

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    edited April 2019
    It's Saturday and I'm relaxing just a little bit. I've had a hectic few days:

    -- I called a meeting at work on Tuesday, and went through all the new stuff I'm meant to take on. Since then I've been trying to organise it and get through my emails about it all. The emails in my Inbox have increased from about 25 to 50, so that’s going well.
    -- homework assignment due Thursday night, which I got done in time.
    -- And of course tutorial on Monday, lecture on Tuesday, and we've formed groups and have started our big assignment.
    -- Then two "health" meetings a day on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. I don't like booking two in one day because it eats into work time, but they're coming thick and fast now and I don't have other options.

    So I've been to physio about my back and hip. She commented that my strength has improved a lot from the stair climbing, walking, rowing and cycling. But my hip itself still needs specific exercises. That reminds me, I was going to scan and send the results from an MRI I don't think she has.

    My husband and I both had dental appointments. I'm done! Root canal finished, broken tooth filled and repaired, and cleaning done. My husband had the teeth on one side finished, but needs work on the other side and a cleaning, so I've booked the first of those appointments.

    Then yesterday I had to be up at the crack of dawn to get the van in for a service (mostly good!!), and off to work. Then my husband came into town, and we were hoping to get his bloodwork done, but I misread the document so we need to do it very early Monday morning now. Then off to sign our wills -- that's all done! Then work. Then home early to pick up the van, quick change into our fineries, and into town to eat dinner at one of the last street food markets (delicious!), and then off to the symphony (excellent!).

    I'll have to get moving shortly ... we'd like to get out for a bicycle ride, then we're meeting with someone about housecleaning. If it goes well, we'd like to arrange for this company to come in about once every 3 months or so to do a good clean. They also do windows -- half our windows are so high the only way to get up there and do a good cleaning is on a ladder. I could do that, but I'm not overly keen and I do not want my husband doing that. This company has a "division" devoted to doing windows so it would be great if they'd do our. And they have another "division" that steam cleans carpets which would also be great. We've been here almost 5 years and I think it's about time.

    Later this evening my schedule includes homework, my husband's seizure management plan, and some work I really need to do with regard to the cycling club we're members of. Oh, and I have to order groceries too.

    And I’ve figure out what all the abdomen and lower back pain was about … my body decided this was a good time to have another period!! I suppose once every 3 or 4 months is better than once every 3 weeks, but I’m beginning to wonder how long it’s going to keep doing this!!

    M in Oz
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Hi all, I’m around just busy!

    Hugs to all of you that need a hug!
    Prayers too for you.

    RV Rita You are very inspiring. Thank you for the tip. I will remember it.

    I’ve been gardening a lot this week and not much time to anything else.
    I have been walking the dog with my husband too. I’ve been upping the exercise, so that’s good!

    Have a good weekend!
    Dana In Arkansas

    PS: big storm coming in tomorrow, Say a prayer for the south. Severe weather is forecast.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited April 2019

    Love your suggestions.

    You are correct your husband situation is different than my son's what they have in common is they both have brains that are injured. Your DH did not get aggressive because of his injury too.

    I wish I knew more about son's medical situation. Unfortunately over here we have what are called HIPA laws. Because he is over 21 I am only allowed to know his medical history if he signs a release to let me have access. If he does not sign this release a medical person can give me no information about his condition. I can however fill them in with what I know. Often times our son refuses to sign this form because that is part of his illness he becomes so angry at me he refuses to sign.

    I like the organization by points. I also know if I do send something to the police chief I need to stick to the facts. It is looking more like I need to look into filing a suit. One thing I do have to prepare for is he does become aggressive when ill. If asked about this. My answer is this is a symptom of his disease so if he is aggressive that is all the more reason to get him into the hospital so he gets the help he needs. When his illness is correctly treated he is no longer aggressive.

    I know I am getting was ahead of myself here. I know if I go forward with this it will not be easy. I also have to think if our son needs to testify and what affect that could have on him. It is question I will have to clarify with the attorney and if so I will have to wait for our son to get well. He would need to be on board too and be able to handle the pressure. Given how angry I know this happening to him makes him I know he would want to go forward with this. MY hope in doing this would help him regain some of his power that was violently taken from him. I know the police do not understand how they victimized him.

    I do like the idea of using some money gotten in a lawsuit be used for educating officier on this issue. Our son will also need additional medical care that is not covered by his insurance to help him with the PSD fallout. Another thing that could be on the table is a study of what kind of force is used when someone is mentally ill. With that in mind what can be done to decrease the level of force used against a mentally ill person. I did look up tasing and that is considered a less dangerous way to subdue someone that using physical force. Given there were eight strong officier there there might be something to that. It does not negate my major complaint that nothing was done to de escalate the situation and he was not taken to the hospital to be evaluated!

    Yes I am ready to go to ART in Bloom to take a break. I am also noticing how late it has gotten and I need to get to bed!

    heart: Margaret
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    📙Accountability post for Friday, April 12th
    ✔️1. Carbs 50g max with no more than 25g per meal. (35g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 25g. (26g)
    ✔️3. Track in MFP. Complete the entry daily.
    ✔️4. Exercise - log 30 Fitbit minutes (37 Active minutes).
    ✔️5. No eating after 9pm.
    ✔️6. In bed by midnight.

    • Overall Feeling: Feeling Good. Lazy most of the day.
    • Exercise: Started late. At 6:30pm I had only 580 steps! I got it done.
    • Eating deadline. Made it today.
    • Bedtime-Sleep Hygiene. In bed by midnight. Took Melatonin earlier. Still haven’t given up my iPad yet.
    • Bright Spot today: It’s cloudy...overcast. I’m admiring my kitchen window sill. It’s loaded with a few of my favorite little treasures: mini antique bottles/jars, 3 little piggies, zinc lidded mason jar full of catseye marbles, ceramic fish painted by our daughter. The African violet that someone overwaters. The big leaf ivy in water that dies off and comes back. I cleaned all these earlier in the week and the little bit of daylight we have hits the glass items just right to add some light. And, I’m reminded of my late sweet auntie who stayed with us for 6 months while battling leukemia. She gave me a few of the antique jars dug from her pasture and she would often clean this window sill and the items here. A bright spot here and there. ❤️
    • Today I’m grateful for: My husband for stepping up when I’m down. Being able to respond online to Mom’s jury summons. Our neighbors for tolerating our roaming pot-bellied pig. My daily routines. Stitcher app for podcasts.

    Good Night!
    -- Ginger in Texas
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Need to catch up a few pages, but don't have a lot of time as I'm geting ready to go to see my friend in Darlington. She has recently moved and me and a few friends are visiting her - don't want to miss the train! I'll pop in and see how my dad is before I go - he seemed a bit down yesterday, so hope he's okay.

    It was my grandsons 14th birthday yesterday, where does the time go. He's having a few friends to go to a video store and play on the games machines. I think he'll be stopping the night tonight as usual, but you never know with his mother, she can be difficult sometimes if the mood takes her.

    Anyway, I'd better have a quick tidy up before I get changed. Have a lovely Saturday everyone <3

    Love to all
    Viv UK
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Terri your Pamper and therapy weekend sound lovely. Safe travels!
    Okie sssnakesssss? Oh NO! Aren't coral snakes venomous? I'd have someone do the yardwork too if we lived where it was ssssnaky. Fortunately only a few timmber rattlers are said here and they're quite polite, they rattle to tell you they're there and please go away. As for starting gossip, naughty naughty ;)
    Lisa ticks? :ohno: They're expected to be bad here too, due all the rain. Glad you have riding a mower.
    Margaret, bloodstains and taseing wounds? Horrible! Glad you'll consult an attorney, and Mental Health court is supportive. Praying they can get your son into hospital soonest. Saluting you for trying for what is right. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to stand up and say "This is not right" to bring systemic improvements. Ginger's and Lanette's points are well taken, wise and understanding approaches, but could compromise your position if litigation becomes necessary. Lawyer up first imho. Your trauma recovery plan sounds just right, enjoy Art in Bloom.
    Tracey oh yeah, whatever he Brings home, he gets to tend, not you!
    Ginger I'd find it hard to get 25 g fiber, but have improved from <10 to >15. It's really helped move things along ;} Congrats on a great 100% day!
    Carol good lookin' couple!
    Sharon thank you for sharing your horrifyingly crazy turn story, and your most excellent basics.
    Felicia WOW!
    Rebecca, Hip Hip Hooray!
    Michele glad your soup kitchen can offer salad, so few can.
    Kim "...to have the business bloom" BIG smile! What a loving wedding gift.
    Machka brain dump and point form format, well said. Oof, I'm exhausted just READING about your week.
    Dana prayer said. Hasn't there been enough severe weather this year already?
    NYKaren (((hugs))) You're right, as overwhelming as burdens can be, without each other they'd be unbearable.

    Misty this morning, but dried enough this afternoon to transplant some-not-all. Pooped. Friend wants me to come soon, figuring out how and when. Won't start any more seeds as it's doubtful what's already been started will survive a week's absence. Will Joe water the indoor cukes? Maybe, maybe not.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 9/30, 60 g protein 12/30, rx/vits 11/30, meditate 4/30, knee exercises 4/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 8/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 8/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/12 LT: T'ai Chi-Y MT: transplant Brussels sprouts, lettuce, peas-Y ST: Call forester about Totoro tree-Y
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    edited April 2019
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka brain dump and point form format, well said. Oof, I'm exhausted just READING about your week.
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka,[/b] your litany of what your life is like this week makes me feel exhausted in sympathy...

    And I left stuff out of that list!

    Anyway, we headed out to go cycling, but it was pretty cool and windy. In the past we would have gone anyway, but wind can kind of knock my husband off balance a bit and he has to focus more. So we ran some errands then returned home.

    Because we had the housecleaner interview, we tidied the house. We wanted it to be about what needed to be done, not about a lot of stuff on top of what needed to be done. In other words we wanted the floors to show! That interview seemed to go well, so he's coming on Tuesday. We'll see how things go. If things go well, we might have him come at least every 3 months.

    Edit: My husband was really dragging his feet about the housecleaning. He didn't want to do it, but kept saying he would eventually ... he kind of wanted me to do it, but wouldn't come right out and say that ... but he really didn't want a company to come in and do it. Even when the guy came, he wasn't overly pleased ......... until he heard the quote. He just told me he thought it would cost 3 times that amount!! After he heard that, he even suggested the guy might come about once a month. :grin:

    Then I rowed for half an hour. That's the longest I've rowed so far, since I got the machine.

    Gotta go again ... laundry's done and I'll need to hang it on the drying rack, then get busy with some other stuff.

    Machka in Oz

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited April 2019
    I have a niece who is a lawyer in Missouri. My plan is to gather all the writings I have written over the past few days. Then follow M's idea to organize my thoughts. I will send a copy to my niece and ask if she has suggestions for finding the right lawyer here.

    I will also use this copy when I meet with a lawyer or lawyers. Again this might depend on where John is on this. His health comes first, but I have this feeling that if he felt he could turn the tables on the police and call them out on their behavior it would give him a healthy place to vent all the rage is boiling inside of him. It could also help motivate him to get well faster.

    I feel so blessed to have the knowledge and support of such wonderful woman. With your support and the support I am getting from my support system here. I know I am ready to help make these changes.

    If John cannot be on board with this. I also know a reporter who could help and may have to just write to the Police Chief. I am going to stay away from the reporter until I know what we are going to do legally.

    First thing first. Getting John to the right help and then getting him well!!!

    heart: Margaret
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    I like the dark green border. Fits with the Girl Scout's colors.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Barbara - Yes, the TX Coral snake is venomous. They are quite small, normally not over a foot long at most. They aren’t big like the coral snake most people think of. I don’t care how big or small they are, they terrify me. And that is plenty of reason for me to avoid putting my hands in dirt.

    Prep went well last night. We’re hoping the rain moves out so we don’t have to be confined to the garage. Either way, it will be fun.

    Happy weekend Ladies!!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Lisa - Love the quilt!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa I like that quilt.

    Margaret Great progress on your quest. I can only imagine how difficult this has been for you. I have a lot of mental illness in my family. Getting people in crisis to the hospital safely is a challenge. I remember one time when we had to hire a pilot to fly my sister across the state because we knew she would open the door in the moving car if we tried to drive. This was before the days of child locks. (((Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member