JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    Check In! Quickly because I want to shut my laptop off soon and relax. Friday night is my relaxation time. :)

    JFT 5/3

    1 hour intense exercise :)
    Breathing exercise x 3 :| Did twice, it definitely helped
    Stay within 1400 calories :) Well, so far... ;)
    Get through today's to do list :)
    Lunch Date with husband-RELAX AND ENJOY-DO NOT TALK ABOUT WORK! :)
    Shut everything down by 6:30 and relax I am halfway there and definitely going to do that!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @nlmackey98 I hope you start to feel better soon. I battled anxiety for much of my life and it can be debilitating. As far a the movie goes...I don't think I am capable of going to a movie and not eating their popcorn! Sometimes I find a movie for us to go see JUST BECAUSE I WANT SOME MOVIE THEATER POPCORN! Don't be like me... :)

    @snowflake1968 I was wondering not too long ago if you were still doing swim lessons! How very cool that you are doing so well! Last year, if I remember correctly, you were wary of going in the deep end. I'm so proud of you! You are blooming, girl! I'm seriously jealous that your pants were falling down...*sigh*

    @MLHC1 I think spouses know just what buttons to push to get us all riled up because nobody knows us better than they do. Kill him with kindness...it drives people crazy when you don't take the bait! Well, it works on my DH anyway. :flowerforyou:

    @ZizzyBumble I am going to have to look up Skye! It sounds like somewhere I want to be right now!

    @wannabeskinnycat It's very difficult to try to log on and reply to everyone with a large group, so please don't feel obligated! Many times I cannot do that, so I try to let everyone know I'm thinking of them by clicking Like, Woo (for WOO HOO!) or Hug. I'm so glad you joined us!

    @mytime6630 I'm so sorry to hear about your gym friend's husband. It can really put things in perspective, can't it? We need to enjoy the present moment more, as a society. This was a good reminder for me. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

    @Faebert Every time I see your profile pic, I think to myself "D@MN! I want to look like that!" You are such an inspiration to so many!

    @Clicketykeys I just love your list where it says "Drink more water. No, more." It makes me smile every single time I picture you saying that to yourself. I talk to myself like this too so it gives me a chuckle. Hope you had fun at Six Flags!

    @aubyshortcake Thank you for your supportive words. <3 I would absolutely welcome that big hug!

    @cschmitz110515 We finally got our back yard fenced in for Maddie, so she can run like the wind now! OMG. You should see her. I've never seen a happier dog...it's like she is smiling.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    • Journal every bite :)
    • Drink at least 40 oz water :)
    • Take a real lunch break today. Leave the building. :)
    • Listen to Joyce Meyer podcast :) / Half Size Me podcast :)Started. will finish tomorrow. / Optimal Living Daily :) & Optimal Health Daily podcasts :)
    • Spend 15 minutes trying to catch up on JFT posts :)
    • Early bedtime: Gratitude Journal 😊 / Inspirational Readings 😊/ Read until lights out 😊/ Calm sleep story 😊

    Today I meant to come on here several times to post my goals, but each time I logged on I found myself reading past posts instead. I wish I could comment on all of them, but I didn’t take notes. Thank you to everyone who wrote me Supportive messages. It means a lot. I hope you all know that I’m reading your posts, cheering you on, praying for you and celebrating your successes!

    I got a call tonight from my stepmom. More bad news. My dad, who has failing kidneys, found out today that cancer has returned for the 3rd time. I had a good cry, updated my kids with the news, and then spent the rest of the evening reading through your posts and trying to get somewhat caught up. It was actually soothing to be on here reading updates from you, my friends. It felt familiar, safe and comforting....it took me away from the anxiety and sadness. I can never thank you all enough for being here and being so awesome.

    Since I didn’t post goals, I will list what I did accomplish today:
    1. Journaled every bite, including ice cream sandwiches....that’s right. Sandwiches....not just one. Good thing is, my calories were low so I’m still in the green.
    2. Left for lunch break. Went to Fresh Thyme and got a large Chicken, sweet potato and kale soup. (My favorite!). Then I went to Dollar Tree and bought a few things I needed...well 12 items but some I probably didn’t really need. 😬
    3. Got caught up on the last 6 pages of posts.
    4. Ate mindfully and enjoyed each thing. Made better choices than I have been.
    5. Got a few things done at work that I’ve been meaning to do but haven’t had time.

    Now I’m in bed at 9:00, being accountable. I will journal 5 things I’m grateful for today, read from Joyce Meyer, read from Simple Abundance, listen to Calm app.

    I consider today a partial success. Tomorrow I will try harder to get some activity in. I’m just feeling exhausted, drained and not very motivated. But tomorrow is a new day! I will talk to you all again tomorrow!

    Word for 2019: TENACITY

    Much Love to you all! ❤️ :flowerforyou:

    Greetings! Would you PM me, please---for some reason when I initiate it I can't connect to the receiver!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 3 May

    I did not find time to post goals this morning and now I'm too tired to read posts or retrospectively post goals. I've had a lovely day but had I posted my usual goals, there would have been a lot of glum faces!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    edited May 2019
    This would be a great thing to do for the May challenge! Maybe not while dinner is cooking, but as part of the 5 somethings?

    The 15-Minute Bodyweight Workout

    Do these moves any time you have to wait for things to cook or while chopping and stirring.
    Exercise Time/Reps Sets
    Static lunges 30 seconds 2–3 on each leg
    Arm circles 15–30 seconds 2–3 with each arm
    Side + back leg lifts 10–15 in each position 2–3 on each leg
    Push-ups on kitchen counter 6–12 2–3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    1. go to weight watcher meeting ... no matter the outcome. I don't think I have lost, so all the more reason to go and be accountable. (I'm sure the half margarita I had will not help with my weigh in, but it was worth it anyhow). :):) I was so surprised. My friends were in town the past weekend, and on monday morning, I was UP almost 3 pounds. I was careful all week... but last nite hubby and I went out to eat, and I even had a margarita. I figured for sure I would be up. But I was down another pound ... making my total loss so far 12.5 pounds. This showed me that even when we have a few bad days, the real key is to get right back on track. This is what living is about. We will have bad days. We will have days where we give into emotional eating. But the real secret is to get right back on track.
    2. concentrate on water :/ So busy today that I didn't drink any water yet... so tonite... get my water bottle out!
    3. go to fish fry ... eat only 2 pieces of fish, and count out 10 french fries :)
    4. mindful eating :)
    5. work in the yard ... if it is not too muddy! We have been getting tons of rain! :) It is muddy, but I transplanted a lot of wildflowers to sections where they can spread out and grow more!
    6. go to the nursery to see plans for subdivision entryway... hoping trustee will go along with it! :) So happy!! Trustee gave me a check for $500 to take to the nursery! I can't wait for it to get done!
    7. help daughter clean her apartment :/ She was too tired, so we are doing it tomorrow nite. But .. she is out here reading, and said she had a good day.
    8. jan challenge = 8+ water :/
    9. feb challenge = only 1 nite time snack :) I already made daughter a peach/blueberry smoothie, and had some, so its just water tonite.
    10. mar challenge = outside 15 minutes walking, etc :) I think working in the yard counts.
    11. april challenge = 1 positive thing :) Had a wonderful day ... busy... but the positive thing for today for me is my health. We all take this so for granted... even just doing simple things is something many people are unable to do.
    12. may challenge = 5 somethings. :/ Completely forgot!

    JFT, Saturday
    1. go to Wild Flowers garden tour ... get inspiration!
    2. log all food
    3. plan meals for the week
    4. work on pc boards. I have been slacking helping hubby, and as a result, very far behind!
    5. mow the grass before more rain gets here
    6. go out for a walk if I have time since skipping the gym
    7. may challenge - 5 somethings.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Rough start to the day and to add to it, my husband came home and proceeded to tell me how I'm not "measuring up." So I splurged on lunch and now the rocky road ice cream is calling!! 😰

    WHAT!!! You have FOUR children, plus a job. I think I would have eating a entire box of ice cream. Hugs.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I know it's late in the day, but I need to be accountable. I am done giving myself passes. I put on 5 lbs in April, which I had taken off in March. So disappointed in myself!

    Peace to all.

    You should not be disappointed in yourself. You are such a strong woman, with so much on your plate. Remember the Beck Diet solution -- give yourself credit. You are being accountable. You are not giving up. You are doing all you can to take care of yourself. Hugs to you. Be very proud of yourself.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »

    I'm really tired today even though I slept better and longer than I have all week. Oh well, it's Friday and I'm leaving work early. Unfortunately, I'm leaving to go to the Psychologist. I never really like to go, because I hate that I have to go, but this week is worse. When I was in there last, about a week and a half ago, I was a mess. I can usually hold it together for the outside world, but I couldn't. I was in a dangerous place. Sigh... He made a med change taking me back to a higher dosage, and I do feel better, but there was a reason he lowered the dosage in the first place. It messes with my vision and gives me tremors. I guess that is better than the alternative, but I need to ask him if there is another choice. Its a messed up game of Master Mind. Trying to find the right combination. That would be okay, but each change takes so long to determine the effects.

    Positive thought of the day: Our minds have power over our thought and our actions. Train you mind to seek success in all that you do.

    I hope you start to feel better. It is so hard for them to get the correct dosage of medication. Our daughter doctor decreased her meds a few months ago ... only to need to increase them again... and she is finally starting to feel better. Hugs to you ... hoping your weekend is very relaxing. And I love your positive thought ... so so true, but yet, so hard to do.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Newbie2143 - they grow so fast. I have a 30 year old and a 28 year old. It was the toughest time we ever had as a couple after they moved out. Mine moved out within a month of each other with one a 10 hour drive away and the other a 14 hour drive away. We were one of those couples that never stopped doing things without the kids either. Get a hobby and it does feel nice after a while.

    MLHC1 - I am speechless about your husband’s comment to you, my response would be measuring up to who or what? I’m sorry, that’s really hurtful and no one should say that to someone they love. PackerfaninGB gives better advice than me. My temper is one reason why my husband and I struggle too.

    PackerfaninGB - maybe you should just go grab the popcorn to go when there isn’t a movie you want to see, it would be cheaper. I’m sure you will find just the right words for your Dad when you need them.

    Lafayettenana - thank you. I actually worry about when I get a job and can’t keep up as easily.

    Mytime6630 - good for you on the loss! Have fun shopping for the entrance to your community. AND I saw your daughter is starting to improve, that must be a relief for you.

    I failed today, Rodger was watching a tv show and a DQ Blizzard commercial kept coming on. I went to get him one which I do quite regularly in the summer and avoid anything for myself. Tonight though I decided I wanted a Peanut Buster Parfait, I know how many calories they are, I don’t have to look it up, I know I didn’t have room for it and had it anyway. I’ll do some serious walking tonight after Rodg goes to bed and hopefully avoid a snack.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,184 Member
    edited May 2019
    5/3:19 Friday
    Weight 151.6 lbs
    Stay in green 😾
    At least 4 8 oz. glasses of water 🤠 drank 6
    Exercise 😾
    Bed by midnight 🤠11:45pm

    JFT 5/4/19 sat.
    Stay in green
    4 8 oz. glasses of water
    Bed by midnight
