The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    What gives?!?!?!? stayed the same AGAIN!! - 173.7!
  • Hi All! Ran late this morning as well and will post tomorrow's weigh-in. Weekends are hard to stick to diet plans... I did work out though, so we shall see! Planning two workouts today and lots of water then crossing my fingers for a loss!
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    So I had a fun weekend and I ate pretty much anything that wasn't moving. Back on track this morning!

    My weigh in this morning was 179.4.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    1 lb down this week...
    152 today :smile:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Im still the same. this sunday Im going to get/barrow a tv so that I can weigh my self with the wii!!! I dont like the scale Ive been using vary mush because it not that accurate. Im going to do my best for the rest of the week. Today I went over on my calories :-( and I dont want to workout(p90x) but Im going to any way. This is week 5!! I all ready went for a walk and jog/walk on my treadmill. 2 miles at 15min each mile. Bad bad bad. Guess I just wasnt feeling it today.
    *Mandi great job on the 1lb loss!! How are you doing in florida ? Did the hurricane affect you?
    *Rebeccasluckydu glad you had a great weekend :-)
    *Erica ,alibreasy and crikee15 best wishes for weigh in
    *MamaDee check your measurments
    *Kendra That is so cool!!! your doing awesome!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey girls!

    I cannot believe how volatile the number on the scale has been in the past few weeks. Back up to 170.6 today :noway: HOWEVER! Body fat % is down another percent, muscle % is up, AND my mum told me she could see I was getting smaller. My mum is always so tough on me and getting a compliment from her is a mahoussive NSV.

    I had a great weekend at home! So nice to spend some more time with my family. Had some great food, went sailing for a day, walks on the beach and even went for a nice long run along the beach, very enjoyable.

    Congrats on all your weigh-ins, it sounds like you've been doing fab!

    :flowerforyou: Kendra, great job on another 5K! Running in the heat does take some getting used to, try switching up your training times e.g. run in the afternoon on weekends to prepare for it!
    :flowerforyou: Alyshe, you've been working hard, I'm sure it will pay off!
    :flowerforyou: MamaDee, I know how frustrating it is when the number on the scale doesn't follow. Alyshe is right - check your measurements, you may be in for a great surprise!
    :flowerforyou: Kim, congrats on the NSV!
    :flowerforyou: Jamie, hang in there! I'm in the same boat. We can do this!
    :flowerforyou: Mandie is doing it again, great work girl. Hope Irene stayed far away from you!

    And best of luck for the girlies weighing in today, chart will go up tomorrow!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hi Joni!!!

    I was suppose to weigh in yesterday, but I had forgoten my pass for the gym at my work where I weight in all the time, so I went this morning and I'm at 263 lbs today, so 1 lb lost. Surprising for being on vacation all week!

    I had a very wet and cold week at camp last week. Lots of Thunderstorms Sunday the 21st (5 back to back), rain on Monady and a massive (very scary) thunderstorm on Wednesday night...not the best vacation of the year. I'll have to remember next summer not to take vacation at the end of August.

    Anyway, I'm back at work, back on good food and back to the gym!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member I made a goal for Monday....159.8. I am so sick of being in the 160s and working so hard just to not loose anything....what the heck?! So I planned out my workouts today between my school and work schedule and REALLY hope I can stick to it. I have class this morning but after I get done and home for lunch, I am going to head to the gym for some cardio and then home for the 30 Day Shred. Staying on track eating wise too. I've gotta get that scale to move! ugh!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Thanks girls! Irene stayed away from us. All we got was a day of rain and a bit of wind; it pretty much flew on past Florida as it rushed up to the Carolinas.

    I hope that I can stay on track this week as it is my awesome week off again!!! (I work 3 weeks straight 24-7 and then have 1 full week off) I struggle with eating while we're on respite because it's so much more fun to watch movies and go to the beach with a bunch of goodies :blushing: I am going to make sure that we go for lots of walks and swim to make up for the treats that I do have so that hopefully when I get back next monday the scale will have stayed in relatively the same spot. I realized that I lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks and that was probably mostly due to stress because I was so overwhelmed and either didn't have time to eat or didn't feel like eating. I need to remember to EAT during my time at work and NOT EAT so much when i'm on break...haha one of these days i'll get it right. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318 I made a goal for Monday....159.8. I am so sick of being in the 160s and working so hard just to not loose anything....what the heck?! So I planned out my workouts today between my school and work schedule and REALLY hope I can stick to it. I have class this morning but after I get done and home for lunch, I am going to head to the gym for some cardio and then home for the 30 Day Shred. Staying on track eating wise too. I've gotta get that scale to move! ugh!
    Jamie I will make it my personal goal to cheer you on every day so that you go and nail the 150's!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey Ladies! Congrats on your losses and your NSV Joni! I weighed in this morning at 186.8, which is .4 higher than last week, but i lost traded fat for muscle tone in my calves (I didn't know I had any fat left there, but now my muscles are sticking out, haha). My original goal for Labor Day was 180, but I think I'm going to adjust it to 185. I have to figure out why I'm not losing more, even though I eat relatively healthy. Debating if I need to up my number of workouts this week, but I dislike the idea of not having a recovery between each workout, let me know what you guys think. Oh, and thanks for all of the comments on my status, I feel really encouraged knowing you guys are here with me =D Have an awesome day girls!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Okay everyone, I weighed in this morning sorry for the late delay. Its 9:43am (pacific time) where I am. I had a bunch of running around to do this morning for kids and work. Here are my results

    Last week: 216
    This week: 214 :-)
    I lost 2 pounds! Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Getting closer to wonderland!

    Hope everyone else is doing great...let's kick next weeks butt. Even though I think TOM will be here for me. I think with lots of water an continued exercise and less sodium I can keep up ;-)

    Blessings to you all,
    Alicia (Alibreasy)
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    When I add more exercise to my weekly regime, it is always a win-win on the scale the following week...Like this past week.Saturday, I did Zumba that morning and then cleaned my house, then Sunday morning I got up and walked with a friend of mine a hill that goes straight up almost 2 miles, then Monday night I did Zumba (and the teacher is this 21 year bundle of energy, woot-woot). Not to mention other workouts during the week. The prior week I didnt lose anything and I only worked out two now I know I gotta keep that cardio, circuit training up :-) Try it and see how it goes.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318

    Lots of green this week, well done girls! Next week I'll be up there with you!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Everyone is doing so well - keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Well it is OFFICIAL, I have finally completed C25K. Had to deal with some rain, gumbo, Paden misbehaving - considered going home and going back to bed but wouldn't let myself and finished instead. It feels so good to have finished something especially running, something that I never thought I would ever complete. It is a good day for me today, even though my running conditions weren't the best.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Congratulations Kendra!! Are there any plans to run in a 5K race in the near future?
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    And way to push through everything going against you!
  • I saw a really nice number on the scale this morning, please please please stay with me until Monday!

    Any nice plans for the weekend ladies? I'm at home this weekend and I'm going to take advantage of that to go through my closet and throw out my fat clothes. I won't need them anymore because I won't ever allow myself to go back there. And I need to find some space for my new skinny clothes :smile:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Good Morning Ladies and TGIF - YEAH FOR 3 DAYS OFF!!!

    crikee15 - Thanx!! I have actually already completed 3 5K's this year, one in June, July and one just this past Sunday and I have already signed up for a 5K in every month left this year and one in Jan next year. Now that I am kinda a runner I want to do a 5K every month of the year that is my goal anyways and I really look forward to those races. When I first started the program I hated it, I hated running, I hated going out and doing it - my opinion of it has changed and now I enjoy going out for a run and I am very glad that I pushed myself to do the program and finish it even though it took me a bit longer than it should have. I would recommend the program to anyone who was interested in adding running into their exercise program.

    Joni - cleaning out your closest sounds like so much fun, I have been purposefully doing that everytime a piece of clothing has gotten to big it was put in the goodwill pile and then left the house so I didn't have something to fall back on. It is such a nice feeling getting rid of things out of your closet. Enjoy and have fun with it!!! Do you get a long weekend as well?

    My weekend is going to consist of as little as possible. Tomorrow I am going to do some shopping for an elliptical, hair appt and little else, Sunday will be some truck cleaning and nothing much else and Monday I am hoping to just veg that day. Oh and of course there will be exercise every day :happy:

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :flowerforyou: