

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    stat for the day yesterday:

    This is what I’m working on

    I think the astonished "woo!" Is apropos here!

    Sharon Surfacing For a Breath of Air In Late Tax Season Near Seattle (gasp!)
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    The river is deeper today than yesterday. Water is reaching the lower level of rock retaining wall. I know they need to put as much water through as they can, but I sure hope they are careful not to cause flooding. The Bonneville Power Administration is in charge of this for our area of the Columbia River.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    The Willamette is flooding, too, Katla. The ferry near our house has been closed for days. So I fear that much more water is coming your direction.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    This picture is from a previous flooding, but you get the idea. Wheatland Ferry crossing the Willamette River.


    Felicia, who loves living near and taking the ferry
    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,588 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Tracey ~ It is fun to read about the wedding preparations for your daughter! :) My husband was stationed at Ft Knox, KY when he asked me to marry him. The whole wedding was planned in less than 6 weeks. I guess he was afraid he would be sent to Vietnam. Even so, it was a fine wedding. We were married at the church I grew up in and then there was a reception at my parent's home. After we left the reception, my parents had a party for their friends. I had cooked boiled shrimp the same day for them to serve their party guests.

    We will have been married 50 yrs next August! :)


    You look like a doll! So pretty. Your husband is also very handsome. Congratulations on your long, successful marriage.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Margaret: You have an excellent plan for dealing with the police who mistreated your son and mishandled the situation. I hope they never do anything like that again to anyone needing help and understanding. :heart:

    Pip: I love the photo. Is that your brother? :star:

    Yoga today was delightful. Some of the snowbirds who winter in AZ were back and the room was full of people.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Yup bro #3
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    edited April 2019
    Margaret - I’m so sorry for you and your son having gone through this bad experience with the police - and now having to deal with the aftermath.
    ➡️ I thought a lot about this. My husband is retired police officer veteran of nearly 30 years in a major city. They certainly don’t get the training they need to deal with mental health issues. And as you experienced - they can have very little understanding of mental health issues. (He’ll get help when he’s ready? Really? What if he isn’t capable of “being ready”? That’s like saying a quadriplegic will walk when he’s ready.)
    I’m proud to say my husband was one of the better officers. He was generally a problem solver. I remember he once responded to a call about a drunk guy sitting passed out at a stop sign at 7am. Doors looked. Couldn’t stir him. Looking through the windows - he spotted what he recognized to be an insulin kit. He immediately called for an ambulance and got the door opened. It could’ve gone much worse. He was also good at negotiating with people. Talking to family members before taking extreme action - unless his life was in danger. But, in my opinion - not all officers have this instinct or care enough to do more than steps 1, 2, 3.
    ➡️ I think it’s good to write to the police chief. I like what you’ve written in comments. I have a suggestion for your consideration to add to your comments. In your letter - ask for an explanation of procedures (and current training) for officers responding to a call for a person in crisis. And, perhaps an understanding for how 911 operators handles or shares info about the call. Tell the chief - you want to know how to help increase awareness of - and better communication and responses - for calls for people in mental health crisis. Ask if there’s another way for you and the mental health professionals to get police help when safety is a concern. Let him know the month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. So it’s a good time to share awareness with officers and find ways to respond without doing more harm.
    ➡️ From what you’ve written - I think what you want is to see a willingness to change (and actual change!) on the part of the police in their response. I’ve always found it goes more smoothly and is received more openly - when i approach these issues with the attitude of “seek first to understand, then to be understood”. So... let me understand your procedures and then I’ll explain what i need - and together we can try to figure out a better way. The fact that May is Mental Health Awareness month is timely. There is some good information available online. Here’s one: https://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/issues/position-statement-59-responding-behavioral-health-crises
    ➡️ If your letter doesn’t get a good response.. if you feel “blown off” - I might ask for a meeting with the chief - or even file an official complaint with Internal Affairs.

    Much respect. Good luck to you. Hugs for you. ❤️ I hope you get a good response. I pray your son gets the help he needs.
    —Ginger in Texas
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Margaret, Ginger has some great points.

    When I mentioned earlier about checking with 911 - I wasn't clear. Dispatch (911, I tend to use them interchangeably) and the police generally have access to the same database and can sort by address, name, etc.

    I don't know if the responding officer who first arrived checked any more with Dispatch after he responded per your request for stand-by.

    This is a circumstance where a flag could possibly be put into the system for your address to let the Dispatcher and the responding officer know there's someone living there with mental health issues. Same thing with anyone who has medical priority such as diabetes or even someone who is utilizing a medical device that requires constant electricity.

    In your son's case, the active warrant complicated it, but it appears officers in your jurisdiction need to revise their protocol on how to prioritize these things. You made a great point - what if he'd had a heart attack, would they have hauled him off to jail? Perhaps there's already a policy/procedure in place, and this officer disregarded it.

    When I was at 911, these were the types of calls we were always tracking and procedures were constantly re-addressed. We kept 2 database administrators busy fine-tuning the database.

    I heard many complaints like this and took my lumps, but always turned them into training issues... how could we have made the outcome of this call better?

    So that's why I recommended starting with a call to the 911 Manager - this person should be able to tell you if it's possible to put these flags on addresses if they aren't already. Then you'd have a better idea of where it fell apart. And, 911 Managers/Directors might be willing to share a bit more about procedure and give you some suggestions.

    Wish I lived close by, I'd love to help you with this. Good luck!

    SW WA State
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Tracey ~ It is fun to read about the wedding preparations for your daughter! :) My husband was stationed at Ft Knox, KY when he asked me to marry him. The whole wedding was planned in less than 6 weeks. I guess he was afraid he would be sent to Vietnam. Even so, it was a fine wedding. We were married at the church I grew up in and then there was a reception at my parent's home. After we left the reception, my parents had a party for their friends. I had cooked boiled shrimp the same day for them to serve their party guests.

    We will have been married 50 yrs next August! :)


    That’s a wonderful story! My wedding and my eldest daughters weddings were also planned quickly. My husband and I were planning on being married in August of 87 and I got pregnant in April so me moved the date up to June. We got married in a friends backyard with 12 guests. I had miscarried 2 weeks before the wedding.

    My eldest also got pregnant right after becoming engaged and they were not going to move the wedding up bit his grandparents pressured them. His Uncle married them on the Santa Maria boat in West Edmonton Mall.

    So because of those two stories I am incredibly happy that this daughter is having the huge event, but I must say I am glad they are paying for it mostly by themselves.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 6.38min, 14.3amph, 150mhr, 1.57mi= 80c
    ARM DIP/CHIN UP ASSIST MACHINE- 38.03min,1st of 10ea w/55# assist, thenr 1st 10ea of 2 diff standing floor exercises, then bosu ball, 1sts 10ea 4diff exercises w/2 8# weights, then 1st of 10ea, 4 diff floor exercises, on ground. squats, repeat 3 times, 136mhr= 261c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.01min, 134mhr, 17.7amph 1.47mi= 59c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.29min, 11.8mph, 149mhr,3.05mi= 145c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.20min, 10.14min mi, 145mhr, .52mi= 59c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.38min, 10.10min mi, 144mhr, .45mi= 50c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.40min, 8.4amph, 141mhr, 2.62mi= 174c

    total cal 828
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited April 2019
    Rebecca love the house!

    Rebecca and Ginger thank you for the feed back.

    The Mental Health Court is behind me. They had helped to call the police to this situation and they are horrified by the outcome. They thought they had made it clear that the police was there to help in a hospital transport. I need to tell my attorney that too. Because son was additionally charged because of how officier handled situation and how son reacted to it our son is is still in jail. Mental Health Court is working hard to try and remedy this situation. There is some health service in jail but it like health service in a school. He needs to be in a hospital. When son showed up for his charges I would have gone but was advised not to because seeing me might have upset him even more. He thought I willing let the police into his home. He is not well enough to hear what really happened. His case manager told me they are going to issue a Rule of 20 which means he does not understand the charges against him because of his mental state. When I go to my attorney I need to tell him this because that means he did not understand the charges the day the arrested him and his rights under disability were not followed. I also need to get our attorney to request the body cam footage.

    Today I went and took pictures of his bed. There were blood stains that were my son's and pieces left behind from the tasing he got. I witnessed 2 of them. He might have had more. By my pictures and the body cam footage they should be able to tell how many times. If there footage does not match my pictures they will be in even more trouble.

    I did do and energy cleansing of his home. I hated to leave the bed but for me it a crime scene. I know the police think it is an arrest scene. They are wrong. I did do what I could to clear the negative energy from the bed without disturbing the scene. I have this ritual I did with my hands to capture the negative energy. What was interesting when I did this in other parts of the home my hands only slightly shook. When I did that over the bed my hands shook uncontrollably. I took that energy wrapped it in the snow that was on the ground and threw it as far as I could out of the house. I also played some healing music over his bed and place the cross he had next to his bed over the blood on his bed. I also opened the windows to the space and lit a candle in his room. Doing this cleansing rituals made me feel better. I will honor what my son wants to do about the bedroom. I will ask him if he wants me to remove his old bedding and put on new or if he wants to do this together with me. No matter I will save that blood stained sheet. For me this is evidence. I now understand why women who are violated want to immediately to scrub themselves clean.

    I will find out if my son wants me to buy him another bed and have it set up in another place in his home. When he recovers we can go shopping for new sheets and bedding if he so wishes. Fortunately he does have other bedding.

    The Mental Health Court is going to have meeting next week to see what they can do on there end to change protocols with the police.

    The woman from NAMI who works with police and in the legislation was also horrified and was going to contact those she works with in the police department who are part of this training. She has not gotten back to me yet.

    So I have started others that have more clout them me to start the process of change.

    Still this unfortunately does not change it for my son.

    Ginger I wish there were more police like your husband. There would not be the problems between the police and public if there were.

    I have a call into an attorney who was referred to me by the attorney who is setting up his disability trust. I hope to get to talk to him early next week.

    Once John gets to the hospital then my focus needs to be on him once he is willing to see me.

    :heart: Margaret

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Rebecca, Your house looks wonderful. I hope you will be very happy there.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Love the wedding photo!!
    What a handsome couple!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Went to the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do the YRG Fountain of Youth DVD. Tomorrow we’re supposed to go to a baseball game at night. They’re calling for rain, so I guess we shall see. I bet they still hold the game

    Need to stop at CVS, then exercise, then the Salvation Army, then Big Lots to see if they have any bread for Vince, then volunteer at the soup kitchen then Aldi since Vince needs milk and I need a few other things (plus, they have butter on sale for $1.99)

    I like to look at flower catalogs, too. Never sure how they’ll look at my house, but I like to look at them

    Tea kettles: I like the glass ones. You can see how much water there is. We have a stainless steel one in the condo, and I’m always concerned that there isn’t enough water in it.

    Carol – I’m thinking that your husband was at the reception. It’s such a shame that not many at all couples today make it to 50, not even to 30

    I’m still feeling sorry for what they serve at the soup kitchen. I realize that they have to go with what’s donated/cheap. Today they had pizza (boy, did it look terrible, looked like it was burned almost) and a salad. So many people put ranch dressing on the pizza (yuk). Then cheesecake for dessert.

    Cooked some turkey burgers for me to have another day.

    Rebecca – oh, I’m so happy for you

    Michele in NC
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member
    Katia49: NEAT is non-existent exercise active thermogenesis. It is the calories we burn doing everyday things like pushing the grocery cart, carrying groceries, unloading the dishwasher, etc. Improving NEAT is a great way to burn extra calories. And I will definitely add some pics about the bus renovation sometime.

    Margaret: just wanted to say that my heart goes out to you and so do my prayers. 💜