What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2019
    aokoye wrote: »
    Second workout of the day is in the books - workout 1 of 3 from TrainerRoad's Sweet Spot Base 1 (low volume)
    Did my 90 minutes yesterday a little harder than I should have, so decided to just do some fun sprints today on the Indoor Rower. Did 15 minutes on the AD Pro to warmup, then 20 second sprints on the rower with 1 minute rests (it's a max power test). This is one time I set the DF higher (around 140 or so). It's essentially (for me right now) 100m sprints. When in shape, you're supposed to be able to do 20 sets at around at least 80% of max power.

    Mike, your 20 second sprints sound not so dissimilar to the middle section of my ride today. 30 second VO2 max sprints with 1 and a half minute rests in between. That was sandwiched between some single leg work and 2X 6' sweet spot (just below my FTP).


    My HR monitor looked just like yours on the sprint part but I didn't do the AT work you did at the end. Great work!

    Today was just more Steady State (supposed to be easy) work. Was way too hard for what my HR was supposed to stay at. Not sure why. It was hot today in the room. I also upped the DF a bit (but it's still well below what I used pre back injury). I also stayed around 17 SPM, not 16, which is likely the cause. Whatever the reason, like this workout to end up being around 140 HR average and it ended up 150 HR average. Might take off the rower completely tomorrow and just do an easier bike session.

  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    9/10/2019 - a 12 hour plus travel day so a workout rest day.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    edited September 2019
    Second of three TrainerRoad workouts of the week. We're on day two of my Kickr Snap hating the world which is not great as I have no desire to buy a new smart trainer right now. I realize I could do these without one because I have my Powertap pedals, but still. I have a few more things to try to see if it will play nice/before I give up.

    I also had a very good talk with a rowing friend of mine about the usefulness (or lack thereof) of 5k tests for various people/types of people, winter erg training, and the importance of building/maintaining a base before going into winter training. It also looks like at least one of our bids came through for HOTC (which I only know because said friend mentioned that she was going and I know she didn't buy her way in - aka she's not in a small boat or a charity race).

    edit: the past week and a half of regular cycling using a logical plan are confirmation that I was more or less eating at maintenance prior. I don't weigh most of my food because it leads to me obsessing to a fairly unhealthy degree. That said, my not eating back all of my cycling calories is proving useful with regards to starting to seemingly actually lose weight again. We'll see if this lasts. I suspect it will given the weight lose that happened when I was doing the same plan in the past and when I was erging last winter.
  • mendeezy5
    mendeezy5 Posts: 1 Member
    First time post...
    Deadlift ( Heavy ) to find workout weight
    4 rds for time
    100 Double unders
    7 DL @ 285#
    5 leg less rope climbs... finished with 9:34
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    mendeezy5 wrote: »
    First time post...
    Deadlift ( Heavy ) to find workout weight
    4 rds for time
    100 Double unders
    7 DL @ 285#
    5 leg less rope climbs... finished with 9:34

    Good job and introductory post.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    mendeezy5 wrote: »
    First time post...
    Deadlift ( Heavy ) to find workout weight
    4 rds for time
    100 Double unders
    7 DL @ 285#
    5 leg less rope climbs... finished with 9:34

    Any tips for double unders?
  • btrfeder
    btrfeder Posts: 6 Member
    15 minutes on the eliptical , burned 136 cal

    35 minutes stretch goth training 7 exercises 3 sets of 10 slow reps, tricep puahdown , straight bar bicep curl (80) flys ( 140-150), trunk rotation , quad lifts (90), shoulder press (90), and lat pull downs (90). ,

    15 minutes on the elliptical to finish
  • ChickenBags
    ChickenBags Posts: 7 Member
    Does running around after kids count? 😂
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    50-minute BodyPump lunchtime class.

    This may have been an Error. I arrived back at work exactly as the free cake was put out. Now I am slightly shorter on calories than I'd intended to be, and also too sleepy to be any use to anyone.

    Still, needs must; this way I get two days of not doing anything intensive before the weekend's charity hike :)
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Active rest today as I won't be resting on Sunday (Have a race)

    Did nothing all day and then PiYo tonight followed by a mile run home to keep the streak going.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2019
    Did 24 minutes of Indoor rowing today and around 15 of the bike. Had the best intentions of doing more but my wife keeps ordering stuff for the new house and the delivery company's policy was to inspect this mirror before we sign and accept it. So there I was, all sweaty, with my headphones and towel, unpacking a mirror in our driveway. Yeah, it looks fine. Now can I go back to my workout??

    Probably needed a shortened workout today as I'm going to do the 5K TT tomorrow. Dreading it. No idea how to pace. My PB is around a 19:30 but I'm likely not close to that now. I'm guessing around 20:45 or so right now. I'll likely pace conservatively and try for negative splits (speeding up and hopefully having something left in the tank at the end).

    Ironically, I injured my back doing the 5K in January. It was a restricted row 5K (18 SPM) and I ended up with a 20:22 (strong for me for that stroke rate) but an injured back from bad form. So I really want to just watch my form.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    60 minute Krav Maga class tonight.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    9/11/2019 - back to familiar surroundings for late-afternoon workout at park.

    Weighted alternating pull-ups and chin-ups using 24kg KB - pull-ups on odd-numbered rounds and chin-ups on even-numbered rounds - every 3:00 - completed reps of 4-3-3-3-3-4 = 20 reps in 15:25.

    Single set of bodyweight wide-grip behind-the-neck pull-ups completing 10 reps. I don't recommend these unless you have stellar shoulder flexibility. Made a YouTube video of my effort for the archives.

    Had plans for a more substantial workout but I guess I'm still drained from a very long travel day yesterday. The 24kg KB felt unbelievably heavy. Will try double OHP with pair of 24kg KB tomorrow and see if they'll budge.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    9/12/2019 - at park during noon hour.

    #1 - slow run 2.0 miles warm-up in 21:44 - compare to 21:41 on 7/11/2019.

    #2 = run 3:00 x 2 at target 8:30 mph pace with slow run recovery of 1:00 between rounds - mph times were 8:16 and 8:12 - compare to 8:48 and 8:38 on 7/11/2019 - walk 2:00 before #3 below.

    #3 = run 2:00 x 2 at target 8:00 mph pace with slow run recovery of 1:00 between rounds - mph times were 7:56 and 7:51 - compare to 8:18 and 8:26 on 7/11/2019 - walk 2:00 before #4 below.

    #4 = run 1:00 x 2 at target 7:30 mph pace with slow run recovery of 1:00 between rounds - mph times were 7:05 and 8:33(??) - compare to 7:14 and 7:57 on 7/11/2019 - walk 3:00 before #5 below.

    #5 = run 0:30 x 4 at target 7:00 mph pace with slow run recovery of 1:00 between rounds - mph times were 6:45 - 7:21 - 7:24 - 7:17 - compare to 7:02 - 7:22 - 7:35 and 7:10 on 7/11/2019 -

    Other notes: 7/11/2019 slow run recovery time between rounds was 2:00 compared to 1:00 today.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2019
    Tried the 5K TT today (I have till the end of the month to get one in). Felt really tired going into it. Got through 3K @ 2:03 pace and just didn't feel I had the rest in me. Instead of just quitting, did a 12 minute hard interval on the AirBike and then another even harder five minute or so interval on the bike, pushing over 90% of max HR. Didn't get the 5K done today but did a nice hard AT (anaerobic threshold) workout.

    I was planning on lifting tonight at the gym, so I wanted to save something for that. I've been adding that in on Thursday evenings and it's been pleasant to go and lift and not think about cardio!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Thursday...the new Monday

    30min PT session, we did an AMRAP and I have to say I smashed it.

    6 shoulder press
    3 burpees
    Hill sprint.

    Last time i did this I managed 13 rounds, today I did 16!!! I was just totally in the zone and wanted to kick some butt.

    5/3/1 cycle 4 week 3 squats, so happy to be squatting more than I'm benching again.

    3x15@40kg deadlifts
    3x15@40kg standing calf raises.

    5miles on stationary bike.

    45 min tabata
    45 min barbell, I seem to be developing tendonitis in my elbow so scaled back everything upper body
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    45 minutes on Zwift and lots of walking around playing Pokemon Go.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,716 Member
    Weds 9/11, 6.8k rowing in the double in a natural and organic steambath. Thurs 9/12, yet another spin class.
  • surfbug808
    surfbug808 Posts: 251 Member
    15 min stretching, 1 hour pool swim
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    2nd workout of the day. Lifted at the very crowded LA Fitness near my home (around 20 minutes). We need more gyms in this section of Tucson. It was ridiculously crowded. Lifted for around 40 minutes. I do quicker supersetting. I really don't take much of a break. Burned 350 calories in 40 minutes and hit legs, chest, abs and shoulders all pretty well.