

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: I’ve never seen a cicada before. Thanks for sharing the photo. I will be happy enough to have seen yours, and don’t have any desire to find one at my house. :noway: :smiley:

    (((Rebecca))) Sorry that your family had tummy troubles. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: I’ll keep an eye out for the Tardis. I'd love to go on an adventure with them if I could come home at the end of the trip. :heart:

    Natbug: Welcome to a great group! :smiley:

    SueBDew in TX: 103 degree heat would wipe me out. I hope you have air-conditioning and can hide inside until things are more comfortable outdoors. :flowerforyou:

    DH’s PT session today went very well. I was pleased that a suggestion from me was followed. I asked that he lie on his back with his knees bent and tighten his tummy muscles to press the small of his back down. I’ve learned this in yoga classes. The therapist went with it and both he and DH seemed to think it was helpful. :smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Lisa I think cicada's are interesting bugs. They only come out every 17 years. We had more of them in Missouri than up here in Minnesota. After they molt you find something that looks like a transparent bumblebee. You don't get to see the bug you presented very often. Thanks for sharing!

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Ah, Heather Wonderful Ros mementos. So delightful.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Shingles – thanks for the reminder! My insurance won’t even talk about it until you are 60 and I forgot to ask…. I’ll email my provider and see what the co-pay is.. I looked into it when I turned 50 and it was about $600 without insurance, that’s more than I have in savings…so I passed. My insurance has a deductible of $7,000 per year (for those out of the USA that means the first $7000 I have to pay before insurance kicks in) but there are a few things that they label “preventive” so the insurance is activated even if I don’t reach the deductible (which I have never met). It feels very random on what is preventive and what is not… so flu shot yes; TB test no, pap and mammogram yes, colonoscopy no…. I’ve learned never assume, ask in email and if the answer is the one I want; HOLD on to the email. LOL

    Bananas (Julie?) - I know you live in France are you from the US? England? Australia? New Zealand? Your written English is flawless so I am guessing you are a native English speaker. That being said would it be worth checking in to transferring to your native country for a year to finish your education and then going back? I am sure this is a case of me not understanding, but I can not imagine the level of frustration and stress you must be under.

    Janetr - So cute to hear the house must be sparkling for your daughter to come home, my mom tells the story of me coming home from college for the first time (about 6 weeks after I left – just for the weekend) My mom moved beds cleaned windows, molding, had the carpets shampooed until my father finally said “ it’s your teen age daughter ! NOT the Queen of England!!!

    Heather – what a great joy to get that package. I love the idea, and might write it into my requests for when I am gone.

    Lisa, and Katla – I too have never seen a cicada and while never wish to see one in my home they are interesting… I think if I just glanced I would think it was a cockroach…. Which are ucky!

    Margaret – I have heard the 17 year thing about cicada before so is it that every year a few come out but each individual cicada hibernates for 17 years? Or someone who is 16 years old could see the first one they had ever seen in their 17th year? Do the hibernating cicada count the years? Or is it something about temperature, dampness etc… and it just averages out to 17 years… OK reading back on this list of questions, I am asking you to do a research project - LOL… I can google it.

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Evening ladies
    Home and in bed. Filled out some of the paperwork but they have like a other 15 things I have to fill out.. good heavens.. that wont get done till this weekend.
    My best friend coming up from N.C.this weekend so will be seeing them tomorrow night and hopefully Saterday too..
    Working 11-5 tomorrow and 8- 1 on Saterday..
    Tom still not well very fatigued.. Elena talked him into going to a podiatrist and we both agreed he needs bloodwork.. so hopefully she will talk him into getting that..he has always been prone to skin things and she said he got bit by something doing hedges..
    I am wondering if he might have Lyme.. time will tell. He is a good friend and you hate to see someone not feeling well.
    Well I'll check in in the morning
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: I am so sorry about your family’s loss. I hope your partner’s son is doing okay with the situation. :flowerforyou:

    I’ve been following the weather news and noticed that there seems to be a storm building in the Gulf. I hope that all of our friends in that area are okay. My son’s good friend moved to Louisiana with his family several years ago. That makes it seem more personal to me. I hope they and others are not harmed by the storm that seems to be building in the Gulf.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,217 Member
    Winter in Tasmania

    Down near sea level ...


    Up on the mountain ...


    Just in case you wondered. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • oncewasafairmaiden
    oncewasafairmaiden Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not sure if it's a good thing for me to join anything. Still, here I am.

    I turned 50 in January. I felt good about it. Then I stared to notice it was harder to get out of bed. It was harder to walk, in fact, it was challenging to do anything. Sure, there are other issues. But most glaringly is being significantly over-weight. I have to believe that losing weight (80-100 pounds) will help me feel far less ancient.

    So far, I have lost 15 pounds without much difficultly. I've been on myfitnesspal for less than a month and in May I did the whole 30 and loved it. I have come to realize that I cannot eat how I did in my 30s. Oh to have learned that in my 40s. So I have changed my eating habits to lean proteins and fresh fruits and veg. The exercise is slow going. I used to exercise faithfully but have been ill the past several years. For now, at least, I do yoga and meditate and occasionally and with great regret, I do an aerobics class.

    I hope that within the next few years, I will be able to say; "I am more fit and capable now than I was in my 40s."

    I live south of LaLa Land with my cat Floki.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 6.57min, 13.7amph, 135mhr, 1.58mi= 81c
    apple watch- 62c
    ROWING MACHINE- 20min, 57aw, 101ahr, 111mhr, 3294meters= 143c
    apple watch- 145c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 4.39min, 19.2amph, 138mhr, 1.48mi= 64c
    apple watch- 43c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.01min, 13amph, 145mhr,3.02mi= 147c
    apple watch- 112c
    jog station 2 wrk- 5.09min, 142 mhr, 10.01min mi, .51mi= 73c
    apple watch- 59c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.11min, 9.20min mi, 146mhr, .44mi= 74c
    apple watch- 56c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.70min, 8.5amph, 143mhr, 2.51mi= 218c
    apple watch-141c

    total cal 800
  • Foodiemom67
    Foodiemom67 Posts: 22 Member
    thank you for the thread and the posts!

    Jo from CA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    KJ- that is a gorgeous turtle looks like a lawn statue instead of a real living creature! I’d love a ceramic one!
    Amber Tx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Jari Love’s Slim and Lean DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the All My Best DVD, which is a new one for me so we shall see how it goes.

    Bananas – I’ve been reading with great interest your “saga” about the education field in France and what’s happening now. My son teaches English on the Island of Reunion. I wonder if this is the same way over there?

    Heather – what a lovely thing for Ros’s friend to do for everyone

    Welcome everyone new!

    KJ – Personally, I’d want a turtle that has character, is different (colorful) but I suspect Pete wants a boring old green turtle. That’s the most common. But I was thinking of making the scales on his shell two different shades of green. Jess is in Virginia so I think I’ll place the order for the bisq turtle and have her pick it up. I think if I give him choices in colors, he’ll just get overwhelmed. If I were to show him pictures of different turtles, there are certain things that I just don’t have access to (for example, an air brush) and he’d be disappointed if the turtle doesn’t look exactly like the picture. In ceramics you have to accept that things aren’t going to be exactly like the picture. That took me a while to accept. Also, I will probably ask the gal at ceramics to make the red on the side for a red-eared slider. At least that’ll be SOME color. I wanted to give it red toenails, just to give it color. He said he wanted color. But then he said he wanted it the color of a turtle.

    Had a bad storm earlier today. We lost power, but only for a few hours. It was funny, I walked into the closet and out of habit I went to turn on the light….lol Fortunately, the storm didn’t last long at all.

    Went to lunch with the Newcomers. Went mainly because I suggested this place. It seems that people really liked it. Had a grilled chicken wrap with broccoli instead of fries. I had to return it twice to get exactly what I wanted, but I suspect some of that was because we were such a large group and the chef wanted to get the food out all at the same time.

    Sue in WA – I always prefer the water instructor to be in the water. One of our instructors is in the water regardless of how many people are in the class. The other instructor almost never goes in the water and when she does, she’s just in the shallow end (the class is in the deep end) and she’s just in to get cooled off and then she’s out of the water.

    JR - Loved the cartoons

    Michele in NC