

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    It is question I will have to clarify with the attorney

    heart: Margaret

    That's another thing ... write down all your questions. You'll think of them when you're shopping, driving, and doing what you do. Have some way of writing them down when you think of them. Start carrying a little note book or maybe you can do it on your phone or whatever. I emailed myself my questions because I could do that with my phone. So I'd be sitting in a lecture, and suddenly tap out a question to myself.

    And I know it's tempting to start sending whatever you've written to lawyers, media or whoever ... but wait.

    I still get caught with this. I write a bunch of stuff, I wait a day, I edit it, and I send it ... and about 30 minutes after I've sent it, I've got an "And furthermore ... " email going. I need to be more patient!! I do wait a day, but I really need to wait about 2-3 days, at least. I need to sleep on it a couple nights and get some good exercise of some sort where I can get away from technology and just think ... and I need to edit it several times before sending.

    I've actually got one going to my husband's back to work coordinator that I've had simmering for about 2 weeks now. I haven't sent it yet because I don't feel I've said everything yet in the way I want to say it.

    I have a niece who is a lawyer in Missouri. My plan is to gather all the writings I have written over the past few days. Then follow M's idea to organize my thoughts. I will send a copy to my niece and ask if she has suggestions for finding the right lawyer here.

    Yes, send it to your niece ... that's a great idea. That will also give you time to think of more questions or a different way to word things.

    I will also use this copy when I meet with a lawyer or lawyers. Again this might depend on where John is on this. His health comes first, but I have this feeling that if he felt he could turn the tables on the police and call them out on their behavior it would give him a healthy place to vent all the rage is boiling inside of him. It could also help motivate him to get well faster.

    Do you have a psychologist you can talk to about this? Hopefully your son has one that he is able to see soon, but do you have one you can vent to and also bounce some of your ideas off?

    Soon after my husband's accident, a friend where I work set me up with the free EAP psychologist. Unfortunately, she and I did not hit it off, but then someone at the Brain Association recommended someone else and she was wonderful. It was such a relief to talk to someone who really understood.

    I feel so blessed to have the knowledge and support of such wonderful woman. With your support and the support I am getting from my support system here. I know I am ready to help make these changes.

    If John cannot be on board with this. I also know a reporter who could help and may have to just write to the Police Chief. I am going to stay away from the reporter until I know what we are going to do legally.

    Be very careful about publicising things if you are going to go the lawyer route ... including on a public forum (i.e. here). That may be a question you ask your lawyer: how much can I say publicly about this?

    First thing first. Getting John to the right help and then getting him well!!!

    heart: Margaret

    I hope both of you can get the help you need. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Gotta go again ... laundry's done and I'll need to hang it on the drying rack, then get busy with some other stuff.

    Machka in Oz

    Laundry hung
    Roots done
    Nails started (it's about a 3-day process for me)
    Groceries ordered
    More tidying done.

    My husband and I each have a "nest". His is one of the sofas and mine is a comfy chair at the table. Our nests have our computers, all the stuff we're doing, etc. etc. ... they're very "lived in" spots.

    The rest of the house is quite neat and tidy and doesn't change much because we do keep the messy stuff more or less contained in our nests.

    However, when we have a rental house inspection coming up ... like we do now ... we have to tidy our nests too. He's done his, but I'm looking at mine and wondering where I'm going to put everything. A temporary filing cabinet would be wonderful right now. I wonder if I can quickly locate a couple file boxes.

    Machka in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi all,
    Sooooooooooooo tired today. My legs are aching. I've just heard that Max has a temperature, so I may be incubating something. I struggled through 450 cals of my exercise regime, then gave up. But I did get out to the fish market, so added around 150 to that, which is my daily minimum 600. It'll have to do.
    My weight is back up to my goal, so I will have to pay a bit more attention to my eating, which has been a bit happy-go-lucky recently. Recent trips and parties have made my logging lax some days. I can't exercise a binge day off.
    Today I'm comfort eating again. It doesn't help that I got a food delivery from my favourite shop. I ate the whole stinky cheese that came. Thank goodness I only ordered a small one, 300 calories.
    Tonight I'm cooking Chinese chicken in black bean sauce, which reheats well for DH when he gets in. Broccoli to go with it.

    I want to watch the marathon tomorrow with the family, but, if Max is still poorly, someone will have to stay in with him. I do feel a bit odd myself.

    Lovely embroidery /quilt Kim and Lisa. :D Very talented.

    Carol - Your wedding pic is lovely. I can't believe you had just been boiling all that shrimp! !

    Must drag myself upstairs to wash my hair.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    Machka - I think a cleaning service would be a great help! That’s great that hubby is on board now.

    Kim - I love the patches. How many embroidery machines do you run at a time? I make wedding invitations for wedding presents if they want. I have ended up having to limit it though, I’ll tell them I will do up to 50 as a wedding gift and they pay for the rest, depending on cost of the materials I will add more to the gift.

    Ginger - I love your bright spot, you had me sitting admiring your window sill too.

    Viv - hope your Dad is better today and that you have a good visit with your friends.

    Karen in NY - what age of students do you have? I hope your allergies clear up soon.

    Barbara - I think that your friend needs you now more than when it first happened. In my experience it always after the funeral and everyone else has gone back to their daily lives that leaves the family suffering most.

    Lisa - I had to laugh at your Fitbit’s accounting of lawn mowing. My phone app does things like that sometimes too. I have never been a part of the Girl Scouts, but I love the quilt.

    Okie - have fun today!

    Heather - I hope you don’t catch the bug. This past week I actually infected the Grands it seemed like a backwards turn of events. 😂

    I spent all day yesterday and most of the evening reorganizing and rearranging furniture in our craft room. I need to finish it today or tomorrow. I have the Grands today and I’m taking them to a friends with me. My friend has young boys so they should have fun.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Wow! I’ve skimmed over 200 posts. No way to even remember everywhere to comment.

    ((((Margaret))))). I’m so sorry for everything. I echo the advice given to others about being careful in your sharing. They’d have to dig to find you on this forum, but it could be done. I’d hate for you to jeopardize your cause.

    Condolences to all who have lost loved ones and whose friends have lost loved ones. I remember several from my skimming.

    Lisa, my Fitbit also recognizes a push mower as an outdoor bike. That’s one form of exercise I won’t be getting this summer as my husband just hired a lawn service. I’m hoping not having to worry about the logistics of keeping the grass cut will motivate me to do other types of yard work.

    I finished the class I was leading on “Train the Trainer” yesterday. It’s my favorite class to teach so no stress there. I am probably more than half way through with getting my house back in order from the floors. I’ll post pictures when I’m done. The flooring people knocked a hole in the wall plus put several scratches on our new paint job in the hall. Dave is working on repairing that and touch up painting. I’m doing laundry and slowly but surely getting everything else back in place. I’m so ready to have it done so I can enjoy a nice, clean house for a change. My back has been bothering me. Between that and all the work I need to do, I haven’t been to the gym. I’ve been getting my share of steps, but I miss the weights. I’ll be back Monday. Interestingly enough, being active most of the day works to help my back. It’s sitting around and driving that shut it down.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon: It is good to see you posting again! :smiley:

    Lisa 50 OH: I’d like to suggest an additional goal. It has made my life better—Have fun every day. Fun is not necessarily a trip to the amusement park. It is doing things you enjoy. Could be a sport, knitting, gardening, fishing, meditating, spending time with a friend . . .

    Felicia: Thanks for the photo of the Wheatland Ferry. We crossed there once and loved the experience. That was quite a long time ago. :heart:

    Ginger and Lanette: Thank you for your insights about dealing with the police. I am outraged by the treatment that Margaret’s son experienced, and you’ve provided many good ideas. :heart:

    Rebecca: I love the looks of your new home. I’m so glad you’ve found it! :star:

    Kim: The patches you are making for your friend’s wedding are wonderful. I think they’ll be thrilled with your wedding gift. :flowerforyou:

    (((Margaret))): I think you’re on the right track. Good luck! :heart:

    Lisa: I think the “Sash Quilt” Is gorgeous and perfect! :star:

    (((Heather))): Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Watching the Columbia River flow by—and it has dropped just a little bit. We’ve been told that the flow has passed its peak and will gradually return to a more normal level. With all of the weather problems between here and the headwaters of the Columbia in Canada, I suspect the river will be deep for months to come. So far the Bonneville Power Administration has done a great job managing all this water and protecting us from flooding.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited April 2019
    Heather - I have heard your struggle with eating in your posts for the last couple weeks. Just know that we are all here for you! I go through the same thing as you do and I’m sure everybody else does as well!


    Mary from Arizona
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Stunner of a day out now.. got a good bit of food down my DFIL so it makes me happy.. now home sitting out on my patio with Alfie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Thank you, Mary. When the exercise gets interrupted the whole thing goes to pot. Today started off badly, but I recovered a bit. Not feeling well helped me not to pig out. DH is not going to cricket tomorrow as it won't be a full day, so he can come with me to the grandchildren for the marathon watching. I have really missed him. Hope I stop aching! I will take a pain killer tonight.

    Sneezing now as well. Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Had a very nice day off yesterday. Now I work today and tomorrow. Not a lot of people around on the weekends so I can get stuff done. I enjoyed my day off yesterday. Went to my Aunt's funeral. It was a real nice service. I am going to write the minster a note about how I felt about the service. Am concerned for my Uncle as he was really having a hard time walking and not sure how he is going to do home a lone. Left my phone number with my cousin if he wants some help. Nothing else I can do at this time, but check in with them.

    Janetr--Very pretty young lady. Thanks for sharing.

    Allie--Take a deep breath and those keys will show up when you least expect. Happens to me all the time, soon as I give up looking things have a way of just showing up.

    Margaret--Keeping you and DS in prayer. I hope you get them to get the educaton they need to deal with mental health issues as I agree there is more of this today then anyother time and must be handled well so that like you and DS do not have to have this kind of trauma to deal with on top of everything else.

    Rebecca--Congrates on getting the house. Very nice and roomy looking.

    Lisa--I have found when riding the motorcycle my fitbit gives me lots of steps. But not everytime. So the times I am riding I just don't count. Very pretty quilt and I can see it will be a big hit.

    Well ladies time to get some work done. Didn't sleep well last couple nights and really having a problem keeping on track today. Take care. The most important thing is never give up!!

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    It is question I will have to clarify with the attorney

    heart: Margaret

    That's another thing ... write down all your questions. You'll think of them when you're shopping, driving, and doing what you do. Have some way of writing them down when you think of them. Start carrying a little note book or maybe you can do it on your phone or whatever. I emailed myself my questions because I could do that with my phone. So I'd be sitting in a lecture, and suddenly tap out a question to myself.

    And I know it's tempting to start sending whatever you've written to lawyers, media or whoever ... but wait.

    I still get caught with this. I write a bunch of stuff, I wait a day, I edit it, and I send it ... and about 30 minutes after I've sent it, I've got an "And furthermore ... " email going. I need to be more patient!! I do wait a day, but I really need to wait about 2-3 days, at least. I need to sleep on it a couple nights and get some good exercise of some sort where I can get away from technology and just think ... and I need to edit it several times before sending.

    I've actually got one going to my husband's back to work coordinator that I've had simmering for about 2 weeks now. I haven't sent it yet because I don't feel I've said everything yet in the way I want to say it.

    I have a niece who is a lawyer in Missouri. My plan is to gather all the writings I have written over the past few days. Then follow M's idea to organize my thoughts. I will send a copy to my niece and ask if she has suggestions for finding the right lawyer here.

    Yes, send it to your niece ... that's a great idea. That will also give you time to think of more questions or a different way to word things.

    I will also use this copy when I meet with a lawyer or lawyers. Again this might depend on where John is on this. His health comes first, but I have this feeling that if he felt he could turn the tables on the police and call them out on their behavior it would give him a healthy place to vent all the rage is boiling inside of him. It could also help motivate him to get well faster.

    Do you have a psychologist you can talk to about this? Hopefully your son has one that he is able to see soon, but do you have one you can vent to and also bounce some of your ideas off?

    Soon after my husband's accident, a friend where I work set me up with the free EAP psychologist. Unfortunately, she and I did not hit it off, but then someone at the Brain Association recommended someone else and she was wonderful. It was such a relief to talk to someone who really understood.

    I feel so blessed to have the knowledge and support of such wonderful woman. With your support and the support I am getting from my support system here. I know I am ready to help make these changes.

    If John cannot be on board with this. I also know a reporter who could help and may have to just write to the Police Chief. I am going to stay away from the reporter until I know what we are going to do legally.

    Be very careful about publicising things if you are going to go the lawyer route ... including on a public forum (i.e. here). That may be a question you ask your lawyer: how much can I say publicly about this?

    First thing first. Getting John to the right help and then getting him well!!!

    heart: Margaret

    I hope both of you can get the help you need. :)

    M in Oz
    Excellent advice. You are right about this forum being too public. You do have to go looking for it but even so. So far I am only sharing story with you, family, trusted friends, and those whose job it is to see that changes are made.

    Your comment about be careful about how to proceed is interesting. I got a sign that said I need to pull back and I will know when it is time to go forward.

    So as soon as I get them loaded I am going to share my Art in Bloom.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks ladies! I got a nice little cold sore on my lip from the stress of it all. Amazing how your body deals with stress huh?!
    Everyone chill out and sip your favorite thing day.😁
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Home from my evening out..had a blast..was very good at eating had steamed chicken and vegetables,only ate the zucchini and broccoli a few onions and the chicken. Then we walked a little bit.then came over to our local place and they had a drink I had water..we will do it again ..