October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    So I had my 10K race this morning:

    Had a staggered start as it was on the greenway and it could get really crowded if everybody started at the same time. Staggered meaning you could start any time between 8-9. The marathoners and half marathoners started earlier.

    So got there, got my timing chip, and I wanted to get it done so I started couple min after 8. It was overcast and a cool 63 at start time. Off I went and felt pretty good, so I pushed the pace a little, with the intent of slowing up at the gradual uphill that I knew was coming...First mile was around 9:35 which kind of fast for me! I was still feeling good so just kept that pace through out. Walked briefly thorough water station cause I can’t run and drink either. I really wanted to beat my previous PR of 102.09, and by the time I was headed back after half way point, I knew I had a good chance of doing it...I just told myself to keep at it... the last half mile has a steep hill that I was planning on walking then running hard to the finish the last .20. However, I just said wth, and ran it and hard to the finish.

    My husband was waiting and I smiled at him knowing I had beaten my goal..
    They weren’t going to post final results until the last person came in which could be another couple hours so we decided to go home.
    Finally got a text with results...final time for me: 57:47.2!! 9:19 Average Pace.. Good enough for 1 in AG (out of 4 but hey it counts) and 8 out of 30 Female, and 16 - 44 Overall.. Gotta love smaller races! Lol!
    I’ll take it though. I’m super happy and sorry to brag but never in a million years did I think I could do this!

    Had a Italian buffet lunch to celebrate and now just Netflixing...

    Congratulations, good stuff!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @Faebert Thanks. Sorry about the hamstring, hope it heals soon. I totally get the frustration
    @LoveyChar Thank You!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    edited October 2019
    @autumnblade75 Congratulations on your AG win! Glad the knee is holding up. We need some of that water. We finally had a little shower of rain this morning, which will help, but nowhere near enough to alleviate the drought.

    @hamsterwheel6 Yippee!!! WTG! Fantastic race! Congratulations on yourPR, AG win, and other placements. You should be proud of yourself. Bragging is allowed.

    @Faebert Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope it is completely healed soon. Glad you got in a run today, even if it wasn't as long as you would have liked.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    Meanwhile in Pittsburgh...

    That's hilarious!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Tons of good stuff happening here over the weekend! Congratulations to all you racers. Well done!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @katharmonic Thanks, I kinda do feel like this was huge for me. And your mile is a mile! Count it for sure.
    @quilteryoyo Thanks, I knew you guys here would understand wanting to brag! Lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,357 Member
    Great job on your HM @143tobe ! It sounds brutal, but you did amazing! Big CONGRATULATIONS on your PR in those conditions!

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,117 Member
    Thanks@PastorVincent, @Tramboman, @polskagirl01 and @hamsterwheel! And congrats on your races and AG awards @hamsterwheel6 and @autumnblade75 and glad the knee is feeling ok. Congrats on your race and masters win too @rheddmobile. I'm looking forward to the race report.

    Since I raced yesterday I took today as a rest day. It has been nice, but I kind of missed my long run. I did some nice yoga this afternoon though. I am hoping for some fall weather for my runs this week. Maybe we will actually get it.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Finally got a text with results...final time for me: 57:47.2!! 9:19 Average Pace.. Good enough for 1 in AG (out of 4 but hey it counts) and 8 out of 30 Female, and 16 - 44 Overall.. Gotta love smaller races! Lol!
    I’ll take it though. I’m super happy and sorry to brag but never in a million years did I think I could do this!

    Well done!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Finally got a text with results...final time for me: 57:47.2!! 9:19 Average Pace.. Good enough for 1 in AG (out of 4 but hey it counts) and 8 out of 30 Female, and 16 - 44 Overall.. Gotta love smaller races! Lol!
    I’ll take it though. I’m super happy and sorry to brag but never in a million years did I think I could do this!

    Well done!

    Super race and result!!!!!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    6.64 miles today, slow and struggled way too much with hypoglycemia. :(


    Also, is anyone tech savvy? I use Amazon Music and have Smartlock setup so that when my Aftershokz are connected, the phone stays unlocked. I would like to tell Alexa when to play next or previous song, or to play a particular song on request. I can do next song with Aftershokz butons (play/pause, next, volume up/down buttons... but no previous). However, I can only do that if I unlock my phone first. The whole point of Smartlock is so I don't need to do that, but it still makes me swipe to unlock. I don't need my pattern, but still have to swipe. And that means I just really can't use it without stopping, taking off my phone holster, removing the phone... it just isn't an option to keep moving while doing this. After all, I want to tell Alexa to play a specific song for motivation as I'm coming into the finish chute and that is the worst time to stop and take my phone out to fiddle with music! So anyway, does anyone know of a way to get around this requirement that I swipe my phone screen to unlock it before I can talk to Alexa?

    FTR, I setup so that I can say "OK Google" and it will turn on the phone screen, but haven't figured out how to get the Google commands to translate to Amazon Music beyond "Play Amazon Music" And if I activate OK Google and say anything else (or nothing), it automatically just pauses Amazon Music and doesn't start up again until I tell it to... but that is the ONLY command I can get to work through Android / Google.

    Any ideas on how to use voice commands to swipe my phone without actually taking it out and swiping the screen?
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Just had a quick look at the google doc for the miles for Kevin (MobyCarp) runs.


    As it stands, from what I can make out (I suck at spreadsheets lol) if we moved the start back an hour and start the 24 hour period at 6pm EST, we would still have 8 hours to cover to make the full 24. Anyone able to take any of those slots?