

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
    @Heather and Deb I am with you ladies on mother’s and not wanting to be them. Same reasons as you two...betrayal.

    RV Rita on pg. 10
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
    @ carry that weight around). and
    I'm gonna try Keto (max 50 carbs per day), and skipping breakfast, since the current approach these past 2+ months hasn't been working. already slightly over today for carbs by after lunch with 20g of cereal and 22g crisp bread, and lettuce and cuke and a half cup of soy milk and 7g of dark chocolate. it's gonna be a discovery. I often eat beets and carrots and they are not favoured fruits.i have some store bought open carrot juice in the fridge. wine is better than beer I read. well, way cheaper per drink for GF people; a good even organic bottle of wine here can be bought for 15 euros very easily (even less): so 2 euros a drink, whereas the very good GF beer at the specialty shop is 3.50. (and more calories too).

    skipping breakfast may be hard.
    I have done little today.

    meeting, then library, I still have cleaning to do...

    Hi! 50 grams of carbs is what I started with too. Try switching to fats instead of carbs like cereal. Eggs, bacon, butter, nut oils like olive, coconut are the more cost effective ones. For me, I have to have breakfast so eat most of my fat grams for breakfast then I’m not hungry until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Breakfast around 9 am.

    You’ll find what works for you. Read labels and make sure any type of sugar is not in the first 5 ingredients. Reading labels will help you find your niche.

    RV Rita finishing pg. 10.

    Another busy day ahead!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,752 Member
  • beadowl
    beadowl Posts: 22 Member
    edited July 2019
    Pops at night bugging the Doggos
    I’m a night owl and have heard pops and bangs for the last week. I suspected the bird cannons (fire them off to scare birds out of the fields and businesses - Canada Geese.) Called the city and they confirmed. Your dogs may be hearing these in addition to fireworks.
    Beadowl in the Big smoke (Toronto)
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    @beadowl: I had to read this three times before it sank in. At first, I thought you meant loss of weight. Finally realized you were speaking of losses of pets and family! >:):D

    "My condolences to those of you with significant losses lately. I’m thinking of you.😓"

    Are you a vintage jewelry enthusiast? I used to collect and sell vintage costume jewelry.

    Carol in GA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,752 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,105 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Got the trimming done with the big walk-behind gas motor trimmer, as the battery one won't last through the whole yard. Made it through the front and around the house, but the back will have to wait for another day. It's only 80 degrees, but at 83% humidity, I am literally sweated out from the part in my hair to the spaces between my toes. 7,000 steps, but probably three pounds in water weight alone! And it's only going to get warmer.... so the rest can wait until tomorrow. Time to go rehydrate...

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Yea when it is humid your body will have more water weight. Frustrating! Also because when it is like that you don't have much energy to move.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,383 Member
    Proud of myself for going out running today. I've missed a few days because of the heat. My legs have been aching and tired. Even my walking was difficult. Today I just got up and went. Shuffled along very slowly to start with, but got into my stride and finished the 5k. :D
    Lots of people in the calm sea and a boat moored off shore to let the passengers do canoeing out there. B)
    I don't really understand why, but I find running easier on my hips, back and knees than walking. Looking at those dancing videos of myself I think it must be my sticking out bottom. :o I cannot run fast to save my life, but somehow the forward tilt of my jog, and landing more on the front part of my foot, is easier on my hips. I did enjoy it. :D

    This evening's dinner was Tandoori Chicken Kebabs. My son had advised me to use beetroot powder to colour the kebabs, (they have been looking rather pallid) so I ordered it from Amazon. It worked fine with almost no taste. I love tandoori. It's one of those things I can eat even when I don't fancy much else.

    Hoping to watch a Wallander DVD this evening. I hope I can understand some of it! I've been doing Swedish on Duolingo now for two years! I still can't speak it very well, but I understand a bit. DH really liked the Swedish series as well, much better casting than the British one. We've seen three different Wallanders! :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Sue: What a wonderful birthday surprise! I am so happy for you!

    Carol in GA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Sue- What a fun surprise! I like to arrange surprises like that for big milestone moments for my DH; I can only hope that by the time I hit 80, he will have a clue and arrange one for me. I love surprises! Who knows, maybe if I plan a skydiving trip he will come along and push me out of the plane! :p
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Happy day after the 4th. Our neighbors had a party lastnight and shot off fireworks until after 2. My poor furbaby was so scared. We drove to Kansas city yesterday (5hours one way) to visit my nephew and family were visiting from California and my niece. It was a really good visit, then a mile from home we hit a deer. First time that has ever happened to me. DH and I are fine, my poor little car isn't. So today during his lunchtime DH will go visit our insurance company and see what we do next. I think with all the fireworks it was confused. After we got home I heard on the scanner that another car hit a horse. So we were lucky.

    Heather--Very nice picture of DS and DDIL. Glad you were able to help so they could have a night out to celebrate.

    Sue--I am so sorry for your Loss. Sending hugs and prayers

    Allie--I agree getting out of there was a good idea. Not going to end well for anyone.

    Sue--What a great surprise for your birthday. Sounds like lots of fun.

    Well ladies I have decided to give blood after work today. The Red Cross is having a blood drive here today. I have not ever done it before. So see how that goes. Enjoy your weekend. I have Saturday and Sunday off.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,383 Member
    edited July 2019
    Sue in TX - I'm so glad you enjoyed your birthday surprise. :D I would just about kill my DH if he did anything like that to me. >:) I am such a control freak! I would have made all my birthday arrangements months in advance and woe betide anybody who tried to interfere! I always do all the bookings and organising and, on the rare occasion when DH has organised something, it's never quite worked out the way I would do it. He is not a good planner. I hate surprises in general, apart from small presents.
    I admire people who can 'go with the flow' , but my motto is 'be prepared, be very prepared'. :laugh: For my 70th I booked the cruise over a year in advance to avoid having to do all the work of organising my own birthday celebration. I didn't trust anyone else to do it for me. :o
    Well done you for being such a good sport. You are obviously very much loved. <3<3<3 And so you should be. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I have two videos I would like to add but can’t figure it out and my grandson is napping. Lol
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,901 Member