

  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    bwcetc I completely understand your scale dilemma. I struggle with mine as well. I weigh in every day. And my scale will often read exactly the same as the day before, so I have a strategy that I will step on with a book bag to change the previous weight and then weigh myself so I know it is a fresh reading. I could probably benefit from a new scale as well. If your scale has not been reset for a while, maybe you have lost more than you think:)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.18min, 136mhr, 13.1amph, 1.59mi= 80c
    apple watch- 61c
    MANUAL TREADMILL- 40min, 125ahr, 134mhr, 2.48mi= 387c
    apple watch- 381c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.02min, 135mhr, 17.7amph, 1.48mi= 60c
    apple watch- 48c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 16.06min, 146mhr, 11.3amph, 3.03mi= 160c
    apple watch- 113c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.24min, 149mhr, 10.09min mi, .53mi= 68c
    apple watch- 57c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.19min, 146mhr, 9.31min mi, .45mi= 64c
    apple watch- 62c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 14.49min, 10.5amph, 141mhr, 2.60mi= 204c
    apple watch- 135c

    total cal 1023
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did Kelly Coffee Meyers 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD Plateau Buster. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class

    Oh M – what a pain! Hope you don’t get too bad a headache

    Steve got here much earlier than I expected. Gotta skim. Steve and I went out to dinner (Vince had shooting with the Newcomers)

    About the turtle: for some reason the paint came out “funny” in spots. But then again, turtles aren’t perfectly colored so I don’t see a problem. Glad you liked it. I liked him being “crosseyed”

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hi Gals,

    I do wish that PG&E would be working on underground lines and other things that would be a long term fix, but knowing folks burned out by the Napa fire 2017 the camp fire 2018 makes me appreciate anything anyone can do to help keep us safe. Including turning off the power. Someone asked about hospitals, they all have 5 days of generator power to cover for an earthquake, and we have a robust mutual aid system in the greater San Francisco Bay area to allow for help. Neighbors have been chatting about how we’ll handle this. In some ways it could pull people together. Tomorrow at 4 am is when the window starts – the power could go off anytime between then and Saturday and then be off for up to 5 days… I’ll post so everyone knows. So far the wind is light to none, and that is good!

    Rori – what a drag to have DH so upset, but good reminder to have a stash of water and a bar or dried fruit or something to tide him over. Hope there is VA help!

    Kathleen – wow what a life, I totally believe in the pay it forward concept. Good for you!

    Michele – love the turtle! He’s got personality

    Kim from N. California
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    We've been sleeping in separate rooms for nine months or so. He snores so loudly and it keeps me awake or wakes me up. I only average around four to five hours of sleep nightly and don't need his help staying awake. Lol

    Janetr OKC
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Heather UK What a way to spend your 70th! Thanks for letting us vicariously share in your joy :smile:
    Allie Sounds like you're feeling better today and are on top of insurance matters. Good on you! ;)
    Lanette Glad to see you back. <3
    Katla Have a great trip and a great time with your loved ones :smile:
    Rori 🙏 🙏 🙏 To you and your hubby 🙏 🙏 🙏
    Sharon of MA Welcome! We're quite an accepting group, so write and check in as little or as much as you like.
    Kathleen This is an amazing group of women with many varied background and past and current challenges - Thank you for sharing. I hope things go well for your son in round three! <3
    Ginger Change the sheets and vacuum on Sundays - ditto here, tho my BF is still in training, lol :lol:
    Kim in N Cali Thanks for the news re: PG&E . . . Most of the news is such a downer that I don't watch or listen to it much anymore, but this news may affect my family. :worried: Thankfully, people can be quite resilient.
    Rebecca I'm sorry you're feeling heartbroken over not hearing from your son(s) :cry: as much as you'd prefer. Even when our children become adult, they're still our children. I had occasion many years ago to participate in Al-Anon groups (long story) and ever since, learning the Serenity Prayer has helped me immeasurably in many ways. I repeat it to myself before going to sleep, and when things are tough I'll repeat it over and over until I go to sleep

    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Note – Strong Opinion Regarding Abusive Relationships
    Relationships . . . No one should suffer through any type of abuse be it mental or physical. For those of you who are I hope you seek out some type of support and please take my mother’s advice. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE SMART, YOU ARE LOVED, AND YOU DESERVE A LIFE FILLED WITH JOY.
    Here! Here! Were it not for receiving similar messages from my parents and extended family growing up, I doubt I would have recognized fairly early the odd actions and odd thinking that my former NPD partner exhibited, nor have the strength to get out of the situation and move on with my life. I consider myself extremely lucky and wish the US did more to address mental health issues.

    RVRita Lots of challenges are going on in your life, but I'm glad you know that we're here for you (((hugs))) <3

    dandl1986 wrote: »
    My DH and I have our own rooms. We stopped sharing when he started to use a cpap machine. I am a super light sleeper and the machine (although an improvement over the snoring) has a rhythm that makes me crazy. Better to have a room of his own than my pillow over his face was our decision.
    This morning I woke up to my ol' self. Bright and cheery and ready for the day, took my walk, and just about finished the garage clean up/clean out before noon, then shopped for groceries, planned some healthy meals and cut veggies, and began reading SWSY after dinner. Tonight (hopefully) will be my third night of glorious deep sleep in a bed all to myself. No lights coming on at odd hours. No CPAP going whoosh-whoosh-whoosh. No shifting to the center towards the BF because of the weight difference or him getting me over heated (in a less than pleasurable way ;-) I am loving everyone's descriptions of how they sleep! I've never liked sleeping with someone and just thought I was weird that way. :o

    Rho <3

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi there,
    We are back in Dover and have just had breakfast. We have to vacate the cabin at 9 and will be called for the car at 10.10. We wait in the lounge with tea and coffee on tap and some snacks.
    I woke up at 3 am and couldn't drift off again. Oh well. I should sleep tonight in my own bed (s). :D
    I think I won't be going to French Circle tonight as I am knackered.
    DSIL and boyfriend are coming at the weekend, but it's only one night. I'm going to book a restaurant. They are going to treat me for my birthday. Just have to make one bed and clean my bathroom for them.
    We will be travelling home with the people we came with. Strangely we have only glimpsed them once during the whole trip. Everyone seems to know who we are because they see us dancing every night. We have the audience for the main show settling down to watch us. Poor DH!!!!!!
    Strangers come up and say hello, we've been watching you. Jolly good.

    Much love, Heather, back in the UK.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    DH got a bit over hungry and dehydrated yesterday and gave me a difficult time for over 2 hours. Totally forgot who I am. Tried to lock me out of the house. Took our cat for a walk, OFF-leash, then yelled when I came out with the leash. Finally got them both back in the house. Once he ate and drank something, he reverted to his much more docile self. But for awhile there, it was ugly. Have I ever told you how much I hate dementia. In mid-November I have an appointment with the VA to learn what health care benefits may be available to us. There will be several hoops to jump through, but eventually, hope to secure home respite care and adult day care for a reasonable cost.

    Colorado Foothills
    SMILING from lips, eyes and heart

    Sorry to hear you're going through that and I really hope you're able to find some help. :heart:

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Machka and Rori - Your care for your partners leaves me in awe, always. In all things around this place, even though it occasionally annoys Corey, I try to make sure that I can do it by myself, and that is because of the two of you. Like hauling brush after it's cut, I just strung a tarpaulin to the back of the riding mower, and was able to drag far more than I could have carried in one trip, or even a half dozen. Being independent matters deeply to me, and being able to take care of both of us if necessary seems to be worth striving for.

    Heather - Welcome home.

    Crazy busy day coming up here--yesterday was my one day off of the gym this week, so I'm headed thataway in a few minutes, and got sooooo much to do once I get back to the computer. Gave the house a lick and a promise for cleaning, and will stack some of the piles up in my home office before my new supervisor gets here, but that's about it. Everything collects in my office for some odd reason... it's the old dining room, and is quite central to the house. Will clear out some clutter when I get back from the gym, as I'm cooling down before getting in the shower.

    She and I will head out to lunch around noon, and we may/may not be at the University around 2 p.m. for an interim meeting on the federal grant. Much depends on the university folks.

    And... it's 46 degrees here! (less than 8 C). So pleased to see fall finally here... will have to dig out my light jacket to wear to the gym.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Will take the water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Keep It Up DVD by Debbie Siebers

    Want to leave early and buy gas, then take the class.

    Cheryl – welcome back. I’ve missed your pics of your horses

    Rori – there is a special place in heaven and everyone like you

    Welcome everyone new!

    Kim – praying for no fire

    Off to buy gas then take the class. Afterwards, I’ll probably stop at the Salvation Army, see if they have Vince’s bread, then go to WalMart

    Michele in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    It's Wednesday ladies!

    Kim - your power company has the right idea but wow. Do any of your neighbors have a generator? I would mainly worry about food in the fridge and freezer if the power is out for more than 12 hours. Heartening to hear neighbors are doing some mutual planning.

    OK, busy morning so on the run early. Will be back later. <3

    Chilly SW WA State

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning lovelies <3. During the teaching day yesterday, my voice gave out. The cold that I thought I had obliterated settled on my vocal chords (typical for me) and now I am silenced :(:s dh calls me Harpo and giggles around me ;)

    Luckily I have off today so I’m on total vocal rest, I’ll do some filing and light clean up around home.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Cheryl! Long time no see, good to see your face (and the horses).

    Elliptical this morning - and to illustrate the difference between the gym machine and the Fitbit:

    Per the gym's machine - 30 minutes, 2 miles, 237 calories
    Per my Fitbit - 30 minutes, 1.1 miles, 302 calories.

    If you didn't know, most gym machines are set for males, and most are set for a 165-pound male as the norm, unless it asks you for your gender and weight (few do). Don't trust what the gym machine tells you, they're at best an estimate, and as shown above, can be off by as much as 25% or more.

    I pay much more attention to calories burned on my Fitbit than I do to the distance. My goal is to burn about 10 calories per minute of exercise, which effectively means I'm working at my absolute utmost about half the time. I'll inch that up over the months to come, but probably won't get it past 13 or 14 - that would mean I'm working at my max the entire 30 minutes, and my joints start breaking down if I overexercise.

    Not saying anyone should do what I do, I just like hearing what other people are doing. You know your body best.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR