

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,360 Member
    Busy weekend so far. Spent time with old college friends. It was nice to remember and catch up and laugh. Managed to stay under calorie count. After lunch we went for a walk around local university so got steps in.

    Sorry to hear of your struggles Margaret. Hope you find a helpful resolution.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Did my second 5K parkrun this morning with DS and his wife which ended up being 10k as we walked to and from the park, as Heather would say I was knackered. Went to my knit socks meeting this afternoon learning to turn the heel. Have lost a couple of the extra pounds I've gained.
    DH hasn't been too well maybe some kind of bug?

    Kate UK <3

    Well done!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did the YRG Fountain of Youth DVD. I didn’t realize it was all yoga, but that’s OK. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii.

    Made some pierogi to take with me to a friend’s house next Saturday. I’ll just freeze them. They take a fair amount of time to make so that’s why I’m doing it now. Unfortunately (for me) not a single one broke!

    Now making this chocolate cream dessert for Easter. I’ll just freeze it and then put the whipped topping on it right before we have it.

    Kim – lovely patches

    M – reading about your day, I’m exhausted

    Lisa – I certainly would bid on that quilt. Did you hand sew the binding?

    Went to the Hickory Crawdads baseball game. Pretty exciting game. I did bring my own food, tho

    You know how very passionate I was about Newcomers? Well, it really surprises me how I’m not feeling that way. Like I told the treasurer if he got any applications to give them to me. Well, at the general meeting he said that he gave them to this other gal who is supposed to be taking over membership but I told her that in the meantime until they get things straightened out, I will continue to do it. I’m suspecting that he gave them to her because Carol (the ex-president) told him to. I asked Sandi (the new membership person) to please send them to me. I haven’t received them as yet. That means that they aren’t on the mail list nor is there a record for their birthday. But I’m really not going to concern myself with it. They know (at least Carol should) that the people aren’t on the mail list. And until I get the application, they won’t be. Maybe Sandi will put them on, I don’t know. Really, I question just how Sandi will work out. Not my problem. The reason I say that I question how she’ll work out is that at lots of times she doesn’t seem to be on the mark. Like she said she got a new gun (Vince does a group for shooting) and she put it in a safe only she couldn’t find the combination so she couldn’t go.

    Michele in NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Heather, hope you can shake off whatever that bug is.
    Rebecca that silent L cracked me up
    Just skimming, too sleepy to eat my yoghurt so will come up short of protein for the day.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 10/30, 60 g protein 12/30, rx/vits 11.5/30, meditate 4/30, knee exercises 4/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 9/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 8/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/13 LT: Dog group-Y MT: laundry-Y ST: dog group wording-N
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    Today was very busy.

    Started with a few hours of work then off to the bus. I spent a couple of hours measuring wood for the side wood paneling. I'm so grateful to be on this project with my daughter and proud of her for undertaking such an interesting project.

    Afterwards spouse and I went on a run. My run was pretty crappy. I'm used to running either on trail or on a treadmill. Running on a track outside was slow, mostly because I think it's just so boring for me.

    Afterwards we had family pizza night which means that I make dough and all the toppings and we all make our own personal pizza. Mine was really delicious and under 500 calories so I was happy about it.

    Off to bed and then a morning hike. Good night all!
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited April 2019
    📙Accountability post for Saturday, April 13th
    ✔️1. Carbs 50g max with no more than 25g per meal. (38g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 25g. (25g)
    ✔️3. Track in MFP. Complete the entry daily.
    ✔️4. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes (31 Active minutes).
    ✔️5. No eating after 9pm.
    ✖️6. In bed by midnight.

    • Overall Feeling: Slept in. High Energy this afternoon.
    • Exercise: Got my 30 minutes. Spent more time sitting today working on computer files.
    • Eating deadline. Late day - but i managed to hit this deadline.
    • Bedtime-Sleep Hygiene. Going to buy an alarm clock and see if i can get up at the same time every day. Start with a late time and then move it up. One thing I’ve noticed... If i don’t get 8 hours of sleep - I’ll crash the next night and sleep in late.
    • Bright Spot today: Nice long chat with my sister (71) via FaceTime this evening. We laughed a lot. ❤️
    • Today I’m grateful for: My sweet husband grilling supper tonight. Steamable packages of frozen vegetables. Mucinex DM for mother’s cough. The FaceTime app. The quart size Ball canning jar lamp my auntie made and I won in our family reunion auction many years ago. I had to take out the dried beans and corn - but it’s a handy receptacle for Mama’s endless rock collection.

    -- Ginger in Texas

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Sunday -- a nice early evening for a ride

    Distance: 21.10km
    Elevation: 133m
    Moving Time: 1:14:12
    Elapsed Time: 1:14:52
    Speed: Avg: 17.1km/h | Max: 25.6km/h

    Also stopped on the way to where we cycle to pick up a container for cleaning products in the bathroom and file boxes for the stuff in my "nest". Now, everything is neatly contained and gives the impression that I'm organised. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    - hope the bug takes a hike. Unfortunately, it's one of the hazards of being around the grands, they pick up bugs from school. Last time I was ill with something communicable was when we were living with my daughter, taking care of the grandkids.

    Michele - I don't hand-sew anything, including the binding. Am far too impatient to sew by hand anymore. The entire backing of the quilt will be the dark green, so I'll use it to self-bind the edges by folding it over the front after I've got the batting in and free-motion quilted the whole thing. Requires a bit of pinning, but not hard work. I use batting with wash-out adhesive activated by a steam iron, as well, so I don't have to pin the layers together. It's useful, as it stays nice and sturdy while you're working with it, and then once it's washed, it's quite soft.

    Kim - meant to say earlier that I love the patches. Absolutely beautiful work, but I can see they'd take quite a bit of time, especially for more than 100!

    Raining and chilly here still until around noon--we were lucky to just catch the trailing edge of this storm. Egg (our cat) stuck her head out the cat door and came back in and complained to me about it, with drops of water still on her nose. Not a happy kitty. She's never happy in the morning until my husband's up and around, anyway, which won't be for hours yet.

    So, I'll work some on the quilt this morning. I'll post up pics when it's fully quilted. I only know one free-motion quilt pattern, stippling, and may try to teach myself something more decorative before I pile into quilting this one. It's effectively crib-size, as I wanted it to be either a couch quilt or a wall tapestry, at the buyer's preference, so it's quiltable on my home machine. Someday, I'd love to have a long-arm machine with the ability to set patterns and let it go... but they cost in the thousands, and need more room than I have at the moment. Someday... :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    One of my close girl friends is getting married, I may have mentioned this…. She and her DF (darling fiancé) ride motorcycles and are in a couple of groups so the wedding is a biker’s destination wedding – it’s at the coast down a very winding hilly road, with not much at the end but a couple of hotels and a campground. It is very low key, they invited everyone via Facebook. But as most of their friends are bikers and they put patches on their vests, the “favor” is a patch, a patch that I am making. It’s my wedding gift to them. Originally there were to be 40-50 people, it is up to 120 – well I have been sweating it, as they were taking about 48 minutes each to make – well I have played around with how to do this and lower the time, and finally I am getting them done in 25-30 minutes… lets see if I can include a pic…. they are all a bit different from one another.

    Kim from N. California

    I really like these! :)

    M in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member