

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Shannon I adore guinea pigs, and I love that you are taking your surrogate mama role so seriously. I had guinea pigs when I was a kid. :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Vicki and Tracey ... praying for both of you as you deal with your losses. It never matters if it was expected or not ... loss is painful. Hugs.

    Husband came home early from a morning meeting today. Seems he missed his step on an outdoor deck and went head first into a wall. Knees are scuffed up and he has a good sized egg on the top of his head. Icepacks on and I'm watching him. Mostly he says he's very embarrassed.

    Son is still home with us and I think he may need to be with us a few more days as I treat an infection that his certified home ... despite reams of protocols and nursing directives ... seem unable to manage. He's looking better both physically and mentally. Just a little hard on me getting back into caregiver mode. Not much else gets done but taking care of him.

    Machka ... I'm accidentally filing today as well. It happens when I have a stack of papers that I'm just tired of reshuffling.


  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Done morning campground chores. Seems quiet for now. Caught up here and going to read for a bit. Can’t shake the tired feeling but bowels and lightheadedness much better. Called cardiologist yesterday but must wait for a ‘sneak in’ appointment.

    RV Rita
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Annie - Yes, being a bit low one day to compensate for the next is fine. A lot of people look at their weekly average.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well I am calmer today, I needed to hear from Navy son and earlier yesterday I stared at Messenger willing it to respond to me! Its crazy how life can work like that. So his ship is officially back in port in Brisbane Australia.👍. Hopefully he'll get some needed off time.

    When we texted I had asked if he was coming home for the holidays. He said sadly no. I told him, I have gone these 8 months, as long as we text, and he calls when he can, I will get thru this no problem.💖 Not this Christmas but next Christmas, his tour will be up, so that's encouraging.

    I saw on Facebook my daughter in-laws mother was asking for a pack in play bed ( for Athena) for Christmas time. So I gathered that my middle son and daughter in-law are heading down to California for Christmas. I don't think they'll ever travel up here for the holidays. The fact that we aren't dog people pretty much solidifies that. In our lease it says no pets. I feel like we're between a rock and a hard place. I'm sad with the situation, but life is what it is.

    Yesterday I bought a precooked chicken. Its like buying a warm baby, in that I have to carry it on my lap home, because I don't want the bag to leak or get a hole in it. LOL! I took off all the meat, and simmered the bones to make stock. They use quite a lot of paprika, so the stock has a reddish hue. I will make ice cubes and have soup for next week.👍

    Have a great Saturday all! Hugs!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2019
    Tracey and Vicki Sad for your losses, one expected, one not expected at all...

    Michele What is a taco slider? Navigation app: Waze. Hands down.

    Rebecca We found out on Facebook that Olivia & Phoenix are heading for France in September for a long visit with their Corsican paternal grandparents. The trip is so my stepdaughter can decide if they want to live in France! Finding out things like that on social media is jarring and feels icky, like being left out of something you shouldn't be left out of. I makes me sad for you (and for us). (((Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    edited July 2019
    Tracey - so sorry to hear about your cousin. hugs!

    Vicki - and sorry to hear about your SIL!

    Karen - I have always been interesting in guinea pigs, but until now have never even touched one! They are very interesting to watch. I go in at night and lay on the floor beside their cage and hand feed them and read my book. I get very little reading done, because I am fascinated by their antics. LOL!

    Barbara - The likelihood of us keeping the guinea pigs is iffy. If they were ours, I wouldn't want them stuck away in the spare room - and because we have cats (4 of them!), I'm really not sure it would work out to have the guinea pigs in our main family room. I don't know that I trust our cats and I don't know how the guinea pigs would get along with having cats looking at them (and possibly stalking them) all the time. :)

    I really don't know the full story of these guinea pigs. We're taking care of them for a lady (who is on a family vacation for 3 weeks) who is taking care of them for someone else! And, as far as I know, this original owner will want them back at some point (there's a story there, but again, I don't know all the details - I think she had to move and couldn't take them but still wants them). So really it's all up in the air!

    I'm just glad I can give them some love and attention and hopefully help them to become a little more social and have some quality of life in a bigger cage.

    Today I'll be sewing some liners for the cage and making some "cuddle bags" for them. People are nuts about guinea pigs (and I had no idea how much). The amount of web pages and videos about guinea pigs is incredible. :) I'm as nuts about cats, so I definitely don't judge them for it!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's warm here. I'm just about to turn on the a/c so I can do some exercise!

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,407 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
    DD at work at the store today, she normally works in the warehouse but filling in for someone. She only has to work until 1:30. We got up and fed critters before she left. Then I did 45 minutes of yoga. It has been raining off and on so have not done any yard work. Got letters to DH's credit cards done and am going to make some frosty paws for Nessa the labradoodle. She loves those things especially on a hot evening. She licks away with her eyes half closed totally blissed out. I am with the rest of you on cooking when it is hot. We use the indoor grill, the crockpot and last night the quesadilla maker.

    Tracey - Sorry for the loss of your cousin.

    Vicky - Condolences to you on your loss. Hope you enjoy the new car.

    To whoever recommended "Women Rowing North", thanks. I really enjoyed it.

    I think I need to join the filers. I have way too many stacks, especially since DH's death.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sue WA Please share your frosty paws recipe...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Connie in KY: Cultural Days sounds like a great idea. :star:

    RV Rita: I hope things go well with your cardiologist appointment. Be sure to keep us in the loop. :heart:

    Rebecca: We have a Pack n Play in our attic. They are very handy as collapsible cribs/playpens for visiting grandchildren. We bought ours last summer when DS and DDIL came for a visit along with our grandson. They are handy to have and can easily be stored. :star:

    Karen in VA: Our son introduced us to WAZE when we visited Virgina a couple of years ago. It is less useful in Oregon. I’ve played with it, but there aren’t enough users to get the kind or warnings and advice we saw in Virginia. :ohwell:

    Sharon near Seattle: Congrats on the support of your family helping with roof repair and entertaining you. Enjoy! :bigsmile:

    Sue in WA: Add me to the list of people interested in “frosty paws.”

    I went out to the stable to work with Arrow today. He was loose in the arena while the ladies who clean stalls and feed the horses were at their work. He was grumpy toward me at first but settled down nicely by the time we were finished. No riding for now while he gets over his health issue. I had a good time and so did he. We finished up with me leading him around the arena without a lead rope. I held my right fist up at his eye level and several inches away from touching. He stayed right with me through changes of direction and changes of pace. I had fun and I think he did, too.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Lisa- If the Dietician won’t get off their buns you may have to ask the Doctor to recommend another one! Did that once got a way better fit for us for Mom back when she was alive. Some have multiple listed or in the same office.I couldn’t get results with JRs Pediactricians so I payed for our own Dietician y online apps too.Went over their heads to get results sad to say.

    Karen V-Taco Sliders- 4 kinds I know of sloppy joe sliders 🍔 to taco 🌮 kinds.Their smaller sized kids love them y nice to have a small portion with soup y salad instead of a bigger burger/taco.
    Amber Tx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    stat for the day:

    0runner- 30min, 114c, 13h, 44l, lvl8 8.51min mi, 139mhr, 3.41mi= 273c
    Apple Watch- 241c

    total cal 273
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited July 2019
    Katla, how wonderful you and Arrow. I kind of have a fear of horses. It started when my sister put me on the butt end of her horse while she was riding bareback. He bucked me off, and had the wind knocked out of me. My dear sister laughed and laughed! He fact that horses can sense your fears, well I know they'd sense mine in a nano second! So the fact that you led Arrow around with your fist, well I am so proud of you!💖

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    Tracey and Vicki-sorry for your losses.

    Machka - I totally understand accidental filing (or cleaning out a closet, cupboard, etc.) Seems like I go looking for one thing or straightening one thing and it turns into an unplanned project. However, it does feel good when it is done.

    Went through pants/skirts/suits in my closets this morning-cleared out 4 skirts, two suits and 8 pair of pants (and still have plenty left to wear). Got into retail therapy a bit since husband passed, starting to move out of it. Plus just have clothes of different sizes. Hate letting go of clothes (probably because when growing up, never had any extra clothes). However, have a nice stack of stuff that doesn't fit ready to go to thrift store. I am sure someone else can use them. Have to do same with drawers soon. One group at a time.

    Had a good day with walking/steps. Got in an hour or so this am early before it got hot. Went a different route. Usually walk north of my house (live in a very 50s suburban neighborhood with newer houses to the north). Walked past elementary school sons attended and ballparks they played at--brought back some very good memories. Will try to take that route more often.

    Went to pay respects to family of co-worker and friend who passed. Saw many people I have not seen in some time.

    Glad to hear those of you who have success with surgery for weight loss. Was talking to three ladies at funeral today who have not had such luck. They had initial loss, but have gained much back. They were referring to me as skinny and asked what I was doing-tracking in MFP, CICO. And I assured them I eat (some days its actually hard to make it to daily calories). I am hoping they can get back on track-they are all much younger than me and went through a lot to get the surgery. I hope they don't cause themselves further physical problems by stretching out stomach, etc. I don't think they really understood it was a tool but they needed to do their part also.

    Going to go set up coffee and go read for a bit. Got started on the Game of Thrones series of books (never watched a single episode) and I rather enjoy it. May have to check out the show at some point.

    Ginny in Ohio.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello! This is just a pop-in because it's 830 and I have not had dinner yet, and no I am not hungry. Love that phentermine. Someone asked for a shoe closet picture; I will try to figure out how to accomplish that! I worked in the yard for 2 hours, otherwise the day was spent on a book. Take care, hope to be more chatty tomorrow! Meg in Omaha