

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @1948 I think it depends on where the tear is. I think if it's medial it has no vasculality and thus no healing possibility, and can't be operated. Did the knee replacement make it better than before surgery, after tear? I had a youngish friend (mid 40s) who had hip replacement and she was great afterwards, went from hobbling to dancing literally. I'm sorry about the haircut disappointment. I know the feeling. Thank goodness it'll grow quickly, though that doesn't help for now.

    @barbiecat I agree about screens. I find some solace when I can't move too much, but in fact when I was away I only had my cellphone so was reading the paper, and finding offscreen entertainment and activity. thanks for the shout out.

    @TerriRichardson112 did you and your DH have tears, or something else? How has that been?I know zilch about that other than what I've learned over the past 13 days. ok for walking. I bookmarked the site you recommended to look at later.

    @evie1958 I didn't know they had ys in Canada, too, but it's not surprising.thanks for your understanding! wow, what a difference air in the tires makes. so much energy!!

    @pipcd34 Are you doing secret code? Do you want to explain it to us? Thanks!

    @exermom I agree you never know for clothes. there have been some real and fictional stories of people who found they had overdone the Marie-condo-ing. in one fictional series a woman suddenly sold her house without telling her spouse in the movement to get rid of things that didn't spark joy. but on a more common level some say we need those old t shirts etc, for the gym even if they don't spark joy, and given away clothes isn't always used by anyone...yet after 3 years of NEVER having worn that item, I figure it's really time.

    @coastalgosgal it sounds great and full of care and attention

    @b4leaving hi Shanon

    @cityjaneLondon awesome for the lottery! I had a topnotch cleanser a few yers ago, but often they are medium. after a long break (more than a year) I just got another one who's come 2x as I can't keep up. she's clearly doing this temp and not really into it, not very happy (not that pleasant) and not topnotch, but it's better than nothing. she's young and it's clearly stopgap (she said). sounds like a nice balance between you two.

    @Workoutahloic50 I can relate about not having the same energy as 5 10 years ago! maybe you can leave stuff for him to do? a friend did that as a sort of honest "tactic" . she sat on the sofa saying I'm so tired to do the laundry, and he offers to do things, and negotiates to cook dinner on 2 nights a week (and she lets it be just pasta if it hast to be). she says it's not second nature to her but works pretty well when she does it.

    ok I'm running late gonna go out for a coffee w friend
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Part of our kitchen remodel last year resulted in a very nice cabinet for storage. Now we have lots of space. There are several reasons for this besides having a great floor to ceiling cupboard on both sides of the kitchen.
    1. There are only 2 of us.
    2. We eat very few items that come in cans.
    3. There is space in the bathroom and laundry room to store cleaning supplies, paper goods, and some larger items.
    4. We add things to the shopping list as we open the last one.
    5. We have a big freezer.
    6. We eat a lot of the same meals over and over so we don't have a huge variety of foods.
    7. We inventory things often.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    This resonates with me so much!

    I have always had a methodical mind, but a post-WW2 upbringing during rationing in the late 1940s/early 1950s, (where nothing was thrown away), and years of living with a husband and daughters who had inherited his mother's 'out of site, out of mind' mentality, had led to our home being full of disordered cluttered cupboards and drawers.

    We did a kitchen remodel nearly 15 years ago, when I retired. and extended our wall cupboards right up to the ceiling, which increased our kitchen storage by about a third. It didn't take long to fill the extra space. Something had to be done.

    When I decided to get rid of all my excess weight in 2014, I also started to streamline other areas of my life, and got into de-cluttering. I found a website which takes all the hard work out of that process, and embarked on a 365 day Challenge to declutter our whole house. (I'm still working on that 😂!) This is the website:

    When I was downsizing my wardrobe after losing the weight, I discovered Mari Kondo. I have been Kondo-ing ever since. It's an ongoing process, but it helps me get rid of so much of the stuff I have been hoarding 'just in case'. A lot of the clutter isn't even ours. So I have got into the habit of taking my adult daughters little surprise packages of their belongings when I have decluttered an area. They aren't always appreciative! 😂

    ☘️ Terri

    My eldest daughter has been using the Marie Kondo method for almost a year now. It has hurt my decluttering because she refuses to take anything that doesn’t bring her happiness. I’m proud of her though as she has always been a clutterbug and this has taken a lot of mental work in her part.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    RV Rita way to go!!

    Found out why men are hungry with our plate sizes. Man same height y weight as you needs 200cal more now if hubby taller than you it’s more than that! Also learned every few years my calorie calculator shows my calories need to be less. Not fair but so does a mans. Getting old sucks lol . So calculate every family members to see what portion size they need compared to you. Shows Daughter who’s building muscles y young can eat enough calories to make us all jealous 2117cal lucky duck she is. JR he’s slightly higher than mine. 1350 to maintain y 1400calories to gain which keeps him at his 35-40lb yo-yo weight area.That’s only because he’s past 4ft tall. Me 1,172 to loose but got mine set at 1200 so if I leave a few calories doesn’t matter. Shows hubby at 3,818 cal to extreme weight loss to 4,318cal for regular weight loss. Lol so in short your family gets 2 steaks 🥩 you get 4oz if one lol 😂. Until your Daughter pass the dreaded age like we did! Then they’ll be in our boat too. Every few years my calories go down on the calculator until 80 then it shows maintain guess they figure you can party after 80! Woohoo hurry up 80 I want pie!
    Amber Tx

    My Husband hears me go from giggly bubbly bouncy to grumpy grouchy y pot clanging while growling he tells me to stop 🛑 cleaning or anything shoves me in a shower takes JR lol. Lol I just agggghhhh bath 🛀! Lol 😂 I’m like a grumpy old bear 🐻 who loves its wading pool lol. He yells order pizza!!! Lol 😆 then I think am I really this bad? Yes yes I am after toddler melt downs a few weeks to trying to balance everything. I get that moment always during a period ,hot flash city days,or ovulating time of the month! So seems to be tied to hormones don’t tell the Men!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    Adding to the coelius show. This is from one plant. I pinch them back as they start to grow so it fills out.


    Margaret, does pinching back work with all plants? I have the ugliest plant in my living room and I’m ready to throw it out. It’s green leaves with little pink dots on it. It has long stems that are quite woody with leaves only at the top. If pinching back would work to make it bushier I might be inclined to keep it, but I’m not at all sure how to even go about it. Can you tell I’m not a gardener? 🙂
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    b4leaving wrote: »
    happy Anniversary, Machka - that cat cafe looks fun!

    I was just sitting here reading about everyone's various projects, pantries, decluttering, etc. My current project is finding all my photos (from when we actually printed those things), then editing (ie: throwing away some), sorting by approximate date -- all in order to send them off to be scanned. I am SO HAPPY to have found a scanning service; you pay a flat fee, they send you a prepaid box to put a maximum number of photos in, you send it in the post and they return it to you in a couple weeks. I didn't think this would be so emotional. I am dealing with photos of people I have cut out of my life (abuse, divorce, toxic relationships) and I guess I just didn't think of that. I sorta thought it would be nostalgic and fun. In any case, it's been interesting and I can't do it for long periods because I become morose. But after "editing" (ie. throwing away) various photos, it's actually very freeing, too. After starting out doing it for a couple hours, I am down to doing it for 10 minutes at a time. It is great to split up a task in minutes. As someone said, it is amazing what you can get done in that short a time -- and best of all, it doesn't seem as overwhelming.

    Having a good Sunday morning here, although I sure was up early. Hydro went off at 5:20am for scheduled maintenance and it woke me up and kept me up, as my sound machine stopped. I'm going to have to take a nap at some point today. I'll never make it to my normal bedtime. Have a great Sunday, ladies!

    -Shannon in Ontario Canada

    What service is that Shannon?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited August 2019
    Carol - Editing a book and getting it print ready is quite an operation and I need a decent programme . I have Googled and found out I can transfer my old 2003 if I take it off my old laptop. Definitely don't want to do that. :noway:
    I think I can buy one outright. Will have to take the money out of savings. I can't do a monthly pay as I don't have much income. What a pain. If I didn't need Word for my book I would just abandon it. I can't even claim it off tax as I don't earn enough to pay tax.
    Why do those b....... have to make life so difficult? I do NOT need a quarter of the bells and whistles they try to get you to use. It's a bombardment. For everyday use my Android tablet is great. Maybe I'll just get my old laptop cleaned. It is super slow with loads of glitches. :s Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Bananas - Most of the time we shuffle along very well. :D Occasionally we rub each other up the wrong way. We met on line 16 years ago and will have been married 15 years this November. Best thing I ever did. We both prize our independence, but love each other's company.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,101 Member
    Heather, you might look at Scrivener for writing software. I believe it's cheaper than Word and has some better features for writing books. It takes a bit of setting up though. Kind of like an index card and notebook system; you have to decide for yourself how to organize the text, but then it's easy to move around sections.
    Annie in Delaware
  • GoGoGirl1111
    GoGoGirl1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hi, I am really struggling to log every day, I am struggling to make a plan for myself for the day for the week, and I’m struggling to stick to any plans since I haven’t really made a super good plan in the first place. I could use a little extra motivation on how you go about making your eating plan for the day and week to make sure you get your nutrients. Do you plan out a perfect day and then try to follow something similar to that every day? Do you plan out a week of what y’all and we are basically? Are you conscious and checking in every two hours and logging everything you eat to make sure you’re staying in track and then making decisions as you go during the day? Or are you planning your day and your week in advance and then just following the plan?

    I eat basically the same things every day, so I go in and prelog my week.

    Then if I make some changes, it's just one or two things.

    M in Oz

    I do the same daily. I log my eating diary in the morning with a menu and stay with it during the day. If it changes it would be just one thing... I find that keeps me motivated .. / Dea for Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Dea OZ- That’s a good idea! I find if I meal plan in the morning I know my food mood so do the same pre log my snack for the end of the day (So I don’t use those calories up lol need my 70cal sugar free Dryers ice cream or 40cal popsicle brand sugar free’ pops y granola or cereal 🥣) I also prelog Brunch. If I can Dinner but that one always changes it seems (I made enough for Dinner too but Hubby liked it so much lol none left).

    I used to be a professional cleaner had so many jobs in a day exhausted was my name lol. You learn tricks to keep going so you can hit what needs it more! I passed white glove to swan tests lol was only one who could because I knew what’s important!
    1.Can’t skip toilets 🚽 or microwaves
    2.Can’t skip dishes but can personal them while you work! So easier time to scrub! I wash after every meal never end of day!
    3.Coffee pots can run vinegar through while you clean them use it for toilet scrubbing or kitchen sink cleaning! Or in other pots/pans that have stuck on grease y mess!
    4.kitchen counters spot clean all day but go over all of them once after Dinner to get it all!
    5. Vacuum only dirty rooms no need to vacuum a good looking one! Can use vacuum still plugged in on tile floors to get some hair y stuff up as you go.
    6. Sweep areas you see big stuff like under kitchen counters,in front of refrigerator,y doorways,y snaking couch 🛋,every meal the dinner table! But clean counter y table first so crumbs are on floor.
    7. Mop where needed only rest is fine. Can seal with wax cleaner after so it’s easier for weeks.
    8. Laundry 🧺 can run while you work stick it on dryer as you go into a basket (unless your a no wrinkle person) then hang up as you go a few at a time.
    9. Clean faucets once every couple days.
    10. Once a month hit things you want to tackle from ceiling fans (before sweeping y mopping) to organizing something.
    11. Beds made or not doesn’t matter unless visitors are coming.
    12. Kids messes save for end of day clean once before bed!

    Hubby y me realized everything we eats fiber ridden! We’re loosing weight because we’re always on the pot! Good news is no constipation even if we want it lol.
    Amber Tx
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    Bananas - Most of the time we shuffle along very well. :D Occasionally we rub each other up the wrong way. We met on line 16 years ago and will have been married 15 years this November. Best thing I ever did. We both prize our independence, but love each other's company.

    that's so nice to read!
  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member

    What service is that Shannon?

    Tracey - the one I am using is www.photoscanning.ca (it's Canadian, so it could work for you too!) I got an "EZBox", 1250 scans $149 (300 dpi) or $249 (600 dpi).

  • b4leaving
    b4leaving Posts: 90 Member
    . I'm not going to pay monthly for something fancy. I only bought it to type out my memoir as my old steam driven laptop was driving me crazy.
    Heather - you can get LibreOffice software. It is free and it will read all your old Word/Excel/etc files and I believe all the commands are the same. Good luck!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) I read Marie Kondo's book and watched her show on Netflix. I also read lots of other books on organization, decluttering, and minimalism. I found something that works for me that is mixture of parts of all the things I read. One book I read was written by a man who had so few items in his home that he could live in an apartment about the size of an ordinary motel room and when he moved to a new place could pack everything he owned including furniture into his car. I looked for principles that would work for me. The best book I read was "Outer Order, Inner Calm" by Gretchen Rubin. This book is a gathering of great principles and practices from many other books.

    :)bananasandoranges, Last year when I had to spend almost all day lying down for a month because of a compression fracture in my spine, I read tons of e books and listened to a lot of audio books and podcasts. I just don't want to be at the computer when I could be walking, dancing, riding my exercise bike, or moving about in the house. Screens are wonderful for people who are confined to sitting or lying down for long periods.

    :) Jake's bread with chopped pecans turned out great. I don't know yet, how to log it in my food diary, but I know that I'd better be extra active today because of it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,328 Member
    edited August 2019
    :) Jake's bread with chopped pecans turned out great. I don't know yet, how to log it in my food diary, but I know that I'd better be extra active today because of it.
    I entered my bread recipe in the MFP recipe builder, with the number of slices I can cut as helpings. Then it’s easy to log the number of helpings you eat.
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hi, I am really struggling to log every day, I am struggling to make a plan for myself for the day for the week, and I’m struggling to stick to any plans since I haven’t really made a super good plan in the first place. I could use a little extra motivation on how you go about making your eating plan for the day and week to make sure you get your nutrients. Do you plan out a perfect day and then try to follow something similar to that every day? Do you plan out a week of what y’all and we are basically? Are you conscious and checking in every two hours and logging everything you eat to make sure you’re staying in track and then making decisions as you go during the day? Or are you planning your day and your week in advance and then just following the plan?

    I eat basically the same things every day, so I go in and prelog my week.

    Then if I make some changes, it's just one or two things.

    M in Oz

    I do the same daily. I log my eating diary in the morning with a menu and stay with it during the day. If it changes it would be just one thing... I find that keeps me motivated .. / Dea for Oz

    We eat similar things on specific days, so I usually copy most of my daily logs to the next week. Eg, I copied today’s log to next Sunday. Then next week I will make small adjustments, (like a different meat roast for Next Sunday)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    @1948 I think it depends on where the tear is. I think if it's medial it has no vasculality and thus no healing possibility, and can't be operated. Did the knee replacement make it better than before surgery, after tear? I had a youngish friend (mid 40s) who had hip replacement and she was great afterwards, went from hobbling to dancing literally. I'm sorry about the haircut disappointment. I know the feeling. Thank goodness it'll grow quickly, though that doesn't help for now.

    @barbiecat I agree about screens. I find some solace when I can't move too much, but in fact when I was away I only had my cellphone so was reading the paper, and finding offscreen entertainment and activity. thanks for the shout out.

    @TerriRichardson112 did you and your DH have tears, or something else? How has that been?I know zilch about that other than what I've learned over the past 13 days. ok for walking. I bookmarked the site you recommended to look at later.

    @evie1958 I didn't know they had ys in Canada, too, but it's not surprising.thanks for your understanding! wow, what a difference air in the tires makes. so much energy!!

    @pipcd34 Are you doing secret code? Do you want to explain it to us? Thanks!

    @exermom I agree you never know for clothes. there have been some real and fictional stories of people who found they had overdone the Marie-condo-ing. in one fictional series a woman suddenly sold her house without telling her spouse in the movement to get rid of things that didn't spark joy. but on a more common level some say we need those old t shirts etc, for the gym even if they don't spark joy, and given away clothes isn't always used by anyone...yet after 3 years of NEVER having worn that item, I figure it's really time.

    @coastalgosgal it sounds great and full of care and attention

    @b4leaving hi Shanon

    @cityjaneLondon awesome for the lottery! I had a topnotch cleanser a few yers ago, but often they are medium. after a long break (more than a year) I just got another one who's come 2x as I can't keep up. she's clearly doing this temp and not really into it, not very happy (not that pleasant) and not topnotch, but it's better than nothing. she's young and it's clearly stopgap (she said). sounds like a nice balance between you two.

    @Workoutahloic50 I can relate about not having the same energy as 5 10 years ago! maybe you can leave stuff for him to do? a friend did that as a sort of honest "tactic" . she sat on the sofa saying I'm so tired to do the laundry, and he offers to do things, and negotiates to cook dinner on 2 nights a week (and she lets it be just pasta if it hast to be). she says it's not second nature to her but works pretty well when she does it.

    ok I'm running late gonna go out for a coffee w friend

    no secret. just marking my spot where I left off lmao!!!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Dana ~ Great to hear from you! Did your daughter get her house repaired yet. My in-laws had a house in PC about a block from the beach. I always wonder what happened to it after the storm.

    Carol in GA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Carol – sorry to hear about the cut , but from the profile pic it looks good. *ok now seen the other pic. It is shorter than you are use to, but it will grow! And here’s the flip - This is a great time to wear earrings and show off any you don’t usually wear!

    Machka – a bit late but happy anniversary!

    Julie – I had an ACL and meniscus tear – while mine required major surgery (I’m the proud owner of a knee with 16 screws ) in addition to taking it at your pace, is do exercises that strengthen the muscles that support the knee area – those on the inside and on the outside of your leg.

    Heather – additional freezer space for “staging” future entertaining and meals is exactly the right usage in my mind. It keeps the day of the event simple and more enjoyable.

    Rori – glad your DB is doing well.

    Kim from N. California