Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member




    enough for now. Lynn had a good question. Keep walking the walking tours in NC.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Shopping trip and get some dog food. Otherwise inside almost 100 so best to be done early.

    Dog would not sleep on sofabed so off to recliner we went. Made her sleep in for an extra hour, glad it is not a workday.

    Asparagus on shopping list - will either use for pizza or in asian noodle stir fry bag thing with ground turkey.

    Food not the problem as I have choices. I will try to get as many steps in today, but a nap is in the cards thanks to Miss T and her fussing last night.

    Wave to all who follow. Enjoy your Sunday.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    Having checked in on this thread numerous times may I ask a question? Does MFP really work in the long term?

    Back in the pack for this journey for the third time in 5 years and I am a stone down on this particular leg when one of my long time MFP friends asked me how far I had to go to get down to my previous low. When I checked I have 19.4lbs to go just to get to my lowest since joining MFP.

    Of course there are success stories and with over 150 million people registered (including in-actives) there really ought to be but what drives that success? Are we really here for the challenge or is it just a version of facebook that makes us feel better about ourselves?

    Any thoughts welcome?
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Lana - I am so, so sorry! Virtual hugs coming your way. I am glad you will be with people who love you for the next few days, even though it will be painful being with DH as well.
    You display WHO you are through your writing. You are bright, articulate, insightful, and compassionate and deserve someone who will love and treat you with respect. I hope you are able to find comfort for now and motivation for later.

    Deb - WHOO!! 16 down is great!!

    The "run" yesterday was ROUGH. At least I was able to run without my knee giving out, but my stamina has gone from amazing to non-existent in such a short time. Total steps yesterday 12,640. I had a great time with the girls (three amigos back together again) and then later we drove to a town about 40 miles from home to go antiquing. Prices are great there, and I find great fodder for the booth. Sold a couple of big things this week and I have 3 "projects" in the shop that I HAVE to get finished and out. I would like to buy more hours please!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good morning TheMrWobbly - when I was on WW the money I spent was the motivation to get results. Dont have the $$ to continue - knowing I have to report to this board helps keep me accountable. Knowing I am not the only one having food issues also helps. Like anything and anyone - you get what you put into it. How can you use MFP differently this time?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    5934 total steps

    HOT day here glad I got as many as I did. Will wash dishes, international store had 12 limes for a dollar and I will squeeze them into an ice cube tray for small ice cubes for bottled water.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • damaddox7
    damaddox7 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you suzu_2.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning,

    Had to close windows, need fresh air but air quality marginal, with any luck with cooler temps tomorrow I can leave them open longer.

    Scale down more than 2 pounds - water pill is working. Now to keep my eating habits better.

    Today I look to see if job is posted. Otherwise staying under radar. Oops just rolled my eyes.

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    Good luck Sara!

    Lynn, I sent you a friend request on FitBit.

    Have a good week everyone. This was a fast and furious weekend and I feel tired before I start today. Looking back, I am so glad I put in the time. Recommitted to getting the weight off. Back to logging my food, weighing in, and wearing a working FitBit. Ran-walked 3.1 miles Saturday morning, Walked 4 miles Sunday morning, and over my 10K steps both days. Reconnected with my two best friends - Life got in the way lately and I was feeling guilty. Had my son and soon to be daughter-in-law over for lunch yesterday and so good to spend time with both. Mr. Mick and I were able to spend some good quality time together. I got the top of my Hoosier cabinet primed and picked up the paint and the penny tile that will go on the back wall of that piece. Did some antiquing and got some great smaller pieces for the shop, then stopped at a yard sale and picked up 2 amazing furniture pieces for $45. Got the justification written to post the new position for one of my teams and got the promotion submitted for one of my Senior analysts. I can't WAIT to retire!!! We need more hours!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Weekend was not kind to my allergies or sinuses. Lots of storms did not help at all.
    This is another tumultuous week as we get ready for another Jeep trip this weekend. This time we are headed to Tennessee.
    Hoping that eventually I can get back into the routine of a run/walk each afternoon. The past few weeks have been just crazy.
    Added stress of disgruntled client who is giving DH a really rough time without even trying to reach a resolution. Refuses to let DH make things right. The guy is literally a used car salesman (one they probably based the stereotype on). Worse yet, he is in same club and we were all friends. Now he is showing true colors, I guess. He wrote nasty fb post, knew better than to outright name business but everyone knows. Its really effecting DH because in all these years, he has never had a client who was not happy. And to have this guy be such a jerk abut everything... ugh!
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    This time we are headed to Tennessee.

    Where will you be Jeeping in Tennessee? Hope your client situation is resolved amicably soon.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    I come to you all with hat in hand. I have had a really bad week food-wise and am not starting this one any better. Please hold me accountable.

    1. We have been so busy that I have not prepped in almost a month.

    2. I had a wedding to attend last weekend and resisted the cake until I was given a pan of it the next day at cleanup. Then I got stupid and ate a plate of cake. Twice.

    3. After that, snack pies were $.58 in the market. I bought them and ate them in the bathroom so no one would see me. Three times.

    4. This weekend was a big event and I had 2 corndogs (special family, from-scratch, recipe), peach cobbler, pancakes, biscuits, hot dog buns, slaw with carrots in it (I'm allergic to carrots), chocolate cake, Nutter Butter cookies.

    5. Today has been the worst: Two (!?!) strawberry cream cheese danishes and an ice cream sandwich. (also eaten in the bathroom.)

    All of this has been in addition to regular food in unregulated amounts. I gained five lbs from Friday, June 14th to today. Needless to say, I will not make my goal of 145 by July 1st. I can come back from this, but right now, I am struggling.

    Thanks for listening. :)

    HW 222
    CW 157.2
    GW 155 by July 1st
    UGW 100
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Tracey/ Twiley hard to stop once you start. But glad you are trying to turn the tide around. Ask yourself for next time, what was it that started it? You could have said no to all of these things, so why didnt you?

    No more lectures. The couch at the cabana is available, we need to invite Lana who is awol to come join us on the couch and plan our next steps.

    At work, more later. Vultures ovehead.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    8748 total steps

    Applied for 2 jobs at work last week and with any luck I will apply for 2 more by end of this week.

    Cooler tomorrow - we hope.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member

    Good morning, I am not a robot!! So glad I got to know that at this nasty hour of the morning.

    Suzu - that sentiment of impatience to retire is very common. How long approximately until you do?

    Windows open again which is a nice change. Much cooler temps for the week is appreciated.

    Food choices have been okay, less snacking and chocolate would improve that, so we shall see what today brings. I have a banana, apricot, plum and apple to chose from.

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking at work.
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    @hickchic67 - Girl, an attack on someone you love is worse than a personal attack! Hate you are going through this.

    Twiley - Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. That is why we are "Serial Starters" - we find a way to sabotage our own success time after time. I have likened my addiction to food (especially ice cream and sweets) to something like alcoholism. I will bob along doing very, very well right up until the point where I get complacent and "fall off the wagon" and then spiral out of control. I fell off and didn't weigh or log for weeks recently. Gained back twelve pounds. Finally went to talk to someone about why I tend to shoot myself in the foot when I am nearing my goals. We all have our little personality twists and wrinkles. Find out what pushes your buttons and crawl back on that wagon.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all! Long weekend for me. Got to go to the Pentatonix World Tour stop here in Green Bay WI - LOVED it! Took day off yesterday to recover (:
    Sara - fingers and toes crossed for the news you want on the positions you are applying for.
    Suzu - I got your Fitbit request! Your post made me tired just reading it whew! congrats on the motivation to do all that!
    Tracy - you got this. We all stumble. A short term stumble is a lesson to learn from - I think Sara asked - what brought you to the stumble? What was the trigger. Learn from it - remember how GREAT you have been feeling - emotionally due to weight and physically due to the foods you have been eating. You can do it!
    Kathryn - people are so quick to complain online. Sometimes unfairly. I think....the rest of the world knows this. I look at cumulative reviews not the rare stand out crab *(* that is probably someone that is never happy.
    Waves to all!
  • bellina23
    bellina23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I just posted this in a new thread then saw this group and thought it was probably a good place for me to reach out to!

    I'm not new to MFP, having previously lost about 36lbs using the app - but that was 8 years ago. I've yo-yo'd ever since, and am currently sitting 7lbs lighter than my highest ever weight. I have 28lbs to lose and I've been trying (obviously not very hard) to lose that 28lbs for about 18 months.

    The time is here, it has to go. I'm miserable, most of my clothes don't fit and I refuse to buy new ones, so I look scruffy wearing the same few things over and over. This year I've tried counting calories, Slimming World, you name it. I don't eat unhealthily for the most part, but I do eat too much and don't move quite enough. I know exactly what I need to do, I know exactly how good it will feel when I do it, but my motivation is just non-existent.

    I started - again - yesterday and managed to do ok, so I'm gonna take it one day at a time!

    I'd love to chat to people for general support, motivation, a rocket up my *kitten* etc.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning, all,

    My "trigger" for the binge was basically poor planning and stress of being super busy. The third weekend of June will always be very busy for me due to an annual event. However, this year's stress was compounded by additional events preceding this one.

    When my routine gets interrupted, I have a tendency to spiral out of control. The thing is: I didn't really even want any of those things. They were just available and my will power wavered.

    So far today, I am on plan. I will go over on my calories today, but attempting to stay away from foods on my inflammation and allergy list.

    Thank you all for your support!
