
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Most small grant portals throw you out without warning, and you have to spit three times, cross your fingers clockwise and pluck three gray hairs off a teenaged mouse and burn them in a blue candle flame to get them to save your progress. Lisa, you do crack me up! I sometimes feel the exact same way about computers.....
    Barbie, they were calling for rain here too, apparently it did rain a bit downtown, but it seemed to be VERY local, not a drop out here!
    Michele, I wasn't asked to use a particular bakery, just to provide a cake. I have ordered a 1/4 slab and it's under $30. It won't be ultra fancy, but it will be quite edible. Several local grocery stores do cakes, some do a better job than others, I chose one of the better ones! And it's still very affordable.
    Tracey, so very happy for you getting a job that you like. Hope it continues to go well for you. Also hope your hip is feeling better quickly!
    I also enjoy it when hubby is away for a few hours, especially on cleaning day! It's nice to be able to do what I want/need to do without worrying about whether he's watching something or listening to something or his latest trick, standing in the kitchen, right in front of the cupboard that I need to get into! Grrrr.... I don't mind being alone, although I'm not sure how I would feel about it if it were a permanent thing.... If he goes before I do, I may have to rent out a bedroom just so that there is another human in the house. Or I might become that crazy cat lady that every area needs... hmmmm.. lol
    Getting late again, need to get this posted and finish up the last page!
    Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those who need them and welcome to any newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,816 Member
    edited July 2019
    lhscapil wrote: »

    I "showed off" my de-cluttered side of the closet to DH, hopefully every time he looks at the big pile on his side, he'll feel inspired to toss a few things. B)

    I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. I've been trying it for over 50 years, to no avail! 😂

    Tracey/Edmonton: It must be difficult settling in to a new job after the euphoria of that wonderful wedding! New situations can be exciting, but scary. Sending good vibes for a positive result.

    This morning I'm off up to the City (Belfast) to see the GoTs tapestry. DSiL is an excellent needle woman and has completed several elements on this beautiful art work which is on display at the Ulster museum. The tapestry goes to Bayeaux on 27 July so, if I want to see it before it goes on it's world tour, I need to go before we go away next week.

    I like the time I have at home when DH has other fish to fry, and I can get on with projects without interruptions. We both like time to ourselves.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    AMBER just seems to be regular pics that don't show on ipad Spoilers are fine

    Was at my DDs last week and she dug out some photos of a holiday we took together in 1980s. It was run by Conservation volunteers and my DH thought we were mad paying for a holiday which involved us working. We loved it, laying paths, putting up fences etc. Will try and post some pics tomorrow

    I've been on another binge this week seems to be every couple of weeks. I binge, weight goes up then I eat properly and log then weight goes down. Not sure why I'm doing this, some sort of stress maybe. Only good thing is I exercise consistently otherwise I'd be the size of a house. Need Pip's boot.

    Off to exercise for an hour now

    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    First day of classes again ... first lecture. I have to confirm a few things about the assignments but the class has the potential of being interesting. :)

    And we're over the half-way point of winter!! We'll likely still get winter weather but the end is in sight.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I am up and dressed and have a long day a head of me...
    going to walk the boys but have no time to feed DFIL today...im supposed to go to a concert at the riverfront tonight but depending on how the day goes i might not make it..
    I am going to pull Dr P aside today and lay it on the line and ask him to please politely let me collect unemployment.. I want to be truthful with him.. this is just not my gig...and if he is going to be a jerk about it I will go to the labor board..
    Lisa~ you are such a hoot girl ,, love ya lots... im down 37.2 lbs slow but sure fasted except for a cup of tea yesterday until after 2 pm.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited July 2019
    Machka - if I’m on a deep cleaning binge my husband thinks I’m angry at him about something. Funnily enough I used to mad clean a lot, very rarely do I do it now.
    Tracey In Edmonton

    I used to mad clean a lot with my first husband!!
    lhscapil wrote: »

    - I love your Flickr albums - so nice to have all of your photos in one central location, and more than once I've gone there to admire all the places you have lived. The cabin photos when you first moved to OZ are remarkable, you were a real pioneer woman.
    SW WA State where we've had cool temps and unexpected rain all day. We'll take it!

    Thanks! :)

    That year of living in that cabin in the middle of nowhere was quite the learning experience. I don't really want to go back there, but at times I miss being out in the middle of nowhere with great views and no one around.

    On being alone ... I actually love being alone. I love my husband, but if I'm going to get things done, I need to be alone. Thankfully, he goes to bed quite a bit earlier than I do so I have a few hours most evenings to do homework and work on other projects. And thankfully, I work in an office where most people leave each other alone. It can get very quiet in there. Delightful!

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited July 2019
    Morning, afternoon and evening all...

    JanetR - glad it gave you a giggle... and that was a heck of a day you had yesterday... you're inspiring me!

    Re: photos - when I'm checking y'all's posts on my phone, pictures often simply won't load at all, just lots of broken links. One of the many reasons I almost always use a computer.

    Allie - so happy to see you making progress on your weight. Don't be shocked if you get a bad reaction from Dr. P - he's already fired people, so his unemployment insurance premiums may have already gone up. Do what you must, kiddo. You'll get it all figured out, I have faith in you!

    Heather - funny, 'cause I'm really looking forward to an entire weekend on my own without my hubby. Not 'cause I don't love him, I do. But when he's here, there's always something better and more fun to do, so it's hard for me to settle down and accomplish things that I want to do when he's around.

    Karen in VA - That refrigerator is something else. We had a dog named "Something Else," when I was growing up, one of my favorites. Don't imagine the refrigerator is at the top of your favorites list right now. :wink:

    Terri - Love tapestries - can you take pics? :)

    Idjit neighbors must have been hanging on to their July 4th fireworks, as they started setting them off about an hour after we'd already gone to bed last night. I would have cheerfully thrown a rock at them, but even though they are downhill of us, it's a hundred yards, so it would have been a fairly small rock, and they probably wouldn't have noticed. I gave up, got up and read a book until they were done. They're always broke, so I figured it wouldn't take long. It didn't, I was back in bed within a half hour.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Edit to add - although we do live in a city, it's a very, very small city, and the only noise ordinances are the ones against trucks using their jake brakes, or engine braking, which is very loud. There aren't many ordinances at all. I looked it up this morning. Since there's only one cop for a city of over a thousand people, I don't imagine they wanted to keep him that busy. :wink:
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Heather-My hubby had his job forever,then the company went under in 2012.He was home and going through the grieving process for months.I love him Dearly,but my routine was completely shattered.Please,don’t get me wrong, I’m with him til the end but being the one who has taken care of the homefront this whole time and having him”suggest “that I clean this way or do something that way was not my idea of fun.We started our own little business and it’s doing.We had one job that seriously took an entire month to complete.Day in/day out and we made it without an fuss.That hasn’t happened again,lol.I go when I’m truly needed.I enjoy being with him and I enjoy time to myself even if it’s cleaning my house-my way.
    Debby In Va
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Got 39% of the monster grant done... Kinda loving their grant portal, which saves every 30 seconds, literally, and tells you where you've got to, percentage-wise.

    Most small grant portals throw you out without warning, and you have to spit three times, cross your fingers clockwise and pluck three gray hairs off a teenaged mouse and burn them in a blue candle flame to get them to save your progress.

    That may be a slight exaggeration.

    But not much.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Love it! It is soooo frustrating when you are almost finished and get kicked out! Great job getting to 39% already!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Got 39% of the monster grant done... Kinda loving their grant portal, which saves every 30 seconds, literally, and tells you where you've got to, percentage-wise.

    Most small grant portals throw you out without warning, and you have to spit three times, cross your fingers clockwise and pluck three gray hairs off a teenaged mouse and burn them in a blue candle flame to get them to save your progress.

    That may be a slight exaggeration.

    But not much.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I laughed when I read this!!

    I do submissions to various departments of the federal government and it's the same thing with some of those submission portals!!

    I have one where I'll be right in the middle of submitting stuff, typing messages, and doing things, when a quick message will pop up saying, something like, "We have determined that you're not busy and haven't engaged this site in what we've deemed a worthwhile manner in at least 12 seconds, so we're going to shut it down now." And before I can click something to protest, it's gone.

    Another one requires that I click "Home" each time I want to change pages. "Home" takes me back to the home page, the whole thing refreshes and then I can go to the next page I want. Plus every time I've got a deadline, like midnight on the 30th of the month ... and I'm busy submitting stuff that morning ... it will freeze and may or may not thaw before midnight. I've got the apology email on file now so I can drag it out each time. "So sorry I can't submit the documents ... your system froze again."

    Ah the challenges of modern day life. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I am up and dressed and have a long day a head of me...
    going to walk the boys but have no time to feed DFIL today...im supposed to go to a concert at the riverfront tonight but depending on how the day goes i might not make it..
    I am going to pull Dr P aside today and lay it on the line and ask him to please politely let me collect unemployment.. I want to be truthful with him.. this is just not my gig...and if he is going to be a jerk about it I will go to the labor board..
    Lisa~ you are such a hoot girl ,, love ya lots... im down 37.2 lbs slow but sure fasted except for a cup of tea yesterday until after 2 pm.

    Allie - Be prepared for him to say you are welcome to leave, but if you quit he will fight you getting unemployment. While what he has done might be shady, if you are in a right to work state there probably isn't anything for the labor board to get involved in. You might not have shared everything with us, so maybe something is there for the labor board. Even so, that can take time. If you can afford to live without any income while everything plays out, do what will make you happy. If you can't, bide your time and do your best to find something else.

    Just my two cents.....

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,606 Member
    Lisa - my DH sets me such a good example when he is here as he unfailingly sits down every morning after our exercises to write his current book. I manage to follow his example a few times a week. :/ I do my writing in the bedroom; he is in the living room. I find it very, very hard to face the blank page.
    He also unfailingly goes out in the afternoon for some kind of bonus exercise. He often accompanies me on my run and I like the company.
    I don't clean house, I don't garden. I have put washing in the machine this morning and felt a sense of accomplishment. :o Yesterday I filled in the driving licence renewal form for over 70. That felt huge. Must post it. Our house is already very tidy as we decluttered when we moved. DH 's study is messy, but I can't do that without him. We need to tackle it some time together. It's been like that since we moved in 8 months ago. He rarely goes in there except to watch football.
    I will go out to buy something to cook for dinner. I can hardly summon up the enthusiasm to do that.
    DH is concerned about me and said he might be able to get home a bit earlier today if it looks like the match is a draw. I told him not to spoil his day. I only slept for four hours last night. Mind whirring. I read upstairs.

    Oh well, back to some nice binge eating for lunch. Then some rowing to work off the binge. Too hot to run.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited July 2019
    Allie- getting unemployment if you quit isn’t going to happen. Dr P from what you said about him definitely won’t give it to you. I think talking to him might make things worse. You are a disgruntled employee right now. He might be able to fire you and not have to pay unemployment because of your actions such as complaining...if you don’t like it there quit would be the government response...harsh reality but it happened to my husband and I believe he had a lot better case than you and he got nothing after months of waiting and filling out lots of paperwork.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »

    I "showed off" my de-cluttered side of the closet to DH, hopefully every time he looks at the big pile on his side, he'll feel inspired to toss a few things. B)

    I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. I've been trying it for over 50 years, to no avail! 😂

    Tracey/Edmonton: It must be difficult settling in to a new job after the euphoria of that wonderful wedding! New situations can be exciting, but scary. Sending good vibes for a positive result.

    This morning I'm off up to the City (Belfast) to see the GoTs tapestry. DSiL is an excellent needle woman and has completed several elements on this beautiful art work which is on display at the Ulster museum. The tapestry goes to Bayeaux on 27 July so, if I want to see it before it goes on it's world tour, I need to go before we go away next week.

    I like the time I have at home when DH has other fish to fry, and I can get on with projects without interruptions. We both like time to ourselves.


    Irish Terri Wow! That tapestry is gorgeous!. Thank you for mentioning it, how amazing! Here is a You Tube link, nearly 10 minutes long, showing the whole thing for those of us not able to see it in Belfast or on tour: