What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • rossbaker2_sc
    rossbaker2_sc Posts: 43 Member
    AMRAP 1min first cycle, 30s second cycle, 8 second rest in between

    Stationary bike
    Ball Slams (20 lb)
    Walk out pushups
    Tuck Jumps
    Wall ball squats
    Medicine ball situps
    Sled push
    Rope slams
    TRX rows
    In/out squat jumps
    TRX bicep curls
    Bear crawl holds
    Leg raises
  • favoritespam
    favoritespam Posts: 1 Member
    Squats, lunges, leg extensions, dead lifts, hamstring curls, a few abdominal exercises and one or two other things. All in various weights/rep ranges.

    Oh I'm new. Hi.
  • Ssssss666666
    Ssssss666666 Posts: 560 Member
    You are all an inspiration, well done😀
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,881 Member
    Rowed in the double again today, with my rowing buddy J, who's been out for a while: She rowed over 5K today, exactly four weeks to the day after her hip replacement surgery, and 5 days after her 73rd birthday.

    She started weight training regularly in her 30s, still lifts multiple times a week, used to be a runner (up to marathon distance), has been rowing several times a week for over a decade, does Pilates several times a week, and more. She's my hero! :heart:
  • cfgreear
    cfgreear Posts: 189 Member
    Today was core day for me, core and boxing. Im doing a 4 day on and 2 day off to match my wifes night work schedule so we can hang out on days off.
  • PiscesIntuition
    PiscesIntuition Posts: 1,365 Member
    Shoulders and arms! My favorite!
  • dorrie24
    dorrie24 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow u guys put me to shame! 10 minutes yoga and 3 mile walk.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,000 Member
    Today, I did 90 minutes bouldering. It was grim. I have lost all grip strength. I'm even struggling to hold my cup of tea now.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Get moving Monday.

    Total of 4.5 miles run. 1mile outside rest on treadmill.

    30min with trainer abs and a stretch. Somehow earnt myself 30 burpees, so did them too.

    2hrs roller skating with my boys

    30 min tabata class, somehow managed to earn another 50 burpees (everytime I stopped before time or did press ups on my knees instead of toes I got another 10)

    50 min barbell class
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2019
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Rowed in the double again today, with my rowing buddy J, who's been out for a while: She rowed over 5K today, exactly four weeks to the day after her hip replacement surgery, and 5 days after her 73rd birthday.

    She started weight training regularly in her 30s, still lifts multiple times a week, used to be a runner (up to marathon distance), has been rowing several times a week for over a decade, does Pilates several times a week, and more. She's my hero! :heart:

    That's awesome!! I have several in the Indoor rowing community that are like that for me. It's not the World Record holders that are my favorites. It's the ones that have no business doing it or shouldn't have any business doing rowing but still show up and work their hardest.

    Today was the CTC -- Cross Team Challenge -- for my club, Sub 7. You basically do a challenge put up by other teams or your team and all the Indoor Rowing club members pit against each other. You're trying to do two things -- have the fastest "virtual" boat (which is made up of 3 HWT men, one LWT male and one Female). The other is to fill the most "boats" with participants. I'm strictly a boat filler with this score, but it was better than I expected and felt great to finally participate again.


    Felt nice to post up in my group. Lots of folks were kind in welcoming me back in as well, which felt great. I'm more of a cheerleader than serious competitor in that group (too many real world class indoor rowers and some OTW ones too) but I enjoy it.

  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Woke up early to ride in the launch (seeing things from outside of a shell is nice and I had planned on not rowing), took a nap because I didn't get enough sleep last night (which is part of why I didn't cox actually - coxing on 3ish hours of sleep...), and then did an hour on Zwift. A taper day as it were for this upcoming weekend's regatta in Seattle.

    Tomorrow I'll go out with my quad race line up (no doubles fun for me) and Wednesday will be an actual rest day. Here's to hoping tomorrow's water is as flat as today's was!
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    60 minute Krav Maga class. Stripe test later this week so they worked us hard.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    7/29/2019 - early morning in Santa Cruz before departing to return home and to the "rat race."

    Active rest morning walk - 1.51 mile in 30:00 - average HR = 93 bpm (52 percent) maximum HR= 113 bpm (63 percent) total 190 calories.

    Seriously considering an entire week of active rest recovery; we'll see how I feel tomorrow.
  • Finafoshizzle93
    Finafoshizzle93 Posts: 157 Member
    45 min spin class (15 miles)
    60 min barre class
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    Yesterday: an hour and a half of walking (to and from the gym, twice) and a BodyBalance class.

    I think I'll keep BodyBalance in my standard class schedule, given that it does a lot of work on hip strength and mobility and I apparently need that.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    Upper body day
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Yesterday my daughter did a spin class with me and she liked it a lot, so I’ll have a 5 AM partner this fall for spin class twice a week. Should make me more consistent!
    Today is bis, tris, and Pilates.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Animal Flow Daily 5
    Handstand Pushup - Pavel Fighter Progression (3RM) Day 17/20
    *On a Yoga Block
    6-5-4-2-2 (19)
    Pull-ups - Fighter Pull-Up Program (12R Max) Day 17/20
    17-14-10-7-7 (55)
    Hatha Sun Salutation - 5 Rounds
    Core Strength
    Compression Drills- 3 x 10 (30)
    Back Bridge 3 x 10 (30)
    Pancake Stretch - 5 x 5 @30s (150s)

    @pierinifitness the pull-ups are getting hard. Can't finish the 17 and 14 rep sets in one shot. Have to drop from the bar and take a few seconds rest and then finish. Still not sore but not feeling as strong. Could be overdoing it, but my gut tells me it's not the case. I just think I am not strong enough yet to bang out 17 or 14 in a row. I guess that's the reason I'm doing this in the first place. Good news is this is the 4th and final week. I'll do a de-load next week and then re-access my max reps and take it from there...
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Clean DLs 135lbs
    Close grip push ups on Box
    Standing Pulldown 50 -60 lbs
    Glute Kickbacks 100 lbs (15 reps)
    2 up - 1 down hamstring curls
    Cable Lateral raises
    Hip Abduction
    Knee Tucks
    2 mile run/jog TM
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Today was back-to-the-gym day. I always need a mental warm-up gym day after a break before hitting my actual workout routine. So, today was
    1000m rowing for warm-up
    1 set of each: lat pulldown, seated row, chest press, leg press, hack squat
    Some ab work
    5 minutes of stairmaster
    10-15 minutes stretching & foamrolling

    The stairmaster was a new a-ha moment. I want to improve my everyday fitness to be better able to do things like going up stairs without getting winded. So, doing 5 minutes on the stairmaster every week might actually give me some concrete evidence of my improvement through running and strength workouts, as I see how many floors I can comfortably climb in 5 minutes.

    Tomorrow is a run day, and then back to the gym on Friday, for a proper workout.