Welcome New Members!



  • chntbrnkr
    chntbrnkr Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone, how are you all doing?
  • OregonRepatriate
    OregonRepatriate Posts: 1 Member
    Just started again back on May 11th after a few years away (and needed to, ha ha)... have lost almost 13 pounds over 8 weeks (1.57lb/week) - but have to admit while I seem to be winning the calorie battle, I have almost always lost the sugar & sodium ones! LOL... so hard to win all 3 at the same time as a single guy who doesn't cook (and thus relies too much on processed / packaged foods).

    Good luck to everyone and hope you are doing well!
  • Plade1126
    Plade1126 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new, hope to regain motivation
  • LeighAlan1
    LeighAlan1 Posts: 200 Member
    Trying to loose weight. Support welcomed. Happy to support.
  • natalibong
    natalibong Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All, member Fitness Pall last year, but active start this month (for food diary) and want join community. Hope we can get and achieve target that we set. Kepp fighting and Nice to meet you.
  • todds404
    todds404 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys! Excited to lose the last few lbs so that I can start seeing my six pack. Wish everyone the best!
  • j_bombz
    j_bombz Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2019
    Hello everyone! New to MFP. I’m here to stay motivated and help keep track of healthy eating, exercise and water intake. I’m a mom of a 4 1/2 year old and although I’ve been lucky to maintain the same weight at 33 years old as I was in high school, I really want to add muscle to my body and get stronger. I have an ectomorphic body type and high metabolism. Before my daughter was born I worked out a lot in my home and my routines were often cardio and stretching. As I research the type of body I want I’m realizing I should really be weight lifting. I’m planning on joining LA fitness sometime in the next week since I do not own weights and bars. I’m a very friendly, outgoing person and open to converse with others with similar struggles and anyone who has good advice in what and how I should be doing things. Nice meeting you all and wishing everyone good luck in reaching their goals. :)
  • maisiemountain12
    maisiemountain12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Would love some friends on here feel free to add
  • Ctada
    Ctada Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all! Trying my best to lose weight and keep it off. Kick-starting it with Keto and hoping to do low carb later on. Wish me luck. Super encouraging to see so many people feeling motivated to lose weight and become healthier. Best of luck on your journey!
  • IAmShaf
    IAmShaf Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, i was pretty slim and lean before until i inflict with ACL. I gained weight recently in few months which i started to do cardio and some weights lifting. I’m so glad to see lots of inspiring stories and motivating beginners like me! Please add me as a friend so we could get fit together 💪🏼
    Thanks and Best of luck 👌🏼
  • Becrose09
    Becrose09 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone new here feel free to add looking for friends to motivate each other 😁
  • LisaB34472
    LisaB34472 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!! New to the group and excited to get started on shedding this fat. Would love to build new relationship with those folks who are motivated and ready to make a change.
    Please feel free to add me 💗
  • mrshow19
    mrshow19 Posts: 5 Member
    New just started today excited about a new me !
  • LizzieBob2014
    LizzieBob2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello I am not new to site but took time off well a couple of years off. I am back and my goal is to be fit and healthy but the time I am 55. So almost two years. I would love to talk to people who have alot of weight to lose and wish to lose it in a healthy manner. I belonged to a weight loss group prior to this and the focus was on filling your body with processed foods low calorie foods. I want to try something different this time.
  • windycitymom5925
    windycitymom5925 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new here and just getting started. I lost 50 lbs about 5 years ago and in the last year or so, have put back on about 20 lbs. I am looking to get back on track and be more accountable. When I lost all my weight I discovered running.....and I love it. I am not fast by any means and run using the Galloway method which has been awesome. I have done 5k, 10k, 15k, and half marathon distances. I tried the biggie...a full marathon, but only made it to mile 22. I am really hoping that losing this 20 lbs can get me in better running shape again. More than even that though....I don't want to ever get back to where I was before. 20 lbs is a wake up call. Time to be more accountable....no more excuses!
  • tracyschreier320
    tracyschreier320 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm not new to MFP but have been logging sporadically for a few years now. I have 50 pounds to lose and a seemingly impossible task of getting my blood sugars within normal range. I'm looking for friends, specifically women over the age of 50. I look forward to getting more involved in the MFP community.
  • Natalorian
    Natalorian Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm a long time lurker. I've been on this weight loss journey for a while. I started about 2.5 years ago and lost around 30 lbs in a few months through a pretty strict diet similar to keto (but even more restrictive). Surprise, surprise, it wasn't sustainable. I eased up on the diet but maintained most of that loss for the better part of 2 years and started up with a more relaxed plan a couple of months ago. I saw a nutritionist for about a month who gave me meal plans, which were nice, but decided to do it on my own. I've been using MFP for about 1.5 months now and have lost about 8 lbs. I have about 60 lbs more to go. Looking forward to doing that here :)
  • mtrimble381
    mtrimble381 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi y'all. I am new to MFP. I have been on a weight loss journey off and on for the past 26 years. (after my oldest daughter was born). I was pretty successful with Atkins back in the day. About 4 years ago I lost about 50 lbs due to diet and stress, lol. Now that my life has calmed down a bit, the pounds came back with friends. I would love to make friends with people who are also on this journey to be a better healthier them. Feel free to add me as a friend or message me. I am not sure if I am doing Keto or Low carb. I haven't really decided which yet. I started just doing low carb (30 total carbs) a day for now. Any suggestions or inspirational messages would be appreciated. Happy Monday MFP peeps.
  • phirunsam
    phirunsam Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am here because I got myself a FitBit and I'm looking to slim down a bit. I hope this community can help.
  • renydog37
    renydog37 Posts: 34 Member
    Getting started again Ugh! I go to Brewcity Crossfit 4 days a week and live a very active lifestyle I work really really hard at the gym.....My problem is staying on track with my eating habits to lose that final 20 pounds to hit my goal weight of 215 @ 6'2" no more excuses