk for now. 19 days to go! (And counting every damn second!) :wink:

    SW: 179.6
    7th: 178.4
    14th: 176.4
    21st: 174.8
    28th: 174.8
    (JAN TOTAL: 4.8lb)

    4th: 174
    11th: 172.2
    18th: 171.8
    25th: 170.4
    (FEB TOTAL: 4.4lb)

    4th: 171.8
    11th: 173
    18th: 173
    25th: 173
    (MAR TOTAL: +2.6lb)

    1st: 171.8
    (APR TOTAL: 0

  • Bradleys8299
    Bradleys8299 Posts: 136 Member
    Sw: 258 lbs

    12/28/18: 253.4
    01/04/19: 251.8
    01/11/19: 250.0
    01/18/19: 249.2
    01/25/19: 248.2
    02/01/19: 247.0
    02/08/19: 244.4
    02/15/19: 244.8
    02/22/19: 243.4
    03/01/19: 241.8
    03/08/19: 241.2
    03/15/19: 240.6
    03/22/19: 238.4
    03/29/19: 235.4

    04/05/19: 236.6

    Lbs gone: 21.4

  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Starting weight: 201.9
    Goal weight: 169
    Highest weight: 271.4
    Weight loss overall: 75.1
    2019 loss: -4.4 lbs

    January Loss: -3
    1/5: 201.9
    1/12: 199.1
    1/19: 196.6 (less than 30 lbs to go!)
    1/26: 198.9

    February Loss: n/a
    2/2: n/a
    2/9: 198.9
    2/16: 198.4
    2/23: 199.3

    March Loss: -3
    3/2: 200.8
    3/9: 200.0
    3/16: 196.6
    3/23: 197.8

    April Loss:
    4/6: 197.5

    Had a pretty good week, even though it was crazy busy. Feeling good and starting the month off strong!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,918 Member
    Jumping in almost mid year, but happy to be part of the team!

    Starting weight: 231.6
    Goal weight: 199
    Current weight: 231.6
    Total weight lost: 0
    This week's successes: Getting back to walking and logging consistently
    This week's challenges: logging consistently
    & snack foods



  • vanillachaipwns
    vanillachaipwns Posts: 64 Member
    DECEMBER 2018
    Started Dec. 4th - 229.9
    W01 Dec. 9th - 227.8
    W02 Dec. 16th - 223.1
    W03 Dec. 23rd - 221.7
    W04 Dec. 30th - 220.9
    Dec Loss - 9lbs
    Total Loss - 9lbs

    JANUARY 2019
    W05 Jan 6th - 219.5
    W06 Jan 13th - 216
    W07 Jan 20th - 215.6
    W08 Jan 27th - 214.4
    Jan Loss - 6.5lbs
    Total Loss - 15.5lbs

    W09 Feb 3rd - 212.3
    W10 Feb 10th - 210.6
    W11 Feb 17th - 208.9
    W12 Feb 24th - 207.7
    Feb Loss - 6.7lbs
    Total Loss - 22.2lbs

    W13 Mar 3rd - 207.2
    W14 Mar 10th - 207
    W15 Mar 17th - 204.4
    W16 Mar 24th - 203.5
    W17 Mar 31st - 203.1
    March Loss - 4.6
    Total Loss - 26.8

    W18 Apr 7th - 201.6
    W19 Apr 14th -
    W20 Apr 21st -
    W21 Apr 28th
    April Loss -
    Total Loss -
  • Kickastina
    Kickastina Posts: 101 Member
    Starting weight: 186.0 lbs
    Goal weight: 130.0 lbs
    Current weight: 174.4 lbs
    Total weight lost: 11.6 lbs

    This week's successes: Not much but I feel more inspired now than ever.

    This week's challenges: Haven't gotten back into the full swing of tracking food and exercising.

    Next week's goal: Fresh start after a revitalizing vacation.

    1/5- 186.0
    1/12- 183
    1/19- 185.4
    1/26- 183.9
    Jan Loss: 2.1 lbs

    2/2- 182.5
    2/9- 180.8
    2/16- 180.1
    2/23- 179.7
    Feb Loss: 4.2 lbs

    3/2- 177.7
    3/9- 177.5
    3/16- 176.2
    3/23- 173.7
    3/30- 176.2
    Mar Loss: 3.5 lbs

    4/6- 174.4
    Apr Loss: 1.8 lbs
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Starting weight: 119.5 kg/263.5lbs ( 27 January 2019)
    Goal weight: 65kgs /143lbs
    169cm / 5'7, 40 years

    Jan 27 - 119.5 kgs /263.5 lbs - (Facing up to what I weigh: heaviest ever)
    Jan 28 - 118.1 kgs / 260.4 lbs - (Start of diet & exercise)
    Feb 4 - 115.6 kgs / 255.0 lbs - week 01 loss 2.9kg / 5.4 lbs
    Feb 11 - 114.4 kgs / 252.0 lbs - week 02 loss 1.2kg / 3.0 lbs
    Feb 18 - 113.6 kgs / 250.0 lbs - week 03 loss 0.8kg / 2.0 lbs
    Feb 25 - 112.0 kgs / 247.0 lbs - week 04 loss 1.6kg / 3.0 lbs
    Mar 04 - 110.2 kgs /242.9 lbs - week 05 loss 1.8kg / 4.1 lbs*
    Mar 11 - 108.5 kgs /239.2 lbs - week 06 loss 1.7kg / 3.7 lbs
    Mar 18 - 108.2 kgs /238.5 lbs - week 07 loss 0.2kg / 0.7 lbs
    Mar 25 - 107.7 kgs /237.4 lbs - week 08 loss 0.5kg / 1.1 lbs
    Apr 01 - 105.6 kgs /232.8 lbs - week 09 loss 2.1kg / 4.6 lbs
    Apr 08 - 104.5 kgs /230.4 lbs - week 10 loss 1.1kg /2.4 lbs

    Total weight lost: 15 kgs / 33.1lbs / 12.6%

    This week's successes: On track with weight loss. On Friday I was actually an extra 1.1lbs lighter than today, which was a nice new low, but the weekend I went a little off track and rebounded.

    This week's challenges: A lot of personal stress this week and I have strayed a bit off diet and not kept to my exercise program. A bit disorganised and lower motivation.

    Next week's goal: To pull my head together so I can increase motivation and get better with eating and exercise.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,918 Member
    Starting weight: 231.6
    Goal weight: 199
    Current weight: 231.6
    Total weight lost: .8 pound
    This weeks successes: realizing that salads are not only delicious, but they are quite filling!
    This week's challenges: logging consistently
    & keeping snack foods in check.

    Happy Monday!

    4/8/19: 230.8

    Jill 😁
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,958 Member
    “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out.” Robert Collier
    A pound a week sounds reasonable ... especially for those of us over 50! Reporting in on Monday's since I consider that my official WI and the start of my week.

    START Dec 31: 245
    WK01 Jan 7: 243.9 (-1.1)
    WK02 Jan 14: 243.0 (-.9)
    WK03 Jan 21: 241.1 (-1.9)
    WK04 Jan 28: 239.1 (-2)
    Jan Loss: -5.9
    WK05 Feb 4: 236.7 (-2.4)
    WK06 Feb 11: 237.2 (+.5)
    WK07 Feb 18: 237.6 (+.4)
    WK08 Feb 25: 235 (-2.6)
    Feb Loss: -4.1
    WK09 Mar 4: 235.1 (+.1)
    WK10 Mar 11: 233.3 (-1.8)
    WK11 Mar 18: 233.0 (-.3)
    WK12 Mar 25: 232.6 (-.4)
    WK13 Apr 1 231.4 (-1.2)
    Mar Loss: -2.7
    WK14 Apr 8 231.4 (+/-0)
    TOTAL LOSS: -13.6

    Starting weight: 245 (12/28/2018)
    Goal weight: ONEderland in 2019
    Current weight 4/8: 231.4
    Total weight lost: 13.6 (14 weeks)
    Last week's successes: Saw 230 on the scale 4 days in a row then lost it over the weekend! .
    Last week’s misstep: Drank 4 out of 7 days. No exercise over weekend at fishing camp. Drinking very little water and now not journaling food.
    This week's challenges: Journal, Water, Walk, AF!!! And next weekend at camp get some exercise!
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 962 Member
    Starting weight: 212.8 (2/28/19)
    Challenge goal: 160.8 (2/28/20)
    Goal weight: 150

    3/1 212.8
    3/8 208.8
    3/12 207.2
    3/21 209.6
    3/29 208.8
    March weight loss: 4.0

    4/1 208.8
    4/8: 207.0
    April weight loss: 1.8

    Challenge weight loss: 1.8
    Total weight lost: 5.8

    This week's successes: Pushing myself to meet my weekly 70,000 step goal (Just made it!)
    This week's challenges: Eating out 3 days in a row over the weekend
    Next week's goal: Add more terrain to my walks

    Overall, not a bad week. Thanks to all in this challenge for inspiring me to stay accountable!
  • Roxmom66
    Roxmom66 Posts: 297 Member
    Roxmom, age 66, 5’ 2”

    OSW: 228
    UGW: 170
    CSW:: 201.4 (Jan. 1, 2019)

    Jan. 7. 198.8
    Jan. 14. 201.8
    Jan. 21. 200.8
    Jan. 28. 196.4

    January loss: -2.4

    Feb. 4. 195.4
    Feb. 11 193.4
    Feb 18. Did not weigh, away from home
    Feb 25. 191.4

    February loss: 4 lbs

    Mat.4 191.4
    Mar. 11: 191.0
    Mar. 18. 189.4
    Mar. 25: 186.4

    March loss: 2.0 lbs

    Apr. 7. 186.0

    Total weight loss. 14.2 lbs

    Was away for the March weigh-in! Have been up and down in the last two weeks.
  • StatChicBayes
    StatChicBayes Posts: 362 Member
    Age 57
    Starting weight 177.1 (all time high)
    Goal weight: 110 lbs
    Change to diet this week: Starting low GI to help with cholesterol, controlling diet and exercising.

    W02 Feb 4rd -177.1
    W3 Feb 10th - 171.8
    W4 Feb 17th - 169.3
    W5 Feb 24nd -165.5
    End Feb 28 164.7
    Feb Loss - 12.4
    Total Loss - 12.4

    Start 164.7
    W 6 Mar 3rd - 164.3
    W 7 Mar 10th - 165.0
    W 8 Mar 17th - NA (out of county
    W 9 Mar 24th 162.8
    W10 Mar 31st 160.6
    March Loss - 4.1 (slowed down due to travel and no exercise)
    Total Loss - 16.5

    Start 160.6
    W11 Apr 7th - 158.5
    W12 Apr 14th -
    W13 Apr 21st -
    W14 Apr 28th
    April Loss -
    Total Loss -
  • ferlin43
    ferlin43 Posts: 39 Member
    Starting weight Jan 1, 2019: 183.6
    Goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 169.6
    Total weight loss: 16.2 lbs

    Jan. 7: 182.4
    Jan. 14: 181.6
    Jan. 21: 180.4
    Jan. 28: 179.6

    Jan weight loss: 4 lb

    Feb. 4: 179.6
    Feb. 11: 179.0
    Feb. 18: 177.4
    Feb. 25: 176.2

    Feb weight loss: 3.4 lb

    Mar. 3: 174.2
    Mar. 10: 173.8
    Mar. 18: 169.6
    Mar. 25: 168.2

    March weight loss so far: 8.0 lb

    Apr. 1: 166.0
    Apr. 8: 167.4 😡 disappointed in myself

    April weight loss 0.8 lb
  • Starting weight: 179.6
    Goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 170.2
    Total weight lost: 9.4lb

    This week's successes: My eating was better and I logged my food more than I have been recently. :smile:

    This week's challenges: Get into the 160's! Still not allowed to exercise for another 16 days! :grimace:

    SW: 179.6
    7th: 178.4
    14th: 176.4
    21st: 174.8
    28th: 174.8
    (JAN TOTAL: 4.8lb)

    4th: 174
    11th: 172.2
    18th: 171.8
    25th: 170.4
    (FEB TOTAL: 4.4lb)

    4th: 171.8
    11th: 173
    18th: 173
    25th: 173
    (MAR TOTAL: +2.6lb)

    1st: 171.8
    8th: 170.2

  • wendyron3
    wendyron3 Posts: 91 Member
    Starting weight-174.6
    Goal weight-140
    Current weight-154.8
    Total loss-19.8
    This weeks success was seeing a loss after 3 weeks.
    This weeks goals are to increase drinking water. Also, my back is hurting again, so my goal is to take care while working out.