What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • mrsjar5311
    mrsjar5311 Posts: 514 Member
    40 minutes weight training - 30 minutes to walk to the gym and 30 minutes to walk back to the office
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    My Indoor Rowing Club's CTC offering for this month. 1800m, 3 minutes rest, 1200m, 3 rest then 1800m again. Nice prep for the interclub 5K too.

    Back is OK after, which is good and I'm just going at these in workman like fashion so that's good too. Shows while I'm still recovering, I'm getting used to harder work again.

    This is a full 8 or 9 seconds off what would be a great pace for me just 18 months ago but I'll take it right now.

  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Thursday, the new Monday.

    Day 4 of my new workout schedule.

    30min with trainer, trx and shuttle runs. Exercises included squat jumps, chest press, side lunges, rows, hip drops and single leg burpees.

    5/3/1 cycle 4 week 3 squats
    Followed by a few deadlifts.
    Started light,

    1.9mile run on treadmill

    Tabata class - 30min of hell

    45min barbell
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,029 Member
    2 hours bouldering. A very fun session. I got 2 new routes. I got a lot higher on two of my projects - I am 1 hold away on on of them now. I got half way up a difficult one (only graded V3, but the grades are hard at this gym.)
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    It was my "next steps" day; 35 minutes of calesthenics, 20 minutes pedaling all in warm water pool (92-93°) which incredibly feels cool after 10 minutes in 102° hot tub 🤣
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    9/5/2019 - mid-afternoon at hotel gym, 107F degrees outside.

    #1 - KB snatch R x 5 plus L x 5 with 16kg KB then pushups x 5 every 1:30 - completed 20 rounds in 29:10 - average HR = 124 bpm (69 percent) maximum HR = 143 bpm (79 percent) total 239 calories.

    #2 - treadmill walk 4.0 mph for 3:00 warmup - run 0.25 mile walk 0.10 mile recovery at 4.0 mph for 5 rounds - run pace mph = 7.5, 7.7, 7.9, 8.1 and 7.5 - 1.75 miles in 16:57 - all at 1 percent incline - average HR = 144 bpm (80 percent) maximum HR = 160 bpm (89 percent) total 178 calories.

    Later - swim and splash with grandsons in hotel pool.

  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Friday - yayday

    1hr personal training, a kind of hill sprint/fartlek hybrid, including a hill that I call my nemesis. Just over 4 very hard miles.

    45min total body conditioning - lots of weighted exercises
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    edited September 2019
    5 Tibetan Rites (9 rounds each rite working towards 21)
    Hatha Sun Salutation - 5 Rounds
    Handstand Pushup - GTG
    *On a Yoga Block
    5 x 3 (15)
    Pull-ups - GTG
    5 x 6 (30)
    Cossack Squat - GTG
    *With 10lbs Medicine Ball
    5 x 8 (40)

    Hip Hugger - - 3 x 8 @Purple Band
    Standing Overhead Press - 3 x 8 @Purple & Blue Band
    Rear Lateral - 3 x 8 @Green Band
    Side Lateral - 3 x 8 @Green Band

  • liaoverbrook
    liaoverbrook Posts: 108 Member
    hopefully going to get to my LBT class after getting my nails done but if not i'll be an hour w/ a 10 minute incline walk on the treadmill, ten minutes running then weights :)
  • Livhere
    Livhere Posts: 141 Member
    I did some strength training on my arms & chest today & a bit of cardio by speed walking on the treadmill. Now I got to go figure out what I'm doing for breakfast 😅
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Had a 30 minute session with my trainer this morning. Fridays are my easy day so nothing too strenuous, mountain climbers, wall sits, tricep dips, seated rows and leg extensions. She also stretched my legs out for a few minutes. Afterwards I took my dog for a 25 minute walk. So glad to have her home! Hoping to do some more walking and stretching after work.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    90 min doing a TrainerRoad workout (Baxter) with Zwift and Netflix on in the background. That ends week 1 of 6 of TR's low volume sweet spot base plan (part 1).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    The usual Friday 7k row in the double. The only novelty was that for the first time in a long while, we experimentally threw in a few power pieces (increased boat speed by applying more power), rather than doing all steady state.

    This has been an unusually steady-state on-water season; usually we mix it up more. Between my knee issues (which led to a full exercise hiatus for a few weeks over the Winter), then recent rib injury, and my most frequent double partner's hip compromises (pre- and post-hip replacement, which was on 7/1/2019), we've been excessively cautious.

    It went OK, at the time. If it settles in OK, we'll be adding more intensity more often. I'm more the problem than she is: She's the most amazingly ready to roll person. Today, she was all "yay, power pieces!" I wanna be like her when I'm 73, but I'm not too optimistic. :lol:
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    All of you guys are doing great! Just some easier work today for me. Was supposed to be 2 X 27 minutes in the Indoor rower. First half went fantastic -- 19 SPM felt easy so I just settled in there. DF (drag factor) nice and low - 87 or so. 2:26 pace for 27 minutes. Then during my second set, the wife brought my son's dog home from the Groomer (we're watching him for a few months while my son settles down from his move to San Diego) and all hell broke loose in my workout room, which I share with our three dogs -- normally very calm in their crates and happy to be in there. When Floyd came home, all the rest went nuts. Aborted the second set after 15 minutes and just was content to finish on the AirDyne Pro. All easy work. Actually felt all surprisingly easy after yesterday's hard row. That's encouraging but it might be because I took some days off last week made me feel fresher than normal on a Friday.

    Tomorrow, off day! Just walk the puppies and clean the pool and grocery shop.
  • todds404
    todds404 Posts: 16 Member
    I did a combination of bench dips, push-ups, pull-ups, and shoulder flies. It was a instense! Found it here: https://noobgains.com/tom-hardy-warrior-workout/

    Got excited cause Tom Hardy did it for his Warrior movie. I'd give my left arm to look like him :/
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    BodyCombat class. And now my arms are falling off.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    ...which made this morning's BodyPump class fun AND NO MISTAKE. BodyBalance to follow. And then a high probability of cake for lunch. If I can still lift a fork.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    Missed a couple of workouts due to a family medical emergency this week:( Did have a good sprinting workout with my son on Thursday. He’s devised “punishments” for the loser of each race (e.g. having to roll across our yard, 10 seconds of tickles). Definitely makes things interesting!
    Will finally get to my Krav class this morning.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    No bootcamp.today so I went to parkrun with a friend. At the last minute we decided to try the newer, tougher, trail parkrun.really enjoyed it, although 5k still isn't my distance. Feels like I'm just settling in and it's time for the sprint finish.
  • Livhere
    Livhere Posts: 141 Member
    jnomadica wrote: »
    Missed a couple of workouts due to a family medical emergency this week:( Did have a good sprinting workout with my son on Thursday. He’s devised “punishments” for the loser of each race (e.g. having to roll across our yard, 10 seconds of tickles). Definitely makes things interesting!
    Will finally get to my Krav class this morning.

    Hope everything is okay!