What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Monday: Chest, shoulder and triceps
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    Today is unfortunately a rest day, because I got MAYBE 30 minutes of sleep last night, I work from 6am-10pm, and I have to be awake at 4:30 tomorrow morning to do it all over again lol. I was planning on running, but with the amount of sleep that I got its not happening.
  • kellie7850
    kellie7850 Posts: 50 Member
    edited May 2019
    swimming 32 x 25m lengths
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    I had planned for my birthday today to be my rest day in the 300 in 30 challenger I’ve set myself. I am going to take a break from the bike today. I think I’ll check the weather and head for the lake with some swimming trunks.

    Feeling a bit old in my new older age.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    12 mile run at 10:40 pace. Slow, i know, but the furthest I’ve ran in 15 years. I’m hoping to get my pace up to 9:00, so sprints will be happening soon

    @Domonicdave don’t think your time is slow but this is coming from a 64-year young man who, like, you has jumped back on the running pony after a timeout. Privately cheering for you.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Happy birthday @CentaurusSoter and know that old is what other people are. For perspective, I’ve got lint in my belly button older than you so enjoy your youth. Keep marching forward in your fitness, health and wellness goals.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,999 Member
    Yoga, Australian pull-ups, pushups, face pulls and reverse flys...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    I had planned for my birthday today to be my rest day in the 300 in 30 challenger I’ve set myself. I am going to take a break from the bike today. I think I’ll check the weather and head for the lake with some swimming trunks.

    Feeling a bit old in my new older age.

    Happy birthday! :drinker:

    (Old is much better than it's rumored to be (I'm 63). ;) ).
  • Pipistrelle19
    Pipistrelle19 Posts: 1 Member
    35 minutes off road on my cross bike. Hills, cobbles, sand and grass :)
  • bobshuckleberry
    bobshuckleberry Posts: 281 Member
    So far a 45 minute walk and 15 minutes of abs. May go to crossfit later, jury still out on that decision.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    30min PT full body trx with slam ball intervals (love the way I've been put straight back on the 10kg slam ball)

    3.1 mile hill run, got an undulating 10k on Sunday so wanted to get some hills in.

    Squats- only my 2nd time in the squat rack this year so still very light. Pyramids starting from 30kg with 1kg increments. Topped out at 39kg which I took to 5reps.

    Tabata - loving that i can now push in this class

    Barbell - first time adding weight to the bar, not quite where i was before marathon training but quite close
  • MattZ89
    MattZ89 Posts: 1 Member
    Just got done running a 5k. Training for a 10K now.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    Yesterday’s rest day is today’s fresh day. With day off, hit it hard today.

    1 - Alternating pull-ups and chin-ups every 0:50 - 100 reps in 27:20 - training for 100 reps in 20:00.

    #2 - Bar dips - 100 reps in 17:24 - training for 100 reps in 15:00.

    #3 - Run 5:40 walk 0:20 for 10 rounds = 6.0 miles in 60 minutes - first time since resurrecting running that I covered 6 miles in 60 minutes. Ran during 21st hour of fasting period.

    Today begins my training for a 6-mile fun run the end of July. Haven’t done one in about 10 years.

    Doing the popular Wharf to Wharf in Santa Cruz. Ran it about half dozen times 20 years ago with my son when he was a high school track distance runner and I was a tag-along Dad trying to be half the runner he was. Will be a great run down memory lane.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    A few hours rowing on the water this morning. Not a great row but such is life. I also decided that I'll probably be fine swimming twice a week. I did 1,600m in the pool today. I felt slow but my Garmin says otherwise. I mean I was slow in general, but fast for me. Also it was the first time I've swam since August so I wasn't expecting much.
  • BethWilliams24
    BethWilliams24 Posts: 175 Member
    30 min Pilates with Tracy Campoli
    2 hours grass cutting!
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    Yoga class
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    edited May 2019
    About 2 hours rowing on the water today in an 8. Was a so-so row - nothing to write home about.

    I've also decided, tentatively, add swimming as cross training twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays. I chose one of Speedo On's plans which is all of two weeks long with two sessions a week. Today's was 1,800 yards and I got to reacquaint myself with how my Garmin's swim workout function works when you have it walking you through a workout you created via Garmin Connect sent to the watch. Needless to say, it didn't record the first 300 yds of my workout :D That said, while I felt a bit slow in the water, apparently I had a 100yd PB and was, in general, faster than I was the last time I swimming with any regularity which was last summer. I wasn't actually expecting much given how long it had been.

    It looks like this week and next I'll end up with 8 workouts in a week, with two days being two-a-days. We'll see how sustainable this is. I think It will be ok in part because of how different rowing and swimming are, the days I'm choosing to do them on (less intense rowing days as of now), and because I am able to get breakfast and a lot of sitting in between the two. I'll reassess in a few weeks.

    I'm also watching rowing (the FISA world cup in Bulgaria) right now and just thought to myself, "I hate it when drones fly above me!" and then remembered, "wait, there's no way I'd be able to notice if I was racing and there was a drone above me!" (there are drone shots).

    Sometimes I wonder to myself if I'm an athlete as it's just not really a part of my identity anymore. Then I remember that I've been rowing on the water at least once a week for 9 months, erging to help increase my performance on the water, getting coaching three days a week, and now have decided to add in cross training. It appears I might just be an athlete (never mind all of the time I spent cycling...).
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No effing joke.. Concussions are something a lot of use just take for granted.

    Anywho, thanks for the well wishes! I went out and hiked my butt off while enjoying the day. Basically the same temps as yesterday, but instead of humidity at ~80%, it was around ~25% and that made it feel cooler. Perfect day to do 10.3km/6.4 miles. 2 for 2 on ticks-found-post-hike.. sadly. It's gonna be a tick heavy season for the.. well probably for every year going forward. :/

    I'm glad I didn't kayak today. The wind was no joke and the current was really moving across the water. It was choppy af. So much so that in the hours I was there, I saw exactly 2 boats. Only 1 boat moving at speed, and that person was a bit of an idiot in that sort of chop.

    Really fun birthday. Might bike later, or might enjoy a piece of cheesecake and call it a night sometime tomorrow. I haven't had a lot of good birthdays, certainly none in a decade, but this was a really good one. Hopefully a new trend going forward.

    303 days since I started here, 113lbs down, 771 miles biked this year, 130 miles in the past 14 days, and an all around great day.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No effing joke.. Concussions are something a lot of use just take for granted.

    Anywho, thanks for the well wishes! I went out and hiked my butt off while enjoying the day. Basically the same temps as yesterday, but instead of humidity at ~80%, it was around ~25% and that made it feel cooler. Perfect day to do 10.3km/6.4 miles. 2 for 2 on ticks-found-post-hike.. sadly. It's gonna be a tick heavy season for the.. well probably for every year going forward. :/

    I'm glad I didn't kayak today. The wind was no joke and the current was really moving across the water. It was choppy af. So much so that in the hours I was there, I saw exactly 2 boats. Only 1 boat moving at speed, and that person was a bit of an idiot in that sort of chop.

    Really fun birthday. Might bike later, or might enjoy a piece of cheesecake and call it a night sometime tomorrow. I haven't had a lot of good birthdays, certainly none in a decade, but this was a really good one. Hopefully a new trend going forward.

    303 days since I started here, 113lbs down, 771 miles biked this year, 130 miles in the past 14 days, and an all around great day.

    Yeah, concussions are no joke and most people don't take them seriously enough. I'm lucky to have never gotten one and hope to keep it that way. I'm glad your birthday was good though. I also have a long history of less than good birthdays, but managed to have a good one this year for the first time in seemingly forever. Here's to a good year (and yes - I vote for cheesecake and calling it a night).
  • Melolson14
    Melolson14 Posts: 147 Member
    Walked 4 miles today
  • kellie7850
    kellie7850 Posts: 50 Member
    30 mins swimming
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Tuesday: Cardio Power & Resistance
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    jnomadica wrote: »
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Lots of drops to the ground and one accidental hit to the face, so I now have a killer headache.

    Crossing my fingers that you didn't end up with a concussion.

    No worries, no concussion! The hit to the face wasn’t very hard. I’m brand new to the sport so I’m just trying to get used to the level of physicality!
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    300 in 30: Day 14
    010|300 Miles - 31:53
    020|300 Miles - 29:19
    030|300 Miles - 29:45
    040|300 Miles - 30:40
    050|300 Miles - 31:12
    060|300 Miles - 30:59
    070|300 Miles - 29:33
    080|300 Miles - 30:34
    090|300 Miles - 29:52
    100|300 Miles - 34:00
    110|300 Miles - 31:53
    120|300 Miles - 30:28
    ----Birthday Break----
    130|300 Miles - 30:36

    Oooh I am feeling both really good and really tired. Been hard at it, but also showing myself just how much more I can do. I'm debating a 5km walk/hike at the park locally today. Or I might mow the lawn. Who knows.

    Good luck to everyone else on attaining their goals today!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,999 Member
    Yoga and handstand practice...
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    BPP Week 5/3. 7k average split was a second faster than last Friday which is a bit absurd. I was fairly steady throughout the piece save for the 500m where I pushed the pace. Needless to say, I'm not going to be just fine if my split for the 7,500m piece on Friday is a second slower than today.
  • clynds
    clynds Posts: 41 Member
    Just an easy 5K run at lunch for this gal.
  • clynds
    clynds Posts: 41 Member
    MattZ89 wrote: »
    Just got done running a 5k. Training for a 10K now.

    Awesome! Will you sign up for a 10K event as motivation?