Welcome New Members!



  • CocoLin1206
    CocoLin1206 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm new here!
  • neyagoal
    neyagoal Posts: 65 Member
    I am new here.. I am 25 years old, living in Egypt for the past 2 years almost. I am looking for someone to challenge Jillian Micheal workouts with me.
    I started my journey 3 years ago with 84 kg and now I'm 64(it was 59 in one moment but life happens ) and plan s to reach 56 kg.. .so if there s anyone interested, please contact me to create and tackle challenges together
  • WiccaMagic
    WiccaMagic Posts: 5 Member
    I have been on and off this platform for a long time now but decided to purchase the premium membership. I'm finding that because I am paying for it I'm back to using regularly...this is a good thing. No, I'm not new but new to being a regular. Looking to friend request other members on MFP if they're interested. How do I go about doing that? Or if anyone want to friend request me please do! Just looking for support and to support others.
  • ketofitnessmiranda
    ketofitnessmiranda Posts: 6 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hi! Not new but looking for active friends to motivate me! I follow a keto WOE and am currently training for a tough mudder!
    [personal details removed by MFP Mods]
  • steventaloufitness
    steventaloufitness Posts: 1 Member
    Hey whassup everyone, new to this place actually
  • sandman12292019
    sandman12292019 Posts: 2 Member
    A friend told me about this. 2nd day in and I really like it. I've set some goals and I'm sure this will help me to accomplish this goals. Hello to all.
    IMNOTHERE2HOOKUP2019 Posts: 935 Member
    A friend told me about this. 2nd day in and I really like it. I've set some goals and I'm sure this will help me to accomplish this goals. Hello to all.

    Welcome & Hi🙋‍♀️
  • donsonsi
    donsonsi Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everybody, I found my way here during a Healthy Weight class offered by the local hospital. I am on the steep learning curve of How-to-Log-Food-You-Make-Yourself. Three cheers for measuring spoons and kitchen scales. My exercise goal is 15 minutes of walking five days a week. I'm about seven weeks into finding my way to a healthier weight. Next goal is to buy a quality bathroom scale.
  • renoyin
    renoyin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, new here. Trying to hold myself at least somewhat accountable with how much I eat by logging it down. Similarly with exercise. Got to stop eating 2 bowls of noodle soup and then another bowl of snacks after. :|
  • renydo2
    renydo2 Posts: 2,153 Member
    just signed up after reading an article about losing weight. boy do i need it. have to start somewhere. finding time to exercise will be the biggest challenge so any suggestions are welcome
  • Beanbean5916
    Beanbean5916 Posts: 4 Member
    Hiya, I'm here because I frequently forget to eat and drink enough. Need to gain at least ten pounds to be healthy or so the internet says.
  • beccaxsos
    beccaxsos Posts: 22 Member
    Hiya, I'm back on MFP and am looking to add active friends.
  • pentaz33
    pentaz33 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my second week tracking everything I've been eating in this app. So far, it think it's pretty easy to use and keeps me accountable. I'm using RealAppeal, which is free through my insurance. I've been tracking for about a month now and the weight is coming off slowly but it's working. I'm positive that this time, I'll do it.
  • Modestas17
    Modestas17 Posts: 4 Member
    Need active friends for advice for losing weight :D
  • rlaurain
    rlaurain Posts: 64 Member
    Need supportive friends! Add me : )
  • Sswolfwood
    Sswolfwood Posts: 13 Member
    Not exactly new. Old google got hacked, lots everything. Starting new
  • lagunac123
    lagunac123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm sorta nEw. I used MFP a few years back and switched to sparkpeople. I've been on this weight loss journey off and on again x10000. I'll loose the weight and gain it back. It's a horrible cycle. 😫😖And it's not that I eat different types of food. It's the same plain simple food. I guess, I could say that I use food for comfort. So yeah, that's what's in my head. So I'm hoping this app will help me on my health journey. Especially, since I forgot to cancel the free trial and got charged the yearly fee. IT'S A SIGN TO TAKE MY HEALTH SERIOUSLY. 😨🤓
  • PiscesIntuition
    PiscesIntuition Posts: 1,372 Member
    I’m new here too. At the moment, I’m on a cutting plan, doing intermittent fasting and P90X classic (I am not a beachbody coach and don’t want to be) workouts.
  • lylemum
    lylemum Posts: 14 Member
    I have been inactive online but very active in gym. Been a member for ages but I am not able to get online often. I will be interested in reaching out and learning more about everyone's changes and meeting new people. I am located in Sydney Australia. Let's motivate each other.
  • deniselynnm6388
    deniselynnm6388 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all you lovely people, my first day with MFP. Any helpful information would be so greatly appreciated. Here's to a fresh start🤗 Denise