
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    cheri your blankets for project Linus are so delicate and lovely. <3

    Well we had a lovely drive from our little neck of the woods to the Poconos mountains. Had a simply gorgeous day, drive, hike and late lunch out. DH and I tried to envision retiring out there and concluded the snow would be too much for us—also seemed a little remote for year round living with intense tourist traffic in high season. Another place to check off the list of possibilities but that’s a good thing yes?! Retiring in 2-4 years from now so of course we’re already thinking, dreaming and planning and then of course life will do what it’s gonna do.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Just reread my post and giving myself a lecture 'stop moaning, be grateful for family and friends, many are having much worse times' Hugs for all my friends on this thread. Will go out with DH this afternoon, meet some friends and have a couple of wines, listen to some Karaoke. I love music, can't sing but will singalong.

    Have a lovely Sunday

    Kate UK <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Sunday -- nice lie in this morning. I slept a long time, but woke a little bit earlier than I thought I would and just lay there for a while dozing and stretching a bit. That's a luxury I don't often get.

    Since I've got no pressing assignments this weekend, I've been catching up on stuff, ticking things off the list. I've put away all my laundry, tidied up the bedroom and sprinkled the bed with lavender oil, and importantly, I've tied my dining room table (aka desk) area. I've got my uni stuff sorted so that I'm already to get going on the next assignment. I sewed a hole in a pocket in my winter coat and washed its collars. Just a bunch of those little things that seem to pile up.

    And I've included exercise, of course. Cycling inside yesterday as I posted, and I spent an hour on the treadmill today walking with a bit of running. My physio has told me I can include a little bit of running, so I walk for 5 or 6 minutes, run for 1 minute, walk for several minutes, run for 2 minutes, walk for several more minutes, run for 1 minute, and so on. Right toward the end I ran for a full 3 minutes!! But I'm not to overdo it. I'm to ease into the running.

    My husband and I also walked to the shop today to pick up a few groceries in between rain showers. It was good to get outside and get a little bit of fresh air.

    Then this evening, I decided to make Lava Cake. I've made it before some time ago ... 2017, I think, and have been wanting to make it again because it's so quick and easy and absolutely delicious!! So I did and it was as I remember ... quick and easy and absolutely delicious. OK, it's probably not the best thing for losing weight, but there's not a lot of it and I only make it occasionally. :grin:

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited August 2019
    Allie - happy to see you in your happy place, and at peace.

    Kate - love the pics! As far as the arthritis goes, paracetamol may not work, as it's a pain reliever and fever reducer, not an anti-inflammatory, and arthritis pain is almost purely due to inflammation of the joints. I'm dealing with it myself, and our version of paracetamol, Tylenol, has been pretty well useless for me.

    The NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) work well for arthritis pain, but I'm dealing with a few side effects from those. All NSAIDs other than aspirin can also increase your chance of having high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke, however, so if you have heart issues, talk to your doctor first. They include ibuprofen, naproxen, and diclofenac. Your brand names vary from ours of course, but the medicine names should be the same.

    Off to accomplish something. Corey's still not up, and all the laundry's done. Don't want to be too noisy, as I'm hoping he can sleep in...
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Thanks Lisa I used to take diclofenac years ago for osteoarthritis in my knee but it did push my BP up. I can cope with pain as long as I stop knitting as soon as it starts and rest it for a couple of days.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,606 Member
    Hi all,
    Bea slept for 13 hours in her own bed at home and woke up with her eye all better! They brought her round to us as they wanted to try out their new bikes and their new equipment. DDIL hasn't used clip shoes before, but got used to them after a bit. They cycled up to a local beauty spot on the South Downs, chalk hills that are a National Park.
    I had a lightbulb moment this morning and decided to make pancakes (crêpes) for breakfast. Melted some chocolate, found some strawberries and huge fun was had by all! Max helped me weigh and measure.
    I was happy when the parents came over just before lunch for coffee and to take them home. I'd had enough of playing 'veterinary surgeons' by then!
    Now relaxing after a mammoth tidy up. I will do some rowing this afternoon as I didn't get my usual session in this morning. I feel knackered! :D

    Next time we have them all is Friday, so DDIL can prepare for the holiday. They are swopping houses, so there is a lot of prep to be done.

    Much love from a tired, but happy, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,816 Member
    Cheri: Very impressed by your afghans. Congrats to your daughter.
    Machka: Totally agree re excessive sitting. When I was a teacher, I seldom sat during classes. Preferred to move round classroom. I also get up during ad breaks. It’s surprising how many steps that can rack up.
    Kate: I had to give up on the knitting after working intensively to complete an Aran sweater for DH about 5 years ago gave me RSIin one of my thumbs. I can crochet, though.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Happy Sunday! <3

    Janetr - I never tire of seeing your before and after photos, always inspiring. Heather and others, yours as well. The way your health and quality of life has improved is amazing and keeps me going.

    Will there ever be a time we won't be fretting about what we are eating? Perhaps. But there's so much junk food and fast food around now, we have to be more vigilant. I think as we get older, our appetites shrink somewhat so I am constantly asking myself do I want to fill my tummy with chips and cookies or hummus and veggies? ;)

    Cheri - congrats on Ros's new job and I really love those afghans. That pattern looks very familiar.

    - you are so right about WA State and their lax Fireworks laws. Current state code is something like it's allowed the WEEK before the 4th and the day after! What idiots thought that was a good idea... who knows, lol. Maybe the fireworks manufacturing lobby?

    Barbara AHMOD - ah, the goop project is your deck. The guy that redid our deck last year said he could come sand it in a few years which would help when we restained. We do need to give it a coat or two before winter comes.

    Kate - so sorry to hear about your achy thumb joint. Lovely photos and enjoy your evening and karaoke! I had a type of carpal tunnel surgery in my wrist about 10 years ago to stop my thumb from aching. It has helped immensely, but it's not 100%. Good old repetitive motion injuries. At least I can hold my coffee cup without pain.

    - so glad you had a wonderful couple days at the beach! Very healing. Your GF with the comments... when I read what she said to you, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in her own life to make her so harshly critical of you. I do have a couple GF's that will tell me their opinions if I ask them. It might not be what I want to hear but they are generally right on, or give me enough feedback to get back on track.

    I got behind yesterday! Need to get moving so more later-

    Have a good Sunday!

    SW WA State

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Well I have walked Alfie and been to the beach and have the car packed.. don't want to go but have to face reality lol. Will be back in a couple of weeks for the family reunion.. that's gonna be a rough weekend I'm organizing our 40th high school reunion which is the 30th of the month and the day after is our family reunion here at the cottage will be busy busy busy.. but fun..
    Well will check in when I get home..
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,916 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: Happy Birthday to your son!!! :star:

    Heather: I hope Bea’s eye is better. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: It sounds like you’re getting ready to do a little travelling. YAY! :bigsmile:

    Tracey in Edmonton: Thanks for your kind words; they help keep up morale. :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: Congrats for your daughter’s new job! :star:

    Ginny in OH: Thanks for your kind words. Chronic pain is horrible. DH is enduring. We look forward to medical intervention but no clear details yet. :ohwell:

    Machka: I am impressed by your commitment to good health practices and pleased that you’re sharing some very good strategies with us. :bigsmile:

    Rori: Happy to hear that your brother is feeling improved. I would love to see a current photo of the Rolling Stones. I wonder how well they’re doing at 50+. :wink:

    Kate UK: I have some plastic gizmos that slide onto knitting needles & crochet hooks. They make the circumference bigger and help my hands relax a bit. I also stretch my hands frequently while knitting or crocheting. Good luck! :star:

    Lanette: I suspect that hunting dogs and dogs with floppy years do a bit better during fireworks week. I know there are gun protection products available for hunting dogs, but they’re all for dogs that are Lab or Golden Retriever sized. Our guy is too small for them to work. Going to a noise free park is our best strategy for this dog. :ohwell:

    DH is awake and moving around. I suspect he’ll spend most of his day in the sitting area beside our bedroom windows. The chairs are comfortable, the view is nice and he is happy there.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    trisH_7183 wrote: »

    Doing therapy now for bursitis in one hip.Dr said it was aggravated by getting in/out of a tall vehicle rented for Tn. My own fault,....DH had a truck I refused to ride in. Same problem,comes from being short.

    Happy August & good health to all.

    Pat in Oh

    I have hip bursitis too. Mine gets activated when I pivot on my feet too much. I tend to forget my body is not 30 years old any more. Bursitis reminds me! Lol!

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Morning ladies
    I am up and been to the beach for sunrise again.. what a marvelous rejuvenation weekend this has been.. didnt spend a ton of money except for dinner last night and the sea air is so good for the soul.. I swear I felt my dad walking beside me on the beach...
    Will not rush to get home today will soak up whatever peacefulness I can.. and then take myself and Alfie home

    Isn’t Mother Nature wonderful and so good for the body and soul!

    RV Rita
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Neighbors, none nearby. 5 on our 1 mile lane. Nearest home (behind us on another road) sold recently, we can hear them sawing, chipping, hammering, but haven't hiked over to meet them. None across the lane, its a steep ravine. To our east I've met the woman, a Psychiatrist at the prison, who claims never to go anywhere. Suspect she and her husband are even more introverted than we. To our west I've met the wife in the car once and see the husband frequently as we drive past each other on the lane. He's been to our house to inspect our water system and make recommendations. He is the ONLY person Joe has really met here, and with whom Joe chats when they meet at the mailbox. I thank God for him. Further down the lane is a new couple, met him once at the mailbox. At the end of the lane is a widow with whom I've chatted on NextDoor. Still haven't gotten my lazy, self-indulgent butt down to visit, partially because she's afraid of dogs so I can't take Tumble with.
    Joe loves this spacing and so do I... for now. So long as I can get into town several days a week to meet my social (and activity) needs. If/when I can't drive, I'd need to move into town which means Joe would have to put up with neighbors. May that day be far off.

    NYKaren Driving adventure! I'd forgotten how much fun such adventures were. Looking forward to the travelogue.
    KJ hope Trentin's mom is ok and it was just a phone glitch. How frustrating for you!
    Carol, great smiling group of gals!
    Machka "childhood punishments" made me choke on my tea! LOL!
    Heather quite concerned about your spells. Can you get in for labs? Wouldn't want anything to taint your birthday cruise.
    Welcome VenusCannon, amazing recoveries, inspiring activities.
    Janet healing, strength and peace to your sister, her husband, their family and you. 55 years, what an accomplishment.
    Rita your Linux project inspires me. Would be a much healthier use of my time than Spider and Freecell ;}
    Lisa "no one mentioned" the prophylactic antibiotics after your knee surgery? :noway: SMH! Grr.
    Katla sending strongest good energy for Monday's surgeon call, that it brings good news promising quick relief. Living with chronic pain stinks, as does living with someone who is so suffering. :brokenheart:
    pip who ARE all those smiling people?
    Rebecca Bailey's in birthday cake frosting. Yum!
    Cheri congratulations to Ros! You must be so proud.
    allie love hearing about your restorative beach trip. So very well-deserved.
    Ginny "feeling tired but satisfied" and so very very well done.
    Kay sounds yummy. How can I keep the rest of the can of coconut milk good after opening? Does it freeze well?
    Pat in OH good to hear from you!
    Michele, in my unasked-for opinion I woudn't say anything to the sweet lady, just keep in my mind that it was supposed to be an informal party and the more the merrier. Maybe your relaxed attitude will osmose over into Vince for next time ;) Amaretto in frosting? Even YUMMier.
    Rori would you share before Bathroom pics and your plan? So I can enjoy vicariously? Rolling Stones tour in Denver? Bet those tix are $$$$!
    Kate when my thumb or wrists start to act up, I rub in a few drops of CBD oil. Seems to help, could be placebo effect. Hope the pilots settle down and Spain's sunny weather heals all your ills. Beautiful pics. . . and the scenery too :)
    Lanette please send your deck guy and his sander here. Puh LEEZE!
    Barbie I am so with you about bread, eating the whole thing with butter, it surely is one of my triggers. Also understand about not wanting to sour the joy your DH gets from his new hobby. Is there a nearby soup kitchen that would welcome his output? Is there room in their (or your) freezer to accumulate loaves 'til there are enough to share?

    Anyone heard from Sharon near Seattle about her trip?

    Lost the fast food battle yesterday with sm coke, 2/3rds of a Rodeo King burger and fries. Gonna overcome with a pound of veggies today. Take THAT fast food industry!!!

    Tracey and Machka wow that article sure puts it strongly. Time for me to get UP and move. NEVER want another DVT.

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for August: gratitude.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rebecca: Happy Birthday to your son!!! :star:

    Heather: I hope Bea’s eye is better. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: It sounds like you’re getting ready to do a little travelling. YAY! :big-smile

    DH is awake and moving around. I suspect he’ll spend most of his day in the sitting area beside our bedroom windows. The chairs are comfortable, the view is nice and he is happy there.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    brought the airstream home getting it ready for the MS ride in September, he couldn't wait even tho the ride isn't til sep 7 and 8.

    those pics are old. that was on one of our marathon run trips to California. it's kirby on the left, my sister Janie, me and Santa clause in the back is her husband butch