

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Spaghetti tonight for dinner! Yummy. I downloaded an app that is a relaxation sleep app. I did it yesterday, and I was so blissfully sleepy by the end of the session, I could barely turn my tablet off! I am going to do it tonight too!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Welcome all the newbies! Some one mentioned slow to no results, for me the biggest trick is to log everything, and to be very sure you are measuring everything – no guessing. I find even better than measuring cups is a kitchen scale and weighing everything. A measuring cup is fine for liquids but 1 cup of finely chopped nuts is a whole lot more than a 1 cup of big nut pieces so you are eating a bunch more calories than you logged – better to weigh them as 4 ounces of nuts is the same no matter how they are cut.

    I spent today working in my yard and making more patches! I am getting better at these. Thank goodness as still have a bunch to go! I think the bride and I will trim threads tomorrow evening.

    I struggle with goals, I often have lofty goals that I never meet. And then I choose to consider myself a looser, that is counter productive! I have had my step goal at 10,000 + a day and really fought with it last year. I decided in December to make it 11,000 this year, and my goal is not 11,000 per day, but instead an AVERAGE of 11,000 per day – this has worked much better for me, I have kept it above 11,000 average, but there have been a few days of 7-8,000 sometimes life gets in my way. This is much better for me.

    Kim from N. California

    This helps me ...

    When I feel like I'm just running around like a chicken with its head cut off and not accomplishing anything, I look at what I have accomplished ... :)
    Machka9 wrote: »
    One of the things I started doing in about last November or so was this:

    I have a long list of things I need to do. It sits at approximately 50 items at any given time, plus sub-items.

    But rather than just deleting things off my list when I do them, I move them to another section. In this way, I’ve been keeping track of what I’ve done.

    Then, on days when I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing anything, I scroll through the list of things I've done and it makes me feel better. I am accomplishing things!!

    But I am looking forward to a day when my To Do list drops to maybe only 20 items. :)

    Machka in Oz

    The average thing you mention works well too. In the cycling community some people start the year wanting to cycle, say, 28 kilometres a day which will give them 10,000 km for the year. And by the end of January, they're already behind, so they give up. But if they average 28 km/day, that's so much more manageable because one day you might not ride, but the next you might do 56 km ... so there's flexibility.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Lately, when I've been talking to my husband's medical staff, I've been hearing my mother's voice come out of my mouth!!!

    For reference, my mother was a nurse. :)

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour on Wii balance games today. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the AM Yoga DVD then take the extremepump class then count the money at the church, go to bowling, then ceramics, then mahjongg.

    Rebecca – LOL the sign

    Lalala – pizza under 500 calories? Was that for the entire pizza? How big was it? That’s great

    Lisa – I never heard of a batting that had wash out adhesive. Is the adhesive on both sides, so that means you don’t have to baste? I just now found out about a pencil that you can mark on the fabric where you want to stitch then it comes out when you iron it. What a great thing that is! Now batting with adhesive? Can you get this anywhere?

    KJ – when we were at the ballgame yesterday, I understand that there was a tornado warning in the area. Not by us! There was hail -- but not by us. They were thinking that that was the reason that not that many people showed up.

    I’m thinking that I may need to go to Aldi today. Looks like the grapes won’t be on sale next week and I’m thinking that I’ll make this grape salad for the gal whose house we play mahjongg at’s birthday next week and then also make it for Rummikub. Update: went, I thought I could do it before the rain came and just as I was leaving, it started to drizzle. In the car coming home did it ever come down…but at least I was in the car.

    Made the grape salad. Really, I think just the Greek Yogurt, sugar and vanilla is sufficient for the sauce. I made two helpings, I’ll take some to the people where I take the extremepump class. Washing the dishes right now.

    Sent a note to the new treasurer of Newcomers reminding him to send me the list of the nonrenewing members so that I can remove them from the mail list. He said that as of April 1 we have 3 new members. I have one application. I’m sure the other two are the two that he gave to Sandi, but I’m not going to worry about it. Let someone else track them down. Update: only one name I didn't have the application for (the other was in March). I bet this is the one he gave to Sandi, but I don't know this for a fact.

    Making a cake for Vince to have during the week. I have some icing in the freezer that I’d like to finish up.

    Margaret – I was just watching an episode of “The Rookie” where they were dealing with people with mental illness and I constantly thought of you and your son

    A friend of mine from grade school moved down here about 1-1/2 hr east of here. Another friend of mine from grade school is coming to visit with her in July. I haven’t seen either of them in a LOOOONNNGGG time, probably since high school. Can’t wait. Too bad I have to wait until July, tho

    Shannon – YAAAAAAAA

    Welcome everyone new and those returning.

    Rori – thanks for the update about Meg. Give her my love next time you talk to her.

    Michele in NC
    Who just can’t get to sleep
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited April 2019
    Morning, afternoon and evening all,

    Only for the quilting/crafting set:
    exermom wrote: »
    Lisa – I never heard of a batting that had wash out adhesive. Is the adhesive on both sides, so that means you don’t have to baste? I just now found out about a pencil that you can mark on the fabric where you want to stitch then it comes out when you iron it. What a great thing that is! Now batting with adhesive? Can you get this anywhere?
    Michele in NC

    - yep, it's called fusible batting - you place the batting between the pieced top and the backing fabric and simply iron from the center of your piece toward the outside in circles with your iron on high. It's repositionable, in case you accidentally iron in a wrinkle, so no basting or pinning. Makes quilting so much easier. After you're done quilting, you wash the quilt, and the adhesive washes right out. I'm not sure I'd try it on a full-sized quilt, but for the size I'm making, it works really well. I ordered mine from Amazon, as Hobby Lobby is about 20 miles away, but they often carry it. I tried the spray adhesives, and they're far too messy.

    Small things - don't touch the stuff directly with your iron, it will stick right to it. It also does shrink slightly after washing, like 2%, but I want my quilts to have texture as well as design, so I like the look it gives to the finished quilt. You shouldn't pre-wash your fabric, if using it, so that the fabric and the batting shrink at about the same rate. I used it on a quilt that I stored for more than a year before actually quilting it, and it needed only a small amount of touchup with the iron to adhere beautifully.

    Have I mentioned that I don't like to sew by hand? Even to baste a quilt together. :smiley: This stuff was made for me.

    Hope it is/was/will be a good Monday for all. Nagging small health issues continue, but determined to find the resolution, and will, in the end. Just need to be patient. Still not my strong suit, but there's something to be learned from everything.

    Traveling late this week, and will probably need to stay the night in Little Rock Thursday night. Wasn't going to, but a 9 a.m. meeting there means a 5:30 a.m. departure from home, and then only a half hour to prep in an unfamiliar meeting room for a presentation in front of 15 people, so will go the night before and set things up. Shouldn't be a problem for my boss, she's pretty relaxed about stuff. Also means I won't have to drive six hours in a single day, but three hours each day.

    Egg's asleep on my lap, my husband's coffee's all set up, and all's right with my Monday morning world. Hope everyone has a good week!

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kim & Barbie love your helpful advice about weighing/measuring/averaging and super quote "never compare your weight loss to a man" that about sums it up.

    Ginger I get a lot from journaling and reading my weekly/monthly/quarterly reviews myself. Your gratitude list is always inspiring.

    Torrential storms coming through this week, the flip side of that, the pollen count has lowered and my allergies are in sweet relief.

    I only have 2 concerts this week and booked my bus ticket to DC this weekend, so looking forward to that!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    Morning ladies-
    I slept well but there is a good thunderstorm going now which I love always did,passed down from my mom and her dad my grandpa.. they always told me it was either Angel's rolling barrels down the stairs or they were bowling ..lol so they never scared me ..except the ones that crackle right on top of you..and make you jump...
    Was a nice weekend ..but have a meeting with my boss this morning at 10:30 am...I dont know If I told you but at work Saterday the boy child manager made a sexual comment to me and I was taken aback .there was a witness and I spoke up and told my boss.. this guy just keeps digging himself deeper..
    But I will show grace and decorum..I still am looking for different job but feel I'm supposed to stay there until my DFIL passes as I can be there for him when needed.. Tom leaving for Florida Weds and will be gone a week.. DFIL does much better eating when one of us I'd there...so during the week I am there daily except weds when I work a full.day..Tues and Thursday and weekends I go 3 times a day with Tom helping at dinnertime if I cant make it but he has been going at dinnertime daily..we are getting him back eating but he is sleeping most of the time now and he sleep eats meaning keeping his eyes closed but opens his.mouth .
    His Nieces 3 of them anyway stopped to see him but he wouldn't open his eyes he did say hi though he doesnt remember who they are..
    Wish me luck today...
    Take care my dear friends....xoxox
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Much luck, Allie! Keeping a good thought for you...
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited April 2019
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Has anyone heard from Meg? I may have missed an update.

    Karen: I did text Meg this week because this was the weekend she was planning to come to Denver. Unfortunately, the interstate was closed due to blizzard conditions, so we did not meet up. She's dealing with some challenges, and doing her best to maintain self-care.

    Colorado Foothills

    Thanks, Rori! Sorry you two weren't able to meet up.

    Allie Uh-oh...that manager should be on thin ice after making a sexual comment to you. Good luck today.

    Karen in Virginia

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Rori I add my voice in thanking you for the update on Meg. From her posts I know she had her struggles with family issues too! Prayers and love to her.
    Actually prayers and love to all of you.

    I miss Joyce too and Sylvia. I know there are others that have come and gone. Hoping they are well and able to enjoy activities they are passionate about.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    I struggle with goals, I often have lofty goals that I never meet. And then I choose to consider myself a looser, that is counter productive! I have had my step goal at 10,000 + a day and really fought with it last year. I decided in December to make it 11,000 this year, and my goal is not 11,000 per day, but instead an AVERAGE of 11,000 per day – this has worked much better for me, I have kept it above 11,000 average, but there have been a few days of 7-8,000 sometimes life gets in my way. This is much better for me.

    Kim from N. California

    :)Kim, In the books I've read about meditation, the author suggests setting a goal of meditating "dailyish" because if your goal is daily meditation and you miss a day, you can feel like a failure. I like that thinking. I also like your plan of an average of daily steps.

    :)Ginger, I listen to Gretchen Rubin's podcast and love them. I just finished reading her newest book, "Outer Order, Inner Calm" and listened to it as an audio book. I highly recommend it.

    :) No rain today so dog walking will be extra nice.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    In traumatic brain mode today. Researching stage of finding the right legal help. I am going off to paint today to help heal me.
    Hope everyone is having a great day and doing what they need to do to reach their goals.

    :heart: Margaret