

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I’m happily home in bed after an intense work day. I met my festival orchestra (I experienced a good hour of strong unusually intense anxiety before hand). But turns out to be a truly wonderful group of kids—what a blessing—-responsive, musical, kind students. Tomorrow we have several rounds of rehearsals and then a 2:30 concert. I will be exhausted for sure. But I want to fit in exercise somehow tomorrow afterwards.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Lanette: Two weeks ago yesterday we were sightseeing at Mesa Verde National Park. It was an incredibly beautiful day, and the ancient pueblo ruins were amazing to see. I tripped on steps that led to an scenic overlook because I was rushing. >:) Both ankles buckled to the left and swelled up immediately. Fortunately, this didn't happen on a hiking trail. Our car was just a few feet away. I hobbled back behind the driver's seat and set GoogleMaps to the closest Walgreens where I loaded up on RICE supplies. I still think it was a great trip, no pun intended. BTW: I'm enjoying "Women Rowing North"

    Dr. Katie: I hear you about needing a break from the boot around 4 AM. Last night was a rough one. I pulled it off around 5, and blissfully rolled onto my side after rearranging pillows to protect both feet. DH slept through it all. How many weeks did you have to keep yours on?

    After being active and on the move for so long, it's quite the adjustment to practice "rest" ethic. There is so much I'd like to be doing, especially with the promise of a nice warm weekend. But, not going to push it. I have a chair in the shower and a rolling chair in the living/dining/kitchen. Not driving anywhere if I can help it. DH is taking trash out and picking up the mail. I use exercise bands for upper body stretches while sitting in the recliner. Tried the recumbent bike last week, but it's too soon, so that activity will have to wait awhile. This will be my month to feast on audio books and movies, two of my favorite things.

    Love and energy to you all.

    SMILING in the
    Colorado Foothills

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:

    1st ride of the year, from the gym to work, nice weather

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.12, 11.6amph, 132mhr, 1.57mi= 82c
    apple watch- didn't turn on
    Bike ride gym to sumn sta- 54.03min, 13.5amph, 147mhr, 12.11mi= 532c
    apple watch- 451c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5min, 141mhr, 9.55min mi.50mi= 62c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.21min, 9.33min mi, 146mhr, .45mi= 59c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.18mi, 8.5amph 143mhr, 2.60mi= 210c
    apple watch- 148c

    total cal 945
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Okie good point
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Lisa in AR, your mother is glamorous in the same way my mother was. That movie star look is unmistakable from the era. Your family looks like a fine upstanding bunch. Happy Mother's Day to you and really to anyone here who feels like a mother to someone, no matter how that came about.

    Okie, my beloved basset, Sam, was a one of a kind character. That name brings back happy memories and much laughter from my pre-teen years on up through my early 20s.

    Oh Allie! Those blessed moments of higher functioning ARE truly like a miracle. My husband and my brother both had a few days like this before leaving. I'm so happy that you and Tom both got to experience this!

    Ginger in TX, I love the picture and the caption in your post! There are LOTS of days where I'll do what's needed and cuss the entire time.

    NY Karen, I imagine you'll be truly relieved when the concert is finished. It's so nice that you have a group of real young musicians to work with. I wish I could hear it!

    Oh Rori! Feasting on books and movies! Two of my favourite things. An upscale community near where I live had the first day of their annual 2-day garage sale today, and I stocked up on some of both!

    I also found a large mesh and canvas 2-cat size carrier for in the car for my cats. My plan is to do some day rides with them to see how it goes and maybe bring them with me when I go camping again. Plus a lovely approximately 1-1/2x1" lidded wicker basket to hold books and magazines beside my reading chair. I have a magazine holder, but the silly things always manage to slither out and onto the ground. It's usually the National Geographic that leads the pack. I suspect being mailed gives it ideas.

    That and a light pareau to wear to the pool and back were my best finds. That and a bunch of dvds I've wanted to watch and more books.

    Today was the first day the pool was up to temperature, so I have a lovely hour swimming with my daughter and grandson. He swims like a real fish though he's only 6. He seems fascinated by the look of things underwater, and spends a great deal of time diving down to the 9' level (our deep end!) And looking around. Then he pops back up, throws another toy down there and does it all again.

    I always love the idea that swimming burns calories even though I'm just paddling around, since I'm burning calories to keep warm as well. It did look funny today, though. My lower belly, since my weight loss surgery, has become an almost empty skin bag. The gals have list weight too. So there I am in the pool fighting the tendency of my bottom to float to the top, since it now contains the most fat. My daughter and I were having fits of giggles about it.

    Sharon, Nearly Waterlogged, Near Seattle
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2019
    klanders30 wrote: »
    I’m happily home in bed after an intense work day. I met my festival orchestra (I experienced a good hour of strong unusually intense anxiety before hand). But turns out to be a truly wonderful group of kids—what a blessing—-responsive, musical, kind students. Tomorrow we have several rounds of rehearsals and then a 2:30 concert. I will be exhausted for sure. But I want to fit in exercise somehow tomorrow afterwards.


    NYKAREN Kudos on "carrying on", despite strong anxiety. You did a hard thing. I'm glad you had a rewarding experience with those kids. I'm of the opinion that directing multiple rehearsals and a concert should count as exercise. It certainly isn't sedentary activity. Just sayin'...


    Allie What good news! You are right, the trazodone would definitely have caused your father-in-law to be out of it! So happy for you & him. He will have some good days now.


    Sharon I hope some day your son will be curious about his biological mother and seek you out. It is the most difficult, selfless, loving act to carry a baby to term and give him up for adoption. That was an amazing and poignant story, thank you for telling it. Your grandchildren sound terrific.


    Rebecca That cat looks like your spirit animal. What a cute photo! Made me smile.


    Karen in Virginia

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited May 2019
    Karen in Virginia, I wish he was my spirit animal! So regal, kinda grumpy, but in a stately.way!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited May 2019
    My son's many Lego trips from our old place to our new place. Driving his van very slowly!
    ( Just around the corner thank goodness!)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Sharon - what sadness about your first son. My DH found his twin sister through one of those registration organisations. He was around 48 then.
    In this country the laws are the same about adoption, but over here you can employ a specially registered and licensed third party to do the research and to make approaches if the relative is found. You have to pay for that. We have a tv programme called "Long Lost Family" which often goes into all that. Of course, you have to be prepared for all and any eventuality. Sometimes it doesn't work out well, occasionally it does. I too would want to know, either way.

    Connie - so sorry about your lost baby and the awful disappointment about the adoption. And so glad about Hannah! <3

    My ex is currently visiting my younger son and family along with his youngest, Ben. They have flown down from Glasgow. I feel a bit sorry that I haven't been invited round for a coffee. :( I'm curious to see him, but we always got on fine, so I feel a bit excluded. Silly, I know.

    Tomorrow we are going to meet DH's older daughter and her boyfriend at a pub for lunch. It's 'dog friendly' to accommodate her dachshund. It's in the South Downs and there are lovely walks for afterwards. Weather should be good.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 To all