Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Saltine !!!!

    So good to see you. Congratulations on quitting smoking. That is such a great accomplishment.
    Has Spring come yet to Winnipeg?

    I disagree with the idea of eating on the go. I'm with Judith Beck and her advice to sit at a table and eat and do nothing else but slowly enjoy your meal undistracted. Besides, your mind and body need time to chill and restore just as much as you need exercise. Please reconsider using every lunch break of the week for exercise if you are eating during the exercise. Maybe alternate? I am hoping and assuming there's a break room or somewhere to go to eat; if not, use your car? If none of this appeals to you, make sure that you sit and eat for breakfast and dinner.
    Lastly, you don't have a lot of protein in your breakfast, and that banana has a lot of starch and may generate hunger pangs sooner than you want them.
    I'm sending these suggestions with warm caring, no criticism! Hugs~~

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all! Happy Thursday!
    Saltine - CONGRATS on the no smoking! That is very very very awesome! Chalk your 30 lbs to that and now recover. Just think of the will power and strength you had to quit smoking and refocus on your health. That is a huge accomplishment!
    Megan! sorry to hear about your phone and sickness. Take care of yourself!
    today is my Friday! yippee! Forecast says 67 in WI this weekend! Going to sunbathe :wink:
    Lurking - Lynn

  • marsellilove
    marsellilove Posts: 122 Member
    Saltine: Congrats on quitting! That's a big hurdle and you cleared it!
  • marsellilove
    marsellilove Posts: 122 Member
    Ayo Ladies and who ever else lurks around here, just got a mo to catch up on the posts.

    Dawn: Sorry to hear about the pup :frowning: I hope the CBD works for her.

    Brennerjlb: thank you for the pixie dust delivery!

    Saltine: also hopping on the hearty breakfast train. Or bring a protein rich morning snack. I don't know if you are an egg person but I try to boil the last few in the carton and stash them in the work fridge.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Marselli - That class you are taking--are you currently failing it, but there's more weeks/months to go; or is it over with, and you failed it? Yikes either way......What is the subject? So sorry to hear that you are having severe troubles with it. Sending good vibes your way, since you've been sick. I am sorry to hear about your phone, and I understand from first-hand experience.


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    10308 total steps

    Easter egg hunt, they were running and I was walking as fast as I could. Got a nice work out. Hope this means I sleep well tonight.

    Just glad tomorrow is Friday. Need to take dog out for her after dinner jaunt.

    Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    So nice to type that day......

    My immediate supervisor was not satisfied with my answer as to why I only have one monitor (because in the end it is not easy for her) and I told her the effect of having two monitors for me NOT the reason. I will contact Human Resources and ask what information they need to file disability. The eye apt I have had for months phone call; "we had to change your apt" - lovely so know I have to take a whole day off. Just one thing after another this week isnt it .....

    So question of the day is -

    QOTD: What plans are you making for the weekend to compensate for the stress of this week?

    AOTD: I am going to find easy food for next week, that is still marginally healthy. I am going to work on my state job application so I can get that started and contact a lady I know who has offered to be a resource. Naps on tap as needed.

    Phew give ourselves a hug, one doughnut only today when the box gets passed around.

    Wave to all who follow. TGIF
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member


    Sara - These are both excellent!!!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Sara - Sorry to hear about the supervisor and the monitor situation and the changed eye appointment! hasn't stopped for you this week. Dang.

    AOTD: I am going to do what I can to tidy all the rooms in the house and sort through the messy piles of paper, so that in the end, my home is a happier, more soothing place to be.
    Anything I do will be an improvement--I've let it get out of hand.

    I am so happy to now have a car of my own. I am 63 years old, and this is the first car I have ever, ever owned. After a whole lifetime of being in midtown Manhattan, and two years of being in NC without a car, the sense of freedom is so joyful. Chapel Hill has a great free bus system, but WOW - a car rocks.

    Dawn - how are you and pup doing?

    Waves to all of you around the pool~~

    *tossing beach bag and flamingo towel onto favorite lounge chair for Friday Happy Hour*


    ???? today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Lana - car details please
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Sara, I got a 2019 new Subaru Crosstrek. She is blue and has all of those new safety/idiot-helping features to help keep me out of trouble. I am very grateful to have this car now.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Lana - thank you for the car details, I am so short that some of these cars require a step stool for me..........
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited April 2019


  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Lana - LMAO - Too funny!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Lana - does your car have the button where you can talk to someone?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Lana - does your car have the button where you can talk to someone?

    Sara - It has that capability in the car, and I signed up for three years of the service. Two different buttons: one for car emergencies (ran out of gas) and one for personal emergencies (having a heart attack).

    The pricing was really strange: one year was $50 (fine), 2 years was $100 (fine), and 3 years was $150 (fine), but 4 years was $300, and the prices went more and more expensive as the number of years increased. It's as if they were corralling the buyer to choose only 1, 2, or 3 years. I wonder how common that is.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    maybe they expect people to trade their car in after 3 years?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I will catch up on posts... had to Uninstall and re install MFP ..grrr...

    We lost our girl, yesterday. She was just done. It was too much of a struggle for her to do anything. I am so numb. My heart hurts so bad. Life will never be the same. Hug your babies... Thank you all for your kind words. You all mean so much to me.