What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    Did a benchmark run for my 10k training plan - 7 min warm up, 3 min running fast, 5 min cool down. Plus other walking around - 14k steps total.

    In among that was a 60 minute ballet fitness class, which was so fun!
  • Finafoshizzle93
    Finafoshizzle93 Posts: 157 Member
    Trying out the BBG sweat app to mix up my strength training.

    Shoulder Power workout
    25 min elliptical
    10x 30 sec sprint run 30 sec walk
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm at the point in my year where I have to figure out if I can compete this Winter. There are some races I'm eyeing up for January. I could play it safe and stay in AZ and go up to Tempe and feel good about myself or I could go to San Diego and get crushed in my age group. San Diego has some of the best rowers, not only in the US, but in the world in my age group (most of the guys I'm referring to do both competitive indoor and OTW rowing). Two that raced there last year were WR holders and the one other is nearly as good. One of the two WR holders runs the Navy Seals Training program -- yeah, he's that badass. Three or four sub 7 minute 2K rowers in the 55 to 60 group and the WR holder in the 60 to 65 group that did a 6:38 or so last year. That's just insane for someone over 60. My best (and I'm not even close to this now) was a 7:11, so when I'm in shape I'm not in their class. Would be a good learning experience, though.

    Oh, and for extra pressure, their new club coach is a guy that was a two time Olympic Rowing Gold medalist from my home town in Ohio. He went on to coach the US Olympic Rowing Team, so he'd be watching all the races -- not a venue you want to go into not in shape. My ultimate goal, though, was to compete in World's just once. Since my Stepson's wedding put that squash on that this upcoming year, it would be a great prep for 2021 Worlds.

    Can you do both? That is, go to Tempe and go to San Diego? If it's logistically feasible that's what I would do. That said, I'm at the point in my rowing career where, unless I'm competing against other novice crews, I know that I will get totally walked on. Even though I'm typically not the most competitive person in the world* in most situations, right now I'm in the "go to as many regattas as you can" stage because the more I go to, the more I get used to them. That said, I know we're in different situations and there are certainly regattas that I can't go to (and thus won't sign up to be boated for) because logistically it's just not possible.

    *I say this while also having the words of a friend in the back of my head, "I didn't realize that I was a fierce competitor!" I am competitive when it comes to rowing and that's about it.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2019
    aokoye wrote: »
    I'm at the point in my year where I have to figure out if I can compete this Winter. There are some races I'm eyeing up for January. I could play it safe and stay in AZ and go up to Tempe and feel good about myself or I could go to San Diego and get crushed in my age group. San Diego has some of the best rowers, not only in the US, but in the world in my age group (most of the guys I'm referring to do both competitive indoor and OTW rowing). Two that raced there last year were WR holders and the one other is nearly as good. One of the two WR holders runs the Navy Seals Training program -- yeah, he's that badass. Three or four sub 7 minute 2K rowers in the 55 to 60 group and the WR holder in the 60 to 65 group that did a 6:38 or so last year. That's just insane for someone over 60. My best (and I'm not even close to this now) was a 7:11, so when I'm in shape I'm not in their class. Would be a good learning experience, though.

    Oh, and for extra pressure, their new club coach is a guy that was a two time Olympic Rowing Gold medalist from my home town in Ohio. He went on to coach the US Olympic Rowing Team, so he'd be watching all the races -- not a venue you want to go into not in shape. My ultimate goal, though, was to compete in World's just once. Since my Stepson's wedding put that squash on that this upcoming year, it would be a great prep for 2021 Worlds.

    Can you do both? That is, go to Tempe and go to San Diego? If it's logistically feasible that's what I would do. That said, I'm at the point in my rowing career where, unless I'm competing against other novice crews, I know that I will get totally walked on. Even though I'm typically not the most competitive person in the world* in most situations, right now I'm in the "go to as many regattas as you can" stage because the more I go to, the more I get used to them. That said, I know we're in different situations and there are certainly regattas that I can't go to (and thus won't sign up to be boated for) because logistically it's just not possible.

    *I say this while also having the words of a friend in the back of my head, "I didn't realize that I was a fierce competitor!" I am competitive when it comes to rowing and that's about it.

    To be honest, I get pretty pumped up for these. Arizona (AZ Indoor Rowing Championships) hasn't posted this next year's dates yet. One year it was in Jan, the other year in Feb. If it's in Feb, I might. One year, they had such a small contingent that it got cancelled. Long Beach and San Diego are where most people go around here, roughly five to six hours from me. Both are really strong venues. Anything within a week of each other and it's too much physically. Plus, I have a wedding to attend in February for my stepson (and a flight back to Ohio), so lots to consider!

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • maureenseel1984
    maureenseel1984 Posts: 397 Member
    walked just about 5 miles today.
  • maureenseel1984
    maureenseel1984 Posts: 397 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I did an outdoor 2 mile walk/run this morning with 20 minutes of bodyweight & TRX work as a warm up.

    My pole fitness class is after work.

    I miss pole so much! My studio closed. There's one north of town but kind of annoying to get to. :(
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member

    Animal Flow Daily 5
    Handstand Pushup - Pavel Fighter Progression (3RM) Day 4/30
    *On a Yoga Block
    3-3-2-1 (9)
    Pull-ups - Fighter Pull-Up Program (12R Max) Day 4/30
    10-8-8-6-4 (36)
    Hatha Sun Salutation - 5 Rounds
    Ashtanga Sun Salutation A - 5 Rounds
    Ashtanga Sun Salutation B - 5 Rounds
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,231 Member
    Had access problems from my iPhone yesterday.

    7/10/2019 - another rest day, Monday’s workout apparently drained my reservoirs. Should be back on the saddle today.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Had access problems from my iPhone yesterday.

    7/10/2019 - another rest day, Monday’s workout apparently drained my reservoirs. Should be back on the saddle today.

    I've been there...
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Thursday- had a pretty easy day for me today.

    30min PT- she had me doing a circuit today.

    1 mile super easy run

    Total of 3.5 miles cycling to and from gym

    5/3/1 cycle 2 week 3 bench
    Plus 5x10@27.5kg
    3x10@20kg close grip
    3x20@25lb decline dumbbell bench press

    45 min circuits-
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    After a 3 day hiatus, I took a 3 mile walk. The hiatus was due to upper back soreness after an intense shoulder workout combined with a bucket list jump off a 20 foot tower into water. No regrets!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2019
    Was dreading this workout all week. For one, I had no idea how to pace it. I'm at least 10 seconds off my "normal", in shape paces. Secondly, they're just God awful to do. No other way to describe these. This, aside from 20 minutes all out or a true FTP test, this workout is as close to a Max HR workout as I care to get.

    For those of you that are Stephen Seiler buffs, this workout is what he says will improve your VO2 Max better than anything. 8 minutes X 4 reps with 3 minute rests (I think, though, Seiler used 2.5 minutes in his original study). Incredibly hard to do. Last rep was a true hang on for dear life rep! You want to stay somewhere between "I don't think I can keep this up" and "I might be catching my breathe finally...".

    My first goal was simply get through it. Second was not to reinjure/worsen the back. 3rd was not to exceed (by much) 90% of HR Max on my HRM. Relative success based on that. Plus, now I have a benchmark for next week.


    Happy it's done and very happy I have a recover workout tomorrow and Saturday off. I'm getting a good idea of my true max HR now -- I'd say around 193 or 194 from what I'm seeing now.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Upper hypertrophy day on PHUL today. Along with 1/2 hour walk to gym and back.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Had a really great practice this morning with the advanced and intermediate men (in an 8). A little under 10k. Really good workout, pretty set boat, lots of 2 min on 2 min off which was nice. Hard but nice. Looking at Garmin connect, my Garmin also did a very good job estimating the stroke rate, at least of the 2' on/2' off that we did where I remember what rate we were at. As I would hope really - I can't imagine it's that difficult to program in the motion it should associate with rowing strokes compared to swimming. I'm probably going to get an chest strap HR monitor next week.
  • novio50
    novio50 Posts: 778 Member
    V-squats 140, 180, 230, 270 310 360 all x 10
    calf press 140, 180, 230, 270 all x 10
    lying leg curls 80, 95, 110, 125 all x 10
    step ups 25, 35, 45, 55 10 each leg

    goblet squats 60, 70, 80 all x 10
    romanian dead lifts 75, 70, 65 all x 10
    Calf extensions 225 240 255 all x 10
    Squat hops Body, 10, 22.5 all x 10

    5 minute bike ride

    ...had a great fun filled hour!
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,231 Member
    7/11/2019 - during early afternoon at park - start 89F degrees end 92F degrees and 30 percent humidity. Ran a total of 6.06 miles in 66 minutes rounded as follows:

    (1) Run 2 miles slower warmup in 21:41.

    (2) Run 3 minutes target 8:30 mile pace for 2 rounds = 1.06 miles in 10:00 - splits mile pace equivalent were 8:48 and 8:38 - run 2 minutes target 8:00 mile pace for 2 rounds = 0.80 miles in 8:00 - splits mile pace equivalent were 8:18 and 8:26 - run 1 minute target 7:30 mile pace for 2 rounds = 0.54 miles in 6:00 - splits mile pace equivalent were 7:14 and 7:57. All 2 minutes recovery between rounds and time intervals - total 2.4 miles and 24 minutes.

    (3) Run 0:30 target 7:00 mile pace for 4 rounds = 0.66 miles in 8:00 - recovery was 1:30 each round - split mile pace equivalent were 7:02 - 7:22 - 7:35 - 7:10.

    (4) Run 1 mile slower cool down in 11:30.

    Purpose of this workout was to work on pace familiarity and running efficiency, progressively running faster but for shorter duration and covering a distance equivalent to my upcoming fun run. I like this workout architecture and will do it again.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    SUP at Lake Tahoe.
  • Finafoshizzle93
    Finafoshizzle93 Posts: 157 Member
    40 min leg circuit
    40 min elliptical
  • sweetbe44
    sweetbe44 Posts: 195 Member
    Sprinting from my office to my car because the rain was coming down in bucket loads
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 984 Member
    edited July 2019
    I have a few things to log:
    Rowing, 8k metres in 2.22 pace. I was happy enough with this, as I finished at around 1 a.m., so doing the exercise showed some WIM on my part.

    Day off

    Bouldering for 75 minutes. I nearly got to the top of a v3 I've been working on for months. The last move is really scary, and I didn't get it. But it's the first time I've been close.

    My only opportunity to exercise was this morning. So I did 2x8 minutes rowing; with 2 minutes rest between sets. 2.14 pace overall, with the second set being slightly faster than the first.