Gryffindor Common Room



  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Happy Monday everyone :)

    I do believe this is weigh in day! And it is my first so I am very excited! As far as the challenge went (jumping jacks), I may have been a little to optimistic promising to do 5 minutes each day (350 jacks) so I didnt quite make that but I did indeed complete 150 so that adds up to a total of 30 house points I think?

    SW - 179
    CW - 154.2 (down 1.4lbs from last weigh in!)
    GW Sept 1st - 154
    GW Oct 1st - 150

    Hope everyones doing great and cant wait to hear this weeks challenge :bigsmile:

    Do you get 5 points for each day you do 25 or more or 5 points for each 25? I am new here and still trying to figure it out.
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Yes, post the House Points (30 max) with your weight on Monday. So if you set yourself that 350 goal, you can give yourself 30 points. If you change your mind, but do at least 150, you can still give yourself 30 points. Make sense?

    This post might help make it clearer for you. So you earn 5 points for each 25 completed :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Yes, post the House Points (30 max) with your weight on Monday. So if you set yourself that 350 goal, you can give yourself 30 points. If you change your mind, but do at least 150, you can still give yourself 30 points. Make sense?

    This post might help make it clearer for you. So you earn 5 points for each 25 completed :)

    Yes, up to 30 points max for the week. We're still working out the bugs to the House Points, so no worries :)
  • Week 5- Same
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I think I was 213.25 last week, and this week I am 212, so 1.25 lbs lost for me. I missed the challenge last week, but if we're still doing the rainbow meal challenge, I got 5 pts last week, and about 3 for the water challenge. I'll try to check in this week to see what the current challenge is.
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Morning housemates :D I'm ashamed to say that I didn't do any jumping jacks (NOT good for my back :P), BUT I lost weight!

    Last Monday: 169.2lbs (sorry, I was looking at the wrong day when I previously quoted 168.0lbs; that was Tuesday :P)
    Today: 165.4lbs! That's a 3.8lbs loss!!!
    Sept 1 GW: 166lbs
    Oct 1 GW: 160lbs
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Pah! No change this week!

    I can't wait to go back to work next Monday, I need routine!!!1

  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i so kicked *kitten* this week.

    start......... w 33 h 38 b 40
    aug 29.... w 32 h 35 b 36 1/2

    woo hoo

    also got all my jumping jacks in for tuesday thru sunday plus a few extra!!! thats 30 house points for me YAY!!!
  • Good Monday to all. I am not quite sure how the jumping jacks are totaled. Does it matter if I did the total for the week in the last 2 days of the week, that is when I started the challenge. I did the total of 25 for Sat = 5 pts then on Sunday I did 5 sets of 25 = 125 for a weekly total of 30. Or does it go by day only so I have 2 days at 25ea for a week total of 10??

    I am not sure but I remember something about a water challenge? Is this still going?

    Thanks I am working on the scale issue.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Not a good week for me, I put on 0.3lb (though it must surely be water retention) and only managed jumping jacks on three days, which is 15 house points.

    Start of September 127
    Start of October 124

    25th July 130
    1st August 129.5
    10th August 128.5
    15th August 127.9
    22nd August 127
    29th August 127.3
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    My new weight is 186! Down .8, not as exciting as last week, but still something! I went to the state fair this week and didn't eat the greatest there (oops!),so I am happy I lost something! must admit, I did not do any of the jumping jacks. :( I did my normal workouts (classes at the gym) that had jumping jacks in them, but I did not go above and beyond to do any extra! Too tired and sore!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Not good - current weight 176.5, that's a .5 gain. Hoping it's sodium from the Thai food I ate, but maybe not. Looks like I won't be meeting my Sept 1 goal, sigh.

    House points: depends. At least 15. If I can count the jumping jacks I did for 30DS then it's 30 points, but I don't know if that's fair.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    Hey, Gryffindors! It's good to see all of you working so hard! You make me proud to be a Lion :)

    A lot of you have probably already seen it, but in case you haven't, we're starting a new, 4 week long, Inter-House Challenge next week. We'll start a new one every month until people lose too much interest, too. Here's the link to The Great Hall:

    Bump or bookmark that because that's where the Inter-House challenges and results and rules and all that important stuff will show up! Also, I'm going to be posting a blog with all the important information that you can always refer back to, so keep your eye out for that, too (signature badges will also be coming your way for lots of fun things by the end of the week)! And as always, I'll do my best to keep you all posted in case life gets busy!

    We're going to be changing things a tiny bit to accommodate all four Houses competing together, so each House can also make their own decisions from week to week. The Inter-House challenge will be a 2 part thing, minutes of exercise and percentage of weight lost. We will still have food and exercise challenges each week as a House (separate from the whole school).

    Here's where things get a little tricky: We will still earn House Points, but they will be earned for minutes of exercise (for every House). 1 House Point (HP) for every minute exercised. The HPs will decide which House wins the House Cup at the end of the 4 weeks, and the 2 people out of all the Houses with the highest individual HPs will be Head Boy/Girl. More on that by the end of the week!

    Percentage of weight lost will be calculated as a whole House and at the end of each week the House with the highest overall percentage wins that week's Quidditch Match. At the end of the 4 weeks, the House with the highest overall percentage win's the Quidditch Cup! Since the other Houses weigh in at slightly different times during the week, we're going to say you can weigh in (also report your House Points and NEWTs/OWLs) ANY TIME from Friday to the end of Monday every week of the challenge (starting this Friday 9/2), so Heads of House can have their numbers by Wednesdays and the results for the week can be posted by Fridays and we start again :)

    As Gryffindor House, we will still award Prefects each week based on food and exercise challenges separate from the minutes exercised. To add a bit of extra geeky, the food challenges will now be called NEWTs and the exercise challenges will now be called OWLs. They are worth the same amount, just named to be geeky :) These points are how I will choose Prefects from now on.

    *****Ok, now for THIS WEEK'S OWLs/NEWTs!

    NEWT (aka Food Challenge): Eat at least a serving of veggies with 3 of your meals per day.

    This could be an omelet with some spinach mushroom and tomato, a salad at lunch, some carrots or broccoli as a snack, and some green beans with your dinner, or ANY variations in between. You just need to have veggies at 3 different times during each day this week. (1 point per meal w/veggie, but aim for at least 3 per day as much as possible)

    OWL (aka Exercise Challenge): 60 Cross Over Crunches (

    I stole these from another challenge I'm in, and I never got around to doing them, so let's do it together! This works out to 10 per day (Tuesday - Sunday). You get 5 points for every 10 you do (up to the total 60, so 30 points total), and 1 point for every 2 crunches if you don't do the full 10 each day. If you need to double up on some days to get them in, that's totally fine! Just aim for 60 total by the time you check in each week. If you can do more, challenge yourself. If you can't do 60, pick a lower number and push to meet it!

    Don't hesitate to ask me questions, and keep your eyes peeled for the Inter-House Challenge updates by the end of this week!

    Good luck, Lions! Let's kill it!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Not good - current weight 176.5, that's a .5 gain. Hoping it's sodium from the Thai food I ate, but maybe not. Looks like I won't be meeting my Sept 1 goal, sigh.

    House points: depends. At least 15. If I can count the jumping jacks I did for 30DS then it's 30 points, but I don't know if that's fair.

    I don't have a problem with counting those :)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    *answered my own question :)
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Hi guys! Looking forward to the Inter-House challenges! :) Here's my weigh-in.

    SW: 154.2
    GW Sept 1: 151
    GW Oct 1: 145
    Week 2: 157.6
    Week 3: 155.2
    Week 4: 157
    Week 5: 158

    :( Think it's safe to say I won't be meeting my first goal. Also, I did 3 days of the 25 jumping jacks, but reading through everyone's posts, I'm a little confused about what point value that works out to. :blushing:

    Hope everyone has a good week! Looking forward to the OWLs and NEWTs!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi guys! Looking forward to the Inter-House challenges! :) Here's my weigh-in.

    SW: 154.2
    GW Sept 1: 151
    GW Oct 1: 145
    Week 2: 157.6
    Week 3: 155.2
    Week 4: 157
    Week 5: 158

    :( Think it's safe to say I won't be meeting my first goal. Also, I did 3 days of the 25 jumping jacks, but reading through everyone's posts, I'm a little confused about what point value that works out to. :blushing:

    Hope everyone has a good week! Looking forward to the OWLs and NEWTs!

    If you did exactly 25 on those 3 days, then 5 points for each 25 = 15 points! Way to go!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks for all the work you're doing, bronwen!!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    No change for me (and my scale broke this morning) :sad:
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    what do we log our cross over crunches as?
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