Just give me one month - August 2019



  • wisdomsead1974
    wisdomsead1974 Posts: 55 Member
    Initial Weight as of May 13, 2019-206
    Last recorded weight- 7/24/19 [ :# b]191[/b]
    SW-193.4 lbs
    MGW- 188.4 lbs
    UG- 145 lbs

    1 Aug-- I did not weigh myself today I got back from vacation a few days later than expected, ugh I'm nervous to get on that scale. I will record my starting weight for the month tomorrow.
    2 Aug--193.4 Well I guess I didn't do as good as I thought while on vacation. I gained almost 2.5 pounds :/ ...But I'm back now focus, focus, focus I can and will be in the 180's this month!!!!
    3 Aug--192.8
    4 Aug--192
    5 Aug--192 I'm happy with this steady 192 especially because a surprise came early Saturday morning I was not expecting my TOM to arrive about 12 days earlier this month than last :| But it is life so lets see how I do over the next 6 days with the major BLOAT....
    6 Aug--193 :|
    7 Aug--193 No stress I know what this is and I'm ok with it just a few more days and I expect to see a drop. I have been eating my 1200 calories per day just a few extra sweets but for the most part I have been really good.
    8 Aug--195 :( I guess that extra few pieces of candy and the late night drink wasn't worth it :o
    9 Aug--194...but now here's the weekend ugh!!! Lord give me strength!!!!
    10 Aug--No Weigh in
    11 Aug--No Weigh in
    12 Aug--191.8 YAY!!!! Come on let me see that 180 something :)
    13 Aug--191.8
    14 Aug--191.4
    15 Aug--190 OMG I am so close I can just touch it and there are still 16 more days in this month. I might actually be able to get to 188 MGW :# If I can just get through the weekend which is always a little challenging for me....Positivity only I got this I am such a special breed I achieve every goal I set out...Thank you God <3
    16 Aug--190
    17 Aug--189.8
    18 Aug--189.8 :)
    19 Aug--189.8
    20 Aug--189.8 Still holding on to this 189 I'm feeling good today!!!
    21 Aug--191
    22 Aug--191 I have been so busy this week I already am very busy I work 2 jobs IT from 9 to 5 then from 5:30 to 10pm I clean offices near my home, I have went on more interviews for the night time job because I feel like if I am going to do this then I want the most money I can get so I am exploring options. I still meal prep for the week I find that works best for me, but I have not been drinking as much water and doing some of the things I know I need to do. I still have more days in this month and I'm going to make this a great weekend as it is the last one for this month that counts. Keeping myself busy 6 or 7 days a week is what works for me!!!!
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Starting weight 181.1
    Start weight this month 174.9
    Goal weight this month 167
    Target goal weight 154

    1 Aug: 174.9 Had a snack attack after gyrotonic last night (200 cals over), possibly a bit bloated this morning. Guzzling water.
    2 Aug: 174.9 Okay!
    3 Aug: 174.2
    4 Aug: 175.5
    5 Aug: 175.5 Well at least this thread is keeping me logging πŸ˜‰
    6 Aug: [vacation]
    7 Aug: [vacation]
    8 Aug: [vacation]
    9 Aug: 178.2...see vacation days above, hoping to balance out quickly
    10 Aug: 177.1 onward
    11 Aug: 177.1 I am determined to stick with this thread!
    12 Aug: 177.1
    13 Aug: 175.5 nice to be home and back in my routine, it makes such a difference
    14 Aug: 174.5 hey! Summer veggies ftw <3
    15 Aug: 174.5
    16 Aug: 174 lots of socializing this weekend but feeling focused!
    17 Aug: 173.8 counting every increment...
    18 Aug: 174.9 late night, three course meal and wine will do that, I enjoyed it though
    19 Aug: 175
    20 Aug: 174.4 seems unlikely I'll get near goal this month but checking in with this thread is a positive new habit, thanks all :smile:
    21 Aug: 173.4
    22 Aug: 172.5 according to Happy Scale I'm 30% of the way to goal!
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    Starting weight 88kg
    Start weight this month 86kg
    Goal weight this month 82kg
    Target goal weight 70kg


    1 Aug - 86 - cheat day today it’s our anniversary πŸ’
    2 Aug - 86.4
    3 Aug -86.4 ... how long πŸ˜•
    4 Aug - 85.8 β€” woohoo .
    5 Aug - 85.8
    6 Aug - 85.5 β€” chugging along
    7 Aug - 85.5 - down sick . Don’t think I will be able to get any exercise done . Will just have to depend on my diet and fluids . Ugh why is it soooo slow .
    I felt so under the weather yesterday and had a few crackers at night since my mouth felt weird with the fever etc :(

    8 Aug - 85.5 - come on now .. you are being a bit too stubborn:/
    9 Aug - no weigh
    10 Aug - no weigh
    11 Aug - no weigh
    12 Aug - 84.7kg
    13 Aug - no weight
    14 Aug -no weigh
    15 Aug - no weigh
    16 Aug - 84.2kg
    17 Aug - no weigh
    18 Aug -no weigh
    19 Aug -no weigh
    20 Aug - 84.2 kg
    21 Aug - 84.7kg
    22 Aug - no weigh
    23Aug - 83.5kg
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Starting weight 80.4kg
    Start weight this month 80.4kg
    Goal weight this month 76kg
    Target goal weight 60kg


    1 Aug - 80.2kg gotta start somewhere πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    2 Aug - 80.2kg ugh was hoping for a loss, maybe tomorrow
    3 Aug - 79.9kg under 80 woohoo 😊
    4 Aug - 80.0kg spoke too soon 😜
    5 Aug - 80.5kg weekend backlash 😰
    6 Aug - 80.2kg back to the start πŸ™„
    7 Aug - 79.9kg under 80 round 2 πŸ˜‚
    8 Aug - 79.3kg right direction!
    9 Aug - 79.5kg still under 80, all good
    10 Aug - 79.4kg I’m buckling my belt on a smaller hole though so nsv 😊
    11 Aug - 80.2kg too much pasta last night 😳
    12 Aug -
    13 Aug - 80.7kg eating too much crap 😣 now away for a couple of days for work, oh dear πŸ™
    14 Aug -
    15 Aug -
    16 Aug -
    17 Aug -
    18 Aug -
    19 Aug - 79.5kg not too bad for being away πŸ˜ƒ
    20 Aug -
    21 Aug - 78.6kg out of the 79’s πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    22 Aug - 78.0kg woohoo moving in the right direction πŸ‘Œ
    23Aug - 78.2kg not too bad πŸ™‚ now for the weekend 😬
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 618 Member
    Starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 11.06
    Goal weight this month 10.13 will be very hard goal
    Target goal weight 9.10

    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August ????
    Anybody like to join in?


    1 Aug - 11.05 good start
    2 Aug - 11.05 Ok with this. Holiday soon. Goal to put no weight on. Is it possible?
    3 Aug - 11.05 no weigh in now for a week.
    4 Aug - no weigh in
    5 Aug - nervous about no weigh in. On holiday but worried about puting on weight.
    6 Aug - holiday
    7 Aug - holiday
    8 Aug - holiday
    9 Aug - holiday
    10 Aug - holiday
    11 Aug - 11.05 delighted no weight gain. Chinese last night too. Think the exercise during the holiday balanced the aditional food. Now to get back on it.
    12 Aug - 11.04. Delighted with this. Body fat percentage is now in normal range. Down 10 % points.
    13 Aug - 11.04. Body fat reading incorrect yesterday. I had been reset has a man. Still down but not so low.
    14 Aug - 11.04 painting the house this week. Muscles are so sore when i wake up.
    15 Aug - 11.04 still painting
    16 Aug - 11.04 painting
    17 Aug - 11.04 rest day
    18 Aug - πŸ˜€ 11.03. Less sore from all the painting.
    19 Aug - 11.03. Back at work. Back on this full time. Holidays over. πŸ™
    20 Aug - 11.03 happy but dont think i will see under 11 stone this month.
    21 Aug - 11.03 need to see 11.02 now
    22 Aug - 11.03 i will see 11.02 in the morning!
    23Aug - 11.03. Getting a bit fed up with this number. Lots of water today.
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    July 31, 2019 4:06PM

    My weight fluctuated after reaching my lowest in July of 144.8 lbs. That's where I'm going to start

    Starting weight 181.8
    Start weight this month 144.8
    Goal weight this month 140
    Target goal weight 118.5

    July lost 5.1 pounds


    1 Aug - 146.8 scale still up? Sodium?
    2 Aug - 145.8 extra rest last night. Still need more cardio during the day.
    3 Aug - 146.0 cmon go down. A tad frustrated right now.
    4 Aug - 147.0 went out to eat. There was a driver k or two. Definitely water weight. (Starting insanity again, as burn phase)
    5 Aug - 146.2 started insanity yesterday, was stricter on my diet, plenty of water. Still frustrated. Need to remember to keep doing what I'm doing and I'll get there.
    6 Aug - 145.8 I will get there...
    7 Aug - 144.4 can I keep this a trend? Lol. Let's wait and see.
    8 Aug - 144.2 just keep going!
    9 Aug - 143.8 let's keep going!!!
    10 Aug - 143.2 today is a rest day. Let's see what tomorrow is.
    11 Aug - 144.0 not enough water yesterday. Ton of sore muscles. Back to Insanity again today.
    12 Aug - 144.0 lbs need to drink more water today. Just a reminder because I did not drink enough yesterday.
    13 Aug - 143.8 still dont feel I'm drinking enough water. Lol. Really need to focus on that.
    14 Aug - 145.0 ate junk at work yesterday. Did not drink nearly enough water to handle the heat.
    15 Aug 144.8- started TOM last night. Was holding quite a bit of water. Feel better now.
    16 Aug - 144.6 still feel like I have some water issues. Did not do insanity because of the heat and TOM.
    17 Aug -144.6 ate bad yesterday. Pretty surprised.
    18 Aug - 146.0 TOM holding onto water I presume. πŸ™„πŸ™„
    19 Aug - 144.6 lots of water and exercise. Still on TOM. Hopefully more water will drop off soon.
    20 Aug -145.2 starting to feel hopeless about actually losing this month, even though I feel I'm putting in more effort .
    21 Aug - 146.2 all I can say is taco truck burrito!
    22 Aug - 146.6 had Chinese food last night. Shouldn't eat out to nights in a row.
    23Aug - 147.2 not sure why I'm holding onto water. I'll just keep moving.
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -

  • tawtyping
    tawtyping Posts: 391 Member
    Starting weight 182 lbs I then piled on weight due to steroids after having a stroke.
    Start weight this month 198.2 lbs
    Goal weight this month 195 lbs
    Target goal weight 155 lbs which is my pre stroke weight

    May put on 1 lb
    June put on 0.2 lbs
    July put on 1.8 lbs

    31 July 198.4 lbs
    1 Aug - 198.2 lbs
    2 Aug - 198.2 lbs happy I haven’t gained! πŸ™‚
    3 Aug - 197.4 lbs πŸ˜€ wow don’t know how that happened!
    4 Aug - 198.6 lbs 😞 I just feel like I’m on a bungee at the moment!
    5 Aug - 199.6 lbs 😞
    6 Aug - didn’t weigh
    7 Aug - 199 lbs πŸ™‚
    8 Aug - 198.6 lbs πŸ™‚
    9 Aug - 198.6 lbs πŸ™‚ at least it’s not an increase!
    10 Aug - 198.2 lbs πŸ˜€
    11 Aug - 196.4 lbs πŸ˜€ I really don’t know how that happened! Very pleased though!
    12 Aug - 196.8 lbs πŸ˜€ not worried about the small increase, it’s a huge difference since last Monday! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
    13 Aug - 197.6 lbs πŸ˜• not really what I was expecting!
    14 Aug 198.4 lbs 😞😞 here we go again!!
    15 Aug 198.6 lbs 😞
    16 Aug 198.4 lbs πŸ™‚
    17 Aug 198.6 lbs πŸ˜• must try harder!
    18 Aug 198.8 lbs
    19 Aug 198.2 lbs πŸ™‚ ok back to where I started this month! Try again!
    20 Aug 199 4 lbs not sure why this happened !
    21 Aug 200 lbs Absolutely horrified!!!
    22 Aug 199 lbs
    23 Aug 198.8 lbs
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 353 Member
    OK - I am reading another weight loss story "Shift" by Tory Johnson. Reading last night there was one thing that really resonated with me - "this is about me, not my surroundings". I find it so easy to go off my eating plan every time I go to a restaurant, party, vacation. My goal for this weekend is to stay true to myself and my plan not matter where I am or who I am with! Also, journal and count every calorie.

    SW: 184.5
    GW 100 day: 168
    Target Goal: 125 lbs!

    July 8: 184.5
    July 9: 182.4 / more water today!
    July 10: 180.1
    July 11: 181.7
    July 12: 180.7 / very eager to get back in the 170's! More water for real today.
    July 13: 180.7
    July 14: 180.8 / Out to dinner last night so not as bad as I thought. Tomorrow is another day!
    week 1: -3.7lbs

    July 15: 180.1
    July 16: 181 / Didn't count yesterday but today doing better
    July 17: 182.8
    July 18:181.7
    July 19: 180.7
    July 20:180.1
    July 21: 181.3 - Ugh, two days of not journaling and back up!
    July 22; 180.1 - maybe out of 180's tomorrow?
    July 23: 179.7 - yay, finally - not sure I can stay put though!
    July 24: 179.9
    July 25: 177.9 - it is so amazing that when you count calories you lose! I guess it makes sense but still!
    July 26: 179.9 - had guests for dinners so not a great day!
    July 27: 178.8 - leaving for vacation tomorrow and plan on bringing my scale!
    July 28: 178.9 - on vacation
    July 29: 179.8 -on vacation
    July 30: 180.1 - Very discouraged - was away and clearly did not do very well! I am proud that I brought my scale and forced myself to weigh in every day!! First time ever. Back on track today!
    July 31 - 179.9

    Aug 1:: 180.1
    Aug 2:: 181.9
    Aug 3: 181.7
    Aug 4:: 181.7 - I am very frustrated! We had company all weekend and I didnt journal my calories and here I am back in the 180's! UGH. I think I also need to bring my calorie level to 1000 calories per day instead of 1200 per daY. This week I will be at a class but will journal anyway!
    Aug 5 - 9: Weighed in every day - was taking a course all week. Weight fluctuated between 181-182
    Aug. 10: 181.2
    Aug 11: 180.8 - want to get back out of 180's!

    12 Aug - 179.9
    13 Aug - Vacation
    14 Aug - Vacation
    15 Aug - Vacation
    16 Aug - Vacation
    17 Aug - Vacation
    18 Aug - Vacation
    19 Aug - Vacation
    20 Aug - holiday
    21 Aug - holiday
    22 Aug - 181.1
    23Aug - 180
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -
  • mrdengue
    mrdengue Posts: 171 Member
    Starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 11.06
    Goal weight this month 10.13 will be very hard goal
    Target goal weight 9.10

    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August ????
    Anybody like to join in?


    1 Aug - 11.05 good start
    2 Aug - 11.05 Ok with this. Holiday soon. Goal to put no weight on. Is it possible?
    3 Aug - 11.05 no weigh in now for a week.
    4 Aug - no weigh in
    5 Aug - nervous about no weigh in. On holiday but worried about puting on weight.
    6 Aug - holiday
    7 Aug - holiday
    8 Aug - holiday
    9 Aug - holiday
    10 Aug - holiday
    11 Aug - 11.05 delighted no weight gain. Chinese last night too. Think the exercise during the holiday balanced the aditional food. Now to get back on it.
    12 Aug - 11.04. Delighted with this. Body fat percentage is now in normal range. Down 10 % points.
    13 Aug - 11.04. Body fat reading incorrect yesterday. I had been reset has a man. Still down but not so low.
    14 Aug - 11.04 painting the house this week. Muscles are so sore when i wake up.
    15 Aug - 11.04 still painting
    16 Aug - 11.04 painting
    17 Aug - 11.04 rest day
    18 Aug - πŸ˜€ 11.03. Less sore from all the painting.
    19 Aug - 11.03. Back at work. Back on this full time. Holidays over. πŸ™
    20 Aug - 11.03 happy but dont think i will see under 11 stone this month.
    21 Aug - 11.03 need to see 11.02 now
    22 Aug - 11.03 i will see 11.02 in the morning!
    23Aug - 11.03. Getting a bit fed up with this number. Lots of water today.
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -

    It’s coming!!!
  • AbbieOffman
    AbbieOffman Posts: 165 Member
    Starting weight 220.6 (Jan 2019)
    Start weight this month 187.6
    Goal weight this month 182.6
    Target goal weight 160

    I love this!

    I did manage to get down to 185 in July but there was birthday party sabotage :/ So here I go again...


    1 Aug - 187.2 - Just getting back into ketosis after a bad end to July.
    2 Aug - 186.6
    3 Aug - 186
    4 Aug - 184.4 Big drop!!
    5 Aug - 184.6
    6 Aug - 185.4 Here comes the yoyo
    7 Aug - 185.0 Oh...maybe not!
    8 Aug - 183.8 Wooo... Ketones are low, but I did a long fast (till noon) and results!
    9 Aug - 184 Knew this would happen, weighed myself earlier. Still good!
    10 Aug-183.8 Purple ketones this morning - but i ate a bunch of parsnip chips tonight :/
    11 Aug-183.4 Weighed myself earlier to prep for back to work schedule.
    12 Aug-183.4 Even earlier... so good numbers still.
    13 Aug-183.4 As long as the number doesn't go up, its all good....
    14 Aug-184.6 Doh. Evening eating, just sunflower seeds, but that was enough I guess :(
    15 Aug-183.4 Phewf, was worried after the accidental latte...
    16 Aug-184.3
    17 Aug-184.2
    18 Aug-185.8
    19 Aug-184.2 Weekends are the worst for my diet. Consistency is key for me, and the weekend lack of routine (and company) kills that...
    20 Aug-183.4 Third downward Yo on the Yo-Yo :) 1.2 away from my monthly goal!
    21 Aug-183.6
    22 Aug-
    23 Aug-185.2 Diet candy is evil.
  • maxinefurness
    maxinefurness Posts: 318 Member
    Starting weight 12.05
    Start weight this month 11.08
    Goal weight this month 11.00 🀞🏻
    Target goal weight 9.07

    1 Aug - 11st 8lbs
    2 Aug - 11st 7lbs
    3 Aug - holiday
    4 Aug - holiday
    5 Aug - 11st 6lbs
    6 Aug - 11st 6lbs
    7 Aug - 11st 7lbs making bad choices! Still in holiday mode!
    8 Aug - 11st 5lbs πŸ‘πŸ»
    9 Aug - 11st 7lbs πŸ˜’ πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
    10 Aug - 11st 7lbs
    11 Aug - 11st 7lbs
    12 Aug - 11st 8lbs can’t stop eating rubbish food. Need to focus again 😫 HELP!
    13 Aug - 11st 7lbs
    14 Aug - 11st 7lbs
    15 Aug - 11st 7lbs
    16 Aug - 11st 5lbs
    17 Aug - 11st 4lbs
    18 Aug - 11st 5lbs
    19 Aug - holiday
    20 Aug - holiday
    21 Aug - holiday
    22 Aug - 11st 7lbs πŸ™„
    23Aug - 11st 6lbs
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Starting weight 181.1
    Start weight this month 174.9
    Goal weight this month 167
    Target goal weight 154

    1 Aug: 174.9 Had a snack attack after gyrotonic last night (200 cals over), possibly a bit bloated this morning. Guzzling water.
    2 Aug: 174.9 Okay!
    3 Aug: 174.2
    4 Aug: 175.5
    5 Aug: 175.5 Well at least this thread is keeping me logging πŸ˜‰
    6 Aug: [vacation]
    7 Aug: [vacation]
    8 Aug: [vacation]
    9 Aug: 178.2...see vacation days above, hoping to balance out quickly
    10 Aug: 177.1 onward
    11 Aug: 177.1 I am determined to stick with this thread!
    12 Aug: 177.1
    13 Aug: 175.5 nice to be home and back in my routine, it makes such a difference
    14 Aug: 174.5 hey! Summer veggies ftw <3
    15 Aug: 174.5
    16 Aug: 174 lots of socializing this weekend but feeling focused!
    17 Aug: 173.8 counting every increment...
    18 Aug: 174.9 late night, three course meal and wine will do that, I enjoyed it though
    19 Aug: 175
    20 Aug: 174.4 seems unlikely I'll get near goal this month but checking in with this thread is a positive new habit, thanks all :smile:
    21 Aug: 173.4
    22 Aug: 172.5 according to Happy Scale I'm 30% of the way to goal!
    23 Aug: 171.6 but here comes the weekend...
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 753 Member
    edited August 2019
    Start weight this month 121.7kg (268.3lb)
    Goal weight this month 113kg/249lb
    Target goal weight 65kg/143lb

    Loss so far: 3.8kg/8.4lbs
    Height: 168cm (5'6")


    1 Aug -
    2 Aug -
    3 Aug -
    4 Aug -
    5 Aug -
    6 Aug -
    7 Aug -- 121.7kg/268.3lb
    8 Aug -- 120.5kg/265.6lb Guess my body got a shock, huh?!
    9 Aug -- 120.1kg/264.7lb
    10 Aug - 119.9kg/264.3lb
    11 Aug - 119.4kg/263.2lb
    12 Aug - 119.0kg/262.3lb
    13 Aug - 118.7kg/261.6lb
    14 Aug - 118.6kg/261.4lb Still going strong :D
    15 Aug - 118.9kg/262.1lb No idea why the up
    16 Aug - 118.2kg/260.5lb There we are
    17 Aug - 118.3kg/260.8lb
    18 Aug - 117.9kg/259.9lb Hello 117 :D
    19 Aug - 118.4kg/261.0lb Apparently walking 10km did nothing.
    20 Aug - 119.1kg/262.5lb No idea why it’s still going up.
    21 Aug - 118.6kg/261.4lb
    22 Aug - 118.4kg/261.0lb
    23 Aug - 117.9kg/259.9lb Back to where I was until the odd up.
    24 Aug -
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -

  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    USW - 178
    CSW - 142.7
    CGW - 135

    August 14th
    Day 1: 142.7
    Day 2: 142.7
    Day 3: 142.7 I have not even been trying this week. I need to get it together already and lose the last couple of vanity pounds.
    Day 4: 142.1
    Day 5: 144.2
    Day 6: 146.7 father in-law passed away. Bad day alcohol and food wise!
    Day 7: 148.2 geez back at work today and going to try and get back on track
    Day 8: 145.1 water and ate clean yesterday, plus got a great nights sleep
    Day 9: 144.1 going back down slowly. I just want to finish this month where I started at this point
    Day 10: 142.1 and we are back where we started. Uggghh
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:
    Day 15:
    Day 16:
    Day 17:
    Day 18:
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Starting weight 80.4kg
    Start weight this month 80.4kg
    Goal weight this month 76kg
    Target goal weight 60kg


    1 Aug - 80.2kg gotta start somewhere πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    2 Aug - 80.2kg ugh was hoping for a loss, maybe tomorrow
    3 Aug - 79.9kg under 80 woohoo 😊
    4 Aug - 80.0kg spoke too soon 😜
    5 Aug - 80.5kg weekend backlash 😰
    6 Aug - 80.2kg back to the start πŸ™„
    7 Aug - 79.9kg under 80 round 2 πŸ˜‚
    8 Aug - 79.3kg right direction!
    9 Aug - 79.5kg still under 80, all good
    10 Aug - 79.4kg I’m buckling my belt on a smaller hole though so nsv 😊
    11 Aug - 80.2kg too much pasta last night 😳
    12 Aug -
    13 Aug - 80.7kg eating too much crap 😣 now away for a couple of days for work, oh dear πŸ™
    14 Aug -
    15 Aug -
    16 Aug -
    17 Aug -
    18 Aug -
    19 Aug - 79.5kg not too bad for being away πŸ˜ƒ
    20 Aug -
    21 Aug - 78.6kg out of the 79’s πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    22 Aug - 78.0kg woohoo moving in the right direction πŸ‘Œ
    23Aug - 78.2kg not too bad πŸ™‚ now for the weekend 😬
    24 Aug - 78.3kg wrong way!
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -
  • tj3075
    tj3075 Posts: 12 Member
    How do we find our original post to edit it??
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 618 Member
    tj3075 wrote: Β»
    How do we find our original post to edit it??

    You need to keep looking back through the posts to find yours.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 618 Member
    Starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 11.06
    Goal weight this month 10.13 will be very hard goal
    Target goal weight 9.10

    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August ????
    Anybody like to join in?


    1 Aug - 11.05 good start
    2 Aug - 11.05 Ok with this. Holiday soon. Goal to put no weight on. Is it possible?
    3 Aug - 11.05 no weigh in now for a week.
    4 Aug - no weigh in
    5 Aug - nervous about no weigh in. On holiday but worried about puting on weight.
    6 Aug - holiday
    7 Aug - holiday
    8 Aug - holiday
    9 Aug - holiday
    10 Aug - holiday
    11 Aug - 11.05 delighted no weight gain. Chinese last night too. Think the exercise during the holiday balanced the aditional food. Now to get back on it.
    12 Aug - 11.04. Delighted with this. Body fat percentage is now in normal range. Down 10 % points.
    13 Aug - 11.04. Body fat reading incorrect yesterday. I had been reset has a man. Still down but not so low.
    14 Aug - 11.04 painting the house this week. Muscles are so sore when i wake up.
    15 Aug - 11.04 still painting
    16 Aug - 11.04 painting
    17 Aug - 11.04 rest day
    18 Aug - πŸ˜€ 11.03. Less sore from all the painting.
    19 Aug - 11.03. Back at work. Back on this full time. Holidays over. πŸ™
    20 Aug - 11.03 happy but dont think i will see under 11 stone this month.
    21 Aug - 11.03 need to see 11.02 now
    22 Aug - 11.03 i will see 11.02 in the morning!
    23Aug - 11.03. Getting a bit fed up with this number. Lots of water today.
    24 Aug - πŸ˜€ 11.02
    25 Aug -
    26 Aug -
    27 Aug -
    28 Aug -
    29 Aug -
    30 Aug -
    31 Aug -